Dollars BBS | Sports
















Any Basketbll fans heree? (189)

1 Name: Kanra-chan : 2012-02-02 14:53 ID:X3u9Bl6V (Image: 700x466 jpg, 139 kb) [Del]

src/1328216025015.jpg: 700x466, 139 kb
Just wondering if any other dollars played basketball! I play center! :) It's my favorite spot!

2 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !kGDW0ZgPaE : 2012-02-02 16:22 ID:5ARLxTek [Del]


But... I think this one's better? the other only has three comments... Guys?

3 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !kGDW0ZgPaE : 2012-02-02 16:22 ID:5ARLxTek [Del]

Other than the spelling errors in the title, of course...

4 Name: Feral : 2012-02-04 20:26 ID:D4O4pv+I [Del]

>>3 I'm with you on this one bro. Not sure how to approach threads like these. Technically speaking the OP should have posted on the other thread, but apparently basketball isn't a very popular sport among the Dollars, so who knows?

5 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !.MANGAC3rs : 2012-02-04 21:26 ID:5ARLxTek [Del]

>>4 Sports in general arent touched much, exept Martial arts, parkour, Night-javelin and a couple others...

6 Name: Firo !D9YDuldeCw : 2012-02-06 01:07 ID:QZAp9OLT [Del]

if there were more people here that likes basketball, i'd jump right in the conversation.

7 Name: Ayawmo : 2012-04-09 21:11 ID:QfHvhqgr [Del]

I play guard, mostly because I'm short (5'5 1/2 - 5'6?) and I have a nice percentage outside the arc

8 Name: EL-K : 2012-04-12 02:48 ID:zSAqAx6y [Del]

yeah basketball.. this my first favorite sports... i was in a position PF...

9 Name: ScaryWitch98 : 2012-04-13 13:42 ID:bBSl+v8M [Del]

I don't play often but a few of my guy friends do.

10 Name: Jez : 2012-04-14 00:45 ID:mT5xEGXP [Del]

I love basketball always have. I have played pretty much all my life and i mostly played point guard. because I'm tall unfortunatley i have to play back sometimes as well.

11 Name: Kanra-chan : 2012-04-15 09:47 ID:X3u9Bl6V [Del]

Ahhhh, sorry about all the spelling errors, I'm dyslexic and when I don't have spell/grammar check I suck at typing.

But it sounds like we have some good basketball players in the Dollars! I'm 6' and do all the work in the post area for my short team. I'm only in 8th and play with 11th grade players because my goal is to get to the WNBA! :)

Does anyone else have basketball goals?

12 Name: Malik1092 : 2012-04-17 04:42 ID:k+K+wfN/ [Del]

I love the game. I probably spend more time playing basketball than I do sleeping. I'm 6'1 and one of the best point guard in my area and best player in my school. Oh and I'm in 8th grade.

13 Name: Shiyo : 2012-04-19 20:27 ID:ue0tUzhy [Del]

I love playing basketball, perhaps because my friends carry on about it so much. Anyway, I wish I could play, but I'm too short and it's hopeless for me trying to play. Oh well... good on you to all those who can play basketball and not fail at it XD

14 Name: nabiru : 2012-04-20 11:53 ID:IEZONEh+ [Del]

haha i love basketball!! honestly when ever i hear the sound
of a basketball bouncing on the ground i feel the urge to pick up a ball and dribble it.

15 Post deleted by user.

16 Name: shogun : 2012-04-30 10:59 ID:luCIX2xm [Del]

thats basket watch kurocoko no basket if you want to learn some new tricks

17 Name: Brony Forever : 2012-05-04 21:34 ID:wwHbEDq6 [Del]

i play all positions except five cuz im the smallest one but can trip really big gurls and fit through ppls legs

18 Name: Jez : 2012-05-08 03:12 ID:mT5xEGXP [Del]

What teams do you Dollars play for? (if you do play for club that is)

19 Name: Jiyūna Seishin : 2012-05-09 08:28 ID:5ZtKqpKg [Del]

I love basketball! I've never played for a school team or anything but I'm an alright player. Go Tarheels!

20 Name: ARIE-BERRY : 2012-05-10 13:02 ID:HIBch+ye [Del]


21 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-10 13:25 ID:wlZISNKa [Del]


22 Name: me~!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-05-15 12:46 ID:HIBch+ye [Del]

eny ways go EAGLES!!! hahahah and thats your opinion.

