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Game or Movie? Which is the better adaption? (16)

1 Name: SanityJinx : 2012-10-16 12:19 ID:NflNughk [Del]

Hopefully This topic hasn't existed until now but here's the lowdown: This thread is basicly saying if a game should stay as the series was mean't to be or is it fine on how the current things go. (Can't say much for resident Evil, But Silent hill is Alot better when it's movie adaption came around.) So yeah, Which game's or movies Would you say should have stayed as it was created or adapted into a new form a of media.

2 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-10-16 14:53 ID:3NtmGFLl [Del]

Well, it simply depends on how well they adapt it....or how practical it would be to adapt a movie/game. For example....Super Mario....pretty good game, right? Well, it's a shitty movie.

Prince of Persia? Well known game. Never watched the movie, but I heard it's good. Now, think about this: Mario = plumbers running through a colorful world and fighting koopas: Good game, but sounds like a terrible idea for a movie.

Prince of Persia= Persia, guy fights baddies, treasure, ect. Many great movies are just like that.

X-Men origins wolverine too.

IMO, I believe that, if done right, Dead Space could possibly make a good movie...or anime. MORE DEAD SPACE ANIME!

Skyrim: Probably not a good movie. As for a TV show....they could make it like Legend of the Seeker. That was an awesome show.

Halo: Forward unto dawn. 'nuff said.

3 Name: Alexavier : 2012-10-16 18:53 ID:y71zWxUs [Del]

Fate would be an epic anime

Pokemon HAS movies!

Bioshock- Movie

Black Ops- .... No clue.

SOme others would be decided upon. The Ar Tonelico would be anime.

4 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-10-16 19:13 ID:QNcFYVH4 [Del]

Fate... would be? As in, Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Zero?

Because those exist. Fairly recently in the latter's case, and in the former case, it has two different adaptations :|

5 Name: Aeterna!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-10-16 19:29 ID:XIfuYxFT [Del]

Metal Gear Solid. Oh, wait.......

6 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2012-10-17 01:00 ID:qtB0Z7+6 [Del]

LoZ. Man, if Nintendo themselves (not some othe company, because they have done it before) made an LoZ anime covering each game /in order of their timeline,/ (like LoZ: Skyward Sword as a series, then when they finish thet, they move on to the next one and so on and so forth) I would not be able to wait until after college even more. Plus I would download every episode, and put all of Twilight Princess on two seperate flash drives and a computer so, even if one breaks, I still have a second/third usable way to watch it.

7 Name: SanityJinx : 2012-10-17 06:33 ID:NflNughk [Del]

Dead Space as a movie or anime..? Uhm, Well the budget for that movie would be immense due to that much gore and such. And they have to follow the exact storyline even if Issac doesn't say Jack Which improves the horror factor. Otherwise I would say it's more so an inch left to a bullseye since hey have alot to work with, especially with the necromorphs.

8 Name: Diamond : 2012-10-17 10:10 ID:7eNVjjaj [Del]

Mega man has an anime, but I once saw an amazing fan film of it.

LoZ movie...hmm, if it were in chronological order, I suppose it'd be alright.

Halo: Forward Unto Dawn...can't wait for episode 3

9 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-10-17 11:47 ID:I8UEXbd+ [Del]

>>7 They have a Dead Space animated movie. It's on Netflix.

Also, the game and movie both are not adaptations unless the original was a book. If it's like Silent Hill and the game was first, then the movie is the adaptation. For Transformers, the game would be the adaption. Also, the story's origins are almost always better, because that's what people compare the adaptation to, and it usually falls short.

10 Name: SanityJinx : 2012-10-17 12:12 ID:NflNughk [Del]

>>9 Agreed, Agreed But What I mean is the actualy storyline with issac in a live-action format. The animated movies were really Fun to watch. And yeah origins are better but the story following otherwise can be much enjoyable.

11 Name: Alexavier : 2012-10-17 13:46 ID:seclyWlM [Del]

>>4 Yes as in Stay Night or Zero. Though... Fate/EXTRA could use attention too.

12 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-10-17 14:52 ID:TMu+5yBM [Del]

I still say an Elder Scrolls TV series similar to Legend of the Seeker would be pretty badass.

13 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-10-18 00:39 ID:I8UEXbd+ [Del]

>>10 Enjoyable, but almost never as good as the original. A Dead Space movie following Isaac would actually not follow the game story. Stop and think about Dead Space. Would just walking down a dark hallway, waiting for pop scares over and over make for a very interesting movie? No. Movies and games have completely different methods for holding your attention. In games, it's interactive and you have a very extended "attention time", meaning you game play one game for weeks. Since you can pick it up, play a bit, then put it down, you have to meet a whole new set of objectives. You have to have smooth character control, enticing interaction, and a decent story. In other words, you make the game enjoyable for a person to interact with. Action is key. A movie is typically an hour and a half, 3 hours being very very long. Since it's both non-interactive and incredibly short compare to games, it's criteria are completely different. Your first goal is a very compelling story (double points if both the protagonist(s) and antagonist(s) are morally gray, and the actions then taken aren't clear cut as good or evil). Your second goal is character development, and personal conflict. Dialogue is key. Basing a movie off a game or vise versa is to change the primary objectives of the original, which means they're making something on a different premise than why we loved the original.

