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When it all ends, what will YOU do? (12)

1 Name: Survivalist : 2015-09-18 17:31 ID:/4BrbZO4 (Image: 900x887 jpg, 222 kb) [Del]

src/1442615519485.jpg: 900x887, 222 kb
So lets assume the world is going to end, not entirely, but rather the world "as we know it". you know, the usual shtick: husked out buildings, dead cars, martial law or total system collapse, etc,etc,etc...
How would you soldier on? Better yet, would you have the skill set to soldier on? I wanna hear details. Ideas. Thoughts. Perspectives. Ethics. Boundaries. How far would you go to make sure you and/ or your family live to see another day/ month/ year/ decade... minute?

2 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-09-18 20:25 ID:K/31Usp2 [Del]

I would most likely die

3 Name: Survivalist : 2015-09-19 07:38 ID:z+p28NrK [Del]

Need help prepping?
Certain you would die?
Worth absolute shit in emergency?
I might just be able to help.... just ask. Ya never know, I may have real answers for you.

4 Name: TheSlasherSaika : 2015-09-19 08:08 ID:sexHGWdQ [Del]

>>2 Same here.

5 Name: Fortune !o3hBg9PyEE : 2015-09-19 10:09 ID:QUcMyIqs [Del]

I would just pack up and wander till I die. (Won't take too long since I'll bring some stuff that probably won't do me any good like an obscene amount of playing cards and dice)

6 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-09-19 18:18 ID:K/31Usp2 [Del]

>>3 Well, tell me what to do when where I live is infested with zombies

7 Name: Twisted Sister : 2015-09-20 11:46 ID:DPD00jIW [Del]

Sex is good, start talking about it

8 Name: Drop : 2015-09-20 11:49 ID:Ww51ZZ4w [Del]

Grab a weapon and run into the horde and die. Why? Because you'll die anyway. Not from zombies. But probably the other greedy humans

9 Name: Ni : 2015-09-20 12:55 ID:VAST2Nwb [Del]

Idk maybe taking some coffee sips and get some free things from shops before I die? Lmao idc if I die anyway

10 Name: Survivalist : 2015-09-20 13:14 ID:z+p28NrK [Del]

>>6 Zombies are an interesting scenario; melee weapons are preferred, though firearms are possible if: A) You know how to use it and can hit what you aim for in the first shot.
B) You possess the necessary ammunition to make it count.
C) You always have at least three escape routes available and are fast enough to utilize them properly.
But that's only when confronted; your best bet is to stay out of sight and earshot, notably the wilderness is the best option. As long as you know your basic foraging and/or hunting skills, you should be fine. If not, survival will be a lot more difficult. You can fix this yourself, however, so long as you're committed to furthering your survivalist tact. I can't teach you everything, but then again, I'm pretty sure that's what the web is for. Just use it while you can. The internet won't last long if ever the world starts to burn.

11 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-09-20 22:31 ID:K/31Usp2 [Del]

>>10 NZ doesn't allow firearms apart from hunting, and I live in the city so firearms are a no go. Well, NZ is a great place to be in a zombie infestation then, apart from the big cities, the country side is like a half hour drive away...

12 Name: Survivalist : 2015-09-21 17:19 ID:QuDOhB0+ [Del]

Think broader. I only mentioned firearms because it applied to the situation, as do melee weapons: anything simple, from a shovel to a hatchet should do just fine; in fact, most gardening/ landscaping tools would suffice. If you want to go stereotypical, I would suggest anything from a machete to a baseball bat with nails hammered in. You could even go native and carve a branch into a makeshift spear; granted it wont last long, but its good for on the run. Also, this isn't JUST for the zombie apocalypse, its for any apocalypse: from the wacky Fallout future to the grim, bleak worldwide natural disaster, even the very likely Red Dawn scenario (and that's not just for Americans). Let me finish with one crucial rule that applies to any of these futures: A Good man in the Old World is a Dead man in the New. Just... consider it.