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Ghostly Experiences? Urban Legends? (157)

1 Name: Kimiwarui : 2012-08-01 23:37 ID:EFcNur0m [Del]

I was wondering if you guys had any strange moments of the supernatural, or perhaps a rumor flowing around town about something paranormal. I would love to hear your experiences throughout this strange category.

2 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-08-01 23:40 ID:lohQgwPG [Del]

In my city, there's a bridge on Governor's Bridge Road(Guess what the bridge is called-_-)and supposedly if you drive backwards onto it than honk and flash your lights six times each Goatman(a mad scientist who chopped off his feet to turn them into hooves to be like the goats he loved so much) will attack you with his trademark weapon, the hatchet/ax. Google Prince Georges Co Goatman for more.

3 Name: Sid : 2012-08-02 00:51 ID:5lVfwx5Q [Del]

I know I had some, but nothing compared to a friend. He told stories of the supernatural, and how he ended up living in a house for free. He just had to fix up the house a little to live there, but he later said it was probably because everyone thought it was haunted. One night he had a dream about an old lady trying to scare him off. He apparently messed with the spirit and reached an agreement of leaving each other alone. Whenever people came over for parties they heard footsteps coming from the attic, yet no one was there. He just told everyone to leave it alone and it will leave you alone. Also when he decided to move out his girlfriend stayed and started to get freaked out due to some weird shit. She had the covers pulled from her in the night and her dog always barked at nothing. Oh and this happened somewhere in Texas, I think. The worst I experienced was an evil aura in my upstairs bathroom for about a month or two, and I could not go in there without turning the lights on first. Oh, on the upside of supernatural he has a pair of boots that he considers lucky. I think he said it was a friend of his who died and they passed on to him, but wearing them he knew his friend was watching over him. Whenever he put those boots on no harm came to him. He even tried his luck by just walking onto busy streets without looking, or stopping, but nothing happened to him.

4 Name: MobileName !Lup0uZudWo : 2012-08-02 00:59 ID:fp0MXuB+ [Del]

I've been seeing movements in my house since I was little. A little unnatural shift of light here, randomly jiggling lamp shade there, and now, I'm starting to hear sounds. Yeah. Hope it's my imagination, but if it's real, then I hope I can kill whatever it is. I would probably die.

Also, my dad "let a black dog" into my mom's room, even though all three of our inside dogs were either in our laps or within view. So...blah... We still have no idea why it was.

And, I feel something touching my neck... Other than hair and skin... So... officially creeped out.

5 Name: HAM !S4SCLJDgwI : 2013-12-26 10:25 ID:cUAZtg5P [Del]

Bumping this up because of the duplicate and fuck I love ghost stories.

Okay, so one time I was at this YMCA camp thing in, like, 6th grade that lasted for a week. Me and my cabin mates heard humors that there was this ghost named Johnny that would appear every Thursday night, so we begged our councilors to see him. We got our "wake up call," walked into the woods, sat down at a camp fire, waited a bit, and then we saw this blue light walking a few yards in front of us. The rumors said that he appeared only as a hand holding a lantern, which is what it looked like considering that there was no body but there were footsteps. One of the councilors called out to it, it stopped, and then it continued "walking" till it went behind a tree where it disappeared.

Idk, maybe the councilors staged it, but it was still pretty fucking cool to see.

6 Name: Chreggome : 2013-12-27 05:40 ID:hTNBIYuV [Del]

There's supposedly a haunted hotel here in my town.
I stayed the night there with a buddy and we spent all night ghost hunting.

Nothing came of it.

7 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-12-27 06:36 ID:VG/UqbOJ [Del]

When my grandma died i felt terribly sorry for not being with her in the lasts days and i locked myself in my room for two days.
On the second day of no-eating and no-sleeping i hear a bird tweeting loud, even though the window was closed and so was the door.
At her funeral, in the closed church, a bird was flying near the ceiling, tweeting.

I'm not a Buddhist but i like to think that, perhaps, the soul of my grandma reincarnated in that bird. It makes me happy that finally she was able to fly free after years of pain...
I know it's not really a ghostly story but i wanted to share it with you all. ^^

8 Name: BlueRaven : 2013-12-27 16:43 ID:xWppujzr [Del]

>>7 well did you know that if u dont sleep for 2-3 days you start hallucinating? sorry to kill your buzz buts your lack of sleep, eating, and grief probably caused that illusion. haha but dont worry, similar things have happened to me before too.