23 Name: Illusive Man : 2012-05-17 06:44 ID:HQJ/m76/ [Del]


24 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-11-27 23:02 ID:R7rJDcvv [Del]

bump over crap

25 Name: Aoi Heiwajima : 2012-11-29 04:34 ID:J4zuqRQd [Del]

reminds me of kuroko no basuke XD

26 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-12-14 16:19 ID:R7rJDcvv [Del]


27 Name: zero : 2012-12-14 18:33 ID:EO3i3ko2 [Del]


28 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-12-16 13:53 ID:R7rJDcvv [Del]


29 Name: Juno : 2012-12-21 12:38 ID:60jfAtmF [Del]

I play

30 Name: Acid Scr3m : 2012-12-21 16:36 ID:01rjtrw7 [Del]

played for 5 or six years before I got fed up with the coaches and went to soccer.

31 Name: Magnolia : 2012-12-22 05:13 ID:VzHRg/NA [Del]


32 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2013-02-02 03:02 ID:R7rJDcvv [Del]


Any thoughts on contenders for the playoffs?

33 Name: Crystal : 2013-02-21 09:30 ID:DQ7rXZE3 [Del]

is in love with basketball *O*

34 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2013-03-09 23:36 ID:R7rJDcvv [Del]


35 Name: M4rked0ne : 2013-03-11 13:52 ID:M48veFK5 [Del]

I can't wait to play some more basketball! Sadly it's snowing every single day here and we don't have any indoor courts were you can go to in your freetime. :/

36 Name: Flippy : 2013-03-14 07:36 ID:xvbvO6cZ [Del]

I loooooove Basketball...

37 Name: Hana : 2013-03-17 12:34 ID:RmsLggBp [Del]

I only like basketball because of Kuroko no Basuke :)

38 Name: peter : 2013-03-18 16:25 ID:U/dz+Rfr [Del]

a mi me gusta el baloncesto tambien

39 Name: roookie20 : 2013-03-25 01:08 ID:mEYmYSeK [Del]

i started to love basketball when i watched koroku no basuke.

40 Name: NamiChan : 2013-03-27 22:36 ID:XcRJ6yBS [Del]

love basketball

41 Name: Taku!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-04-03 08:41 ID:YL5jdly6 [Del]

you spelled basketball wrong

42 Name: Taku!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-04-03 08:41 ID:YL5jdly6 [Del]

you spelled basketball wrong

43 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2013-04-03 17:38 ID:R7rJDcvv [Del]

thank you for double stating the obvious sir

44 Name: Anonymous : 2013-04-07 21:16 ID:H4FAPrSg [Del]

I love basketball, Im average sized so my coach places me as an all around player. I can jump but i usually play a guard. I also love the anime Kuroko no Basuke :)

45 Name: Miko : 2013-04-09 11:55 ID:NE0ZJuTJ [Del]

I like basketball but I can't play it. All I know are their shoots because of Kuroko no Basuke. I once tried playing it and then I ended up in the school clinic. :3

46 Name: Tree_!p4qBzlDVUw : 2013-04-13 23:59 ID:Kh7VxlH3 [Del]

me and im pretty good at it

47 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2013-04-15 22:23 ID:R7rJDcvv [Del]

Making it splash

48 Name: YuO : 2013-04-18 05:46 ID:SYaF01aa [Del]

I'm a fan of basketball, but I don't know how to play
It's a very good game ^^

49 Name: Sakura-san : 2013-04-18 10:21 ID:KbTYMEyM [Del]

yo amo el baloncesto es mi deporte favorito, claro no conozco todas las reglas y no soy muy buena jugadora pero eso no hace que me deje de gustar. aun no veo kuroko no basuke por que todavía no termino de ver slam dunk

50 Name: AkaiHana : 2013-04-27 00:59 ID:EJ6pbnMB [Del]

yes i played basketball too! so funnnn
i played power forward!

