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What's In A Name? (132)

1 Name: Enigami : 2016-01-20 06:58 ID:vBvcjWZt [Del]

Couldn't find a thread like this, so I decided to make one. If someone knows of one, just sage.
So, I'm curious: what made you guys choose the names you all decided to go by on here? What is the significance, if any, behind your monicker?
Here's mine: Enigami is just "imagine" backwards. It also kinda sounds like a portmanteau of "origami" and "enigma", so there's that.
What about the rest of you?

2 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-01-20 07:02 ID:4SMybE6x [Del]

Of all the languages I speak the japanese one for cat sounds nicest so.

3 Name: Lurker !TPWlrPZQIg : 2016-01-20 07:49 ID:xnN+L7GO (Image: 1002x600 jpg, 167 kb) [Del]

src/1453297777208.jpg: 1002x600, 167 kb
My Queen bred me to burrow under the ground, ready to decimate her enemies with my many spines.

4 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2016-01-20 08:00 ID:O4jyp9k2 [Del]

This thread actually does exist already.

It's a bit oddly named, though, so I can hardly blame you for not finding it.

5 Name: FindMuck : 2016-01-20 08:08 ID:Qz8k334W [Del]

Revive it?

6 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2016-01-20 08:14 ID:O4jyp9k2 [Del]

Probably a good idea.

7 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-01-20 08:25 ID:4SMybE6x [Del]

Actually, let's just use this one.
The title sounds better.

8 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2016-01-20 09:26 ID:O4jyp9k2 [Del]

I'm actually pretty fond of the old one. It's got most pf the older members on it and it seems to be one of the oldest threads on the BBS. It's pretty interesting to read through.

But if we're deciding to keep this one:

"My old name, ShotaroKaneda, came from the film Akira, which I was obsessed with at the time. In fact, I'd been using that name on a lot of random sites, so it was just the first thing that popped into my brain when I found this place.

Neige is the stage name of the guitarist and vocalist for a two-piece French Shoegaze band called Alcest. He's one of my idols, and I think that "Neige" just sounds cool, so yeah."

I'm so original.

9 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-01-20 09:48 ID:eu5m4X5O [Del]

Eh, might as well. "NZ" is "New Zealand", "pie" was my favourite food when I was 9, "face" is where the pie goes.

10 Name: Raseruuu : 2016-01-20 10:06 ID:FJ3ZAyM0 [Del]

Very interesting names, you all!
Raseru is the base form of my handle. I add a random number of [u]'s just for fun.
It's japanese-ish pronunciation of my original name...
which is Russel. :)

11 Name: jill : 2016-01-20 10:14 ID:M0VS/0H2 [Del]

I really don't have a nickname. Everyone from school has one. One day, my family went to a bank to create individual accounts and was asked for a nickname. So my mother just thought of it and called me 'jill'. No one really calls me that but I'm really fond with that nickname.

12 Name: Abziiee : 2016-01-20 16:14 ID:yvSiPODP [Del]

The first two letters of Abziiee are the first two letters of my original name i love "z" sound in names and the double "i" feels girly and sweet cute to me and and double "e" is to make it sound like "abzee" as in ..umm ...well "fruity" "baby" ughh im tripping

13 Name: Aster : 2016-01-20 16:36 ID:Zn1hzHvU (Image: 500x332 jpg, 246 kb) [Del]

src/1453329367631.jpg: 500x332, 246 kb
Asters are some pretty star-shaped flowers that bloom in autumn. I was born in Autumn and I love those flowers for their bright colors. Then, in the flower language, Asters mean light and happiness, which describe my (very) extroverted personality. They can also mean unpredictability, as I love pulling pranks and scare my friends when they don't know I'm behind them. :D

14 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2016-01-20 18:08 ID:GJo1gHJ3 [Del]

Lovely is a character I created in 7th grade. When I was making her I thought, "Why not make someone who is everything I'm not?!" So then came Lovely. I mean the word itselfisn't me at all, but it is exactly what I want to be. Everything she is, I have tried to embody, so in many ways I find myself to be absolutely phony. She is basically the perfect woman in my eyes: Extremely beautiful, guys love her, she is capable of anything and everything, super social, perceived as dumb but is absolutely smart, loves everyone and is caring, talented, interesting, profound, etc. Think opposite of me.