9 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-12-27 16:55 ID:opEawkcW [Del]

That awkward moment when this was bumped because of another duplicate when it's actually a duplicate itself.

10 Name: HAM !S4SCLJDgwI : 2013-12-27 17:03 ID:cUAZtg5P [Del]

>>9 Oh, I'm good at life. Where's the original?

11 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-12-27 18:28 ID:opEawkcW [Del]

>>10 That's the thing...
I can't find it .-. I'm pretty sure it had an unrelated title, so.

Until someone finds it, this one can stay bumped up, I guess.

12 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-12-28 07:14 ID:VG/UqbOJ [Del]

>>8 I felt lucid as ever.
I've only skipped one night of sleeping, nothing much...

13 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-12-28 21:52 ID:jBEeKcSk [Del]


14 Name: binKa !FtvrRDgvH. : 2013-12-29 02:01 ID:P+zpeyPo [Del]

even though it doesnt have to do with ghosts its the most scariest GHOSTLY EXPERIENCE ive ever had

15 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-12-29 02:12 ID:lHaLov2L [Del]

>>14 "Most scariest"

16 Name: ilikegreen : 2013-12-29 07:47 ID:VsGmswky [Del]

>>14 yeahh, its so freaking scary that everytime I had a sleep paralysis episode i ended up not sleeping for the entire night. ToT

17 Name: ilikegreen : 2013-12-29 07:47 ID:VsGmswky [Del]

>>14 yeahh, its so freaking scary that everytime I had a sleep paralysis episode i ended up not sleeping for the entire night. ToT

18 Name: ilikegreen : 2013-12-29 07:48 ID:VsGmswky [Del]

>>14 yeahh, its so freaking scary that everytime I had a sleep paralysis episode i ended up not sleeping for the entire night. ToT

19 Name: Xissx !6bey4Qz3DY : 2013-12-29 12:55 ID:DKZhktXh [Del]

>>16>>17>>18 The boundaries of double post have been broken.

20 Name: kanra : 2013-12-30 12:54 ID:TxVJVmcy [Del]

When i was little, I had "imaginary friends"...and i watched paranormal activity onc, but our cabinet flew open and shut itself again O-O i screamed...and then proceeded to cry. but when i was little, i would supposedly play with my "imaginary friends" so people thought that i was a mental child ^^ haha i dont necessarily think that that makes you just means that you finally have a "friend" ^^ i still have those "friends" today ^^

21 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-12-30 13:56 ID:zwzVFIH+ [Del]

I'm sure glad you have those "friends" still.

Seeing as it's pretty unlikely you'll find many if any here, and I would assume the same could be said about your life offline as well.

22 Name: Chreggome : 2013-12-31 03:40 ID:r2GoxYOZ [Del]

>>21 lol this

23 Name: kanra : 2013-12-31 23:25 ID:TxVJVmcy [Del]


uuummm.....that was rude...and well, quite frankly, you're wrong...i have found 2 friends on only 13... T~T those comments hurt

24 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-12-31 23:33 ID:aM34JuAi [Del]

Your two online imaginary friends don't count.

lol this faggot, guys.

25 Name: Xissx !6bey4Qz3DY : 2014-01-01 00:53 ID:rzifgxrN [Del]

The amount of burn Yata is inflicting on Kanra is intense.

26 Name: Chreggome : 2014-01-01 02:25 ID:U2diea3m [Del]

>>24 lol this, again.
Fuck you, Kanra.

27 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-01 04:25 ID:75rpFL4z [Del]

Actually I take back previous statement. I feel mean even reading what you guys are saying.

Like, I'd understand if she did something first but this is just kind of like stomping a comatose puppy.

28 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-01-01 08:34 ID:aM34JuAi [Del]

The best kind of stomping. /o/

29 Name: Chreggome : 2014-01-01 17:56 ID:58rEOC6v [Del]

>>27>>28 /o/
Fuck puppies.
I'm more of a cat guy anyhow.

