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Your opinions on school (17)

1 Name: momochi : 2016-04-27 11:28 ID:4Y/395XG [Del]

Hey guys~!I was kinda curious to see what the dollars think about the current school system.I go to school everyday and think,will I really need this in life?I wanted to know if you guys think we should be teaching more valuable things rather than geometry.Like really.I don't think I will ever need the power of squares in life.Anyway,tell me~!

2 Name: firelily : 2016-04-27 11:52 ID:RadLnQWO [Del]

i think its a good idea but they go about it wrong. they should find out what ppl want to be and set their schedules so that they only have classes that they need, and not random BS classes that ppl will never use.

and Sr. year should be applied to real life corses (like how to pay taxes, rent, ect. where to buy books, how to do a resume, and how to choose what school they should go to.)

but schools dont do this, stressing people out, and making people hate it, cus currently it is a waste of time.

3 Name: Neko !CAT7JzNTRI : 2016-04-27 11:55 ID:t4X6QyKr [Del]

In America, schools are basically political battlegrounds.
In Asia, schools are basically detention facilities.

4 Name: Xelon : 2016-04-27 12:18 ID:Yp/iP1QX [Del]

Here in the UK i have only met people who are stressed in College.
currently, although it varies by school, in our high schools the first 2/3 years are set. you will do It, Art, Geography, History and a Language (Spanish/French for most, German/Italian also options for others). after that you get to choose different courses. my timetable was Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Maths, English, R.E, French, P.E and Form (basically a personal development lesson where you look at things like CV building).

then we go to college, where you take 3/4 courses first year then 2/3 second year, depending on what you take.

after that you either get an Apprenticeship (i think Americans call it being an Intern), go into full time work, or go onto University.

5 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2016-04-27 12:29 ID:cYaqhYUM [Del]

In America HS is free, teachers are underpaid, classrooms underfunded, overcrowded (because budget cuts lead to schools closing) and it basically sucks. In college you pay and you get a nice big library, a pretty campus, good teachers with proper degrees and training for teaching, and it's pretty decent. And then there's Bernie Sanders who says college should also be free and therefore as shitty as HS. Yep, that's America for you, just throwing common sense out the window.

6 Name: firelily : 2016-04-27 12:42 ID:RadLnQWO [Del]

>>4 sounds like a dream 0_0
what is R.E. tho?

7 Name: momochi : 2016-04-27 13:32 ID:4Y/395XG [Del]

That's pretty interesting actually.I haven't looked at it that way.Thanks guys!

8 Name: Minako !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2016-04-27 14:23 ID:76WwDZEx [Del]

I kinda agree. Most of the stuff they teach at school is not used for everyday tasks or jobs.

9 Name: Joy : 2016-04-28 02:26 ID:wKU81wup [Del]

School's suck (at least in my country). I love my college life at the present.

10 Name: Mondai !AbyssUIznE : 2016-04-28 04:01 ID:RJlC2CYy [Del]

School, sleep and mess around until you pass with good grades.

11 Name: CLAY !edDj4vQpdM : 2016-04-28 06:40 ID:nD7Qd9el [Del]

hmm, my school (year 10 new zealand (junior high)) has this new system... it's basically pretty similar to grade school. we have three periods of 100 minutes per day, and at least one of the periods will be spent in an 'AL class' where we learn basics like maths and english through certain topics. however, we've only actually had like... three sessions dedicated to maths so far, which is kinda sad...

the other periods are split in three 'ICI' classes of our choice. these are classes for subjects like dance, arts, sports (we do PE in AL too), and languages.

personally, i'm not a very big fan of this system, partially because i grew up reading american comics where stuff was actually taught in class. our AL classes are huge; there are five for each year level, and each class has 60 people (three-four teachers at any time), and a lot of the time, people don't focus in class, slowing others down. like, in the rare times when we do do maths, it's stuff that i learnt in primary school, but we go over it again because the classes are so big. actually, i find AL to be so unenjoyable that i like the PE aspect of it the most, even though i'm ultra unsporty.

another thing is that we generally don't get homework. i think this only applies to my AL class, since my friend from another class gets weekly maths homework. anyway, we do 'home learning' instead, which is just finishing stuff from school... one time we got maths homework, that was pretty cool.

anyway, this AL system isn't the norm in new zealand. i think my school's one of the first to use it. but i don't really like it (also this ended up being really long sorry)

12 Name: Io : 2016-04-28 07:05 ID:gbCUf4M+ [Del]

I'm gonna try break the negativity and say that I actually quite like the schooling system here in Australia. It's just slightly too competitive for my liking but still quite enjoyable.

As for all the useless stuff you learn, once you get into uni and start concentrating your studies in a single field you'll realise how fundamental they really are. Fair to say that anything you don't carry over in your studies is pretty much useless though.

13 Name: Party Poison !uucIbqjoOQ : 2016-04-28 07:18 ID:W2D0JBIN [Del]

Honestly you really won't need a lot of it. But the point of highschool nowadays is to see more how you react to workloads and teach you time management and how to complete tasks.

14 Name: Remus : 2016-04-29 03:18 ID:BicxhPLp [Del]

My high school is flat broke, and we just got turf fields installed. America! Sports! Screw education! Sports!

15 Name: janna : 2016-04-30 14:32 ID:nOaxja+i [Del]


That would be all.

16 Name: Nothing : 2016-04-30 19:20 ID:FdxJ22Td [Del]

The school exist to control your mind and so you can become a puppet. Whatever the entire world is controlled by corupt and greed adults. All the humanity are nothing but puppets.

17 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-04-30 20:02 ID:Qz8k334W [Del]

>>16 lerminerty cernfermed