I basically created her so I could feel good about myself and when I put it that way it seems kind of shitty lol.

15 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-01-20 19:07 ID:eZpmrfxZ (Image: 1912x1078 jpg, 148 kb) [Del]

src/1453338456065.jpg: 1912x1078, 148 kb
I actually got it from the anime gugure kokkuri-san and I thought I matched the character 100% irl lol. I still do >.>

But more symbolically~ people summon spirits to communicate about things, their future, something their confused, etc etc! I like giving advice and putting out little quotes so what better name to suit then this ^_-

16 Name: JamJam : 2016-01-21 00:14 ID:RC9CKzO9 [Del]

My name is a nickname given by my online friend Tenshipie :3
My LINE name was Jamin at first, (which means BTS Jimin + Jams XD)but since Tenshi gave us nicknames, she gave me JamJam. And I lov ethat nickname.

17 Name: jill : 2016-01-21 07:03 ID:JRjXpqOh [Del]

>>14 You just basically describe my life before I turned into otaku. Now I'm just weird.

18 Name: Matsuyoma !NQnBqyrhIU : 2016-01-21 10:26 ID:HRxzWXI0 [Del]

Well, mine is a degradation of the word 'Matsuyama', a city famous for its onsen. Also, I thought that I'd use this name in real life once I've moved to Japan, so it had a twofold purpose.

19 Name: Tanaka !k3JBVU3XfE : 2016-01-21 10:33 ID:YroUi2ve [Del]

My name is something I've been using for a while as a username tor things, just made sense.

20 Name: Reyshi : 2016-01-21 10:48 ID:qnvTeKzg [Del]

I wish i could remember why i chose this nickname but everyone calls me like this so i don't really mind if i don't remember, i like it.

21 Name: illupo3450 : 2016-01-21 11:05 ID:r5DW74Lg [Del]

People say I have the personality, both good and bad, and brains of a wolf (I also wear a wolf ring and pendant from occasion to occasion), I am italian american, and the digits are the last four numbers of my elementary lunch number. So Il (the) lupo (wolf) 3450. Oh and I am a butcher so it fits good.

22 Name: KuroNegati : 2016-01-21 13:23 ID:XQUAb0B6 [Del]

Kuro (Black) is Japanese, obvsly, Negati (Negative; Denied) is Itallian, and I am polylingual so...

23 Name: Captain !RveDGKcqlE : 2016-01-21 16:22 ID:/6iA9T9W [Del]

My name is short for Captain Idiot. It was a nickname at school used to show I was the captain of a bunch of idiots aka my class. Ever since, it's just been stuck with me.

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25 Name: Karma : 2016-01-21 18:56 ID:gVp3PDsy [Del]

I'm the most spiteful person I know. Several times kids from another table at lunch kept taking our chairs, so I gathered 20 chairs and crammed it around their table, leaving an note reading "is this enough chairs for you?" That's one example of my namesake. I have a few more, too.

26 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-01-21 19:44 ID:eu5m4X5O [Del]

>>25 Wow, I want to do that O.O

27 Name: KuroNegati : 2016-01-22 09:51 ID:XQUAb0B6 [Del]

>>25 Do I sense an Assassination Classroom reference?

28 Name: burnt !o8p9T3E4pc : 2016-01-23 14:53 ID:yPzK2GWN [Del]

My name comes from the test board where I was gonna call myself burny (not for a real reason mind you, but it did remind me if the name Burnie when I typed it). However, when I hit space for tripcode it auto-corrected to "burnt" and it just stuck (mostly because I wanted to keep my tripcode and wasn't sure if changing the name affected it). This leaves me with the unfortunate problem if having a dollars e-mail that sounds like I'm part of some strange group (burnt.dollars sounds like something politically charged us what I mean), so I've held off on it for the time being.

