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anyone here from twitter?? (11)

1 Name: himeko : 2022-11-18 04:40 ID:dX6692HU [Del]

soo twitter is said to shut down (it's actually fake but there is a chaos rn) and ppl started to move to other sns and I remembered suddenly that this site exists. Tough I am very shocked to see recent posts and even possts from this year... but it's a nice surprise, glad some ppl haven't forgotten about this nice place

2 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2022-11-18 05:56 ID:TsFsCMmA [Del]

What does SNS stands for again? I don't think I ever learn about it.

I use twitter to follow artists, mostly. Been here for a while.

3 Name: NG-S !iPH0rf2lkw : 2022-11-18 05:59 ID:uIiFqwBc [Del]

I only use Twitter for Anime English Dub updates.

4 Name: Luna : 2022-11-18 06:53 ID:h2eVl2Tu [Del]

I'm surprise that people still remember about this site. I doubt twitter will shut down just like that. But if they do, I'm gonna miss the artists that I look up to

5 Name: rielQua : 2022-11-18 10:01 ID:ImY/fAVu [Del]

have been lurking here a while a few years ago, but someone on twitter reminded me about it, and it honestly would be pretty funny if this website became really active because of it

6 Name: CitrusCitrusHope : 2022-11-18 10:45 ID:WPuKas8c [Del]

Twitter taught me this site existed haha, have no clue what's going on but I like it

7 Name: SUPREME GENGAT THE BIG : 2022-11-18 12:35 ID:lSgpu5RL [Del]

Hello new peeps. Thanks for not posting random shit on Main, I already like you.

8 Name: Wormhaver : 2022-11-18 15:02 ID:r4nZYQf1 [Del]

Saw a post like "wouldn't it be fun if we all just went here" with a pic of the Dollars login screen. I just vaguely remembered that this site existed, haha. Like others have said im surprised its still active which just fills me with so much joy!!

9 Name: Nise : 2022-11-18 16:17 ID:u4Dvxgys [Del]

saw the same post lmao
sweet nostalgia

10 Name: Milk : 2022-11-18 18:46 ID:nIDBFY8J [Del]

Saw that post too and it reminded me of all the fun I used to have on here. Plus I;ve been missing the feel of a good message board

11 Post deleted by user.