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da 'watcha think about me?' game (17)

1 Name: SuckMyDick !aaWI/nsBfU : 2017-11-22 02:25 ID:b2CUqSvK [Del]

imma not say suck my dick coz ya motherfuckerz gonna ban me again. dat dollaz thingy is boring peep. imma make it less boring. lemme play a game with u. no dick game. normal game. game for da community.

lemme know watcha think about da user in da comment above ya. dis will help uz to know wat da dollaz think of uz!

2 Name: Jaydon.A (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ : 2017-11-22 02:28 ID:mrM1GyNv [Del]

>>1 You got a discord? I would play your game but spamming @FCC on twiter

3 Name: SuckMyDick !aaWI/nsBfU : 2017-11-22 02:38 ID:b2CUqSvK [Del]

yea got a discord. no interest in spammin twitter tho.

4 Name: Jaydon.A (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ : 2017-11-22 02:50 ID:mrM1GyNv [Del]

MSG Me at Tomoji (Jaydon.A)#2444
I want to talk to you about some things. We're both former trolls so we can become good people together

5 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2017-11-22 21:49 ID:NuTvhecT [Del]

why did you replace some of s with z?

6 Name: Snyper !svMS/p8SOo : 2017-11-24 10:38 ID:kg6E7ApZ [Del]

Ignoring the source of this game, I think it is a surprisingly good idea for a game. I'm in!

I think the person above me is strange, and sometimes lazy, but is willing to put effort into things that they care about. Sometimes. Maybe. Probably not though.

7 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-11-24 18:38 ID:S9D05yKp [Del]

Um...fine, I'm also in.

Snyper is a rather rational person with basic knowledge of physics, works diligently and puts a lot of effort into things he cares about.
He seems to be into role playing and anime and talks about stuff I've never heard about before hahaha
Though he's kinda contradictory from time to time and can be bigoted, I highly appreciate his logical way of thinking.

8 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2017-11-24 19:24 ID:i93rjNjQ [Del]

>>6 lawl
>>7 nice

I started to understand how this thing works,

9 Name: Namie : 2017-11-24 20:01 ID:U9kebtub [Del]

>>7 Chronos is a nice boy. He really likes the random board, and the word idiot. Some people (not me) don't like his use of the word faggot as an insult. Some say he's mean, but I have yet to have an argument with him, and he seems popular with the majority of users. He's a good member of this site, in my top five at least. He's made me chuckle a few times...

>>8 I dunno who this person is, but they seem to have forgone a name in favour of a trip, and they appear to be grasping the basics.

10 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2017-11-24 21:04 ID:k7ZDtU4L [Del]

>>9 that's my emergency account sorry,

11 Name: G.P. !K6N517zljo : 2017-11-25 02:18 ID:lhOGYCS9 [Del]

>>9 Namie is relatively new here. They are often sarcastic and seem to get along good with trolls, but I think they are a nice and funny person.

>>10 Firion is shy and maybe confusing sometimes, but very friendly too. He wants to be friends with everybody and he fights for the Dollars in the name of kareha. I think he is very funny.

12 Name: Snyper !svMS/p8SOo : 2017-11-25 03:31 ID:kg6E7ApZ [Del]

Being perfectly honest, I barely know the person above me. But from what I do know, they appear to be a good person at times, and people hate them at other times because they say one thing and people take it completely differently then how they should.

13 Name: SuckMyDick !aaWI/nsBfU : 2017-11-25 05:27 ID:52McowpJ [Del]

>>12 gotta say i dont know snyper. saw them around when we spammed visions threads with spiderman pics tho. fun time. so imma say snyper is fun.

14 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2017-11-25 05:39 ID:5eETCliQ [Del]

>>13 You should try and make better rhymes. They were a good attempt, kind of fell flat though.

15 Name: G.P. !K6N517zljo : 2017-11-27 01:16 ID:k5LDxqgS [Del]

>>13 You spammed VISIONS threads with us? O.O

>>14 NZPIEFACE is sarcastic and likes to bully others. But he protects his friends of the Dollars and can be funny and nice too, so I think that he is a nice boy but doesn't want to show it. XD

16 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2017-11-27 18:35 ID:dVNzjxuY [Del]

>>15 SMD did .. kind of

and based on your description, NZPIEFACE = Tsundere

17 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-11-27 18:50 ID:S9D05yKp [Del]

>>16 Kurosuke unveiled the true nature of master Pieface.
Therefore I assume they are a secret agent, working for Reltair to gather information about all the Dollars members :o