29 Name: Tree !p4.oUl2qF2 : 2016-01-23 16:33 ID:0zvgJ4VT [Del]

In the original thread i am post 392 n here's what i said then, "Tree was the first thing that popped into my head when i found this site. i lurked and didn't notice anybody else with it so i took it for myself. Thus this Tree was born. i don't know if i'm a fruit tree though, maybe i'll find out this summer or fall."
well That was in April of last year, and i found out what kind of Tree I am now, i am a tree of phrases and symbolism, a tree of emotions and of fruits when It is time. Yes, I am the Tree of everything, yet i'm also the Tree of nothing.

30 Name: Shiori : 2016-01-23 17:50 ID:JBVtC0fC [Del]

I actually got mine from a fantasy name generator lol. I really like names that are fantasy-like. I jotted down my favourite ones and then chose Shiori cause I liked that one best :)

31 Name: Ayumi nakada : 2016-01-25 07:53 ID:8zbr+k/W [Del]

>>1 ok well now I feel really stupid for not realizing that
Once I started studying Japanese I realized it would be a lot easier to make my own Japanese name rather than spell out my English name with the Japanese characters it was long and didn't really work well so I made this one up I like the way it sounds I debated about the name kenji for a while too

32 Name: Sara : 2016-01-25 08:11 ID:gZ2s2FT6 [Del]

This is my original name it means queen in Hebrew,I am attached to this name

33 Name: Enigami : 2016-01-25 08:44 ID:c3/9yR0O [Del]

>>31 I wouldn't say it's overtly obvious, so don't feel stupid about it :p
And that's not a bad way to go about your name, making your own in a new language. S'neat.

34 Name: Transfusion : 2016-01-25 11:40 ID:l0lNAdJQ [Del]

I stuck with transfusion because the term transfuse means to move from one to another. It doesn't have to be blood,it can be anything from love to knowledge. I'm here to receive some feeback and to give a bit of what i know to others, ergo i stick with Transfusion.

35 Name: Captain !RveDGKcqlE : 2016-01-25 12:25 ID:T+7zyarK [Del]

whoa. How far you've come

36 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2016-01-25 14:59 ID:0TBxo+Qe [Del]

I posted this in the older thread too, but my name is just the title of the song I was listening to when I decided to first post to the BBS all those years ago

37 Name: ZeroChillstorm : 2016-01-25 15:25 ID:y3O7ZU6r (Image: 455x600 png, 248 kb) [Del]

src/1453757103823.png: 455x600, 248 kb
My name is the name of an original character I made. He's an ice dragon slayer

38 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2016-01-25 16:36 ID:9ZOxN7RB [Del]

Mine's incredibly loosely based off of my actual name, well with a few derivatives off something my name could be short for, 'le~.

39 Name: Kuudere : 2016-01-25 18:22 ID:rqomCA2g [Del]

I took 30 quizzes and 26 of them said I was a Kuudere. I told my friends and since then our nicknames have been our respective deres.

40 Name: Lux : 2016-01-25 18:36 ID:r/z+dnMP [Del]

Lux means "Light" in Latin. I believed/believe i could bring light to this community.

41 Name: Tree !p4.oUl2qF2 : 2016-01-25 19:11 ID:0zvgJ4VT [Del]

Why thank you, Captain.

42 Name: Invisible : 2016-01-25 20:37 ID:YsiKG7wo [Del]

I'm new and just picked "Invisible" because it felt right. It's who I am IRL, I am always around but never noticeable. I might change my username later, and if so it will probably be some variation of my most common online alias. I'll explain that one too, cause why not.
Kit Ophie VinnSlakte.
Kit is similar to my real name and my nickname, but has a stronger sound to it. Ophie is derived from Ophelia, my favorite character from my favorite play (Hamlet). VinnSlakte is a last name I chose by taking words and putting them through google translate, then putting them together to sound like it might actually be a name. Vinn- win Slakt- slaughter. It's a reference to the violent monster in my mind, one nobody would probably understand. but I'm fine with that.
:P anyway, those are my names! :)

