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Rape (20)

1 Name: Ana : 2015-07-01 09:40 ID:fbVEtqbz [Del]

There seems to be some controversy on the cause of rape and how to prevent it. I wanted to ask you about it. What do you think the best method to prevent rape is and what do you think causes rape? I don't think teaching people not to rape is going to work, nor telling girls to cover up. Why do you think rape is treated differently than other crimes?

2 Name: Crusader !f2ebYr7Dbk : 2015-07-01 13:59 ID:bjnqCoty [Del]

Truthfully there really is no way to prevent it. Humans/people will always try to find a way around it until they're caught.
So I think half life in prison for committing rape would be more reasonable. If they're sealed in jail for years and taken care of properly instead of treated so poorly like for example:
Some prison mates rape each other.
They eat trashy food.
Sleep in uncomfortable small jail cells.

I'm not saying we should treat them extremely kind and luxuriously. But make them work for good use and under strong surveillance so they don't run away. I'm not only talking about all the people in jail. Unless they are just that horrible enough to be treated not so kindly. I think there should be different levels of jailing. From properly cared to being less properly cared and etc etc, if they keep repeating the crimes or different crimes. We need to keep them from doing it in order to prevent future occurs. But no one knows their present plan, so there is no way to prevent currently.

3 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-07-01 20:32 ID:iJSTtCe+ [Del]

There's no way to prevent it, but by educating people about rape, charging rapists properly instead of letting them off the hook as often as we do, and encouraging people to keep surveillance with them at all times, I think we can exponentially decrease the number of successful rapes. --at least in America, because I don't know the laws of other countries on that topic well. Third world countries with high numbers of rapes will probably never be decreased until their societies change.

As far as the cause of rape, it's the same as any other crime - the person committing it is either unaware that it's wrong (due to mental illness, intoxication, or social ineducation), know it's wrong but think they deserve it (same as above), or know it's wrong but feel they're forced into it (peer pressure, hallucations by illness or intoxication, etc).

>>2 Most places have a few different types of prisons that depend on which crimes you've committed. There's a big difference between a county jail and a maximum security detention facility, for example. Having repeat offenses in America usually don't change where you go, but it can lead to much longer imprisonments (because the judges and juries may consider you a lost cause).

And on the note of having higher quality prisons, I disagree, but I'm also a terrible person. I feel that most prisoners should just be killed or thrown out of the country. Instead of trying to rehabilitate them, why don't we give the kids in the adoption system a fighting chance? Turn the excess prisons into boarded educational facilities with on-site therapy for the young citizens of ours who got the short end of the stick starting out.

4 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-07-01 20:49 ID:iJSTtCe+ [Del]

Also, chastity belts. Not sure why they ever stopped being a thing. Surely there are some discreet versions out there these days?

5 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-07-02 05:16 ID:rl2/Oxiz [Del]

If those things are just prevented, then there wouldn't be rape.
And also,because of people who don't believe in hell or afterlife suffering, that's why the world gets more cruel.
Not believing in afterlife suffering because of the sin.
I dont wanna look religious here because this site has majorly atheist people. -_-

6 Name: Carth : 2015-07-02 06:03 ID:Yon2wDd1 [Del]

>>5 Just to point out, rates of violent crimes in the U.S. have declined while the population of atheists has increased.

I think the "Teach people not to rape" strategy is probably the dumbest strategy I've seen in both theory and implementation. In theory, it implies that there are actual people out there who are unaware that it is bad to rape. Now everyone that's old enough to know what a law is almost definitely knows that rape is illegal (and therefore considered bad). Aside from that, you would be insanely hard-pressed to find a single person who actually thinks that rape is an okay thing. This strategy wants to teach people something that everyone already knows.
In implementation, it gets even worse. The only way I've ever seen the "Teach people not to rape" plan advocated is part of the saying "Don't teach potential victims not to get raped, teach people not to rape". This is probably the dumbest thing anyone could ever do. To start, it puts a person's safety in another person's hands. Furthermore, people are talking about teaching people not to rape and teaching people how to avoid/prevent rape like they're two mutually exclusive things. Do both. The avoidance and self-defense training will probably be significantly more useful than the don't rape training, but there's no reason why both can't be done.

