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Outside of Reality (15)

1 Name: Sakunya S. !/aPzExRzGw : 2014-01-23 15:10 ID:lA3shnlN (Image: 1024x576 jpg, 148 kb) [Del]

src/1390511400135.jpg: 1024x576, 148 kb
This may sound a bit like a post for "personal", but what relates to this is that reality for many people like me can just be a pain.... And so I wanted to know how you guys "escape reality" and what your ideal world be like.

2 Name: AnInfoBroker !TzIhFQeLZE : 2014-01-23 15:52 ID:/CLOpBu2 [Del]

I sit down or lay down and just relax and let my mind do its own thing.

3 Name: Chreggome : 2014-01-24 04:58 ID:r2GoxYOZ [Del]

smoke pcp and not make shit threads.

4 Name: NPC : 2014-01-25 11:53 ID:Ac/dw1jm [Del]

look outside

5 Name: Tsuki : 2014-01-25 20:30 ID:D/fUlgs8 [Del]

I silently wish every day to be granted the power to make people spontaneously combust at will so that I can purge idiots like you.

6 Name: Chreggome : 2014-01-26 01:22 ID:U2diea3m [Del]

>>5 Smoke PCP, Tsuki.
It will give you a power level that is out of this reality.

I <3 PCP 4ever

7 Name: Freya : 2014-01-26 09:36 ID:PH66NbWf [Del]

i often escape reality by daydreaming and/or sleeping, i also zone out a bit when i am drawing/writing. where do i go when i escape? depending on my mood i will either be in the ruins of a burned down village, a calm forest or laying in the grass feeling rain droplets gen
tly hit my face

8 Name: Black-Scarf : 2014-04-24 15:19 ID:xy+tnYol [Del]

I listen to music and let my mind go where it wants.
I also take very long showers where I just think of different things.

Sorry for the possible mistakes. :)

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10 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-04-24 15:51 ID:5FcHvCN1 [Del]

I'm delusional and often daydream. When I'm not doing that I draw, write, watch anime, blog, listen to music, sing, etc.
My ideal world...hmmm well I have two depending on my mood, one filled with chaos in destruction and the other, well one that isn't filled with idiots and functions well as a society.

11 Name: vontar !c6.PJFVzw. : 2014-04-24 17:44 ID:OrW/GmHB [Del]

I started using the method of loci to remember presentations in school and realized it was a great way to escape reality. The best part is that once I return to the "real world" I actually have memorized pertinent knowledge, so I can escape while accomplishing something.

12 Name: foreversigh : 2014-04-24 18:49 ID:oZZdVseY [Del]

I'm not sure if this counts but for me, I almost ignore reality and only really exist online. The real world "me" isn't me anymore and I just where a mask really. However, in rl I've noticed that when I'm writing stories or playing music I tend to forget about reality and go off into my own world.

For me an ideal world is simply a reallity much larger than this one that follows different laws of reality and most importantly, makes sense. As for a world that I can actually picture I have no idea. As much as the world sucks I don't really mind that it's like this after thinking about it.

13 Name: Sakunya S. !/aPzExRzGw : 2014-04-25 14:32 ID:lA3shnlN [Del]

ahhnuuu :P Never got the chance to post my opinions~

I usually escape reality by listening to music, playing the piano, drawing, reading, writing stories, watching anime/reading manga, playing video games or watching something. I'll sometimes even daydream, but they'll mostly be story-related.
My ideal world is just portrayed as a field of grass gazing upon a clear, blue sky. I just really like fantasies :P
In reality, I am a big technology person, but I really do like natural things 'V'

14 Name: FireSky : 2014-04-26 03:38 ID:TE45t9iq [Del]

Yea i usually listen to music, read manga, watch anime, and lately started on Dollars again ..(It's was so different 2 years ago :0)
I like reading too, that definitely makes me daydream more.
My ideal world well i have a lot, but let's just say it's all fantasy mixed in with reality that follow a set of rules. But its more of a daydream type. I think reality right now kinda sucks, but I just live with it..well we all do right?

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