51 Name: Adahami : 2013-04-27 06:04 ID:+u05C/60 [Del]

i play basketball just for fun :( in my town we do not have a basketball team :(( anyway i like to play PF :P

52 Name: Mareen Hei : 2013-05-13 17:28 ID:8sUIj7ls [Del]

I'm a basketball fan :D I like to play it :D

that's why I love the anime Kuroko no Basket too :D

53 Name: Xyrax : 2013-05-16 22:34 ID:QeblRK7J [Del]

i play ball, i'm a swingman
shooting guard and small forward :D

54 Name: tamburyno : 2013-08-11 06:15 ID:nOF1YubL [Del]

trenowałam kosza od 5 lat, ale w gimnazjum już przestałam i bardzo za tym tęsknie :< jestem za Chicago Bulls i Miami Heat, pisać jak coś :D :3

55 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-08-23 22:07 ID:1y3FKTda [Del]


56 Name: fuffychan : 2013-08-31 18:37 ID:g8iNn91w [Del]

I play occasionally at the gym but I havent gone lately. I wonder if anyone was in my area that I could team up with?

57 Name: Setton : 2013-09-06 07:00 ID:G4gb3mhU [Del]

I love the basketball, I play it since I was 11, and now I am 19 jaja

58 Name: Rafa : 2013-10-06 18:12 ID:i7NpJ6V2 [Del]

I like Basketball.
But my skill is not good.

59 Name: Dantalion : 2013-10-08 09:10 ID:lg994qOY [Del]

I'm the Basketball captain of my team.
I am 184 cm. I am an all-rounder, my 3 point is 9/20. My free throws are 15/20, and my specialty is in rebounding and drawing fouls.

60 Name: Loui_Rui : 2013-10-13 07:28 ID:E7Tv3fj/ [Del]

I love basketball.
But my aims are horrible. TT

61 Name: Anonymous : 2013-10-16 07:25 ID:cWG6TbEk [Del]

I love Basketball... especially whenever I watch Kuroko no Basuke... they're awesome dude... Can't wait for the next season to be fully release...

62 Name: BarabiSama : 2013-11-04 01:11 ID:c34Uu0Zs [Del]

Don't reach young blood! XD
anyone here from Philippines?

63 Name: BarabiSama : 2013-11-04 01:13 ID:c34Uu0Zs [Del]

From Philippines here, I can play Shooting guard, Small Forward, and sometimes Power Forward. Anyone who wants to ball?

64 Name: Sedaicchi : 2013-11-06 15:56 ID:eEWqpJl/ [Del]

I play point guard XD it's my favorite position too ^^ mainly because I'm very short.. *cry* I got really into basketball cuz of Kuroko no Basket X3 ITS AMAZING!!!!!

65 Name: Vincent : 2013-11-07 07:02 ID:5mRvk3vJ [Del]

I play small forward...though its not very long since I started playing basketball...It makes me feel free!! O.O....I like this sport ..xD

66 Name: Haru : 2013-11-07 13:12 ID:aIV7Am84 [Del]

I love it!I`m from Gemany and I was so hppy when I had made it in the school team :)

67 Name: kansumi-chi : 2013-11-18 08:35 ID:176AeKm8 [Del]

I like basket...but y not very good also y get hurt because of it.But I really like basket and I want to be beeter.I want to be point guard to I think is a good posicion.

68 Name: Ace : 2013-11-21 04:04 ID:B2wz6XcC [Del]

i love basketball, my dream is to play over seas wiith japan for a few years and then go pro!!

69 Name: Sayaka Yachan : 2013-11-21 10:12 ID:Tmg0RiDj [Del]

I'm in basketball team in my school, I'm Playmaker position ;)

70 Name: shana05 : 2013-12-08 05:42 ID:XixJ/X46 [Del]

i love basketball,but i don't play it since i'm not athletic.
i started to research about basketball after watching kuroko no basuke.(they're really awesome!!)

71 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-12-24 08:50 ID:1y3FKTda [Del]


72 Name: kanra : 2013-12-30 12:02 ID:nhb6rxcX [Del]

I've tried basketball once ^^ i was too short to throw high enough to reach the basket or even the backboard...ha fourth grade was fun ^^

73 Name: Rule : 2013-12-31 19:38 ID:A+GszCSb [Del]

I love basketball and have just started practicing again. I was on a team at the end of elementary school, so it wasn't very big or anything, but I'm thinking of taking up college or street basketball within the next year.

