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Which Military Has the Coolest Uniforms? (Any Era) (9)

1 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-07-04 09:18 ID:wU54c/CM [Del]

So, I came across a discussion on which military uniforms look the coolest when I was looking for reference material, and a lot of people were saying something similar to "I hate to say it, but Nazi Germany", and I remember how some of them had leather long coats that were actually part of the uniform, and it's just...unfair, really. But in this discussion came really unique answers like the British uniforms of the 17th century or the Prussian Hassar's uniforms.

Anyway, which MILITARY uniform do you think was/is the coolest?
(Please post pictures)

2 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-07-04 09:52 ID:wU54c/CM (Image: 1024x640 png, 500 kb) [Del]

src/1436021569697.png: 1024x640, 500 kb
I didn't want this picture to be in the OP (for obvious reasons), but here is an example of what.I think is an SS Ajutant uniform.
Try to forgive that I've added a drawn version; I'm trying my damnedest not to offend anyone here because I don't agree with anything Nazi Germany believed in. This is strictly a talk on uniform styles.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2015-07-04 11:18 ID:rRSn593l [Del]

ooooh fashion/clothing related thread??? luvit

regarding the uniform in >>2, it's important to note that the uniforms for the ss were designed to differentiate the ss from the regular german army/nazi party

the particular one you've posted, also the most well known, is the all black uniform which was mostly worn before the actual war began. when ww2 started, the black uniforms were seen less & less and were replaced with a different uniform similar to the one the german army wore

also it's pretty interesting imo that hugo boss produced thousands of uniforms for the nazi party =o

here is the italian carabinieri uniform which from what i know, was designed by valentino

the mongolian armed forces honor guard uniform is just all kinds of awesome, too i think!

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-07-04 11:37 ID:wU54c/CM (Image: 800x423 jpg, 122 kb) [Del]

src/1436027857414.jpg: 800x423, 122 kb
>>it's important to note that the uniforms for the ss were designed to differentiate the ss from the regular german army/nazi party...the particular one you've posted, also the most well known, is the all black uniform which was mostly worn before the actual war began.

Now I'm really confused, because sure, I haven't spent a long time researching it, but everywhere I read when looking up this uniform said that the SS were different from the German army specifically because they carried out Nazi orders as well as controlled the concentration camps, and that the German army itself weren't necessarily Nazis, but were still governed under Nazi rule. Also, the Hugo Boss designs above has the SS ajutant including a swaztika, so I thought that this uniform was worn during WW2...

That confusion aside, thanks for sharing the Italian Carabinieri uniform because those are just-! \(○≧∇≦○)/ *squee*

You know, I'm reeeeally wishing I included police uniforms now.

6 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-07-04 11:43 ID:wU54c/CM (Image: 1024x771 jpg, 122 kb) [Del]

src/1436028215067.jpg: 1024x771, 122 kb
By the way guys, this is the Italian Carabinieri uniform.

(Remember to include pics w/ your posts!)

7 Name: Darth Vader : 2021-11-22 10:55 ID:c7rKZJBC (Image: 728x455 jpg, 82 kb) [Del]

src/1637600117125.jpg: 728x455, 82 kb
WW2 Nazi soldier and officer uniforms are the best by far in my opinion.

8 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2021-11-23 00:04 ID:lsu5K4/j [Del]

>>7 Truly, the coolest and most menacing.

9 Name: WoodFrog : 2021-12-02 06:45 ID:ZBae+hzn [Del]

>>7 I agree. I prefer the officer uniforms to the soldier ones though.