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do you agree with this status? (10)

1 Name: Ophiuchus : 2015-05-15 01:02 ID:sy2WHFG4 [Del]

so i was browsing through my newsfeed today and came across this status:

Guys, if you accept homosexuality than you must accept almost every other thing like furries to lolis, or necrophilia to pedophilia.
Theyre the same deal.. But different sexualities.
They're both mental sicknesses that cant be cured..

what do you think? i think the reason why homosexuality is accepted and things like paedophilia isn't is because homosexuality is harmless as opposed to molesting a child.

2 Name: Kurein : 2015-05-15 02:11 ID:fbmcQgtl [Del]

I disagree with it.

Homosexuality means the person is attracted to the same sex but still within a relatively same age group, mind set and species.
Pedophilia and being into lollies means the person has a primarily sexual attracted to a prepubescent body.
Being a furry mean the person is interested in fictional anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics in which some people have taken it to perverted extremes.
Necrophilia means the person has an attraction toward corpses.

Accepting homosexuality does not mean you "must" accept the others. A person can accept homosexuality because a relationship could be made and at the same time the person could not accept pedophilia because relations like that in early years would be horrible for a kids development.

3 Name: jill : 2015-05-15 02:11 ID:PTZaHQk0 [Del]

No, its more like relationships are fine as long as its a legal age and have permission in both parties but in paedophilia's case is where people who are sick with this, might molest the kid without its consent which is illegal, same concept as rape. More people especially parents cares more about kids than two adult guys having sex.

4 Name: ///// : 2015-05-15 08:42 ID:vDlZ94dC [Del]

Just because pedophilia and necrophilia are attractions that people have and can't control doesn't put them on the same level as homosexuality, the difference being that they cause damage. that doesn't make damaging sexual orientations not legitimate orientations but they shouldn't be acted on.

Furrys by the way are fine they hurt no one, and are a separate group from... i don't even know what you call it as a group i guess animal rapists but im sure they call themselves something else

This by the way is coming from someone who is actually attracted to children, i do not and will not molest children and i won't ever look at child porn (loli doesn't count it hurts no one). Because im not a monster and i have self control, so does the vast majority of pedophiles.

obviously im not attaching my usual name to this post anyway

5 Name: A noun a miss !.9uPnKH15k : 2015-05-15 12:51 ID:gLsf52dr [Del]

Is it pedo if you only enjoy 2d lolis...?

6 Name: Koto : 2015-05-15 14:54 ID:ghjrbB8G [Del]

I understand what that person is saying but I can't say I agree with it. Some of the expressions of sexuality that person mentioned can cause harm. Anything that causes pain to people should,of course, have a means to protect against it. So it seems like kind of a stretch to say harmful sexuality and sexuality are the same thing.

7 Name: bangāœ«bang : 2015-05-15 15:05 ID:M8KRyQ5M [Del]

>>5 Yes. Go to church.

8 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2015-05-15 16:00 ID:WFGZDJMA [Del]

or don't. It hasn't helped Name any.

9 Name: ///// : 2015-05-15 19:35 ID:vDlZ94dC [Del]

>>7 Church is literally the worst thing to do, learning self control is more helpful than expecting god to just stop the urges for you.

10 Name: Mag : 2015-05-15 19:43 ID:wU54c/CM [Del]

>>9 You pray to God to give you strength while you practice self-restraint. It's an uneducated statement to say that people who are religious just expect God to automatically do whatever they want without putting in any effort themselves.