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What makes women attractive to men? (3)

1 Name: syndicatemember!lnkYxlAbaw : 2012-10-18 12:15 ID:2MaU31gJ [Del]

Hi guys,
I have this project for school in which I need to do research on the question above. Its more of a research based assignment but my group though it would be useful to use a means such as this to collect information. This question is open to both men and women obviously. And... There was an alternate question that was provided which is: What makes people attractive to others?
I can really use your help on this. So if you prefer to answer the first question then just start your response with Q1- or something so that I know which question you are answering. Thanks everyone.

2 Name: Lazy Stray : 2012-10-18 12:25 ID:JemZmcYf [Del]

q2- i know this is a shitty answer but it depends on the person who is perceiving that attractiveness. if a pale red head with freckles and a cute butt and perky tits walked by then id be a dead man but that's not the same for others. but i would have to say the one thing that is absolutely attractive is uniqueness. so for both question for me at least the answer is uniqueness. uniqueness transcends gender and anything else. if a person is unique then i can easily become attracted to them then

3 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2012-10-18 12:25 ID:uIwax7Jl [Del]

Q2: People are attracted to each other on a level we usually don't realize. The use of pheromones is one factor. Another is symmetry. There are a couple of shows on either The Science Channel or Discovery, maybe both, but in one of them they took a picture of a bunch of peoples faces and edited out all the hair and proceeded to ask other people to rate them on how attractive they were. They found that the more symmetrical the face was, the more attractive they were found to be. An example of the pheromone use is that in another show they had I think 4 different men each wear a white shirt 24/7 for about a week and then had a group of females smell each shirt. They found that the women were attracted to the men with the most genetic difference to their own. Sadly I can't site any sources, mainly due to me not remembering what show/channel they were on.