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Zombie Apocolypse Situation - Stuff to Bring. (27)

1 Name: Kazu : 2013-02-14 18:44 ID:gI+cZxJB [Del]

Its simple - 10 Items you would bring on you during the zombie Apocolypse.

Rule: Only 10 Items allowed (realistic).
every 10th comment must post a new situation along with what they would bring.
The situation must include location, basic summery of whats happening around.

Situation 1 is: You are alone in a small country town, if you have any guns you can only have 10 bullets in each, no car or fuel. There is a shopping center that full of 1000 Zombies. That shopping center is also the only place with food and water. Be creative is what you would use to suvive and get food :D

2 Name: Kazu : 2013-02-14 18:46 ID:gI+cZxJB [Del]

Be creative with what you would use to suvive aand get food*
(this comment doesent count towards the 10 comment thing)

3 Name: Maru-Kai !IDESUte0eQ : 2013-02-14 19:32 ID:LTgq2ggx [Del]

1: Map/Compass, for navigation and travel
2: Crowbar. It's a reliable weapon and tool
3: Iodine tablets, to purify water outside
4: flashlight w/extra batteries
5: Army Ollie-bag
6: Reliable jacket
7: Binoculars
8: hand radio w/ batteries + hand-crank
9: Survival Guide
10: rope

My tactic would be to completely ignore the shopping center and leave town. I would follow any rivers and hide in the woods, but not too far from the road, occasionally scavenging for resources at smaller abandoned stores and centers. If possible, I would ditch guns for a crossbow, but if needed, I'd choose a semi-auto rifle, or a .22

For water, I'd use iodine tablets to purify it, and I'd probably hunt small animals for food, occasionally picking up some at stores. I'd avoid most humans, and work my way either north or south. In the arid/humid south, zombies would decay much faster. In the harsh north, they'ed freeze.

4 Name: Tsuki : 2013-02-15 00:18 ID:T3W1tN93 [Del]

Oh man. If only there was already an established zombie weapon thread.

Oh, wait.

Here it is. you fucktard.

5 Name: Tsuki : 2013-02-15 00:18 ID:T3W1tN93 [Del]

6 Name: Kazu : 2013-02-15 05:41 ID:y13Rq5iO [Del]

Tsuki shame you can read you fucking ignorant featus. This thread is different. For starters its not weapons you sack of shit its things in general, weapons included. To continue This is like a game type thing. its situational. You are a dooche.

7 Name: Kazu : 2013-02-15 05:42 ID:y13Rq5iO [Del]


8 Name: CarltonH !qYr4Kqt042 : 2013-02-15 09:41 ID:eWITpOms [Del]

Yeah Tsuki I'm gonna have to agree with Kazu this is sonething different.

9 Name: Kuroneko !TeRybnCeqs : 2013-02-15 12:28 ID:Si7lzf3o [Del]

This one is indeed different.

1. Crowbar
2. Trench Spikes
3. Compass and map
4. A book telling about plants that are safe/not safe to eat, whatever that's called
5. Reliable clothing
6. Whatever food I can carry, mostly stuff that wont go bad quickly
7. Deodorant
8. A pistol of some sort. -Knows nothing about guns. Except how to aim and pull the trigger.-
9. Flashlight with extra batteries
10. Canteen

I'd head away from the town as quickly as I can without wasting a bunch of energy. Pacing myself. If I run into a zombie then I use the machete or trench spikes to take care of it. Find a place away from the city (after hopefully finding another town with another place to get some more stuff. A bike, or something, maybe.) If I find some people, I check them for bites and/or scratches. If I find none, I try to team up with them. If they have a bite or scratch, I leave them.
Something like that. I don't have a plan IRL. xD

10 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-02-15 15:42 ID:s+jMZsy6 [Del]

1. Generator with a plug-in.
2. Leather.
3. A metal pole.
4. A small chain.
5. Rubber gloves.
6. My gun.
7. My bow and arrows.
8. My dad's light ax.
9. My dad's heavy ax.
10. My computer backpack holding food and water.

I would easily get through the zombies, shooting them with my ten bullets, then my arrows, then finally dual-wield the axes and kill them that way. I would then obtain my arrows, and get the generator-chain-rod weapon thing ready, strap it to my back, put on my gloves, and have that ready for any future zombies.

I'd also have my sis and dad to help destroy everything in our way.

11 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-02-15 21:39 ID:/97GJ7X0 [Del]

>>10 one flaw in your plan name. Generators usually work off of some kind of fuel so they are only useful until your fuel runs out. Creative idea though.
As for me:
3.Bow and arrows(can reuse arrows)
4.Iodine tablets
5.flashlight w/extra batteries
6.Reliable clothing
7.Book on edible plants
10.Body armor
Basically >>3. Body armor will prevent me from getting many cuts or bites, therefore keeping me safe. Bow and arrows are for hunting and protection and arrows can be reused. Iodine and canteen to purify and hold water. I would personally head south because there would be a greater chance of survival down there and i wouldn't have to worry about freezing.

12 Name: Kazu : 2013-02-16 03:55 ID:y13Rq5iO [Del]

*Not included in counter thing*

I like alot of your tactics guys XD I dident even think about bows and crossbows XD which is sad because I love walking dead and thats like one of their biggest advantages XD

13 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-02-16 08:49 ID:85PRsx56 [Del]

>>11 I'd only turn the generator on when I needed it; thus, making the generator be alive for a long time.

14 Name: Tsuki : 2013-02-16 10:28 ID:ucLVgZ7d [Del]

Fuck you shithead.

I want to know why the fuck we need ANOTHER zombie survival thread.

