Dollars BBS | Random

















The Dollars Market (14)

1 Name: 707 : 2017-04-22 08:26 ID:9f4Ykrlp [Del]

Do you have something to sell or trade? Make your sales pitches here and advertise on this thread! Post your links and make deals! Just don't make it too illegal or inappropriate. And remember to stay safe while on the internet.

Try not to reveal too much personal info. It's probably against the rules.

2 Name: Taro : 2017-04-22 11:28 ID:2YCaoPxx [Del]

Does anyone know where I could find inside information for stocks? I know there was a mini recession but rates are slowly going back up and I missed the drop. The prices of stocks are still relatively low, so I went and bought a bunch, but I need to know which stocks will shoot up in the near future so I can go ahead and invest. Anyone?

3 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2017-04-23 12:21 ID:3Stws5Co [Del]

This is actually a cool thread idea. We do have something similar in Missions, but a specifically trade-related thread may be nice.

I'd advise against selling / buying directly, though. Maybe post links to your listings on other sites so nobody has to associate their shipping info with their usernames?

4 Name: 707 : 2017-04-23 16:40 ID:Ze0ITM6T [Del]

Yeah! I'm glad you agree! And I agree too with that rule. No selling/buying directly but posting links to other listings is a good idea.


5 Name: 707 : 2017-04-23 16:57 ID:zZUfDyhh [Del]

Yeah! I'm glad you agree! And I agree with your suggestion too.


6 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2017-04-23 17:08 ID:3Stws5Co [Del]

Try not to bump things that are already on the front page of a board o:

PS: You can't delete posts once your ID changes ;c
Best to check that it hasn't before you try to make an edit haha.

7 Name: 707 : 2017-04-23 17:23 ID:tcptqJeM [Del]

Yea something glitched bc I'm using a VPN and I tried to retype what I said how I remembered saying it

8 Name: 4040 : 2017-04-25 13:37 ID:GvhlP/Iq [Del]

This does not relate the thread objective (sorry about that) but I had to comment on the username 707. I find it really ironic that 707 doesn't understand much about stocks as evident by the April Fools but here I meet a user that seems to understand a great deal of these things. I would be happy to have the opportunity to get to talk to you more.

9 Name: >User_ : 2017-05-31 21:45 ID:a/FD3Suu [Del]

I recently came into possession of (meaning I won in a raffle) an 8x10 poster of the main characters from Magi. Three of the English voice actors as well as the director have signed it. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no interest in the Magi series. (I was at the panel for Darrel Guilbeau from DRRR. He also signed it btw) I am curious how much this would be worth it I would try to sell it. Or maybe if even any of you want it. Please respond!

10 Name: Naga Sake !6QjZgZusd. : 2017-05-31 22:43 ID:gsfVuywv [Del]

I know it's for sales pitches, But I'm actually looking to buy any galaxy warrior(Galaxy hero) figures, specifically baltard. If anyone has any such figures (galaxy warior, not masters of the universe) I'd love to hear about it.

I for one don't have much to sell...OH I GOT AN IDEA. How about a trade? I have one flashdrive here with Mystery contents (Nothing Illegal), I am willing to trade for something of simaler value, if anyone wants to trade, tell me, we can set something up.

11 Name: Young Leaf Mark !bfU1CGRc.o : 2017-06-02 20:39 ID:lK6tBgtN [Del]

whoa it's naga sake wtff. sorry very unrelated

12 Name: Easter Dave : 2017-06-03 03:37 ID:4LRHwJjN [Del]

Wow, this thread hasn't died yet!
I'd like to sell something as well. I was wondering if anyone is willing/knows someone who's willing to purchase email lists? I know some big companies and telemarketers will, but they usually are buying specific types of emails such as business or lawyer or important people emails, and usually there are long lists. But I'm wondering what smaller companies/people would be willing to buy shorter email lists targeted at a younger audience?

If anyone's interested or knows something, feel free to reply to this thread!

13 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-06-03 08:25 ID:P6lNEh07 [Del]

>>12 Like the dollars email list? ggwp

14 Name: Easter Dave : 2017-06-03 10:07 ID:IO/mHpl8 [Del]

Nice assumption, but no. Vendors typically sell real emails that will frequently be used for things like shopping, not emails that were set up specifically for a website never to be used again (in most cases). I'm now going to assume you don't know what an email list is, so I suggest using Google to find out.

A few helpful links: