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I need some help with a project. (2)

1 Name: Shinn : 2018-06-27 11:42 ID:GOk7ZV4j [Del]

I am doing a project for school and as part of it I would like to ask you all a question.

What do you know about schizophrenia?

Please do not look it up. I want people's honest answers about what they know and what they don't know so I can understand the general view of what people think it is.

Thank you for your help.

2 Name: Larman-Krogeus : 2018-06-27 15:10 ID:sz3SHSLD [Del]

Well... honestly I don’t have a full blown case of it so much as just a borderline disposition for it, but I feel like the best way to describe it is like when you audiate (essentially listen to) things in your head, be it a song or a distinct line from a movie, or something someone said to you that you remember, it’s like that ability starts working on it’s own (like, for instance when you have a song that will not leave your head no matter what you try to do about it). Anyway, imagine that sensation running away from your control and doing a lot of stuff that makes you feel like you’re hearing things all around you, combined with an increased sensitivity to like every little damn sound that is in your little chunk of space you’re in, and everything seems to be like really specifically aimed at you for whatever reason.

For example, that feeling of overstimulation you get when you’re walking down a busy city street in a dense part of town you’ve never been to, and your senses are all heightened to the point that you’re quite incapable of actually processing anything that’s actually happening around you. That feeling, plus for me another example would be like a radio announcer commentating on your thought processes while you go about your day.

The thing about it is that it’s like it becomes hard to draw a line between the noise in your head and the synchronicity of everything else happening around you. For me, it gets to the point that I don’t know what’s real.

Sufficed to say it’s a real burden when you’re trying to get through really difficult life obstacles and situations that involve a lot of stress to suddenly have to be very careful about what senses you allow to affect you. Dealing with anything serious can force you right back into the worst of it sometimes... and it’s also very possible that such a state might be permanent, essentially leading to dementia.

There’s a lot of better terms I could be using and psychobabble that would more accurately describe it technically, but that’s the way I’ve experienced it in the past. I think of it as like the voice in your head detaching from you and becoming a third party in your brain. I met someone once who I think was homeless, who told me that they weren’t really speaking to me, and that the people talking to me were actually a bunch of scientists in a lab somewhere speaking through him remotely. It was a very strange thing to ponder in that moment of speaking to him.