74 Name: Ōrora !9h4ZXN3uB. : 2014-01-01 22:01 ID:e3kafj74 [Del]

I play for fun, I'm a good 3 pointer :)

75 Name: Rizuki : 2014-02-09 02:44 ID:apvvkTFc [Del]

I Love basketball! it's like my life! I'm a point guard in the team.
well the problem is that they can't find me... which is really irritating cause that been continuing for 2 years... well I'm in a club now, and they don't really say anything so I'm alright now :) I'm going to keep playing basketball through my school life

76 Name: DANNI : 2014-02-09 15:01 ID:IIhi5kjs [Del]


77 Name: miya : 2014-02-11 09:53 ID:kCL5h96i [Del]

jujj szeretem a kosarat..bár nem tudok ojan jol játszani.

78 Name: Yagiri : 2014-02-12 06:34 ID:rFAPFCSB [Del]

I like basket a lot, but i dont think if i can make it. Do you think its worth it start playing basket when im 19 ?

79 Name: Tami : 2014-02-17 10:43 ID:UhgcwYu1 [Del]

I love Basketball!!
I started to like it when I begann to watch Kuroko no Basket.
Now I play in a club and in school. It's not easy to find a girls club. I want to have my Sport matura in basketball.

80 Name: Kaisuke : 2014-03-14 09:53 ID:AFvgM7gC [Del]

bump -_-

81 Name: Lulu : 2014-03-15 11:41 ID:YfXV1AHM [Del]

I've been playing since I was about 8 years old ^.^ love it!
I play point guard :)

82 Name: =)) : 2014-03-25 05:13 ID:1tVWFMDN [Del]

I also play basketball =)) I'm a center/pf/sf. in our school I started since I was grade four.

83 Name: RiRika : 2014-03-26 10:32 ID:hJTnUL6+ [Del]

I play small forward / point guard. Since I was 7 and still love it :D

84 Name: ZEN : 2014-03-29 14:47 ID:zJke0W6j [Del]

I just started playing basketball a few days ago and I already love it

85 Name: Bacula : 2014-03-31 02:09 ID:JYGlRKab [Del]

I like basketball too, my position is Center or Power Forward

86 Name: Kanra : 2014-04-06 06:59 ID:e9pL2uut [Del]

I've played basketball in 4-5th grade> I'll start again at 7th grade>

87 Name: Kira !GdrHd0Q/n6 : 2014-04-15 18:14 ID:KguNdo3e [Del]

I've played basketball for around 3 years now.I started at 4th grade.

88 Name: Levaincois : 2014-04-16 21:05 ID:FpjPZBwT [Del]

I love basketball, I started when I was in Grade 4, I play the center

89 Name: luffy@77 : 2014-04-29 15:09 ID:yIEruNgN [Del]

i fucking love basketball i play SG

90 Name: inori : 2014-05-20 02:42 ID:q502WpQK [Del]

I love 2 watch guys play basketball!!!!!!....especially bcuz of knb

91 Name: ケヴィン : 2014-05-27 14:58 ID:ObTnsjM3 [Del]

I love basketball i've been playing it since i was like 12

92 Name: Nico : 2014-06-08 22:09 ID:mS0fABNl [Del]

I love basketball but I'm still not good in that

93 Post deleted by user.

94 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-06-08 23:02 ID:EIUMAObg [Del]

Heat won.

95 Name: xXVinnyCastXx : 2014-06-09 21:43 ID:aWmlFPGs (Image: 467x733 jpg, 63 kb) [Del]

src/1402368210755.jpg: 467x733, 63 kb

96 Name: ReenaXion : 2014-06-25 06:59 ID:uygCj9H2 [Del]

I Play Center too~!!!!!!!!!!!Being the tallest and all...
I've playe in a national team where I live for 6 years and I'm still lovin it~!!!! I also became team captain for our school team~!!!We came first in the tournaments between schools and we also came first in the national team~~

Sorry...I'm Blabbing....It happens when there's something I like...

97 Name: Cleru : 2014-06-27 17:17 ID:Dl1LEnjK [Del]

I play Power Forward, though I haven't started out. Due to watching anime I bumped into "Kuroko No Basuke", which gave me the inspiration to play basketball! I haven't been in any leagues, school teams. But I like playing pick-up games.

Nice. ~

98 Name: Tourin : 2014-06-30 14:19 ID:aADLScaw [Del]

I'm still new to basketball but I play center...