7 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-07-02 06:14 ID:iJSTtCe+ [Del]

>>6 You'd be surprised. Especially with younger attackers with acquaintances, they don't realize that what they're doing is rape until it's too late. They don't understand what is and isn't consent, or that the "mixed signals" they're perceiving are often due to their own arousal. I'd recommend checking out the old AskReddit with sexual assailants, but it looks like the thread got nuked by the mods.

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Magnolia : 2015-07-02 12:50 ID:wU54c/CM [Del]

>>7 This. Not only have there been studies about how many college students do not understand what legally counts as rape, a good number of them don't even know that marital rape exists.

Not to mention teaching people not to rape is not just teaching the legal definitions, but also the outcomes of most victim's and their suicidal tendencies and revictimization, as well as teaching people how victim blaming is not okay.

>>6 "Just to point out, rates of violent crimes in the U.S. have declined while the population of atheists has increased."
Wow... I'd like you to remember that correlation in no means implies causation, and it's just foolish even trying to bring up two things that have absolutely nothing to do with each other like that.
Not to mention the most important part... How violent crimes have actually been INCREASING over the past several years?
You think when people are advocating against gun ownership, how we have the highest firearm related homicides out of all westernized countries, and how the President himself has for years practically been begging the nation to look at this issue, they're all just doing it for shits and giggles? How in 2013 it was determined that we had even more gun violence than Pakistan?? How the country has an average of 30,000 gun related homicides annually?? And that's just counting the people who have DIED- not even the number of attempted homicides too.

And then, when it comes to other violent crimes such as rape, we'll never know the true number, because so many have not come forward as well as have had their cases thrown out. And frankly, are country just handles rape cases poorly in general. And for men rape cases especially, their numbers are nearly nonexistent because practically NO ONE takes male rape victims seriously, no matter if the rapist was female or male. Pisses me off how "menists" like to downplay female rape victims because men get raped too, yet simultaneously they do NOTHING to support male victims of rape, and even find it FUNNY.

10 Name: Carth : 2015-07-02 16:43 ID:Yon2wDd1 [Del]

>>9 Hey, I never said that the rise of atheism caused the decrease in violent crimes in the U.S. I merely pointed out that Yuri said that the increase in atheism has caused the country to be more cruel and that the numbers just aren't adding up. I'm well-aware that the decrease in robberies can be attributed to both better city planning and the drastic shift from a cash society. The murder rate has gone down, even more than its natural decline, due to the quickened response time of emergency medical practitioners and improvements in communication and medical technology. The last thing I would attribute the decrease in violent crimes to is atheism, but atheism seems to be the first thing that Yuri would claim to be responsible for some imaginary increase in violent crimes.

Now, for your "How violent crimes have actually been INCREASING over the past several years". Nope. Nope, nope, nope. With the exception of slight increase in 2005 and 2006, the number of violent crimes in the U.S. has decreased every single year since 1992. Since you provided no sources for your information, I'll provide some for mine.
Here's the super-fun annul breakdown of violent crimes in the U.S. (with a 5 year trend graph):
Here's a much longer table of violent crime rates in the U.S. (1960-2013):

So yeah, as the data would suggest, there was a pretty consistent increase in rates up until 1992, then a steady decrease.

"How the country has an average of 30,000 gun related homicides anually??"
Well, since the number of murders in the U.S. in 2013 was 14,196, I'm just gonna not believe that 30,000 gun related homicides occured. Now, the number of gun-related homicides in 2013 was 8,454.

11 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-07-02 18:01 ID:wU54c/CM [Del]

>>Since you provided no sources for your information, I'll provide some for mine.

Allow me to rectify that. There has been a steady increase in crime since 2006, and many news reports on it, but it seems to have been blown out of proportion (like a 1-2% increase with individual increases in major cities):

What's really mysterious is how your links say that there have been decreases in crime (and I've looked for other links saying similar), yet no one really knows why or how there has been a decrease. Not saying that this is happening nationwide, but when I've spoken with my mother on this subject before, she remembers how often people in Atlanta would report a crime and the police would never file it. It got so bad that people just stopped reporting.

Regarding the gun deaths, the latest figure available from the Centers for Disease Control is that an average of 30,000 people a year die from gun injuries, so I was wrong to specifically say homicides since some of them are accidental shootings or suicides.