43 Name: Xelon : 2016-01-26 03:58 ID:bF1SwgNa [Del]

my name with an X in it, because online im just nobody
not in an emo sense of "im just nobody" but in an anonymous sense of "i am nobody"
i only use it for message boards, and i haven't made some kind of super dumb OC alternate me who is a nobody self insert in the Kingdom hearts universe but thats the source

44 Name: Gadaky : 2016-01-26 07:58 ID:CPXZ4x3z [Del]

My nick it's a composition of all the nicknames people used to call me and a rapresentation of my life since each nick was used in a particoular period
so is
Ga-sol: the time holder(the first nick i ever had);
Da-ylan: the present fighter (favorite char of my favorite book, and second nick ever);
K-ida: the wannabe (friends usend to call me after masaomi becouse we were similar someway).
so all tougheter becomes Gadaky

45 Name: Drifting Whisper : 2016-01-26 10:48 ID:abpKanV8 [Del]

Most of my names are simply the first thing that comes to mind when I decide to use a new name. This is no exception.

46 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2016-01-26 15:05 ID:pmz8lo6w [Del]

My organs and bones are inside me.

Also, I was like 12 or 13 when I first came here so I just didn't care.

47 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2016-01-26 15:48 ID:0TBxo+Qe [Del]


48 Name: Shad0wLord : 2016-01-26 15:56 ID:Ix36NS9f [Del]

Long time ago i was playing an internet game where you basicly create a clan and compete with other clans , the clan i was in was called Shad0w Ninja Clan and since i later became one of its leaders people on the game started calling me Shad0wLord , as the time passed by i started to like it so i started using it on other games and forums etc

49 Name: Kibou : 2016-01-26 22:13 ID:LuqYd+Im [Del]

Kibou = Hope.
Based on a post on tumblr which said that hope was that demon who haunts you whenever you are trying to achieve your dreams.

Also these are actual meanings for it:

*Expect with confidence.
To cherish a desire with anticipation.
Is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.
*To trust in, wait for, look for, or desire something or someone; or to expect something beneficial in the future.

Those with the asterisk, are how I actually am...
Close people to me are always expecting something good for me & to be confidente.
I do not feel that "awesome" as my little cousins tell me.
I can be trusted.

50 Name: Albatross !rGAmYmdMhE : 2016-01-26 22:53 ID:yVl1EShk [Del]

An Albatross is a sea bird that kind of looks like a big seagull. There's a restaurant called 'The Albatross' that I used to go to when I was small. It is a good omen to see an albatross when you are out at sea, but a bad omen if you shoot it. It's also a metaphor.

51 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-01-27 01:41 ID:fyf6Hszy [Del]

>>46 >>47 I suddenly feel like I'm an idiot that can't understand what a 12 y/o is thinking

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55 Name: The Fear : 2016-03-02 15:28 ID:A2iyUYAA [Del]

I chose this because it was one of my biggest emotion a while ago, but now I only use it for the dollars web.

56 Name: Guardian : 2016-03-02 16:24 ID:HORMX0l2 [Del]

It was my gamer tag over on the Xbox for a while and it kinda stuck

57 Name: Rewop : 2016-03-03 07:32 ID:agOvR6Xa [Del]

Rewop is power backwards, similar style to >>1

In middle school, stuff happened, and I only spoke when I absolutely had to, doing the bare minimum of anything and everything. Instead of normality, I threw ideas and thoughts around in my head for 3 years. I came to the conclusion that everything and anything is a form of power in one way or another, and thus power is everything. While I'm not planning on going crazy (or crazier) with power, I do want as much as I can get.

tl;dr - Atoms are to space as power is to society

58 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-03-03 08:11 ID:79Z5UExc [Del]

>>57 A hydrogen atom is about 99.9999999999996% empty space. ^_^

59 Name: Rewop : 2016-03-03 08:55 ID:agOvR6Xa [Del]

>>58 Meh. I'll think of a new analogy later.

60 Name: Rewop : 2016-03-03 16:39 ID:agOvR6Xa [Del]

I got it; Just as cells make up all parts of the human body, power makes up all of society.