99 Name: Hiniri-chan : 2014-07-02 15:14 ID:4fVe5Zzq (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 214 kb) [Del]

src/1404332053017.jpg: 1280x720, 214 kb
I love basketball. Because

100 Name: Shadowdragon403 : 2014-07-02 21:26 ID:TCnqSyAP [Del]

Go Sports Team!

101 Name: Majestic_Creature : 2014-07-10 18:27 ID:BoyOIAsc [Del]

I love it! I was on a team when I was in middle school, (though I was the only girl). I play as small forward.
>>99 I recently started to watch it, its pretty cool :D

102 Name: Tree_ : 2014-07-11 12:45 ID:TDHVcG7s (Image: 278x181 jpg, 16 kb) [Del]

src/1405100734655.jpg: 278x181, 16 kb
I play basketball as well, small and power forward for EHS

103 Name: Puck !OTHETEnDOU : 2014-07-22 01:17 ID:A0Qvgzkv [Del]


104 Name: EH?!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2014-07-24 02:16 ID:FEJzRHoz [Del]

Akashi!! XD

105 Name: crimson aquariuse : 2014-07-30 06:14 ID:117Gum8p [Del]

I love basketball too I am like the one who would attack... I don't know what it's called in English because I play in Thailand and I also love swimming too :)

106 Post deleted by user.

107 Post deleted by user.

108 Name: Soga007 : 2014-07-30 15:42 ID:4yEpk10O [Del]

I live in Moscow. And I very love basketball too! I play good.
But i dont have strong opponent, all lazy and weak :C

109 Name: Devon : 2014-08-03 01:36 ID:4QnEL/1O [Del]

Basketball is amazing

110 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-03 18:04 ID:bo/rhJzG [Del]

Basketball is my favorite sport.Sadly,I can't play it too often since most of my friends aren't fans of it D:

111 Name: Roddy : 2014-08-03 23:38 ID:TCQ468O7 [Del]

Can't believe there are some who don't like the sport. I'm a combo guard myself nothing seems better than being able to play the outside and score in transition

112 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-04 07:30 ID:sT5oy4Xo [Del]

>>111 Well,everyone in my country is obsessed with soccer,which is a nice sport,but nowhere near basketball.

113 Name: 52 : 2014-08-25 03:58 ID:IdWosHPj [Del]

You must be pretty tall then Kanra. #ballislife, but I've only just started getting into it (about a 7-8 month fan now). Playing the 3 spot is probably my favorite, not stuck in the backcourt and my midrange is pretty decent.

114 Name: Muffin : 2014-08-30 15:16 ID:/ViAyIiZ [Del]

I was a forward!

115 Name: kanra : 2014-08-30 16:05 ID:GeEcvfmh [Del]

basketball is my favorite

116 Name: Leam : 2014-09-03 13:57 ID:g/lUfU7c [Del]

Yes! Basketball is my favorite sport...
But is very dificult to found persons that want play this in Mexico...

117 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-09-08 12:50 ID:pC0r4sOO [Del]

I love the game :) been playing it for 11 years.

>>116 hey you're not alone. Here in Hungary for example there are enough people, but whenever I find a basketball court, people are playing football on it -_-"

118 Name: Shoya : 2014-09-14 15:45 ID:qJP2jcn4 (Image: 600x700 jpg, 44 kb) [Del]

src/1410727554505.jpg: 600x700, 44 kb
Love love love <3

119 Name: DaiMajutsu13 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-09-17 06:19 ID:pC0r4sOO [Del]

Anyone know any good drills for a player that wants to get fit for the sport after 3-4 years of absence?

120 Name: dark : 2014-09-18 20:58 ID:0GFYUMAW [Del]

well in indonesia basketball is quite popular sport,i also one of basketball fan

121 Name: Kuroi-chan : 2014-09-26 12:11 ID:0yCR+hcH [Del]

I just love it. I joined the basketball club too.

122 Name: L3 !T0dJZEn1Ck : 2014-09-26 16:28 ID:f1xuJ+zg [Del]

Basketball is my favorite sport <3

123 Name: Honest Nobody : 2014-09-27 09:31 ID:MgLu7iv0 [Del]

Spurs for 2015 anyone ?