Other statistics I've gathered still say that it's over 10,000 a year, still making our gun death rate higher than most westernize countries.
(provides resources for every year's statistic)

Thanks for making me re-research on this stuff though.

12 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-07-02 18:57 ID:iJSTtCe+ [Del]

Found a cache of that reddit thread for anyone who's interested. You'll need to get the links for specific threads to look for their archives tho.

13 Name: Carth : 2015-07-02 19:03 ID:Yon2wDd1 (Image: 900x900 png, 26 kb) [Del]

src/1435881781938.png: 900x900, 26 kb
>>11 I mean, yeah 2004-2005, 2005-2006, and 2011-2012 were all years since 1992 that violent crime rates have increased in the U.S. They're also the only years that an increase has occurred. If you're really pushing it, you can claim that violent crime has increased and then point to those specific years. I'd argue that that interpretation of the data is about as intellectually honest as climate-change deniers looking at how the average temperature has slightly decreased during a couple of years and then saying that global warming is a myth. It's just looking at a couple exceptionally rare cases while ignoring the overwhelming trend.

As for why crimes have decreased, it's almost most likely due to the dramatic decrease in robberies. In 1992, it was at 263.6/100,000 and it's at 109.1/100,000 in 2013. Some 43.6% of robberies were unarmed and 40% used firearms. If my data is still relevant, I believe it was roughly 78% of unarmed robberies and 20% of armed robberies that lead to severe injury. Essentially, the violent crime rate is almost dictated by the robbery rate. Robbery has fallen due to the rise in credit cards. Now that people no longer carry around large sums of cash, there's just not much to steal anymore. There's almost definitely some other meaningful factors, but this was always the one that I had heard.

I tried to include the chart that plots the violent crime rate from 1960 to 2013, but I have a feeling that I failed at doing it. Here's a link to the picture:

14 Name: Mojac : 2015-07-02 20:15 ID:zCP/EyOA [Del]

I honestly hate when people use "crime rate" instead of "number of crimes" to judge a situation. Rate of crime means how many crimes were committed for every 100,000 people, which means the rate of crime can seem to go down when more people are introduced into the system but in fact the number of crimes can stay the same or even be rising.

As for ways to prevent rape, i'm like every other citizen. I don't know.

15 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-07-02 20:49 ID:iJSTtCe+ [Del]

>>14 It's the other way around. If you just look at the number of crimes, you're not taking the changes in population into account at all, where as the crime rate is proportional to the population and can be compared between years. It's essentially the difference between a relevant percentage and an arbitrary number.

If there were 10 rapes in 2050 and 100 rapes in 2051, you could say that rape has increased. But if there were 100 people in 2050 and 100,000 people in 2051 (let's say immigrants rather than births lol), you'd find the frequency of rape compared to the number of potential participants has significantly decreased.

The only time that percentage is questionable is during times when there is a significant increase or decrease in the number of children born compared to the year before, like 2000 to 2001 was.

16 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2015-07-02 21:53 ID:bPuekgRT [Del]

>>11 Unreported crime is on the rise?

17 Name: Let me say this : 2015-07-03 01:29 ID:FZBUUSPR [Del]

All people who manipulated people's for their own gain, desire, or greed, should all die.
Better things are spent to better people than scumbags and faggets.

18 Name: Handsoap : 2015-07-03 03:44 ID:S71m68Qv [Del]

>>17 I agree, give me a death note

19 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-07-03 20:02 ID:wU54c/CM [Del]

>>16 Like I said, I'm unsure about the rest of the country, but that was the case for Atlanta. How did one of the most dangerous cities in the country have violent crime drop by 55% in 8 years time without explanation?
The residents know why... And the politics just take advantage of it all and say that it's become a better city thanks to (insert name here)'s guidance.
I'm surprised I even found a news article on it, since the only guy my mother knew of trying to report it, no journal in Atlanta would take the story and I think he lost his job (I'll ask my mom if she remembers the name).

20 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-07-04 04:25 ID:3Ct3IcjH [Del]

Oh well, seems like >>6 didn't understand what I meant deeply.
I know there wont be raped if theres no one who tempts others to rape her/him.
Understand that.
If theres no thought of rape, there won't be a word called rape.
But well,too late. Wakata wakata.
World is screwed up now.
But why problem the world?
Why not problem yourselves?