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Rumour? (14)

1 Name: Crow : 2019-03-17 16:19 ID:BLp5s+DV [Del]

Heard about this Black Dollars thing.
What is it?
Is it just a small group or... is the rumour really that important?

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2019-03-17 17:23 ID:wqLe0jWv [Del]

No. It was a thing that was nothing. So much nothing that it flat-out collapsed and died under it's own nothingness. Then a while after nothing died, people decided to never stfu about it by asking questions about nothing because they felt like they missed something.

3 Name: Crow : 2019-03-17 19:05 ID:BLp5s+DV [Del]

I see.

4 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2019-03-18 02:47 ID:DaRlamPF [Del]

>>2 sounded salty there

5 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2019-03-18 05:17 ID:oqUAJ6x5 [Del]

>>4 Make people stop asking about the stupid thing pls ;-;

6 Name: Anonymous : 2019-03-19 01:54 ID:wMVjUHLF [Del]

The fact people mention a meme group that I pushed to be created by grabing main edgelords is still being talked about is stupid.
>>5 I'm so sorry I hope these fucks chill someday

7 Name: Shiro!SHirOszFlY : 2019-03-20 14:07 ID:wOikcuHz [Del]

>>5 i know your pain, people wont stop asking about this meaningless thing.

8 Name: Crow : 2019-03-21 02:01 ID:BLp5s+DV [Del]

>>5 >>6 >>7

Ah I've already gathered common knowledge on em, so I doubt keeping this thread would be of any use. It was really just out of curiosity - deleting it in two days, so you could get a chance to see my apology for asking.

9 Name: Crow : 2019-03-21 02:10 ID:BLp5s+DV [Del]


By my thread, I meant post 1. Again, sorry for that silly question ^^

10 Name: Homofem : 2019-03-21 17:20 ID:EqMdjEAE [Del]

Where are the black dollars????????????

How do I join?????????????????


11 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2019-03-21 17:34 ID:H6OM4xOP [Del]

>>10 You don't. -IT'S NOT REAL-
The dumb fad that it was didn't even last as long as the "Moon Warriors" (I think is what they were called?).
And don't bump spam.


12 Name: lofi : 2019-03-21 23:14 ID:58Ecapr9 [Del]

the black dollars were a thing but were a toxic group of people, getting tired of these black dollar threads, there done, gone. And I don't understand why you would want to be involved with em in the first place.

13 Name: Boopwrang : 2019-03-21 23:59 ID:9Q0mIn8e [Del]

>>12 You should sage something like this next time

14 Name: Anonymous : 2019-03-27 19:06 ID:pV5XtnXQ [Del]

>>11 Stop that.

The "Moon Warriors" thing came out of the older vs newer user drama at the height of the site's popularity.

It was just an alternative to using the phrases "older user" and "mod/moderator," which attracted a lot of harassment at the time and encouraged misunderstandings about how the site worked.

It succeeded in cooling things off a bit by showing that the regs/mods weren't just "older" users and that they had a sense of humor. It was never taken that seriously.

The Black Dollars shit is unrelated. It's just one of many attempts at making edgy sub-communities within the site. And like always, newbies have turned it into a rp. Leave them to get it out of their system & it'll fade away in time.