124 Name: 52 : 2014-09-28 19:42 ID:IdWosHPj [Del]

>>123 I don't know, I guess it's possible under Pop, but even though age hasn't slowed them down yet, they ARE getting old. lol, fun fact: Kawhi Leonard went to my school, its crazy that he got Finals MVP.

125 Name: Kisuke : 2014-10-19 10:30 ID:17BVa9JC [Del]

basketball= gods favorite sport perfect game

126 Name: AsbestosX : 2014-11-02 18:05 ID:3Hk5Ru/8 [Del]

Kuroko, anyone?

127 Name: Sodak !Copgni.obI : 2014-11-03 11:57 ID:Mmw4QAkc [Del]

Kuroko all way brah

128 Name: Griever : 2014-11-04 00:47 ID:qB2YKeRG [Del]

Basketball is my favourite sport! Btw, I play PG.

129 Name: Gurē : 2014-11-04 08:07 ID:k6lR4Tiz [Del]

I love basketball :*

130 Name: Mcdonalds : 2014-11-06 09:27 ID:RLXutSQw [Del]

Im lovin' it :3

131 Name: Grim666 : 2014-11-06 14:19 ID:JU9siRv4 [Del]

Great sport!

132 Name: Kuma : 2014-11-12 19:59 ID:NJ/A8vLZ [Del]

Favorite sport!! :D

133 Name: Izaya O. : 2014-11-12 23:31 ID:dv12pZgS [Del]


134 Name: Amuna : 2014-12-01 05:06 ID:Bp2J8TOw [Del]

I did basketball with a whole guy team. Me and my friend were the only girls. I was pretty fast so I could steal the ball easily. I was also pretty aggressive, tripped some guys by accident > < however the guys were really awkward and thought they were too good for me and my friend so I quit.

135 Name: Kisuke : 2014-12-08 15:28 ID:FDJlch2m [Del]

best sport ever in the history of sports and i played center too

136 Name: SnowFall : 2014-12-12 13:33 ID:/WA0Pk0B [Del]

oh man i love playing basketball but damn, when my school play they just stand in one spot in a group near the basket waiting to score . It kinda made my whole basketball experience suck. but i'm still love playing it tho.

137 Name: Kanra Odyssey-Sama : 2014-12-16 01:12 ID:A8i0wW3n [Del]

I love it (Yo amo esto)

138 Name: Yui-kun : 2014-12-28 11:51 ID:x+jyirZ5 [Del]


139 Name: Pots : 2015-01-01 21:31 ID:GJr6HhcC [Del]

Basketball is life

140 Name: shinra : 2015-01-02 02:06 ID:pSCLqeXl [Del]

It's my favorite

141 Name: Kisuke : 2015-01-05 08:42 ID:V8sL0Kz5 [Del]

heat for life

142 Name: Cookie : 2015-01-05 19:44 ID:D2kcyi82 [Del]

ball is life can't wait for the third season of kuroko no Basket

143 Name: ???? : 2015-01-06 06:09 ID:eZ3R5e4B [Del]

Kuroko no basket third season hype! ... and slam dunk season 2 as well.

Also shooting guard ftw.

144 Name: Miriam : 2015-01-08 13:01 ID:RhEM7bgz [Del]

Today I went at basketball sports. I'm one from better player, but I don't play all matches beacuse i'm tearing a tendon :c. I can't rorating my neck :c . But my school win a third place (from 4th places XD).

145 Name: : 2015-01-10 11:43 ID:z/LSZLGB [Del]

>>143 yeah me too can't wait for season 2

146 Name: Mushoku : 2015-01-10 16:37 ID:jZW85c5U [Del]

I played basketball when I was younger for a few years also played compitition against belgium was really fun but since I moved around a lot I quitted

147 Name: Reggy : 2015-01-11 03:30 ID:1Iqvw+C+ [Del]

I practically played basketball, streetball to be exact. Interestingly enough, we have some kind of... uhmm, distinction of players depending on their skill in playing. (Like a defensive or offensive player). I am known for my reckless driving and fast dribbling, but unable to make much shots and only make plays, so i was called The Milo.

148 Name: FranShi : 2015-01-11 06:45 ID:1K/Bwm+0 [Del]

i love basketball :D i play basketball too

149 Name: --- : 2015-01-11 19:06 ID:CCNozV3e [Del]

I'm in the sport >< training is tough but I can't wait for the seasons!!!!!!

