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The rebellion (19)

1 Name: Jaydon.A : 2017-09-25 11:10 ID:fofLR2zN [Del]

I feel that the dollars needs a rebellion
We need to group up and get our beloved site back from these fucking trolls who fuck everything up
I will be honest.
But I still the dollars to succeed not to be overtook by some trolls who dont care about out ideology and the message we desperately want to spread

If you agree let us start a rebellion and TAKE BACK THE ONCE GREAT DOLLARS

2 Name: Water The Toxic Savior!BgxF79hIoI : 2017-09-25 11:27 ID:wpV2xHkh [Del]

Chill. Lol.

3 Name: Jaydon.A : 2017-09-25 11:46 ID:fofLR2zN [Del]


4 Name: Water The Toxic Savior!BgxF79hIoI : 2017-09-25 11:56 ID:wpV2xHkh [Del]

Why, man?

What's on your mind?

5 Name: Jaydon.A : 2017-09-25 11:59 ID:fofLR2zN [Del]

Take a look around
I got a post on the front of main and its sticking for a bit
Just trying to shed the light of this places mishaps but people just
reject me
reject everything I present
to the point where I had to make some shitty rebbelion post on random to calm me from ranting for hours

6 Name: Water The Toxic Savior!BgxF79hIoI : 2017-09-25 12:29 ID:wpV2xHkh [Del]

I understand your feelings, bud. And I get where you're coming from. 🖤 I really do.

But, guy. There's nothing to rebel against:P And I mean that. I know you have a fire in your belly to do the right thing and really rein down justice from above and all that, the world can be a mean and nasty place. I've seen it for myself, and would do anything i could to neutralize all the unjust I see, but dollars isn't really like that. I'm sorry that you feel rejected and all that.

Think of Dollars like a nest. It's a place for people to just be, under the idea that we could make a difference if we really wanted to. Although, most find solace in the community aspect and nothing more. And there's nothing wrong with that.

I'm sure you're familiar with the anime? Well, if you look closely, only very few actually did anything outwardly. :P Most just kind of sat around and enjoyed the company of Dollars just by being involved with them. A good handful did take an initiative when it came to a matter of pressing consequences, and it shows that even on the site they weren't always the most gentle with each other. That's kind of how this is, right out from the gate.

I'm sure a life of vigilance and righteous judgment would be exciting, but, in reality, it's very damaging, and it puts you in a lot of compromising situations where you and your loved ones could get hurt, and as tough as you may be, after a while.. it tends get to you in ways that are critical to your mental and emotional well being.

Friend, everything is okay. Of that I promise you. You seem to have a zealotry and fire in your gut and it is as attractive as it is admirable. But there is a time and a place for that kind of thing. I'm sure you'll preform remarkably when the time comes got that kind of action.

But for now. Just chill. 🖤 and the people around you will grow to be comfortable with you, and rely on you when the time for that is needed.

No worries, man. Yeah?


7 Name: Vitaeu : 2017-09-25 17:04 ID:AW9WYtaR [Del]

>>6 well stated

8 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-25 19:01 ID:FPF/X+c5 [Del]

>fucking trolls who fuck everything up
Talking about me? lol

However. I simply told you that your thread would fit suggestions more than main, that was no trolling, it was stating the obvious.
I can't help when you feel offended.
Honestly, you were rather rebelling against me.

9 Name: James : 2017-09-25 20:03 ID:DJhMRzR5 [Del]

>>5 Are you referring to the thread you made about how we can improve the Dollars? I did not mean to offend you. After all, you were touching on an important topic. There was plenty of logic in placing the thread there, and Water the Toxic Savior is right, there is no need to start a rebellion.

I apologize for any way I may have contributed to hurting you. You seem like a great guy Jaydon.A. I would much rather be your friend than your enemy.

10 Name: Maimai : 2017-09-25 21:39 ID:STTOAL8t [Del]

i would rebel with you but against whom? everything water said is right.
learn to place your threads correctly and youll have no more problems. i read your thread on main and your english was so strange that i didnt understand your purpose. chose wiser words and nobody will think that you are a troll because trolls always use bad language.

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: Jaydon.A : 2017-09-26 08:26 ID:fofLR2zN (Image: 259x194 png, 56 kb) [Del]

src/1506432384543.png: 259x194, 56 kb
>>9 No need to apologise.
>>6 Thanks dude
>>8 Holy shit you picked up that I was directing this at you. God damn. I see you as the worst kind of troll, A troll that pisses me off for no reason (Pic Unrelated)

13 Name: jesuswasafag : 2017-09-27 13:15 ID:mYPvordL [Del]

anarchist movements never work
and isn't it contradictory, anyways?
anarchy is where there is no system, no organization, no movement; only chaos.
but to form it into a movement defeats the purpose, so aren't you anarchists all hypocrites for trying to organize yourself into some big thing called...wait for it.................the Dollars?

14 Name: knonk : 2017-09-27 15:50 ID:ULKYGBbw [Del]

>>13 Anarchy means just the absence of dominance or reign. Neither chaos nor disorganization. Just equality with no one above you.
Learn your Bakunin!

15 Name: Water The Toxic Savior!BgxF79hIoI : 2017-09-27 16:02 ID:wpV2xHkh (Image: 678x678 jpg, 211 kb) [Del]

src/1506546165732.jpg: 678x678, 211 kb

16 Name: Naga Sake !!LOWyrKpa : 2017-09-28 10:42 ID:rx6rdydI [Del]

>>15 is this an actual card? I don't think it is...

17 Name: Neko !yCAT0zCBw. : 2017-09-28 10:50 ID:JifZTX47 [Del]

It's a parody of "The Fool"

18 Name: VISION : 2017-09-29 06:26 ID:ZV7rfMwX [Del]


19 Name: Robotlix : 2017-09-29 10:40 ID:VK5xelGK [Del]

Make the dollars great again...