Still kinda unsatisfied, but it'll do

61 Name: Robo !5lMucx4OC2 : 2016-03-04 14:13 ID:tecdmF7L [Del]

Bump because spam

62 Name: SaintDj : 2016-03-04 15:44 ID:go7EzdtP [Del]

Mine Is SaintDj because When I first got an Xbox I had saint in my name and now most people who I know made my nickname into saint afterwards. The Dj part is just 2 of my initials.

63 Name: shade_98 !QZfI81uIuY : 2016-03-04 16:04 ID:mv6EuIxS [Del]

I chose shade_98 because of the way I am. Not because I'm a shady person but because I like to "live life in the shadows"(personal reasons, not gonna explain them here). I came up with shade because it means basically the same as shadow and also because the color of a shadow is a shade of black. The 98 is the year I was born.

64 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-04 16:41 ID:8Mmeswz4 [Del]

>>62 You have the best fucking initials ever

65 Name: 46-Inu !2g2bA0WKo6 : 2016-03-04 17:44 ID:4oWibTh9 [Del]

I chose my username to coincide with my friend's usename.
46 can be translated to the japanese numbers shi and roku, further simplified into shiro (white). Inu translates to dog. So my username essentially is a play on "white dog" to my friend's "black cat"

66 Name: Rora-chan !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-03-04 17:59 ID:22YXh6lM [Del]

Mine is so simple lol. "Rora" is the way Japanese would pronounce my real name (so much for anonymity), and "-chan" because it has a nice ring to it. So lame, I know.

67 Name: Sketchy!Fh9VWqI.X2 : 2016-03-04 18:35 ID:Z5J+c/Jx [Del]

My friends think I'm a suspicious person, I also like to draw.
That's about as interesting as this gets sorry~

68 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-03-04 19:55 ID:Hh1MP1eF [Del]

Botched on the pronunciation of Rakugoka, and just kept it this way.

69 Name: KurosukeAucren : 2016-03-04 21:15 ID:Pp+LxgWL [Del]

well, mine is my favorite Character in K and the other half is my lastname :)

most of us here might be the same.. you know anime lovers..

70 Name: KurosukeAucren : 2016-03-04 21:24 ID:Pp+LxgWL [Del]

by the way, i like your name..

71 Name: OroseC !puodSbGaRU : 2016-03-15 14:28 ID:ch6863N1 [Del]

Mine is pretty much my real name. My first name starts with "O", my middle name is Rose, and my last name starts with "C". OroseC!

72 Name: Anonymous : 2016-03-15 15:42 ID:2WQs/F1I [Del]


73 Name: Solve : 2016-03-15 15:45 ID:2WQs/F1I [Del]

I just solve. Be it maths, science or otherwise. If I couldn't solve my existence would be even more futile than it already is. I learn and I solve. Simple as that.

74 Name: UScitizen457 : 2016-03-15 16:37 ID:kXfTSpX7 [Del]

I am a United States of America Citizen and I just like the numbers 4, 5, and 7 for no real reason. Kind of just stuck over time.

75 Name: ixpizel : 2016-03-15 19:22 ID:Fu+r1j3X [Del]

I just wanted something unique and cool sounding, so I experimented with sounds and put together the ones I liked the best ^^

76 Name: m00t : 2016-03-15 20:28 ID:IoKgAobL [Del]

been using this name for a long time now, no need to change.

77 Name: Mendicant Bias : 2016-03-15 21:05 ID:hiF79LNW [Del]

Because i like the name, also is the name of videogame character which i like.

78 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-03-15 21:23 ID:UHcmrlqF [Del]

I chose mine randomly. Don't even know where I got the idea from, but I guess it works.