30 Name: Tree : 2015-02-18 12:44 ID:S/C1JsLk [Del]

so what happened to the ghost stories?
Anyways, 'Twas many years ago when this little tale begins... and ends! I was but a wee little child having the childhood of my life (because i can't have someone else's). In my third year of elementary it was, when the occurrence happened, not at school though. So basically the day was turning darker and thus came the night. i was at the place called home at the time... now, IT'S HAUNTED!!!!. -Just kidding, lol, it's just where i used to live now.- Back to the premise, so it was night time, the bed had been waiting for me and my brothers and it tucked us in. Asleep, I was dreaming... I don't remember the details though. Soon the dream became a nightmare. I awoke, scared into the night, i walked in to my parents and sister's room, Slept on a little bed with Mother. And BOOM!!!!that's where it went DOWN, I was screaming AAHHH!!! HELP!!!! SOMETHING GRABBED MY FOOT!. Every body came in and told me to just go to sleep, that i grabbed my foot myself etc. Well i was scared but i did sleep. Next day i woke up, sun's out so I looked around the bed, under it i found a doll. I grabbed it, scared, i tied it to a door knob. Minutes later it was gone, had it moved? No, my sister took it. later i got it back and threw it away in the garbage. I SWEAR IT WAS THAT DOLL!!!

LONG STORY SHORT: Something grabbed my foot at night when i was 8 years old and i found a doll under the bed i was on in the morning, thus my conclusion that it was the doll.

31 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2015-02-18 14:02 ID:NqtmXuuZ [Del]

Your stories suck.

At my dad's house growing up, I used to sit at the dining room table to do my homework. I didn't like the lights my dad had, so I left them off. There was more than enough light coming through the window anyways. However, I could see someone running across the other side of the room out of the corner of my eye every day.

After a while, I got creeped out so I started doing my homework in my room, which is by the stairs. I heard someone walking outside my room, but when I looked, no one was there. One time I even thought I heard someone fall down the stairs. By now, I accepted the house was haunted.

One night, after watching ghost hunters, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of dishes in the sink at three in the morning. A few months later, I came home and when I put my stuff down, I heard someone walking around upstairs. Our house had been broken into before so I ran out and to the neighbor.

They let me stay until my dad came home and kept an eye on both of the doors. When my dad came home, he looked everywhere, but no one was there.

I asked both my parents, and my mom said everyone died but he wife in a train accident, everyone being the husband and two children. My dad said only the husband died in a car accident. Both agree that the parents were elderly.

I believe mom's account because the person I saw running across the dining room looked like a little girl.

Now my dad is married and my younger step siblings live there. They both have accounts of hearing people walking around or showering in the middle of the night. If they ask who it was the next day, everyone denies it.

Not spooky, just kinda creepy when your there. Especially because back then most of the house want lit properly. Now it's better because my dad got work done on it before he married my step mom.

32 Name: Tree : 2015-02-21 09:47 ID:S/C1JsLk [Del]

dang.. all of our stories do suck compared to yours >>31

33 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-02-21 10:48 ID:wU54c/CM [Del]

I don't feel like writing all of them out, but the first time was when I was three , in Georgia, and I described a woman standing in the hallway.

The second time I was 13 and in China and I saw a ghost in the hallway. Someone had killed themselves on the top floor a week after we moved in, but when I ran to my mother's room and locked the door, my mom jumped out of sleep and started crying saying she saw her dead sister alone and crying.
So we believe that May have been her instead.
The third time was in China again, but different city. When I was 15 or 16 was the first time I sensed something malevolent. Sure enough, she invaded my dreams that night and murdered me with such morbidity and paranormal brutality, I stopped sleeping in that apartment for weeks.
The fourth time was when I was 19 and living in my brother's apartment. There was a female with long hair in the hallway. As long as I didn't pay attention to her, she didn't bother me or anyone else.
One day, I fucked up.
After that, she wouldn't stop staring at me as I slept on the couch for several nights.
The fifth and last time was something I told you all about already. Last week, a nice, warm female was comforting me.

