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What is your opinion on Human Nature (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2022-10-21 22:29 ID:7nWyKEB2 [Del]

I couldn't find a thread for this anywhere, but I may of overlooked. If so only one person needs to reply with 'sage'.

Anyway I was wondering what people think human nature is. Hard to describe, like do you think people are more positive or negative, do you think a certain type of person is better than another, or do you think humans are one push away from madness as Heath Ledger's Joker put it. Stuff like that, your opinions on humanity.

Let's be nice. If someone disagrees with you just state how you disagree with them, but don't attack them.

2 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-10-22 14:09 ID:FWyegyR+ [Del]

Better animals but still animals! It should be legal to hunt us for meat when we're in-season!

3 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2022-10-27 11:02 ID:+kBy6Ny3 [Del]

>>2 (Zen) That'd just be The Purge though. Which winds up being rich can afford better protection systems etc and so have a higher chance of survival. Which is stupid.

I don't think anyone is really better or worse whether they're positive or negative, just different. Humans are fundamentally unique individuals and so trying to give an umbrella explanation for behavior is kinda moot. Like there are societal norms that some people strive to follow which I think makes up a bulk of human nature (wanting to fit in essentially), but then there is also the group that doesn't care about those things and breaks away from what is defined as normal.
So essentially there is no such thing as human nature since we are all different.
Unlike other animals we don't have a specific food source, a set sleep schedule, a mating season, a migration pattern, universal culture, etc.

4 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-11-06 02:19 ID:FWyegyR+ [Del]

>>3 Maybe 'human nature' is in the clear, common psychological trends among humans? We have all pretty similar structure mentally and physically (or at least, it follows the same patterns). We tend to exhibit similar problems and tend to have similar solutions. The unique/different things stand out the most and are what you notice the most and therefore seem more common than they are: that thought process is part of human nature as well. We are all unique because of unique circumstances but the circumstance that is being human keeps us all firmly within certain bounds.

5 Name: Saika : 2022-11-06 10:15 ID:TJfzO2nk [Del]

This may or may not go along with that topic, but, The word inhumane, is illogical. When we talk about humane, we mostly mean common human behavior, correct? Things like sympathy, care, and compassion. But anything can be humane, because humane is humanity, and humanity is human, and humans come in all psychological states, based on experience and their brains interpretation. Therefore, to have a personality disorder, to be a sociopath, or even a psychopath, is humane. It's a human thing. It's simply due to how they were taught, treated, or raised. Even ADHD is caused by how someone was raised, it's a protection mechanism. Kids aren't born with it, it isn't hereditary, it's caused when a child is raised with large amounts of parental stress. A child's protection and brain reaction is to block it out. As the child gets older it may be more or less severe, but the child is then stuck with it, and it doesn't work for protection anymore.

Oh yeah, but on the topic of anything being humane because it's common human behavior, that would mean, that because it's a pattern among humans, that both cannibalism and murder would be humane. Because so many people do it that we have the true crime podcast, that for some reason females really like listening to. In which I agree. It's interesting.

Aside from that, I have returned!!! ヽ(*⌒▽⌒*)ノ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
And probably no one would realize because of my name.. TwT

Buuuuut, on that topic, I am still not of the knowledge on how you get the assorted punctuation-number-letter phrase like thing to put on the end of your name.. considering most everyone has them so that they can be identified regardless of what their name is, it would be quite nice to have one. ^^

Adieu~ ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ゙