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Your Philosophy? (24)

1 Name: Enigami : 2016-03-08 19:53 ID:c3/9yR0O [Del]

So I would like to know what ideological systems and concepts you guys subscribe to. Use as much or as little detail as you feel comfortable with, and as always, if a thread like this already exists, just sage.

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-03-08 20:01 ID:Qz8k334W [Del]

I shared this last night. I believe if everyone could just agree to this, and only this, the world would be a much better place.

Towering Mountains of Ignorance

3 Name: Kurosuke : 2016-03-08 20:05 ID:Wg0xt9gD [Del]

sometimes.. religions makes your belief shit..

I used to be religious, until everything I think is right is seemingly sinful..


right now.. you could call me Agnostic..

i believe in the existence of a creator.. but i have no comments about it.

4 Name: Kurosuke : 2016-03-08 20:27 ID:Wg0xt9gD [Del]


"Nobody's opinions are correct"

"Thing that is definitely true, the truest thing i can say, which is that



5 Name: Rewop : 2016-03-09 10:08 ID:agOvR6Xa [Del]

In a general sense, I support Capitalism (some regulations) and obviously Democracy. I am a Christian and a conservative (in the American political sense).

More personal, my philosophy would be power. Just power, as in all things are power and power is everything.

Also, >>2 that was a cool video. It was funny and interesting.

6 Name: Kazu Hiyori : 2016-03-09 13:07 ID:Z5SCQnk1 [Del]

I believe that if there was a high being governing the everyday arbitrary and celestial aspects of life and nature and such, it'd be the earth. Seeing as though it is technically a living creature.

With that being said, I subscribe to no religion, but I am a skeptical atheist. I don't discredit most theories (unless its scientology.... no offense to those who are part of that denomination) and I question everything. I question science, I question philosphies, I question religion.

I believe that the only way I can ever legitimately believe in anything is if I see it with my own four eyes (I wear glasses). And that the only way I know I exist is because I know and can hear my own thoughts. Until I can read minds or exercise telepathy, all of you are figments of my own augmented reality.

I still love all of you though... even if you aren't real lol

7 Name: firefly : 2016-03-09 21:13 ID:yRZGLHem [Del]

this seems like a cool thread so I'm going to ramble on ideologies.....

So many coincidences happened up to now to make life possible on earth and even more for the evolution of man to proceed the way that it did- it's like a fucking miracle

The question I keep ending up with is: What is more believable, a never ending string of coincidences or that there is a force, something, making all these events happen?

I can't really label myself as agnostic or atheist because I just like to exist in that uncertainty, at least for now.

8 Name: firefly : 2016-03-09 21:19 ID:yRZGLHem [Del]

@kaza hiyori

although i don't think you need to see things with your eyes for it to be real..
I did enjoy reading that we are all part of your imagination.

~your imaginary peeps appreciate the love

and you're right in the sense that your perception of others are "figments of your own augmented reality" since technically, nothing is objective.

9 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-03-09 21:31 ID:Qz8k334W [Del]

>>8 Didja check out the video I shared? you may enjoy it.

10 Name: firefly : 2016-03-09 22:34 ID:yRZGLHem [Del]

i just did.. that guy is awesome

it's nice to see really smart people say that there's no answer to everything and that no one's opinion is correct.

11 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-03-09 22:51 ID:neB2yve+ [Del]

I'll bite-- Life is life. It just does as life does.

I like to think the universe exists on an infinite cycle. Planets and other masses beyond our understanding are constantly being formed and lost, and life is evolving in its own way on every one. I wouldn't be surprised if humans (along with all other species of animals we do and don't know of) have evolved and gone extinct millions of times.

I don't think we're special. I don't think we're a miracle. We just exist the same way anything else does, and soon enough, we'll stop existing along with the rest of them.

That doesn't mean life is pointless or that you shouldn't have morals. You should still make an effort to be useful to the society you live in, in a way that allows you to feel your preferred emotions on a regular basis, but you're ultimately insignificant to the universe at large.

There is no conscious god watching and judging your every move. Nothing important cares about you except your own ego and maybe some humans you've crossed paths with. You're not even an actor in life's theatre, just a [thing] experiencing life as it goes, and that's okay.

12 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-03-09 23:00 ID:qHG0BFX/ [Del]

Chiming in.

Life is a falling star, existence is a passing cloud.
Those who say eternal paradise should get a reality check. No life can handle eternity. At least their minds would crumble down until nothing is left, which pretty much mean eternity is a punishment. Happy paradise my ass.

13 Name: Zero : 2016-03-10 00:16 ID:ZIac781V [Del]

We are equal to every other life form on earth and insignificant to the universe there is no proper end nor was there ever a proper beginning

14 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-10 00:59 ID:8Mmeswz4 [Del]

Shit happens, deal with it.
If there's an afterlife, great!

15 Name: jill : 2016-03-10 17:51 ID:YnHEIk3T [Del]

Life has no meaning. People create their own meanings just to make their life more meaningful. Any living beings would die someday and all things would someday rust or break. So infinity is just an illusion that people created to feel content.

16 Name: Nuko-Neko : 2016-03-12 03:40 ID:yoBNwDWD [Del]

We have so little time why get mad when you laugh why get sad when you smile and why hold onto a grudge when you can let go

17 Name: Kurosuke !ZhEadTxef6 : 2016-03-12 04:26 ID:hpm8Wqk6 [Del]

chaos theory..


18 Name: UScitizen457 : 2016-03-13 21:55 ID:p4V/NprV [Del]

Life is life.
One should treat others how they wish to be treated.
There was a god, but no longer will this god help us today.
The only way to change the future is to change it yourself.
Do wha you think is right.

19 Name: Mavis : 2016-03-14 19:51 ID:uPecKmRm [Del]

Enjoy life to the fullest and don't let others criticize your life style, everyone has their own opinion so stick with yours.

20 Name: Speaking Sister : 2016-05-02 17:20 ID:Nzbz6SCW [Del]

I am a Solipsist. Come at me

21 Name: Remus : 2016-05-02 18:07 ID:TPKfiJf2 [Del]

TFW you realize you're either the only solipsist, or you're wrong.

22 Name: Fujinuma !QFpR/dYZUE : 2016-05-08 20:06 ID:pFqHctTd [Del]

>>5 pulls out financial systems and then proceeds to say (in parentheses) that he actually supports a command economy.

I'm partial to Kierkegaard with existentialism, however, I don't think that any one philosophy is completely correct all of the time.

23 Name: Tired : 2016-05-09 00:40 ID:C9x9hmn1 [Del]

I believe that there is probably no "reason" why we exist. No ultimate goal in life, UNLESS you choose to set one for yourself. That's why I live purely for my enjoyment. I do what I want so long as it does not involve harm or endagerment of others or myself.

24 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2021-05-28 12:25 ID:vml5Q2DX [Del]
