Dollars BBS | Random

















A Dollar (19)

1 Name: Izumi : 2018-02-11 11:42 ID:0pG8t1du [Del]

I was thinking, this is all just a joke kinda. Just a bunch of fans coming together and making an anime kind of to a reality. As a kid I found this stuff super cool. But what if we were like, taking this literally? I mean, literally as in do the good that the show trys to get across? I know this probably fits better in the Missions category, but it's more of a random thought. Like I kind of want the Dollars to be less of a reference and, more of a global group of people banding together in an organization that's pretty much transparent! I mean, I want the whole "Yeah, I'm a dollar," to carry some weight. I want it to be something more than just some website that dances around an anime.

2 Name: Namie : 2018-02-11 13:13 ID:m8+igvM/ [Del]

If we took this literally we'd be a bunch of LARPing spergs - that's not how I want to be remembered lmao :^)

3 Name: greenCream : 2018-02-11 13:16 ID:XvHMoV7+ [Del]

I agree but nowon will take the site seriously as its a fan site, if you want what your talking about you would need your own site, and do basically what they did in the anime and make people think its legit because here we all know its from an anime. i have been thinking about doing something like this fora while if you would like to contact me my email is

4 Name: Izumi : 2018-02-11 13:17 ID:0pG8t1du [Del]

No, that's not what I meant! I mean, taking it from being a reference and turning it into it's own being. Like, be less of a reference but it's own organization.

5 Name: greenCream : 2018-02-11 13:19 ID:XvHMoV7+ [Del]

>>2 no, all he means is for the dollars to be an actual internet gang with a presence in the real world, not 'LARPing spergs" i dont know if u know what ur even saying or what he was, that or maybe im just being dumb and reaping into shit to much

6 Name: Namie : 2018-02-11 14:17 ID:m8+igvM/ [Del]

> be an actual Internet gang with a presence in the real world
>not LARPing

It's a stupid idea, no one gives a shit about the dollars unless they've watched the anime, no one in the real world will give a shit if you tell them your in a gang from a Japanese cartoon lol That's like going to complete in a Karate tournament and un-ironically telling the competition about your power level. The site is here for fan service, hence why the password page is optional. Go do a mission or something if you want to impact the real world.

7 Name: greenCream : 2018-02-11 14:21 ID:XvHMoV7+ [Del]

>>6 your taking the piss out of something that doesn't need it it as your taking the proposal the wrong way. or maybie i am 0_0 anyway you didn't need to sound like an asshole

8 Name: Izumi : 2018-02-11 15:35 ID:0pG8t1du [Del]

It's not being in a gang, it's becoming it's own entity. A transparent organization that bans together in a anonymous shadow that does what it can to spread an idea. The motto of this organization. You know, "The world isn't as bad as you think."

9 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2018-02-11 15:44 ID:501NGiDK [Del]

^ Idiots.


10 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-02-11 17:43 ID:JuD3U/pW [Del]

So, what missions are everyone contributing to?

Oh what? No one in this thread participates in missions? How shocking.

11 Name: Namie : 2018-02-11 17:57 ID:m8+igvM/ [Del]

Mr. Muck pls, my mission is to stop people from pushing this cringe "we're a gang" mentality.

12 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-02-11 22:10 ID:sE7wmiKj [Del]

lol people wanting to be "Real Dollars" are not even doing a single mission.

1. If you wanna "Make the world a better place" You do it yourself. Stop asking other to do it for you.

2. Stop proposing and start doing. If'you haven't even contributed to a single mission yet. DON'T FUCKING BOTHER MAKING ANOTHER.

3. Random thoughts go to Random thoughts thread.

4. SAGE.

13 Name: GreenCream : 2018-02-12 08:17 ID:XvHMoV7+ [Del]

>>1 Check Your Email.

14 Name: Izumi : 2018-02-12 16:24 ID:0pG8t1du [Del]

You know what, sometimes I wonder why I came back. Everyone here has always been so utterly negative. It's funny. "Make the world a better place." I thought we stood for an invisible source of goodness. I do my own missions, and since I'm the only Dollar in my community it's easier to stay quiet about it.

Tell me, when was the last time you talked a student out of suicide? Today, on my bus ride home a student gave me a suicide note. He said he was going to put it on his mother's doorstep. It's funny, because being someone who's actually tried something like that you'd think I'd ignore it and say, "fine do what you will." Yet, I didn't. I told him there were probably worse things to die over than a bully at school. I don't know the kid but I told him, "What's the point? Look, people you care about might follow behind you. It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Besides, the world isn't as bad as it seems."

That's my mission, and I'm sorry that I don't publicly announce it. I just don't think one should boast about saving another's life. It's painful, knowing you've been in that situation yourself. I'm sorry I don't sign petitions, I'm sorry I don't go and brag about my friend's mental breakdowns. I joined this group because I thought that maybe, just maybe. Maybe the world isn't that bad. I thought it was a terrible idea in the first place. I even had faith in Kurosuke, he seemed like a nice guy. But maybe my faith was too quickly given. And maybe, the world IS as bad as I thought.

15 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-02-12 16:56 ID:JuD3U/pW [Del]

>>14 Then you should see why it's unnecessary for the group to have any sort of reputation. Our presence is in our actions.

16 Name: Namie : 2018-02-12 18:22 ID:m8+igvM/ [Del]

>Tell me, when was the last time you talked a student out of suicide?

Moral grandstanding is never a good way to endear yourself sweetie.

17 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2018-02-12 18:38 ID:501NGiDK [Del]

Jeez you whine a lot
If you want to "make a difference" than join volunteer groups instead of trying to convert a bunch of people to a stupid ideology that they don't give two fucks about


18 Name: Izumi : 2018-02-12 18:40 ID:0pG8t1du [Del]

You know, there's a part of that story I left out. I told him, "If you really want to, I'm not going to tell you no. I mean, who am I to say someone's life means something? I'm a nihilist."
Am I really working for something I believe in? I don't know, and I really don't give a damn. Honestly, I don't believe humans are good. In fact, I don't believe in good and bad at all. It's stupid.

I'm not mad, in fact, I'm really happy. I got the reaction I expected and that's all I need! It was kind of disappointing though. I thought you'd entertain me longer. I thought more people would be stoked to say "Yeah totally!" I would have let it run a little longer on here.

I guess not, but wouldn't you rather be colorless than invisible?

I'm amusing myself! Well, I think it's time to play a game~

19 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2018-02-12 23:20 ID:501NGiDK [Del]

>>18 Entertain you? You are way to late to the party for that. Do you think you are the first person to come on here spouting your nonsense? We are not the anime, we are not a gang, we are not going to save the world you dumb fool. We don't care about what you want us to be, we are already what we are, if you don't like it then leave.
