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What is Youe Anime Hair Color!? (37)

1 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-01-08 02:11 ID:QmfE8B64 (Image: 379x198 jpg, 20 kb) [Del]

src/1357632717070.jpg: 379x198, 20 kb
Take the quiz to find out what hair color you would be in anime. I also found this as a better "what kind of character would you be" than the results. I got brown.

2 Name: Solace : 2013-01-08 02:41 ID:Cj0EOI78 [Del]

As amazing as it might sound (Being that my hair is brown). I think that my hair might actually be if I was an animated character.... Brown! (Hold for gasps)

3 Name: Kay : 2013-01-08 03:20 ID:QGl62/1A [Del]

Also scored Brown. :l

4 Name: Balthizar !ux48/Vh3Fs : 2013-01-08 03:20 ID:p/C5pSrq [Del]

I am also brown. Coincidence?

5 Name: Kay : 2013-01-08 03:22 ID:QGl62/1A [Del]

It's a conspiracy I tell you! Dx

6 Name: Kuro-san : 2013-01-08 07:16 ID:DL+nbHbe [Del]

also brown too WTF?!

7 Name: Momo-chin : 2013-01-08 07:42 ID:wWGrcsw7 [Del]

Putting an end to this hair color...

8 Name: DrDark : 2013-01-08 09:59 ID:8YaE4o3l [Del]


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10 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-01-08 10:45 ID:9C4LsT2p [Del]

I think you guys are actually suppose to post, I don't know, the picture result? I mean, ur hair could be pink, black, or green, but what does that matter if no one knows what the hell that means?

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12 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-01-08 12:07 ID:QmfE8B64 [Del]

>>10 I also provided the second link for, in my opinion, a better "what kind of character would you be" rather than a "you and people around you would probably act like this" kinda thing.

13 Post deleted by user.

14 Name: Ranguna !bUMCaSNWgQ : 2013-01-08 15:43 ID:LnT9Fihy [Del]

Persona 3's main character hair color BLUE BLUE BLUE.

Hmmmm.. But the link gives me brown and I don't even like books..

15 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-01-08 22:08 ID:PTy/OwsH [Del]

Almost all of us are stock characters!

16 Name: Balthizar !ux48/Vh3Fs : 2013-01-08 22:30 ID:p/C5pSrq [Del]

>>15 Real-life must be more like an anime than we think!

17 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-01-08 22:45 ID:t9OZVfAz [Del]


18 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-01-08 22:47 ID:t9OZVfAz [Del]

Great. I'm a stock character. Way to fail at life Leigha...

19 Name: Hatash : 2013-01-08 23:31 ID:l9h7vM3U [Del]

Obvious brown hair is obvious.

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21 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-01-09 00:16 ID:cDf8/Ul5 [Del]

fuck my brown hair!

I absolutely love the fact that this thing only has one vote for its accuracy

22 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2013-03-11 00:13 ID:sbGGFITG [Del]

I have brown hair... and go brown hair.

23 Name: Ryu!wSnCrazyF. : 2013-03-11 00:31 ID:T0prP0nS [Del]

Lol I am Blonde yet it said Brown....whatevs

24 Name: Sheka : 2013-03-11 08:33 ID:6IcAfR1W [Del]

Got brown

25 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-03-11 12:23 ID:t9OZVfAz [Del]

Black! Finally! By the way, I think this thing is fucked up if it keeps saying I'm "friendly" "creative" "people look up to your success" and "You don't let it go to your head"

I am as far from "friendly" as possible.
I am not "creative" just random.
No one looks up to me. A majority of people actually think that they're better than me, not that it's true or anything.
Yes, I very much so let it go to my head. To the point where people won't complement me because I apparently have a massive ego.

26 Name: Sardonic!NachAZbg5M : 2013-03-14 17:31 ID:0TX3LgRs [Del]


27 Name: fogcloud : 2013-03-14 18:01 ID:qNi+4fSS [Del]

i took the quiz and i got the result brown, i also took the only durarara quiz i found and my result was anri, my favorite character. :)

28 Name: nerdyanimegirl : 2013-03-14 22:14 ID:9vIstdDS [Del]

yes, brown

29 Name: Hibari? : 2013-03-15 03:35 ID:FGDemK2/ (Image: 379x198 jpg, 11 kb) [Del]

src/1363336536613.jpg: 379x198, 11 kb
Brown. It allready is though.

30 Name: KeiKei~Chan (from school) : 2013-03-15 08:54 ID:1ecxEULv [Del]

Heh. I got brown too. Man, and my hair was ALREADY brown!

31 Name: L !KgP8oz7Dk2 : 2013-03-15 11:14 ID:gLsf52dr [Del]

I got mah heir kuller RAINBOWZ!!!!!!!
(I think i'm on drugs...)

32 Name: Wing !xykdDhAf1. : 2013-03-15 12:21 ID:mFqccMaP [Del]

"Congratulations, your result has been determined. You share this result with 4% of our members."

Pink...seems really rare.
Are there only ten colours?

33 Name: HAM : 2013-03-15 23:46 ID:z0YuK9dZ [Del]

I got brown...The color of my hair in real life. Yay.

And the personality thingy matches me in real life too xD

34 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-03-16 11:39 ID:fjxjXFi/ [Del]


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36 Name: Kuroneko !TeRybnCeqs : 2013-03-18 12:05 ID:Si7lzf3o [Del] is sooo fun. I was a member of the Otaku Host Club... (The quiz is on that site, just in case you don't understand the point of this message.)
If anyone needs help figuring out how to do something, and you're y'know, a member, lemme know and I can help you. Or you can google it. Or something.

I wanna take the quiz. Will try and do it ASAP. >D

37 Name: Shikita : 2013-04-04 08:07 ID:6IcAfR1W [Del]

Brown, though I'm a dirty-blonde.