34 Name: DarkFlameMaster : 2015-02-22 11:51 ID:UkQCDXpP [Del]

One of my good friend's has some sort of spirit following her. I've been in her room before to feed her pet snake, and as I was leaving her room, I noticed I could see the old wallpaper bleeding through the new one. I asked her what that is and she said that before they moved into this house, the entire wallpaper was covered in crosses. Nothing but crosses. At that exact moment, the wind chimes in her room began to tinkle (this is the exact reason she has them in there. I looked at them and asked her why they were in here, but she pushed me out and back into the living room. She looked dead at me and said, "Kyle... I don't have any air vents in my room, and the fan was turned off. Whenever I hear the chimes rattle, that's my cue to leave." As soon as she said that, her xbox controllers fell of the frame of her bed where she kept them, and that was the last time I ever visited her house.

35 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-02-22 14:13 ID:wU54c/CM [Del]

>>34 Wait wait, is she okay? The poltergeist doesn't hurt her does it?

36 Name: Anonymous : 2015-02-23 06:02 ID:kzP0uFo4 [Del]

I drew and burnt sigils for a week, and climaxed on a full moon.
Got results. Hella results.
Shit's spooky.

But, I am glad because I feel pretty validated.
Maybe I'm not so crazy after all.

37 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-02-23 06:43 ID:8YXOmJqi [Del]

I've got my fair share of shit that's happened with "ghosts" or whatever they are. I'm not saying 100% that the afterlife is real or anything - just that I've dealt with enough that I can't be skeptical and keep a straight face at the same time.

In the house we lived in when I was little, there were supposedly two spirits: a shadowy man and a young girl. The girl would play with the dogs and make toys go off at night (even when they had no batteries in them). The man would stand at the top of the stairs and watch my parents sleep. They said he'd get more visible when my dad drank. He used to say my mom was crazy until he saw it walk behind her while he was in the bathroom one day.

When my mom, bro, and I moved to our house house after that, I had an imaginary friend who was a little redhead. My mom would get creeped out because I would sit there and talk as if it was a real person and play board games like there was someone on the other team, but she figured it was nothing. When I was about 10, she got mad at me, saying that I was too old to have an imaginary friend, so I told my friend to go away. I never saw her again. A couple years ago, my mom asked me what she looked like for the first time... I described in detail her childhood friend who was hit and killed by a car when she was little. There are no pictures of her.

I used to see a man in the woods a lot when we were taking the bus to school. It was obviously not a person.

I was in middle school one night when I saw a dark figure standing in the corner of my room. I figured that if it was cold, it had to be real, right? So I slowly poked my foot out towards it to feel the air temperature. It grabbed my foot and threw me back on the bed and had me return to sleeping. But it didn't feel like it had bad intentions; I think something might have happened if it wasn't there and I got up that night.

I used to hear voices from my (unplugged) desktop speakers. Disembodied voices in general seem to stick around me (my mom periodically hears them as well). One likes to mimic her when she's not home. Another really doesn't like my dogs.

I have a music box that used to go off by itself. It's the kind that you have to wind and open for it to play, but sometimes it would just start playing without opening. It stopped after I started storing my old coins and diary keys in it.

I've seen a lot of shadow/light figures in general, especially small ones. I'll be going down the hallway and see what I think is my dog in the way, step around it to get to the light switch, then realize in the light that neither of my dogs were in the hallway at the time. That happens pretty often these days.

You guys know the recent experience I had with the face in the neighbor's window.

I've also had a lot of poltergeist-y experiences lately. I think I mentioned those socks that flew across the kitchen? There's been a lot of totally stable things falling over and sounds that are more than just the trailer settling.

My mom thinks she's some fancy witch or some shit and keeps trying to sage the house and splash holy water and set salt around, but it's really doing nothing except driving the good ones away 'cuz they think we don't want them here anymore. Then we're stuck with the assholes that she's too dense to sense. It's annoying.

Recent experience? Sure-

I was at my friend's house the other day, and when we were hanging out, we started to hear bits of this sound like a radio static? I had felt uncomfortable ever since I got there, and he eventually admitted that he'd been hearing and seeing a lot of weird things lately. He seemed really relieved that I was hearing the static too. We went and gathered all of the walkie-talkies that he had in the house and made sure they were all off, yet we kept hearing it. We unplugged all the televisions (if not grounded right, TVs can pick up truck radios).

He walked around outside to make sure nobody was there, checked all the rooms, etc. The sound continued through the night. At one point, it was a longer sound, and we could hear the really distinct voices of people talking through a walkie, but we definitely had all them. I could have sworn that there had to be a cop walking around getting orders from other officers through his walkie, but there was nobody in or even near the house.