79 Name: Nemesis : 2016-03-15 22:09 ID:gVp3PDsy [Del]

Soooooooo many enemies

80 Name: Khris2512 : 2016-03-16 14:16 ID:uNqzqX1g [Del]

My real name is christy but it sound like it should start with a k.
I just like the numbers 2512

81 Name: Jin Junko : 2016-03-16 15:56 ID:s4tYcKLm [Del]

I sort of just played around with my real name. That's basically about it tbh

82 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-05-06 00:37 ID:Qz8k334W (Image: 409x409 jpg, 19 kb) [Del]

src/1462513066569.jpg: 409x409, 19 kb
Mr. Eff

83 Name: E. : 2016-05-06 01:01 ID:+1bkIYXI [Del]

Mine is just my initial. Lame? I know. Haha -.-

84 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-06 01:22 ID:zjBmofOR [Del]

>>82 your trip code.. it took me while to realize XD

85 Name: Mondai !AbyssUIznE : 2016-05-06 07:17 ID:RJlC2CYy [Del]

Mondai means 'problem' in Japanese and I had a thing for Mondaiji-tachi for a while so it stuck.

86 Name: Aloe : 2016-05-06 07:36 ID:ShTG4hHl [Del]

When I was choosing a name, I chose a random word around me and there just so happened to be some Aloe Germ X right next to my computer.... It's still there actually.

87 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2016-05-06 10:36 ID:cYaqhYUM [Del]

There are two reasons I went with Nyanka:
1.) Nyanko means kitty and then I changed the O to an A to make it sound more feminine (it didn't work).
2.) Nyan means meow and ka denotes mastery over a subject and therefore Nyanka literally means MeowMaster.

88 Name: Nyet_ : 2016-05-07 13:06 ID:Jz6y2jD8 [Del]

I was talking to my online friends and jokingly said 'Nyet' ('No' in Russian) and I was like "wow that's a great nickname hurhur lel"

89 Name: RikkaChi : 2016-05-07 16:00 ID:YvKCqNXH [Del]

I like drawing characters and I made one where something happened so there was an entirely different person in their conscious. So Saki Reni was living in Rikka Natashi's mind and could control Rikka as long as she was focused on Saki escaping.
Sorry for the bad explination.
Anyways I liked Rikka and decided to add Chi to the end of it because why not?

90 Name: Minako : 2016-05-07 21:54 ID:B4Zfq3rk [Del]

Thanks for asking! My name comes from a japanese female name meaning beauty, child, and unknown. I chose it because I found the name unique to me. Also, it is the name I would want if I was Japanese.

91 Name: Tired : 2016-05-09 00:43 ID:C9x9hmn1 [Del]

I usually only check out the site between the hours of 12:00 and 4:00 a.m.

92 Name: Ghostrick!62l361pwAI : 2016-05-09 05:23 ID:ez4KI+MW [Del]

I really, REALLY, like the Ghostrick archetype from the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG

93 Name: Kurobane : 2016-05-09 05:33 ID:6E4EDoC6 [Del]

Mine is Japanese for black feather and I got it from the anime Charlotte (which is good if you wanna go on a feels trip).

94 Name: Sarena : 2016-05-09 15:38 ID:5gaq8GG1 [Del]

My name just came out of nowhere. I thought about letters which I thought would look good together and stuck with it.

95 Name: Ryuuga : 2016-05-09 18:20 ID:44DrF7M+ [Del]

Well... Mine is just a random one with keeping only the first letter of my name.

96 Name: Saika !tch76cNfSY : 2016-05-09 19:05 ID:PK/OzLSe [Del]

Well.... some might think I'm not that original with my name haha. I mean, it's "saika", which is literally directly from Durarara. But that's not really the reason. There's a game called "Deemo" where a young girl meets a creature named Deemo. Deemo loves playing the piano and the girl loves to listen to him play and although they never speak to each other, the two form an unbreakable bond. "Saika" is one of the hidden songs that is found in the game and in my opinion, one of the most beautiful. This then, of course, led to my name.

97 Name: Sarena : 2016-05-09 20:30 ID:m98cr6a+ [Del]


I've played Deemo before. Saika was a pretty good song. I loved how the middle of the song completely changed the game for the rest.

98 Name: CloudStrife : 2016-05-10 21:57 ID:SY0ikbNc [Del]

simple. mine is off of a main character from FF7

99 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-11 00:04 ID:FN6oZ3O/ [Del]

>>98 Really? I didn't know it was that obvious...

