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Yellow scarves (23)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-12-06 20:07 ID:fTsXTSCu [Del]

Not that important but the yellow scarves are back, takes a while to load

2 Name: Namie : 2017-12-06 20:33 ID:U9kebtub [Del]


3 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-12-06 21:11 ID:JuD3U/pW [Del]

4 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2017-12-07 04:16 ID:D8Wep+AQ [Del]

yellow scarves?? it says white bandanas LOL

5 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-12-07 05:24 ID:JuD3U/pW [Del]

I forgot how frustrating links were with their specific webpage.

6 Name: Mischievous : 2017-12-10 11:58 ID:N6M6ABS8 [Del]

They are back you sure? Because that's not logic..that is a message which tell that this is finished.. And by the way.. Are they real? How many are they? Did they done something wrong? Are they really our enemy like the anime Durarara?

7 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-12-10 11:58 ID:JuD3U/pW [Del]


8 Name: Mischievous : 2017-12-10 12:08 ID:hgOxiWdE [Del]

No what?

9 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-12-10 12:13 ID:1vcZnvYq [Del]


10 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2017-12-10 12:45 ID:dVNzjxuY [Del]



You're recruiting Yellowscarves from the Dollars?? are you retarded?

11 Name: Mischievous : 2017-12-10 12:48 ID:hgOxiWdE [Del]

Godness! We have real enemies?!

12 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-12-10 17:02 ID:S9D05yKp [Del]

The yellow scarves are incredibly dangerous, still not comparable to the blue squares.
Last Christmas some blue square members kidnapped Dollars members and tortured them for three entire days.
We must fight the blue squares, guys!
Prepare for a gang war! least that's something I'd said if I was a retarded roleplayer like some of the people above me.


13 Name: Namie : 2017-12-10 20:00 ID:yLgGrNvn [Del]

>The yello diccs are incredibly dangerous, still not comparable to the blue squares.


14 Name: Mischievous : 2017-12-11 01:32 ID:yIbN8wh+ [Del]

>>12 thanks for your kindness Chronos 😂

15 Name: unorginized : 2017-12-13 13:52 ID:hvZlgbn/ [Del]


16 Name: Curlzzzz !78aUaOiHOk : 2017-12-14 19:18 ID:powhshFf [Del]

Wow. I didn’t know that the yellow scarves existed!

17 Name: Maimai : 2017-12-14 22:03 ID:sU/JAdOk [Del]

i am a yellow scarve. my yellow scarve has blue squares on it. in the middle of the blue squares are dollar signs. so i am a yellow sacrve blue square dollar. i fight for the peace of our gangs and that we wont have gang fights again. my best friends are masada kiomi, mikadomine ryugamiko and anrihara sono, but also shizaya and izuo, because they are a secret coulpe. my best friend is salty tho. but did you know that she doesnt love shinigami? hes secretly in love with the black russia guy simone and sometimes he meets shizaya and izuo on a love hotel for a threesome. this is the story of ikeburuokoro nobody knows. everybody only talks bs because the dollars dies long ago and we try to keep up this website with all our strenght, but it is nonsense. the dollars are dead. RIP. lets become yellow scarves now.

18 Name: Namie : 2017-12-15 00:07 ID:ruWTN1US [Del]

>>17 I hear there's been a string of disappearances in Pakistan lately, stop abducting people please.

19 Post deleted by user.

20 Name: Yaze : 2017-12-23 08:34 ID:LkiuoaZE [Del]

>>17 Did you say Shizaya? YEAAHYY SHIZAYAAA

21 Name: (/\\\/) : 2017-12-23 15:12 ID:MyawByf8 [Del]

I'd rather not have the bad aspects of the anime brought to life. It's actually really sad watching kids beat themselves up because they wear different colors and they think just a little bit differently...

22 Name: (/\\\/) : 2017-12-23 15:14 ID:MyawByf8 [Del]

I messed up. I didn't mean to come off as rude. I would just like it if people didn't let the thoughts of the anime get to their heads...

23 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-12-24 03:57 ID:JuD3U/pW [Del]

pls read. is good for head meats.