Dollars BBS | Random


















1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-27 13:13 ID:mYPvordL [Del]

Hi, I recently made a thread about the Dollars trolls of 2017, but I also would like to start a discussion about this.


I went through some old threads and all I found was a bitch saging and spamming and doing whatever in code words I don't even know, but it was all mean and offensive and I think she might as well be a troll.

I'm not a troll, by the way! I made that thread, so I can't be a troll!

2 Name: Water The Toxic Savior!BgxF79hIoI : 2017-09-27 13:18 ID:wpV2xHkh [Del]

I'm sorry, Barambi is actually a really good person. She is known as kind of the Mother Hen of the BBS, and she's been around for as long as I can remember. She's always doing what she can to guide others into a constructive and very practical light.

What happened to upset you?

3 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-09-27 13:50 ID:aRJqXUtY [Del]

>>2 probably cant help being told that theyre wrong

4 Name: Water The Toxic Savior!BgxF79hIoI : 2017-09-27 13:51 ID:wpV2xHkh [Del]

Well, Barambi doesn't put up with bullshit xD

5 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-09-27 20:38 ID:+KQbEtKH [Del]

Yes she is a bitch. She's BitchSama! i havent forgotten you BitchSama! >:)

6 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2017-09-27 20:50 ID:uqnJg7FQ [Del]

guys, just want to let you know that she use a tripcode which read as "ImBitchBiw". There is no point y'all insulting her since she insult herself and she's okay with it.

Oh yea, she's not a troll infact BarabiSama is some old members based from the thread I read a few years ago... You think there would be a troll which stayed for years? cuz I don't

7 Name: Vitaeu : 2017-09-27 22:49 ID:AW9WYtaR [Del]

"I'm not a troll, by the way! I made that thread, so I can't be a troll!" I'm sorry for being so critical of your threads, but there is a flaw in your logic in the sense that "whoever I accuse is a troll because I made an anti trolling thread." It doesn't work that way. I like to connect this situation to The Crucible. The way you self defend yourself and accuse other people when clearly there is proof against your claim. It is quite hypocritical. Anyway, I'm sorry for tearing into your ideals T.T. I know that this is just the internet and my opinion literally doesn't matter, but it feels nice to express an opinion. If you truly believe that Barambi is an evil person, go right on ahead and express it, but at the very least enter some more evidence than just "saging". When you use evidence you can't sound biased: say it like it is being viewed in a black and white TV screen. Make the facts distinct and then color in your opinion. Also don't expect an opinion to go superior and paragon. My opinion is clearly flawed. I take the side of the people with more experience rather than experiencing what they lived through. Perhaps you saw first hand that Barambi is a malicious person, but if you announce it, I can only hope you prepared a rebuttal.

8 Name: Illya : 2017-09-28 02:34 ID:oNHpKBwe [Del]

>>7 Tell me Viteau, when did your hobby become defending people on the internet? Is it because youre so fucking bored with your pathetic offline life or do you really think you win something? The prize as the nicest Dollar of the year, probably? Too bad but there is no such prize!
Every post you make is nothing but bs, you know? Youre defending obvious trolls, stating they were good people. Do you have any experiences with trolls? Do you even know what a troll is? Or did you look up the definition in the urban dictionnary?
And if youre smart enough to recognize that your opinion literally doesnt matter, why do you even say something?

9 Name: Vitaeu : 2017-09-28 05:14 ID:AW9WYtaR [Del]

>>8 You know what? You are right. I have a pathetic life outside of the internet. My real life is a friendless trudge where each day I try to keep myself together. In the real world I also get mad super quickly and can turn to violence. I'm anti social, I'm shy, and I'm quiet. But the dollars is a place I can use to vent out my thoughts and ideas. It's a place where I can play devil's advocate, which I love doing, but can't since I'm too afraid of breaking of my shy nature. On the internet I can do that. I can help, hurt, and support people on the dollars. As aforementioned, being the devil's advocate means having to choose one of the three choices. And I do understand that my opinion doesn't matter and within a matter of days my comment will be gone for seemingly forever, but expressing my comment on the internet is less about being a sjw and more of doing things I can't do in real life, which is like magic to me.

10 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-28 07:35 ID:FPF/X+c5 [Del]

>>9 Vitaeu your comment almost pulled at my heartstrings.
I guess you should make this a topic for the weekly discussion: "How do you act online and how do you act offline"?
Just kidding.

However. I guess half of the people here have kind of a "pathetic life", otherwise we wouldn't have enough time for the internet.
Still, Vitaeu, you really disappointed me right now, I honestly thought you were part of a social justice movement here, since this site is getting so anti social lol
And thanks for defending me on the troll thread ^^