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Suicide => Crime (9)

1 Name: Is suicide a crime? : 2020-10-09 04:09 ID:zy3E1QP1 [Del]

I have a question.
Is suicide a crime?
Why is suicide a crime? Everyone have right to live but you don’t have right to die? Is this world really democratic? If someone wants to die why would you stop him it is his decision his life so let him do what he wants....

2 Name: Raven : 2020-10-09 04:13 ID:zy3E1QP1 [Del]

Suicide should be allowed to some point. Like if you want to kill yourself do it but not by jumping under a train. There should be some medicine that kills you and is legal in all countries.

3 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-10-09 06:44 ID:9ieYWp8X [Del]

Is suicide a crime though? I think that depends from place to place. Never knew that, I googled it just now.

I mean, you can overdose or poison yourself I guess? Or get yourself COVID and intentionally make your defense mechanism worsen or something. But whatever method you're using, other humans at some point is gonna have to take care of your body. No way around it really, someone is bound to find your body, someone else would prepare you for the burial, other someone else will bury you, so you can't even go off without being a useless baggage in this world.

Why would you want to go to the other side though, whatever is waiting for you beyond could actually be worse than this side. They never told you if you're gonna get another chance to be reborn or not, wouldn't it be better to just live out this one?

I'm a religious person, mind you. We believe in the existence of hell and the laws of making suicide illegal stems from that belief. Law in its essence is made for the sake of their citizens, mostly I guess. Someone once told me,
    "If you are really desperate to commit suicide, please put your hand on top of a burning stove and let it sit there for 10 minutes or so. If you can withstand that, then you're free to kill yourself. Because hell will be much hotter than that and you'll spend all eternity experiencing the pain much worse than what you just experienced."

Just a food for thought, you can't rule out the possibility that hell didn't exist. You gotta prepare yourself for the worst possible situation you know?

Also because I've recently listened to Mafumafu's cover on "Hated by Life Itself" I'm just gonna quote some of the lyrics here.
    Frankly, we don't care if we, ourselves, die. But we'd be pretty sad if the people around us died.

One more thing, suicide will not end your suffering, but merely channels it onto someone else. Life never weighs you more than what you can carry, keep sailing through the storm and you'll reach the calm water soon enough.

4 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2020-10-09 08:27 ID:GFTahKMH [Del]

Depends on jurisdiction. It's legal to suicide in NZ, however euthenasia currently isn't. We're having a referendum right now to see if that should change.

5 Name: Hypnos : 2020-10-09 19:11 ID:et/aScxR [Del]

My life form is not advanced enough to know if suicide is morally correct but as long as it doesn’t affect others with the intention of harm it’s not a crime but it’s still a bit cruel.

6 Name: S : 2020-10-12 23:07 ID:eu+RAjo7 [Del]

Yeah, firion, It's So Easy To Tell Someone Living Hell On Earth To "Keep Trying" While Being Completely Ignorant To What They're Going Through. Your "Kind, Encouraging Words" Are Just Your Own Selfish Self-Defense For The World's Inequality.

7 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-10-12 23:53 ID:9ieYWp8X [Del]


8 Name: G : 2020-10-13 04:24 ID:Q59ARssg [Del]

The whole “suicide is a crime” thing is not targeted and people with depression. If someone tries to take it’s life and fails it will obviously not go to prison, instead people try to get them help
But if you commit suicide and hurt someone in the process, that’s a different story

9 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2020-10-19 08:32 ID:o5cWGTKj [Del]

I like how it's super obvious that >>6 is an emo 12 yo from the way they're typing lmao.

Suicide isn't a crime in a sense. If someone commits suicide or attempts to they won't get punished by the court system like if they had tried to kill someone else. Instead they will be punished/helped by the health system. However the similarites between the court system and health system is uncanny. Ie if you try to commit suicude all of your personal effects will be taken away from you, you can wear your own clothes, however, they cannot be too baggy or have any loose strings, you will be detained for a period of time at a mental hospital (the duration is different depending on which hospitals you end up at) and if you are deemed unfit to leave the hospital your "parole" can be denied, if you do succeed at getting parole you are still required to visit a councelor/therapist (like a parole officer) for a duration of time (this is referred to as an out-patient).

This whole system operates on the belief that if you try to kill yourself (for no apparent reason) you must be mentally unstable and therefore unable to make sound decisions about your life.
There are exceptions, however, generally old people or people with incurable diseases would not be considered mentally unwell if they decided to take their lives. But I'm not sure what steps are taken to take care of those types of patients.

There's also the matter of sacrificing oneself for someone else. If someone knowingly enters into a situation where they will be killed to save someone else (like soldiers) is it still considered suicide?