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1 Name: ShizuyA : 2015-05-03 02:40 ID:ydC1pRTz [Del]

Is anyone here against the government?

How should I put this.. Uhh.. For almosT hundreds of years, our ancestors and us experienced delusional disasters. Many people died. Many people suffered. Now, do you know that government knows about it? About the disasters that came and are coming?

I'll start first about the Area 51. The safest and secured place on earth that remained mysterious. They are the testing fields for high quality weapons and stuffs but some other says that they have something to do with aliens or UFO's and etc. I watched several videos and it kinda caught my attention. In 1997 , there was a call from Area 51, a call from a former employee saying that they had contact with these ExtraDimentional beings for a long time and he stated that the Disasters that are coming is one of their activities. They plan to kill the half of the population for them to be easier to control. The Government knows all about these happenings. The military is also one of them.(the call doesn't seem to be a hoax. The call was serious. The satellite transmission cut off after revealing almost the half of area 51.) The Tsunami in Japan, Super typhoon in the Philippines, Earth Quake in Nepal. They did all those disasters.

Why is the Government so corrupted? All they want is money! Power! Everything that comes from the government isn't good. TRY TO DO WHAT GOVERNMENT DOES AND YOU'LL GET IMPRISONED. This is sick.

Second thing, New World Order. I won't give the whole description about NWO but this is connected to Area 51. Illuminati. One of the plans in NWO is to kill 90% of the population. ARE YOU FKIN KIDDING ME. this is demonic. They're trying to unite all the nations and it ain't gonna happen. With this killing spree? Hell no. They're trying to control the world. They're corrupted. They're blind. They're out of their mind.

I'm concerned about my President who's attached to US President. I don't trust US. All the celebrities. They're just illuminatis. Not all but most of them.

Can we dollars stand against this? I can't let this happen.

Time to open up our minds.

Please reply for suggestions.

2 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-05-03 08:26 ID:lX45PBww [Del]

I'm not gonna help, if I did, I would just die.

3 Name: [...] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-05-03 09:32 ID:SgUsXr07 [Del]

Another reason why humanity should be reduced to a small number.
Or that dictator or monarchy is faster at decisions than democracy

4 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2015-05-03 23:53 ID:faO/EeZo [Del]

My license to breed would fix this. Because I guarantee you most politicians wouldn't get said license.

Also, you need to take a chill pill. Yeah, the government is fucked up, but seriously, man. You're putting people in power. No matter the person, they're bound to abuse it, and there's no way to write something tat prevents that. Because you can never be sure what new things will exist in te future that they could use and they can find a "just" reason to bypass these laws.