He and I both have a habit of collecting weird things (he likes junk he finds on the street, I like old things and antiques), so I guess it makes sense that we'd have our experiences.

38 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-02-23 06:44 ID:8YXOmJqi [Del]

My dad used to say my mom was crazy*

39 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2015-02-23 17:34 ID:rPIQ0bhU [Del]

I see shadow figures from the corner of my eye a lot. I always shrug it off because I think it was just my hair or something, but some incidents are always harder to shrug off.

At my mom's old house I thought I saw someone walk past the bathroom doorway while I was looking at it. Being a kid, I got my mom but no one was in there.

I saw my dog walking passed the top of the stairs recently after it died at my dad's house, but nothing since.

When we moved into I mom's current house while I was in high school we heard a lot of odd noises and still do. While she was waiting for her bed to come in she shared mine with me and we heard a weird noise. I immediately thought it was an elephant and my mom gave me an odd look and asked if I heard that. I asked what she meant and she said it sounded like an elephant.

I've heard dogs whining while I saw that ours weren't. I've heard cat food being poured into their bowls when there was no food when I looked after And I was home alone. I've also heard cat fights that didn't happen. Because it didn't sound like them.

I've had instances in my old apartment where I woke at 3 in the morning with the lamp beside my bed on when I remember turning it off before I went to bed made me not sleep for months. It's especially weird because I'm a deep sleeper, but if anyone goes in my room while I sleep, even if they're dead quiet, I wake immediately.

That actually happened once in my current apartment which scares me shitless.

I like living in places that aren't as old because it's less likely to be haunted but my last apartment was only for years old and mt mom's house was brand new when we got it.

40 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-24 02:08 ID:hvKvZVte [Del]

>>39 Probs just black people robbing you blind

41 Name: Starfish Neko : 2015-04-12 15:58 ID:2KZXhtMd [Del]

A few years ago my mother was on the verge of dying. She was unconscious. I was shaking her so much it was unreal. She went to hospital and was pale and freezing. She didnt wake up until a day later. She woke up saying she saw her grandmother telling her to wake up and that she was "too young to die yet". She had flashbacks of her childhood whilst i was rapidly shaking her about to wake her up and she said she remembered being bullied.

Another weird encounter with the spiritual world was back two years ago, where i lived in a house that was bombed. I had countless nightmares and so did my sister. It was of something standing next to us, watching us sleeping. One day, we told friends of our parents that are psychics about it and they told us the nightmare/hauntings will be dealt with in a few weeks. After a couple of weeks, our nightmares are gone and apparently the hauntings are stored in a jar kept in either Thailand or Hong Kong.

Additional spiritual encounter: My aunt is mentally unstable and ill, she had to stay in a institution. In the days of her staying there, she said that in her cellar there was a woman holding a gun up to head wanting to commit suicide. Okay, let me tell you how we think she got 'psychotic' and 'possessed'. She was stayin in Thailand for a month. She told us she was having great fun. Suddenly, one day she was sent to the hospital because she was bitten by a monkey. After being bit by the monkey she became..mad. Thailand is known for having voodoo and witchcraft. My mother went to Hong Kong to seek help from her psychic friend, who does white witchcraft and he gave her blessed holy water from the mountain springs. He told her to wipe my aunt with the holy water and the demon inside her will be calmed. The wipe is stored in a jar in Hong Kong and is stabilised with two pieces of paper with holy writing on it. After a few days of wiping the holy water on my aunt, she was freed from the institution and she is now a well known artist :) although at times she may be a bit...looney. She helps me out with art.

OKAY I HAVE MANY SPIRITUAL ENCOUNTERS ALRIGHT. But when i was 7, i stayed at my uncle and aunt's house(another aunt) and my aunt is from Thailand. She is a witch. She keeps ghosts in her house and they are the ghosts of children. One night i was staying at their place and i woke up hearing laughter. they didnt have children then, and i woke up with a clean circular bald patch on my head. Also afterwards i choked on my cereal. It was horrible because I couldn't breathe. Few years later they have a second child, a daughter who can see spirits. everytime she sees my possessed aunt, she cries and runs to her mother who is a witch. My aunts are both spiritual people. My mother, father and I have studied "REIKI" and it is a form of energy flow. It was calming, please look into it and study it. After learning reiki, my parents both opened up their third eyes, sorry for the long post :( hope you enjoyed my post though..

