Dollars BBS | Random

















Dollars Rizon Chat Network (7)

1 Name: Anon_64 : 2018-02-20 20:44 ID:0Pe0REdS (Image: 992x518 png, 58 kb) [Del]

src/1519181098983.png: 992x518, 58 kb
Hello people of random, I would like to suggest an idea. I feel that Rizon Chat Network should become the main "chat" site that the dollars uses, You dont need to create an account like discord, It can be completely anonymous, if you dont want to be anonymous you can easily use a temporary nickname or register your own. If you think this is a good idea, is the link to the site, click chat then chose your nickname, make the channel #Dollars

I will hopefully see some of you their ^^
(If this is took as a good idea I may create a duplicate thread on main)

2 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-02-21 22:24 ID:sE7wmiKj [Del]

err..there is no exactly "main chat" this is website. This is why there's chatrooms tab remember??

3 Name: Anon_64 (Caster Servant) : 2018-02-22 10:18 ID:0Pe0REdS [Del]

>>2 That's the point. I'm attempting to unite the group under one simple easy chat anybody can use, no accounts, no lag, perfectly anonymous

4 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-02-22 22:11 ID:sE7wmiKj [Del]

lol 'Unite'

look, there can't be a 'main chat'. Chatrooms tab is there because people have different types of preferred platform. you can't force them into one single Chat platform. There used to be chatroom specifically for this website but server load can't handle the traffic.

good luck in "uniting the group into one simple easy chat" that you're talking about.

5 Name: Jo : 2018-02-25 12:11 ID:7wqRC7DD [Del]


What makes the dollars unique is that the members can really do whatever they want as long as they don't piss off the admin. We don't really have 1 leader (that i know of (*cough* Mikado Ryugamine *cough*)) and theres a different admin for every site

6 Name: Anon_64 (Caster Servant) : 2018-02-25 12:41 ID:0Pe0REdS [Del]

>>5 I've been here for three years... I'm stating that the rizon site does NOT have an admin. I know that most dollars sites have admins.

7 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2018-02-28 19:51 ID:8E2Jj/+n [Del]

jaydon how many usernames you got man