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Why do we despise success? (9)

1 Name: Jusen : 2019-03-19 08:01 ID:nBva7OCC [Del]

For my ethics class, I am going to have a discussion regarding this subject, so I’m curious to see what other people thoughts are.

2 Name: Boopwrang : 2019-03-19 18:50 ID:CJGSGKsa [Del]

Like what kind of success? another person's success, our success, success of something we don't like?

3 Name: Jusen : 2019-03-19 20:17 ID:AlThTg81 [Del]

Any kind of success that doesn’t concern ourselves.

4 Name: lofi : 2019-03-19 20:47 ID:58Ecapr9 [Del]

maybe the individual is jealous of successes that they themselves want to have or haven't contributed to this so called success. I'm not saying everyone is like this and for me I don't despise success that doesn't concern me at all.

5 Name: Thorns : 2019-03-22 20:58 ID:7GfdZISD [Del]

The success of others may pressure us into making our own successes greater than the prior for reasons like pride or stading. This would mean more effort is exserted when it could be avoided without the previous person's achievements. (To have 2 eyes and stand out among those with 1 eye would be the aim in this case.)

6 Name: lordyeezus : 2019-04-01 03:26 ID:pBot3t9O [Del]

I dont care at all. only sheep and low intelligent individuals care about this

7 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2019-04-01 10:48 ID:GlneVcMp [Del]

I've always found arguments like >>6 to be dodgy as fuck.

Like, if you have an opinion on something... it obviously says something about you.

8 Name: Tree!N13m0ewMrQ : 2019-04-01 18:24 ID:/uuWJUzD [Del]

I don't despise success of others, but sometimes I'll be jealous and admit I'd like to have what they're having. Sometimes I'm happy for successful people. I can be happy and jealous of successful people. It's not really despising them. And sometimes I can look at successful people as competition. Well I have to look at them that way if it's something I want to be successful at too. Like for example, say I wanna hit the front page of Deviantart, in that case, I would have to view people like Sakimichan as competition. As well as others who frequently hit the front page. I can be happy for them and jealous of their success and at the same time treat it like a friendly competition to try to get to the top. Jealousy is not the same as despising success though. I don't despise success at all. If you're successful, good for you, 'cause success takes effort!

9 Name: Anonymous : 2019-04-01 23:04 ID:EQ1hmJn4 [Del]

Dunno, can't relate.

I don't feel resentment or jealousy towards those who are more successful (in any area of their life). I look up to those who've overcome their personal demons, even if they had a head start at doing so compared to the average person. They're a symbol of hope and a reason to keep going.

At the same time, I don't look down on anyone who is less successful, because I (now) understand that there is a degree of chance to life. Not everyone can succeed. It's just how things are. You can know everything and do everything right and still not get where you're supposed to be.

That's okay. All we can do is keep trying. Do your best, be good at what you're good at, and learn to be better at what you're failing in. You'll get there or you won't. No biggie.