100 Name: Zan Kizuna : 2016-05-15 08:15 ID:vaxS/aEQ [Del]

troloolololol my name is Zan Kizuna.
It's a name of a character of mine (coz I wanna make manga) that can cut absolutely anything, supposedly...
The name's composed of words in Japanese:
Zan = Cutting
Kizuna = Bonds
well, Zan coz I love swords,
Kizuna, coz well... any bond can be cut by him, even the bonds of friendship.. and so he is sort of a side-character to the manga I sort of wanna make :P

101 Name: MostModest !eIZM0zi3QM : 2016-05-15 10:06 ID:aTk/zb1y [Del]

Been using this since 2012 or so on Kongregate. It started as a random punny nickname for an alt and it just kinda stuck with me over the years. I think I just chose it because of the cool oxymoron, and now I just keep it because I like the joke and I have a big ego :P

102 Name: Azarel : 2016-05-15 11:58 ID:EVhdkbsI [Del]

The name i got as you can see is Azarel~ I took this name because in Jew-christian religion it is a angel of death and it means "god is helping". I really like religion and such so i took it~!

103 Name: Ozymandias : 2016-05-15 16:54 ID:p709JZJ6 [Del]

favorite poem. it's by percy bysshe shelley

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

104 Name: Eris : 2016-05-16 18:26 ID:ukvqO5/S [Del]

From the Greek goddess of discord. I'm super into mythology and I know there are a ton of other well-known deities, but for some reason I always really liked Eris even as a kid.

105 Name: Noodledacat : 2016-05-17 09:37 ID:Ur0NvHhj [Del]

I bought a stuffed cat and named it noodle (I looked up good cat names and noodle came up so, ya) also the da part instead of the just cause

106 Name: Dr Madori : 2016-05-18 13:19 ID:IL6vcbFf [Del]

it's a play on my actual name.

107 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2018-10-24 04:06 ID:501NGiDK [Del]


108 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2019-07-10 06:31 ID:yxKoMQiF [Del]


109 Name: Ryu-Shiranui : 2019-07-10 07:39 ID:bG7ew4yP [Del]

Ryu-Shiranui - (Ryu) Started off as a joke I always use this default name as a reference from an RPG that always uses the same default name from their series. (Shiranui or Shira Nui) my fave Japanese restaurant here. Reversing them will result to the name of my favourite traditional Japanese martial art school.

110 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2020-11-05 13:41 ID:By9L86eK [Del]

Bump for the new members. ;)

111 Name: ThatGuy!AnOHItoBQY : 2020-11-05 13:47 ID:48A5NVAS [Del]

I honestly didn't give it much thought. But still, it was partly due to That Man from Excel Saga.

112 Name: Skeptix : 2020-11-05 14:33 ID:73DIASCk [Del]

Ooo yay bump- I love these little games and such

SkeptikSix (Skeptical Sixxle) The adjective was completely random and Sixxle is my mascot's name. Used to be SkitzySable (Schitzophranic Sable) but had to change it for personal reasons.

113 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2020-11-05 18:40 ID:R5WQAfhJ [Del]

114 Name: spybot : 2020-11-11 02:50 ID:AL2k1h/x [Del]

I used to be an admin on this game.. one of the admin's task was to literally spy on players while being invisible to see if they were hacking or not. Sometimes we would create new accounts and fake-friend hackers to trick them into admitting they use hacks. I used to name my alt account spybot.

115 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-05-02 01:58 ID:EvWfFFkg [Del]

oh wait shit, this is what I was supposed to bump oof

116 Name: Kaster!eVHHrdPaJg : 2021-05-02 02:37 ID:whTpSyE+ (Image: 604x604 jpg, 41 kb) [Del]

src/1619941074398.jpg: 604x604, 41 kb
>>115 xD can happen heh.
Anyway: yeah uhm that's it.
I've just misread the word on the sweater and thought "sounds cool letsgetiitt".

117 Name: hutao : 2021-05-02 10:02 ID:4J8faUVU [Del]

She was a cute character and I felt no degree of attachment, meaning I don't really mind what I say even if it's signed by her name.

