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encryption practice (9)

1 Name: smiles : 2021-12-22 19:29 ID:e6jLdgi2 [Del]

I recently made a custom encryption method and am wanting to check how hard it actually is to solve. I will enclose the message below, and anyone interested, please feel free to try to crack it. sorry if it sucks, I'm not very practiced at this.
Anyway, here it is:
16242106421 242642 24262262 2101022 261010242421022.24462 1621021 1810862621 1102410262041.210268242262 210204102624622 242106262.
Have fun :)

2 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2021-12-22 20:21 ID:tfgxD1EJ [Del]

*Dollars Day flashbacks*

3 Name: smiles : 2021-12-22 20:45 ID:e6jLdgi2 [Del]

maybe I just don't have enough context but I am confused

4 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2021-12-22 21:35 ID:tfgxD1EJ [Del]

>>3 Back in June, we made an ARG for Dollars Day. More like, I asked some Dollars members from all sorts of backgrounds to help make the clues. So we have artworks with hidden clues, messages, a track song that has a key to extract the encrypted clue to the next lead, that kinda thing.

No one got through the entire thing, so the hard work poured into making them kinda went down the drain. And I believe no one would finish it, at least for a while.

[If you wanna give it a go though, first clue is attached]

5 Name: smiles : 2021-12-22 21:37 ID:e6jLdgi2 [Del]

:0 that's rad. I may just give it a try

6 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2021-12-22 21:54 ID:tfgxD1EJ [Del]

>>5 Honestly though, I really fukt up one of the puzzle in the beginning part, since it was needlessly complicated. So I kinda gave them a reason to just give up since they hadn't been too far off into the rabbithole, a valuable lesson in puzzle making, DO gradually ramp up the difficulties, DONT spike it up in the earlier parts. That part needs a whole detailed planning since you usually work them out from end to start.

Anyways, I suck at brute-decrypting. So sorry about that xP can't really do much about your secret message

7 Name: smiles : 2021-12-22 22:21 ID:e6jLdgi2 [Del]

valid. well if you want, I could give you the steps

8 Name: smiles : 2021-12-22 22:22 ID:e6jLdgi2 [Del]

cause really it's just a nonsense message with some funny in-jokes with myself that mean nothing to other people

9 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2021-12-22 23:05 ID:tfgxD1EJ [Del]

I'm currently on IRC, if you'd be willing you can spill dem beans over there.