150 Name: xenosapien : 2015-01-17 18:20 ID:xfM8cc7t [Del]

Ahhhh I love this sport and I play it quite often too XD. I'm usually a center as well but I sometimes go and play other positions.

151 Name: Jo-na-su : 2015-01-18 03:32 ID:XIvkYl0G [Del]

I love playing basketball to tell you the truth I am aiming to become a Pro that's why I've got to work hard :D

152 Name: Yuukio : 2015-01-18 11:31 ID:FeXZwoYU [Del]

Kuroko no Basket influenced me to play basketball and its really fun!

153 Name: eragon : 2015-01-19 12:56 ID:KTY0ONuT [Del]

I play as center as well. I love basketball

154 Name: Tobey : 2015-01-23 04:34 ID:zZjXfUAh [Del]

Kuroko no Basuke #best best best!! I'm point guard. Got dem akashi skills (jk LOL)

155 Name: Dan : 2015-01-24 13:36 ID:FcZfT/c+ [Del]

I q8 the first reply, i've started playing basketball thanks to kuroko and now me and my friends love it! We play basket at least twice a week!

156 Name: Sasx : 2015-01-24 14:06 ID:T1oIAXnB [Del]

I love basketball. by the way i see a lot of kuroko, i think legit that it is the best sport anime of all

157 Name: @HonestNobody : 2015-01-25 00:18 ID:iVMG+Qfb [Del]

Spurs today anyone else in on the game ?

158 Name: rizen : 2015-01-27 02:20 ID:iFwhqpdX [Del]

I'm a forward :)

159 Name: Team plasma : 2015-01-27 18:27 ID:DayiMv+g [Del]

ball is life

160 Name: Nejibana : 2015-01-29 09:58 ID:JUJVjp5z [Del]

Anyone watch how Irving destroyed Blazers? :3

161 Name: Industrial : 2015-01-29 10:07 ID:JUJVjp5z [Del]

Beautiful 55 points :)

162 Name: Kirigaya K : 2015-01-29 21:19 ID:kBCrxd4c [Del]

I'm not a fan of the Cavs :/ OKC is my favorite team

163 Name: VampirePotato : 2015-02-04 15:51 ID:WazqvDV8 [Del]

No favourite teams but a few favourite players. Sadly where I'm from shows aren't broadcast as much. Usually I can count on the net and to really get how the game went, well, youtube subscriptions

164 Name: Olivier : 2015-02-05 14:45 ID:OF0gvWj0 [Del]

I'm from Chile (South America) and the basket isn't a good sport to be in love with 'cause the average height of the people, but i like it and i'm a big fan of the spurs and Duncan consistency.
Also i play with my college (i play as a AP) and i enjoy it a lot!!

165 Name: nicole_ghost : 2015-02-07 19:19 ID:tlUYTphS [Del]

Is it weird that I play basketball but I have no interest in watching it at all?

166 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-02-07 19:24 ID:0BhGGH8m [Del]

I'm about to start playing in a basketball team ( really excited )! I know height doesn't matter but I'm really short, the shortest in the team. I use to play basketball as a kid and was pretty good at that time.

Just wondering, but am I reaally at a disadvantage here? Even if I'm not high enough to shoot goals or catch balls (or some people thought), I learnt to intercept passes for my team. Let me know, what am I in for when starting?

