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Physical pain / Emotiona distress? (13)

1 Name: Neko : 2015-10-06 21:04 ID:/68alu+/ [Del]

Just wondering, which one is more uncomfortable for you (very generally speaking), physical pain / menal pain ?

2 Name: Neko : 2015-10-06 21:05 ID:/68alu+/ [Del]


3 Name: Khersy !UKCNWE97ds : 2015-10-07 20:46 ID:1ekJQKB9 [Del]

It's way easier to heal physically in my experiences.

4 Name: Natsumii : 2015-10-07 20:57 ID:xkJiwrky [Del]

It sucks how people say that mental isn't that bad... But they don't really know... *sighs*

5 Name: Meow9 : 2015-10-08 00:16 ID:By5mjv0v [Del]

Coming from someone who suffers from an old injury a lot, almost on a daily basis, I'd say mental pain is harder to deal with.

6 Name: Neko : 2015-10-08 03:12 ID:/68alu+/ [Del]

I know the feeling ~~

7 Name: Ike !kEQsHPqPRI : 2015-10-08 12:38 ID:40mJFFDb [Del]

psychologically speaking, studies have shown that humans would rather experience intense physical pain as opposed to emotional pain or isolation.

8 Name: Euphoria !FzIuMHkiNc : 2015-10-09 01:22 ID:fu2Qlbuh [Del]

for me I think physical. I don't mind mental pain.

9 Name: LunarFox129 : 2015-10-09 03:40 ID:65bxzQc1 [Del]

physical pain is more uncomfortable for me

10 Name: Caribou : 2015-10-09 09:59 ID:a1VTVSsL [Del]

I find physical pain much easier to ignore. I've broken a few bones and I can say with certainty that I would rather break another bone than experience heavy mental distress.

11 Name: Mstii : 2015-10-09 10:45 ID:cQMcHKEZ [Del]

I'd probably say mental pain...because it just lasts longer and it's way harder to deal with!

12 Name: PandaFreak : 2015-10-09 11:17 ID:/pltipgq (Image: 630x480 jpg, 58 kb) [Del]

src/1444407451442.jpg: 630x480, 58 kb
I have to deal with physical pain nearly everyday, Heck I'm used to it.accidentally injuring my self or getting injured on a daily basis is my specialty.

But mental pain is just unbearable.
It feels like an eternity, and like >>11 said It is much harder to deal with.It could drive even the most sane crazy...So I'm going to go with Mental pain.

13 Name: Alice Sutcliffe : 2015-10-09 12:27 ID:4iBbCKZw [Del]

Mental pain. Cuz it's in your head and heart, and there's fewer ways to soothe it. (chocolate and music are my favorite cures)