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Paranormal Esoteric and Unexplained Happenings Podcast (3)

1 Name: Jasper : 2023-03-20 14:46 ID:YUN0neAo [Del]

Hey I've been on here for a while off and on under various names, that being said I've recently gotten the idea to start a podcast about the paranormal, esoteric and unexplained, that being said I'd need stories to talk about on this podcast. That's where you all come in, if you know anything or have experienced a thing yourself, you could share the story here and I'd talk about it in the Podcast and theorize about it. That being said I'd prefer you to change the names of anyone involved and i will go a step further and change names to just initials before reading the stories for the recorder.
So if you feel comfortable please share below!

2 Name: NG-S !iPH0rf2lkw : 2023-03-21 10:08 ID:ITGmQsh4 [Del]

The first time I was ever scared in my life was the night I woke up to something strange in my room. It felt so real and not like a dream. This was back when I lived with my mother and I was in my first year of high school. One night I woke up and while looking toward my bedroom window I saw something that looked like a miniature flying saucer in my room with green light emitting from it. My brain at the time thought it may have been tiny aliens, looking back at it now I believe it to be an alien drone.

I was so scared, I pulled my blanket all the way up to my chin. I tried to not look in the direction of the alien drone, it was flying around my room without making any noise. I tried to scream for my mom, but I couldn't get past the first syllabal at a whimper. It felt like hours I lay there in a terrified state. Eventually I was able to whisper "mom" a few times, but I knew she wouldn't be able to hear me in her room. At one point when the drone was nearly hovering above my head I was able to raise my arm and hit it out of the air. It feel to the floor, I looked down at it once and never again. I continued to lay in my bed, paralyzed for what felt like hours. I told myself not to fall asleep, but eventually I did. When I woke up it was morning and the drone was gone.

Ever since then I'd have dreams every now and then about aliens. Some of them I dismissed as nothing more than a dream for their absurd nature, others felt like they could've really happened. Me and my mom lived on the top floor of our apartment building and in one such "dream" I woke up and went to the living room where a UFO was waiting for me outside our screen door. In another dream I remembered aliens picking me up and a few other children/ teens and when returning us they said they'd come back after a while to see us. Those two "dreams" are the only dreams I've had that I'm not sure if they were real or not.

My fear of aliens developed from here and now I always live in a populated area, on the bottom floor, and never sleep in a room with a window. I've also changed to sleeping during the day and living with other people who have a normal schedule of night sleeping. Aliens are never coming for me again and since I've made these changes I haven't had any more realistic dreams about aliens.

-NG-S (My initials, hyphenated last name)

3 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2023-04-03 16:58 ID:Q1UW04DQ [Del]

You could just look/bump at the Urban Legends threads instead. It's got over 100 post in it.