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Worst/Weirdest thing that ever happened to you. (8)

1 Name: ChocolateCrowBar : 2015-11-16 20:00 ID:zYu8GQn5 [Del]

I was in line for a ride in Universal studios. I got groped by a lesbian who thought I was a girl.

I'm a guy with long hair.

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: Bastion : 2015-11-16 21:22 ID:Zm71/dDr [Del]


4 Name: Algernon D.F. !jVyhJ08Yxg : 2015-11-17 06:15 ID:VSl0kUVe [Del]

Once when I was working as a night shift security guard in a condo I was on my bike and going to the condo's stable to feed the horse they had. Suddenly there was a blackout so I had to return to the booth where the gatekeeper is. He asked if I had seen anyone on the way back because they were ringing the doorbell of one of the nearest houses according to the owner. I told him I hadn't seen anyone so I went to check and on my way I saw three cats, all of them frozen in place and staring at something like statues, there was nobody in front of where they were ringing so I went back and the gatekeeper said "They were ringing the doorbell again, are you sure there's nobody there?" I told him no and the lights came back on.

To this day I hope it was all just a prank .

5 Name: Life : 2015-11-17 10:24 ID:9nX4DGYb [Del]


6 Name: Kazu : 2015-11-17 15:23 ID:Z5SCQnk1 [Del]

I too was once a night shift security guard... but for a organic produce packaging plant. One of the places I had to secure was the roof of the building. It wasn't high up, and the night shift plant workers would go up there and shoot up heorine or sleep. Making sure it was secure was one of the top priorities.

One night I was smoking a cigarette on the roof as there had been no one up there, and I had taken a quick smoke break. I saw a shooting star (because I'm always looking at the sky at night). Then I heard a loud crash, and saw two metal circles whiz through the sky.

I was fired for not being in the building when the electricity in the entire neighborhood blacked out. The generators in my building were fried, as were the generators in every building in the area of Boston.


7 Name: Orpheus !roGTnOp9kA : 2015-11-23 10:53 ID:+RNp+7G3 [Del]

I fapped in a dentist's office. It was great

8 Name: Kazu : 2015-11-24 09:40 ID:Z5SCQnk1 [Del]