42 Name: Starfish Neko : 2015-04-12 16:00 ID:2KZXhtMd [Del]

#39 i also see shadowy figures all over my house, it is scary because one time, i was running around the house with my sister. I see a shadowy figure walk into the living room so thinking it was my dad i ran into the room saying "DAD! (sister) is trying to catch me! hel--" and that was when i saw nothing in the room.

43 Name: Mag : 2015-04-17 15:04 ID:d6YxAv8N [Del]


44 Name: Just another girl : 2015-04-17 23:27 ID:qQWByZbS [Del]

Several ago, while I was sleeing, I woke up because I heard this soft growling, at first I thought it was just my dog. Then I remembered my dog had slept outside that night, so I sat up to see this weird figure sitting on the foot of my bed. I was only 7, so I was really scared somi closed my eyes and tried to hide under the blanket. After a few seconds, I looked up, but it wasn't there. I remember feeling it jump off the was really pale, almost as white as flour, it was only about 2.5 feet tall(crouching) and it had looked angry, like I had did he something to him. Earlier this year, I had a dream about that night, so I told my best friend about it. He looked kinda freaked out, and then he showed me the video he was watching. It was about a woman who woke up to see a human like creature on the foot of her bed, staring at her husband. It glanced at her, leaped off the bed, and raced down the hall to her daughters room. She immediately chased after it, but when she got there her daughter had been ripped limb from limb, in a matter off seconds, and the creature was gone. It then showed a picture of the creature. It was the same thing I had seen six years before. The man narrating the video said it was a creepypasta called the Rake. This was the first time I had even heard of something called a creepypasta.

45 Name: Yuurei !l6b21W13yM : 2015-04-18 03:45 ID:rKOSqdSy [Del]

I often hear sounds like someone walking down the steps or opening door/windows during the night. I usually get quite panicked, as after all the anime i've seen i can say that ghosts are usually bad to mess with. Though, when i look, theres nothing there 0_0
I have a friend who likes to delve into the occult and that sort of thing so i asked him about it. He said to keep some salt nearby, so you can guess whats now on my bedside table

46 Name: Old Hollow Tree : 2015-04-18 16:02 ID:S/C1JsLk [Del]

Nothing paranormal has really happened to me since elementary school. The latest thing was actually last year. It was just sleep paralysis though, but it was the first time i experienced it and i didn't know what it was. i thought that it was a ghost. Everything felt dark and evil... and then there was this immense pressure i felt on top of me and in the atmosphere. It happened like 5 times that year. one time i open my eyes to see if there was anything, but my eyes were so shaky i couldn't tell. i looked it up the 3rd time around and then i found out what it was. By the way, the moere i struggled the stronger the pressure felt on me and in the room.

47 Name: Shiro Neko : 2015-04-18 20:16 ID:1BLLnvip [Del]

>>45 Salt for snails.


48 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-05-12 05:11 ID:FyKp0mxp [Del]

Magic is real guys.
There is no doubt in my mind that everything that says otherwise is just propaganda.

49 Name: littleBROKER : 2015-05-12 19:10 ID:fDG7kcLQ [Del]

This is a century and a half old story from my hometown: The Veiled Lady- she was once the blushing young bride to a confederate politician. But when the civil war broke out, her beloved was drafted and forced from her loving embrace. The story goes he was one of the first casualties at Gettysburg. He had left her via ship along the Potomac, and so every morning she would wander to the hillside cemetery and idle till dusk, hoping she may glimpse his return to her, a valiant soldier come home at last.
She did this until the war ended, and when at last she realized her beloved would never return home, she dressed herself in her wedding gown, climbed to the highest cliff of the cemetery she could find, and stepped off the edge, to the quarry below. She is said to appear twice every year: the first is on the anniversary of her wedding to her beloved; she will appear as an everescent wisp, with a sad smile and a bouquet of daisies. Its said you can actually smell them around her- there's also said to be the faint, but warm tone of wedding bells in the distance. Her second appearance is on the anniversary of her death. She will be weeping on the hill where she took her tumble; its said she will appear as a full specter, yet her dress will have turn black,as black as the bereavement which consumed her in the end. It will always be almost completely silent, but for her sobs and the sound of a tolling bell in the distance, most likely for a funeral. Its said if you see her happy, a friend or family member is soon due to find true love. But if you find her in tears, someone you love is about to die. I saw her once. A week later, my friend shot himself after his wife left him. I can honestly say I believe the legend.💀

