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Your Dream Job (39)

1 Name: Kuroneko !TeRybnCeqs : 2013-02-06 11:38 ID:Si7lzf3o [Del]

Random question here. Didn't see another on the "View All Threads" thing.

What would your dream job be?

Mine would be to drive the Karma Bus. Seriously.

2 Name: Nonie : 2013-02-06 14:46 ID:6Z3pSfpx [Del]


3 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-02-06 15:33 ID:s2TTrt/s [Del]

I AM going to work at Nintendo. Period.

4 Name: Maru-Kai !IDESUte0eQ : 2013-02-06 17:13 ID:lG1eGP/6 [Del]

Air Force Fighter Pilot

5 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2013-02-06 17:38 ID:UqCFYy4o [Del]

>>4 Just make sure you're not colorblind mmmmmkay?

Me, I dunno. I'm that typical guy who has no frigging clue what he wants to do. Probably something with music though. Music's always a good bet.

6 Name: Gatzu !DFqtqWsVYk : 2013-02-06 17:41 ID:AI+5XEG9 [Del]

Something with astronamy. If not, a unicorn.

7 Name: zolraK : 2013-02-06 17:58 ID:Rs/lZZl+ [Del]

A superhero.

8 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-02-07 01:31 ID:JcvEUPxi [Del]

Being a netbattler like Lan..or an assassin like Ezio Auditore.

Childish, I and I am 19 years old..

9 Name: Seiun !AJkRZQfMTg : 2013-02-07 01:53 ID:M93vwNA5 [Del]

>>8 There's nothing childish about dreaming :)

10 Name: Feral!/AFattYDZQ : 2013-02-07 05:12 ID:YKdjbWPH [Del]

Dream job? World traveler and documentalist. Something like what Anthony Bourdain did with "No Reservations". Just travel the world, experience new and exciting cultures, see the sights, and get paid in the process...

*Sigh* It's good to dream...

11 Name: Yuki : 2013-02-07 09:14 ID:Bi8vMpTb [Del]

My friend tells me a job that just testing (riding) the roller-coaster. I think the job is pretty cool for me cos i am obsessed with roller-coaster >///< BUT i think the job is dangerous actually...em....

12 Name: Kuroneko !TeRybnCeqs : 2013-02-07 11:50 ID:Si7lzf3o [Del]

>>8 Ezio is amazing.

On a more realistic level, I'd seriously love to work for Bones and do the animation for the animes. No joke.

13 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-09 14:06 ID:DRDOGIRJ [Del]

I think this is quite the lovely thread. :')

In the most unrealistic ideology, I would love to own my own cafe and book shoppe that has a focus on gelato. :1 And for some odd reason, I've had this odd feeling that this dream will be leading me somewhere in the world that I don't really intend to go to. Europe? I hope...

14 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2013-02-09 16:02 ID:0wSqaLly [Del]

It may seem boring to some/most, but I've always wanted a career in law :3

15 Post deleted by user.

16 Name: Hibari? : 2013-02-09 17:34 ID:6DH8PwSI [Del]

I would like to work for Bethesda one day. But, truthfully I don't know the first About making video games.

17 Name: Master-Sama : 2013-02-09 17:51 ID:D9DE7CLU [Del]

Film producer/ Director/ and Actor. I'm making a movie right now.

18 Name: Lunacordelia : 2013-02-10 11:36 ID:Se/LQvUS [Del]

a writer or a psychologist. i'd like to study either english litterature or pedopsychiatry. not sure yet. xP

19 Name: Marionette : 2013-02-10 14:56 ID:cjPEFBkr [Del]

Absolutely something in the gaming industry---whether it be game art animation or general programming; a novelist; something in the anime industry to or even a mangaka...and i wanna travel all over the place, even to space =D!

20 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-02-10 18:04 ID:YB+CwdsN [Del]

Saving children. The Machine Gun Preacher movie describes what I would like to do. I could go without the war and blood shed... but sometimes, these things are unavoidable. But if I have to, I would kill and die for those lovely children.

21 Name: ZenithYore : 2015-05-19 00:48 ID:1IFKrsT6 [Del]


22 Name: [Dude] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-05-19 05:46 ID:aDHCzNA/ [Del]

The usual workd traveler / adventurer.

23 Name: [Dude] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-05-19 05:46 ID:aDHCzNA/ [Del]


24 Name: ZenithYore : 2015-05-19 18:49 ID:6xVyh8WZ [Del]

Side job-Nurse.

25 Name: Kuro : 2015-05-19 22:44 ID:iUdoCq8o [Del]

Programmer, but dad want's me to take Civil Engineering

26 Name: Anomnomnomymous : 2015-05-20 03:25 ID:P7fjqA4P [Del]

>>25 Do what you enjoy doing. If you enjoy your job then even if you don't make a lot of money at it, you'll be alright. On the other hand, there isn't really any realistic pay that will make you feel any better about a job that you hate doing.

Plus, programming is a great way to go. My brother is in uni now for computer programming with a concentration in video game design. He wants to do level design and the last I heard he was vying for an internship with Bungie.

27 Name: Lirith : 2015-05-20 03:47 ID:H4acWUz6 [Del]

A digital artist!!

maybe an indie vn maker and author as a side job?

28 Name: DaiMajutsu : 2015-05-20 03:58 ID:hXxc48yy [Del]

>>25 I'm a programmer lol ^^

Mangaka probably

29 Name: Enigami : 2015-05-20 08:53 ID:+M0isufj [Del]

Not sure what I'd call it... A psychoacoustic scientist? A psychoacoustician? Prolly the former, though I'd prefer the latter.

30 Name: jill : 2015-05-20 23:22 ID:PTZaHQk0 [Del]

Don't laugh ok? I want to become a neuroscientist or neurobiologist. I want to unlock the secrets of the brain that might help us advance for a better Virtual Reality.

31 Name: Anomnomnomymous : 2015-05-21 01:33 ID:P7fjqA4P [Del]

>>30 Why would anyone laugh at that? That's awesome.

I want to be a science teacher. Specifically, university level astronomy.

32 Name: Axis : 2015-05-29 08:37 ID:Dg07AZ3N [Del]

Photographer for National Geographic

33 Name: redman001 : 2015-05-29 13:30 ID:OSgtVCtz [Del]

barman.i hope

34 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-05-29 13:54 ID:c7Gu8jKK [Del]

Old thread :>

I'd like to be anything and everything. I don't think of my life in terms of careers but rather in terms of projects. There are a lot of things that I would like to do in the future, all of which will require touching base in various fields.

My most ambitious project is probably the creation of a private school and/or other educational facility. It'd have to be done later in life because of the huge amount of money it'd need, but I'll get there eventually lol

35 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ!!pay7Ps22 : 2018-01-02 08:07 ID:PqEJpHDV [Del]

To be happy and to die happy.
To write a a full comic.
To be able to work from home, etc.

36 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2018-06-29 23:55 ID:EUhTcOck [Del]

>>3 Hey Name, is this still aimed? Just asking

37 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2018-06-30 01:13 ID:QwtVL8qU [Del]

>>36 Nah. I had the college rant like a year or so ago, and they require a college degree.

38 Name: Kuroba : 2018-07-03 20:30 ID:HeiucPoQ [Del]

Be a hunter like the Winchesters, even though they've gone to hell more times than they should.

39 Name: Ai : 2018-07-04 08:31 ID:Cehrn4Zn [Del]

I wish I had some computer skills so I could become something like an info broker or a hacker. Sadly, I have little to no skills and I wouldn't know who to turn to to teach me. I've got this creeping feeling I'll get scammed or hacked if I tired to seek help online.