The weapons thread I posted actually expanded the discussion onto various items, so your poor ass argument is invalid.

Fuck off and die.

15 Name: Tsuki : 2013-02-16 10:31 ID:ucLVgZ7d [Del]

Also, the term ignorant fetus is a really sad excuse for an insult, since fetuses don't have the developed limbs or muscle control or the brain capacity to use a keyboard, or read. If I really was an ignorant fetus, I wouldn't be typing right now.

Don't you fucktards get tired of being wrong all the time?

Don't you feel ashamed???

16 Name: CarltonH !og6yKtEqU6 : 2013-02-16 11:13 ID:2zg3u5xl [Del]

>>15 Just leave this thread alone everyone else is liking it.

17 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-02-16 11:27 ID:aM34JuAi [Del]

While I don't agree with how poor >>6's argument was, I do think this thread isn't all that bad being here. If anything, this encompasses far more in one thread than those other ones did separately. Like, how if a dupe comes around but it's better than the original, the dupe stays? Ya know? Tsuki, dude, even the one you linked there was a duplicate, but it stayed. :P

I mean, I may be completely wrong since I don't know the backstory on the other two threads, but there are far worse threads out there to flip out justifiably to and yet no one does. This one I don't see the point in losing your cool towards. Just my thoughts.

18 Name: Kazu : 2013-02-16 21:56 ID:RVLWmymZ [Del]

For fuck sake tsuki lighten the fuck up just because you have an emotional defect that stops you from you know being able to admit your wrong ( which is a very sad feature in a person ) does not mean you have to be a sack of shot all of the time I mean seriously does it offend you so much that your wrong? Ok ok here, Tsuki you are right I'm wrong and everything you say is correct. Was that so hard see I just agreed with you even though you are a whiny bitch. To all others good answers aha and with the gratis thing I was just spitting out insults XD

19 Name: Anonymous : 2013-02-16 22:07 ID:tJYci9yx [Del]

>>18 If an issue was settled, then there's no need to bring it up again. >>17 did a nice job of settling this so don't make his efforts go to waste by completely ignoring it and trying to start shit again

shh we already said your thread could stay so calm tf down before someone sages it just because you're acting like a dick on it. Because that can happen (well at least I'm pretty sure it can happen laffs)

20 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-02-17 02:06 ID:/97GJ7X0 [Del]

I say we need a new situation.
You're in an apartment in the middle of a highly populated city(imagine New York City). You wake up and find out most of the city has been turned to zombies. The only way you can get supplies is to run for either a Walmart(which is somehow secure and not zombie infected) or a gun shop. The Walmart does not carry guns and the gun store only carries gun related items(no survival gear or food) and you only have time to go to one store because the government has issued a command to nuke NYC with hopes of killing all the zombies(which fails horribly).(you have the skill to hot wire cars but a car counts as an item, good luck!)

21 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-02-17 11:37 ID:cOfoMnuL [Del]

See my previous post for stuff. I would still have that stuff no matter where we go.

22 Name: Bellama : 2013-02-17 17:32 ID:B1HEM0a4 [Del]

broom, large stick, very think clothes, car, the bazzoka downstairs, a bag, my water bottle, lotion (sry other wise i'l get the infection without even being bitten), a water bottle, all the cash in my house just in case.

23 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-02-17 18:42 ID:SxWxSxUV [Del]

> Zombie thread
> Lotion
> Lotion it to not get it without being bit


Necrophiliac sounding to anyone else?

24 Name: Loliprincess : 2013-02-17 22:26 ID:AMnhrXwb [Del]

The 10 items I would want to have are as follows for both scenarios (>>1 and >>20)

1. Shotgun
2. Water Bottles (filtered?)
3. A box of those cupped fruits
4. First-Aid Kit
5. Backpack
6. As much currency as I can get a hold of, you never know when you might need money
7. Light clothing
8. Goggles
9. Flashlight
10. A guide on edible plants

For the first scenario I would do what >>3 said and leave town. As I leave town I would probably want to follow a path where it reeks of death. My strategy is that if I smell like death, the least likely zombies are going to be interested in me and consider me as one of them.

As for the second scenario I think I would want to go to the Walmart because even if it doesn't have any guns, it could still provide other weapons that are useful for killing off zombies.

25 Name: Loliprincess : 2013-02-17 22:30 ID:AMnhrXwb [Del]

Sorry I actually change my mind for number 8. Instead of goggles I would want to bring an inhaler seeing as I have asthma and even if my asthma isn't too bad, I still have the chance of getting an attack any time soon.

26 Name: Izaya27Sawada : 2013-03-15 22:22 ID:PCfVdYqR [Del]


1.first-aid kit
2.Iodine tablets
3.flashlight with a crank
4.backpack that can carry +25 lbs
5.1 liter canteen or some other object to hold my water in
8.body armour i found off a double-dead cop
9.edible plant guide
10.The Elite Forces Wilderness Survival Guide: Survival Skills from the World's Most Elite Military Units (picked up from the walmart from post number 20

As for what i'd do i'd go to walmart to get all the supplies i just mentioned and ditch the survival guide to get a bike with a basket then i'd do my best to find an actual bike store and switch out my bike. As for who i would take with me i would take my friends since i work well with them. then we would find a good place to defend, possibly our school.

27 Name: Lady : 2013-03-15 23:20 ID:YZgZ9X2A [Del]


8.first aid bat
10.inhaler(im asmatic)
I'd have 4 other people with me. Like a squad. I'd gather the needed supplies from the stripes next to my apartment and boost either a truck or a jeep.and then get as far away from the city as possible.