Game focus = interaction in the long term
Movie focus = dialogue and plot in the short term
The second media based off the first is changing what we really loved about the first.
For example: A movie based off of World of Warcraft would suck because what made the game fun was question with friends, leveling classes, exploring, finding rare gear, etc. A movie would focus on a story, character development, and dialogue with occasional combat. It would focus on something other than why we liked the game in the first place.

14 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-10-18 13:20 ID:k7wU1VLX (Image: 400x400 jpg, 64 kb) [Del]

src/1350584454905.jpg: 400x400, 64 kb


There are SOO MANY different options in the world of elder scrolls and the development of your character that viewers would be forced to watch ONE storyline of ONE character and THIER CHOICES.

Boring as fuck.

That is why many people are criticizing the adaptation of Deus Ex into a movie.
There are so many different routes to take in that game, that it choosing one to establish a plot would make it boring.

Pic related.

15 Name: Shade!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-10-18 14:14 ID:d7LAmD10 [Del]

>>14 You do realize its not an adaptation of any of the games, right? I mean as far as i'm aware. In which case, I still don't dislike the idea. I think a movie version of Deus Ex(especially Human Revolution), would be awesome. Though it would need to be an animated film. Not anime or live-action. Just animated. Watch the Deus Ex: Human Revolution - They Can't Stop the Future Director's Cut trailer for what i'm talking about. Thats the animation I want for it. And to be completely honest, while I think games with choices are great, I prefer linear games, with a set story, set characters, etc. In my opinion, the stories are better that way. Look at Mass Effect 3, sure, the entire game up till the end was awesome(I actually liked the ending to begin with), then everyone hated it because they felt like their choices in the end didn't matter. With a preset storyline without choice however, thats avoided, because the story wasn't unfluenced by choices, and therefore, you can only be disappointed if you didn't like the story.

I'm actually planning to become a writer and voice actor. I'll be writing novels, which I hope will become anime or JRPG style games at some point. I'm not letting Hollywood touch my books

OT: It really depends on what game gets adapted. Final Fantasy has the potential for great movies, look at Advent Children for instance. In fact, I think people would have liked XIII better if it were a movie. I loved the story, but alot of people didn't like the gameplay. So a movie would probably have been better.

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn - What can I say? Most epic adaptation i've seen yet. Though i'm a die-hard Halo fanboy through and through, so my opinion probably doesn't count.

Mass Effect: While I love the anime film, Lost Paragon, which I plan to watch when it comes out, I can't wait to see what the live-action adaptation of the first game is gonna be like.

Gears of War: Can't wait to see it once it gets out of development hell.

World of Warcraft: I have a feeling this'll flop.

Zone of the Enders: Yes, yes, and more yes. Live action or anime, doesn't matter to me. Though, if they do live action, they should find a director who will stay true to the world and feel of the first two games. The third game is going in a completely different direction with a new setting(An ancient civilization apparently, yest still with mechs that may or may not be alive, and it may or may not actually be set in the distant past and not an alternate universe like many thought, possibly explaining the origins of Metatron.). In other words, sci-fi, Japanese giant robot movie. A new anime would be cool too.

Metal Gear Solid: The games are very cinematic, so a movie adaptation wouldn't be any different from the games. So I think this one is a no go.

Halo: I already mentioned Forward Unto Dawn above, but there was also Halo: Legends which I thought was pretty awesome. So I wouldn't mind a Halo: Legends 2.

16 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-10-18 19:07 ID:k7wU1VLX [Del]

>>15 Watch the Deus Ex: Human Revolution - They Can't Stop the Future Director's Cut trailer for what i'm talking about. Thats the animation I want for it.
>>Thats the animation I want for it
>>I want for it
>>I want

Firstly, I have seen everything related to Deus Ex that has been released. Including the Eyeborg documentary. Hell, I just got done doing a college speech on Human Augmentation.

Second, sure, while an animated adaptation would be nice for it, you are different from the gen. population. You have obviously played the game.
The general public won't know where to start, therefore, it has to be something they can understand and be drawn to.
I feel like the AJ in the movie is going to be a dark clothes wearing, depressive, anti-hero, in order to relate to the general population.

Although, in this argument, I realize I can also defeat myself in saying, adapting a game that has multiple story lines and reducing it down to 1 simple one for a movie so that the general public is entertained is better for business.

" You do realize its not an adaptation of any of the games, right? I mean as far as i'm aware."

As far as you are aware.