118 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-08-14 08:59 ID:M7iv+qLm [Del]


119 Name: 70K1D0K1 : 2021-08-15 02:05 ID:bouQZkxu [Del]

Oh, I'm so glad this got bumped! Besides reading up on some of your name origins, it was also nice to find the link to the old thread (that I posted on in 2011) for the memories lol.

But basically, 70K1D0K1 is just tokidoki (Japanese for "sometimes") with numbers. Over ten years ago, I used to use a name with itsumademo ("forever" in Japanese) in it online. But then for life reasons, I switched to "sometimes" because of like...the impermanence of it all?, how much things don't last, and like making different choices I guess. 70K1D0K1 stuck for a lot of things, so I used it for Dollars when I joined forever ago.

120 Name: Nyx : 2021-08-15 21:32 ID:Fxya5RTO [Del]

"Nyx" simply is a play on my name on a surface level, but it goes a bit (read, a lot) deeper than that. Nyx is the name of the Greek goddess of the night and is also the name of a major character in Persona 3. (Spoilers incoming here folks.) Nyx, or Nyx Avatar is the boss you fight before you get to the final fight of the game and is the true form of Ryoji Mochizuki who reveals himself to the protagonist as a manifestation of Death. The prior social link formed with Ryoji then known as Pharos was the Death Arcana. The Death tarot card can, as well as potentially meaning death can also signify a great change of events in one's life. Which kinda makes sense for me as I have recently realised that I am a trans man.

Phew that was long. Sorry for this being rather long-winded. But thank you for reading :)

121 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-08-15 23:25 ID:x9jgPAD3 [Del]


122 Name: Kirbstomp : 2021-08-30 07:08 ID:ohBMiVl0 [Del]

New name since its been a while. Comes from kirby because sometimes people call me that and that's the name I use in coffeeshops when the barista asks and stomp which I'll do to sort of psych myself up before I do something that scares me or pushes me out of my comfort zone.

123 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2021-12-15 13:51 ID:GRg71/nO [Del]

124 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2021-12-19 06:36 ID:ovFsmhSh (Image: 718x718 png, 493 kb) [Del]

src/1639917419807.png: 718x718, 493 kb
>>69 name update. I removed my last name because its mouthful. So yeah Kurosuke is this guy's name

125 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2022-10-27 10:49 ID:+kBy6Ny3 [Del]


126 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2022-10-27 22:48 ID:tT9uIUd7 [Del]

>>124 Wow, I thought Kuro actually posted. Didn't remember this one at all.

127 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-10-28 16:36 ID:FWyegyR+ [Del]

I like Z-names. My first username was inspired by my first dog whom I loved very much. His name started with a Z and all my central online identities do too. Zengat just came from me word-blurgling until it sounded right.

128 Name: Whatsupdoc : 2022-10-31 03:42 ID:3+H+LnWd [Del]

I needed a name that both sounded like a friendly introduction and wasn't too overly generic, since I was a virgin to online chatting and wasn't sure if I was making a name or starting a conversation while learning about the chat rooms. Whatsupdoc fit the bill and was a near permanent stick to most of my accounts from that point on

129 Name: NG-S !iPH0rf2lkw : 2022-11-03 04:25 ID:gHAVPo1J [Del]

I stuck with my initials. N for a first name and G-S for a hyphenated last name.

130 Name: Saika : 2022-11-21 22:29 ID:TJfzO2nk [Del]

>>127 heh heh, blurgle sounds fun. Like blurry gurgle. Blurgurgle ergle. Blergle-gurlgle-murgle-plurgle-purple. I'm gonna stop now. sorry, lol.

131 Name: Saika : 2023-01-08 18:41 ID:Lnsi2QY2 [Del]


132 Name: CLARY : 2023-01-21 20:49 ID:/XTAiKlV [Del]

A name is what it takes to make everyone be afraid of yourselves. Whatever you call yourself in your "real world" or here or anywhere, your name is what that gives you the person inside you. For me, it's just something I bought from someone, someone big when I did a favour to him, he returned back to his village