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Tell me about your city! (7)

1 Name: Candy : 2015-07-17 13:02 ID:3K8r0UBD [Del]

I've been living in the same, boring suburban neighborhood all my life. I'm tired of it! I'm not old enough to move out to the city, but until then, can any city Dollars tell me about the city they live in? I'm talking bustling streets lined with tall, tall buildings that light up the night! Thank you~!

2 Name: Lissi : 2015-07-18 05:00 ID:nIka0P60 [Del]

i use to live near the city but now i live in a suburban area, my friend lives in the country side and she sees the milkyway arm every night and i really envy her!

3 Name: David : 2015-07-18 05:23 ID:BvotmrjI [Del]

I live in a small city near big ones, it has nothing interesting what so ever and most of my friends live other places. At least it's quiet and kinda pretty

4 Name: Enigami !c6PjAO5Kw. : 2017-02-26 08:29 ID:c3/9yR0O [Del]

I live about 20 minutes away from Louisville, KY. It's a pretty small city, with a bit of a weird streak. Lots of great restaurants in the area.

5 Name: Archos Militarus : 2017-02-27 02:03 ID:DAXAqfMH [Del]

I live in an average size town. Kinda boring, but in my opinion, that's good.

6 Name: Otoshigami !lubXhuCvDs : 2017-02-27 13:19 ID:HolsjI4G [Del]

San fran is amazing but it's different from what most people perceive it as. It's hills offer amazing views throughout the city, while at the same time making it a dangerous place to drive a car with bad breaks. Most locals opt to ride their bike around if they're not going to far.Other days it's more convenient to call an Uber there's usually one within 3 minutes of me.

The weather really depends on where you're at in the city. The closer you are to the ocean the colder it gets. Daly City is in a perpetual fog and its depressive on most days but on its good days i see people actually surfing (bless their souls).The closer you get to the center of SF the warmer it gets because the big buildings shield from the wind. But the closer you get to the center also means the more homeless people you see. I once made the mistake of walking through the civic center at night and I saw a drug deal happen right in front of me. If you're not walking on one of the main streets, I guarantee that your nose will be assaulted with the smell of either piss or weed. There is no avoiding it. The upside to that is probably the cool graffiti everywhere because the area is ignored enough to where local authorities don't care if someone wants to make the side of a building their canvas.

If you ever want to really get to know the city, I suggest staying away from the well known tourist traps like pier 39. and ghirardelli square. Everything their is overpriced and you can get way better in other places. My favorite district is Fillmore, it's mostly residential but there are some pretty great restaurants scattered throughout and it's home to Japantown where my favorite crepe place is. Another thing to note is that unlike new york, our city sleeps. most roads are empty at around 10pm save for the area around Market st. That includes the Golden gate. At night driving up and down the bridge is always a good time if you need to clear your head. There's no tolls and you can literally loop around it as long as you want. The Business district is also a fun place to do that at to. Nobody is ever there and the streetlights act more as stop signs as they turn to a blinking setting. Drive throughs aren't very common though and you'd be hard pressed to find anything that's open 24 hours unless it's a walgreens or gas station.

so yeah, that's my city.

7 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2017-02-27 20:50 ID:VghLR5ph [Del]

I live in a college town which basically means all the housing accommodations are either gross af or way too fucking expensive, but there's a food establishment for just about every type of food you can imagine within walking distance of the college and whole bunch of book stores and laundromats. There are also huge sidewalks and bike lanes around the college and free public transit. You'll also see a lot of license plates from out of town, the traffic is always terrible too (sometime you can end up sitting at a light for ten+ minutes), and people speed a lot because a lot of the big main streets can be exited on to from the highway and people don't slowdown.
And I don't know why, but there are also animals everywhere; you'll be in a parking lot and you'll see a bunny rabbit in the bushes, walking on a sidewalk and you have to stop for a mouse crossing it, if you're by any body of water you always have to greet the geese chilling around the perimeter, and squirrels and small birds are everywhere. Everywhere.