50 Name: [Dude] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-05-12 22:35 ID:W8ijdeq/ [Del]

>>49 =_= I hate those type of spirits, even worse if you cant even resolve it, like finding her huspand but A. Where da hell are ye gonna find his spirit
B. How da hell ye gonna convince to follow you or even go anywhere, if his a mad spirit or a lost soul?
C. Gathering the nessary people and tools for these operation.

But, in the end, the spirit is to suffer until a happy ending for them comes, humans put the spirit out of its misery and self benefit, or to be lost and forgotten forever, not all spirits can last forever.

51 Name: Janobii : 2015-05-12 23:01 ID:R9M8hTNJ [Del]

There's no really big horror stories or hauntings near where I live. The closest we have to a "horror story" is the superstition that John C. Calhoun and his family still haunt his house. There have been a few reports from the students of Clemson University that they can hear people walking upstairs when no one's there. However, the adults have strangely never heard it, except for one lady that's worked there for a very long time. It's also said that Calhoun hated that his land was made into a university, so if a student enters the house before they graduate college, they won't graduate on time. This has actually happened numerous times, including a friend of my dad's, Mr. Wilson. He graduated late and he worked at the house. But that's about as scary as it gets.

However, down in the charleston area, ghost stories and sightings aren't uncommon. There's even ghost tours and everything. There's even a good story about a taxi driver having a vision of a few ghosts and thinking he was going crazy when one of his clients told him she saw the ghosts too.

52 Name: littleBROKER : 2015-05-13 02:55 ID:fDG7kcLQ [Del]

Now I can't say I'm much of a ghostly legends kind of guy; monsters and cryptids are more of my thing. Hell, I'd probably be a cryptozoologist right now if the pay didn't suck donkey balls, but go figure... I could probably post a few local stories, but only with permission to proceed.😽

53 Name: littleBROKER : 2015-05-13 03:14 ID:fDG7kcLQ [Del]

Then again, I'd like to hear if Mr. Denkin has any tales of woe or thrill to share...😺

54 Name: [Dude] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-05-13 05:18 ID:rc8WMq1C [Del]

>>53 None that i shall tell, for there is no tale to tell.

55 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-05-28 05:22 ID:weJ5yB0J [Del]

Last night:

Male, young, tall, lean - a bit on the skinny side, caucasian, and most importantly headless. With the head, I guess around 6'3"-4".

He was frantic; kept saying I had to tell his mother something.

Might look into murders by decaptitation within the area and search for someone who fits the description. But after that I'm dropping it.

56 Name: HAM (on school computer) : 2015-05-28 12:47 ID:L8s5ABVX [Del]

>>55 that's freakin' creepy o'o

would be interested to know if you find anything on him because that'd be a story in the making

57 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-05-28 16:43 ID:wU54c/CM [Del]

>>56 I would, but I'm not entirely sure where to look. All I find are articles on the recent decapitation in Long Island, and it's not that; that vic was female.

58 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-05-28 16:55 ID:X2FzRZWq [Del]

>>57 Was he naked? You never know what's under the skirt these days :p

59 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-05-28 17:38 ID:wU54c/CM [Del]

>>58 He was shirtless and that chest was definitely male, Babs. ;)
Spoke with my mom... Because of a radio show she used to listen to, she believes it's a demon and that I should drop it...

I always ignore them... But I just thought maybe this time I should actually do something... I'll know by tonight. If he doesn't come again, I'll leave it be. I really cant find any trace of this guy. There's the possibility of him being murdered and his body never found, but that'd basically make it impossible to find him.

60 Name: Poppers : 2015-05-29 17:39 ID:z+p28NrK (Image: 600x150 jpg, 13 kb) [Del]

src/1432939154645.jpg: 600x150, 13 kb
Remember to have an orange; in quite a few cultures, oranges are seen as bribes or repellant against impure/ corrupt spirits, including demons. Otherwise, have newborn child ready. Demons will always want a little red meat in their diet!