167 Name: Peace : 2015-02-08 13:11 ID:XrOn5KcC (Image: 323x257 png, 30 kb) [Del]

src/1423422670858.png: 323x257, 30 kb
I am a basketball fan. I actually only play basketball. I am actually on a high school varsity team as well but im having issues with my team. My team has really bad chemistry and we have no players who can play good team basketball yet they are horrible at playing isolation basketball ! I need help fixing up my team . We have really bad communication and we make too much turnovers. My teams problem is they dont have good point gaurds mainly. A point gaurd is supposed to position everyone in the court to score but our point gaurd is just a cocky kid that just plays isolation style basketball more than half the GAME! I need to start up as a point gaurd but my coach uses me as a small forward since im strong and 210 pounds even though im only 5'8 which is really troubling. I dont know how to prove to my hard headed coach how to let me be the starting point gaurd rather than a substituting small forward. I am a decent dribbler (but i am kinda good at crossovers though) thats pretty much my main strength and im pretty good at passing. I keep trying to make the coach make me start on the court. The first game i have ever started in our team won and from then on we have been on a losing streak. Dont know what to do to make my coach change his mind. Right now i have been skipping practice and training on my own so I can comeback with better stamina/ speed so at least when I show up to my teams practice, I can wow everyone into letting me get a chance at captainship of the team. My team is really horrible at running so at least if i can improve my running skills and make them look weak and bad possibly the coach might give me a chance at leading the team. My team is full of ball hogs and im starting to wonder whether or not i should become one. I literally get 3 steals per game because i try soo hard to steal the ball since i almost never get the ball. I am so frustrated with my team, i am trying so hard to become my teams ace because my team is seriously lacking one. How can i make my coach let me start and how can i become team captain with such a horrible team/coach !

168 Name: Akiza : 2015-02-08 15:14 ID:/V4aYZKV [Del]

i used to be in the basketball girls team back in high school :) i love it

169 Name: Oxana : 2015-02-16 04:59 ID:aFW7o4a5 [Del]

Basketball is a great game!I want to be a basketball player!

170 Name: Joe : 2015-02-23 09:58 ID:nxYkbEI8 [Del]


171 Name: SHie : 2015-02-26 10:44 ID:YO3p9uqM [Del]

I used to play in my highschool basketball team. First year i played as point guard. Then in my second year i played as point guard and occationally centre. Then during the last year i got chosen to be captain (Yay! ) by then i alternate being centre and pointguard. My favourite part of training is three point shooting practice cuz i remember when i first did this drill i cant even get the ball to touch the ring, but now i can shoot it in pretty okay. I rarely play basketball now cuz none of my friends wants to play it. Ahh how i miss basketball

172 Name: カラス : 2015-03-04 11:57 ID:yQ4OQ+oK [Del]

I'm a huge basketball fan and played at highschool too, I was a shooting guard :D I miss these times. I always following NBA, and I'm a Miami Heat fan!! #HEATNation
What's you guys team?

173 Name: Lead Mei : 2015-03-05 09:40 ID:UEx5qodd [Del]

Kuroko No Basuke

174 Name: art hater : 2015-03-05 14:16 ID:GiNi6YAg [Del]

wooo woooo woo woooo woooo wooow owowowowowowow wowo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

175 Post deleted by user.

176 Name: Saku Kazuma : 2015-11-12 09:28 ID:32a94akV [Del]

I am

177 Name: Chon : 2015-11-18 17:30 ID:2T+WggmL [Del]

I love it

178 Name: Mikoko : 2015-11-19 09:59 ID:OmgfaojT [Del]

I am )))

179 Name: Ous Sama : 2015-11-20 04:20 ID:53rZY2Kf [Del]

I am

180 Name: shiro : 2015-11-23 08:13 ID:23gd4gmk [Del]

i like it but im not that good..

181 Name: kanra orihara : 2015-11-24 06:39 ID:iiyKLOSp [Del]


182 Name: Mikoko : 2015-11-24 09:17 ID:OmgfaojT [Del]

I am

183 Name: Dovahkin !tCH.n2A8JE : 2015-11-24 21:34 ID:gwnKisWc [Del]

I LOVE BASKETBALL!! I have been playing for the past couple years and my position is point guard.

184 Name: black mamba : 2015-11-28 08:33 ID:5iXyqVf/ [Del]

my position is guard

185 Name: Rannia : 2015-11-29 03:00 ID:nmFngl/y [Del]

Even though I started playing basketball in second year, I'm actually enjoying it.

186 Name: Rock : 2015-12-04 13:16 ID:32a94akV [Del]

My position is center, and I'm 10 years old. I've been playing basketball for a few months now and I suck at it. I only play because people say I can use my height. I find basketball fun,but my teacher keeps saying there's no point in playing if you can't win. But I'll play anyway!

187 Name: Lytea : 2015-12-05 19:30 ID:hWyj4EuN [Del]

I love basketball My position is Center

188 Name: Pyro towerz : 2015-12-06 10:40 ID:RcQWwTjL [Del]

I love basketball i play center too

189 Name: Shiro !STB.3w25YA : 2016-06-30 21:41 ID:AAv7xcRN [Del]
