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story game (5)

1 Name: Koko : 2022-05-03 17:24 ID:t8G38ovl [Del]

I was a little bored and thought about this simple game we could do in this thread (if anyone wants to ofc).

Basically, someone would start by writing a small story, not too complex. It can be anything: adventure, horror, etc.

Then, at the end of the story, the writer(1) gives two or more choices of any kind.
Afterwards, the next player(writer 2) makes the decision of which choice he picks. With that decision, he writes another part of the story. And so on, at the end gives two or multiple choices.

writer 1: a girl was walking in the forest looking for her dog. She decides to take a break after 20 minutes of searching. She has 3 options. Either to go home, continue on the left dark path or continue on the right lighter path.

writer 2: she chooses to continue on the right lighter path. Further, seems to be a man playing with some kind of animal. Behind her seems to be some kind of noise similar to a barking dog. Should she go further or go towards the sound?..

Anyways, i hope my example was understandable. Be creative as much as you want. Even make drastic changes so the story gets more interesting! And how about these rules?: the first writer can't be the one to choose the end of the story, and a story should be 5(min.) to 12(max.) replies before ending. (if the story is very incomplete, you can add more replies)

i hope someone takes interest in this :)

2 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-05-04 18:46 ID:FWyegyR+ [Del]

Prince Ananta Manganaran wakes up in a spooky dungeon cell. The absolute blackness of the small cell is cut apart by the moonlight leaking through the barred air vent in the ceiling. Prince Ananta Manganaran could either (A) fumble for the PC somewhere in the dark and browse the BBS or (B) wail like a banshee until one of the guards comes and beats Prince Ananta Manganaran.

3 Name: 3rd : 2022-05-05 13:43 ID:bSJa63yF [Del]

Prince Anata Manganaran decided he was a god damn fucking prince and this sort of imprisonment was unacceptable. He needed to get help from the best gang he knew (the Dollars). The prince stumbled in the dark and found the PC with slight difficulty. Once booted, eventually reaches the BBS. The main has some new guy posting about how the gang should totes find a way to revive itself. Does the prince interact with this random poster or does he enter a different board? (options: News, Animation, Art, Comics, Films, Food, Games, Literature, Music, Personal, Sports, Technology, Random, or stay on Main)

4 Name: Koko : 2022-05-17 17:56 ID:t8G38ovl [Del]

Prince Anata Manganaran decides to go in the News board. Strangely, he finds many posts about him going missing. He then switches to the Personal board. A random user posted, "I just caught a prince and put him in my dungeon, I hope to get a lot of money out of this, any thoughts?" A: Should the prince send a reply anonymously B: Ask to be freed or C: should he switch boards?

5 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-09-11 05:12 ID:FWyegyR+ [Del]

Prince Anata Manganaran switches to the Art board and scrolls through EpicTK's entire art thread, frothing at the mouth in awe of the pure epictkness. After a few threadscrolls, Prince Anata Manganaran decides it's time to go to sleep. The Prince thinks... should he (A) play "Calming Rain Sounds 4K 1080P [[ASMR]]" on YouTube or (B) fall face-first on the concrete floor?