61 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-05-30 02:17 ID:pMKfDJFE [Del]

So, I've been learning how to divine.
Anyone want a reading?
Tell me what kind of reading you want and in what fashion you want it read.
I will tell you what I need from you once the details are taken care of.

62 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-05-30 02:23 ID:pMKfDJFE [Del]

>>61 also, if anyone wants to practice remote viewing/ telepathic communications with me we can do that.
I've got a pretty decent exercise I've done with a friend before with pretty solid results.

63 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-05-31 14:26 ID:P+6d5uCq [Del]

I've had several ghostly experiences. They like to watch me from around corners, speak in weird languages, or just run around and stop and look at me. I can't describe it all here though cause I'd be here forever otherwise.
I LOVE Urban Legends and the "games"/rituals stuff so you found the right person. I can tell you all about several so if you're interested let me know and we'll talk!

64 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-01 01:39 ID:CdtKgMea (Image: 2148x2169 jpg, 909 kb) [Del]

src/1433140770033.jpg: 2148x2169, 909 kb
>>61>>62 there are four items in this bag.
They might be the same with small details, they might all be different items.
What is in the bag?
This is a test in remote viewing.

65 Name: Poppers : 2015-06-01 11:45 ID:z+p28NrK [Del]

>>64 this is just a test right?
...okay, so I'll say two objects are similar in shape, not size. The other two are the same object, just different colors. In fact, the size of the bag indicates the items are small to begin with. Are the objects currency?

66 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-01 12:14 ID:CdtKgMea [Del]

>>65 it is not currency, but some of what you said is right.

67 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-03 04:25 ID:PHcozZXU [Del]

>>64 exercise complete

The second exercise will be ready in the next few days.
Exercises will last until they are solved.
First one was solved.

68 Name: Hiroki : 2015-06-03 18:20 ID:xa5aNT0c [Del]

Had you ever slept in front of an old cathode-ray tube television ?

Minutes after you turn your light off, it still emits a slight white halo, and if you're not used to it you piss yourself until you understand where it comes from.

69 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-03 19:45 ID:xfd36S/K [Del]

Okay, I have a couple to share. I've woken up in the middle of the night with strange feelings of being watched. I couldn't really sleep one night and I heard whispering in a language I didn't understand. I looked at my doorway and saw a shadowy human figure peaking from around the corner. I've even heard really low, almost inhuman moans when no one heard anything.

As for rumors, there's one relating to my school. That Charlie Charlie challenge made its rounds there and the classmates are all paranoid. They think the gym is haunted because of things like footsteps occurring when no one is walking. Thing is, the auditorium is what's haunted because my friends have seen and heard spooky stuff there and so have I. Now I try to tell my peers that and I'm dismissed as paranoid but when that Charlie stuff (which has been around FOR YEARS) surfaces, suddenly it's all real. I'm laughing about it but that doesn't mean the gym ghost isn't real because I know the auditorium ghost is!

70 Name: Andyfire !cMPD9cp3SU : 2015-06-03 23:21 ID:fcTJRNIz [Del]

One ghost tries to take care of the house but mostly she (it's just a guess) likes to hide stuff from us. Unless theirs two of them. One who likes to prank and the other likes to look after people.

However the ghost cat keeps trying to get me to play with him/her before disappearing.

71 Name: Water The Toxic Savior. !BgxF79hIoI : 2015-06-04 20:00 ID:wRoLa4TS [Del]

I'd like to believe in it, it's a powerful tool for moral guidance, but I have trouble finding logically genuine mindsets in the midst of all the "super natural" communities. I personally don't feel that if there really is such a thing as magic, monsters and mysticism, that there'd be no excuse to throw away a reasonable mindset to achieve it.

I have had a number of "unexplained happenings", and I strongly believe they are nothing more than that:
I believe they're are somethings we just haven't discovered yet, and at he root of it, that's all they really are.
I believe th

72 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-06 07:19 ID:QIALYQuy [Del]

>>71 what is a "logically genuine mindset?"

73 Name: Water The Toxic Savior. !BgxF79hIoI : 2015-06-06 13:38 ID:wRoLa4TS [Del]

>>72 If that's all you took from that, a very little piece of the entire picture.
then there's no reason you'd need to know.

74 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-06 16:10 ID:gdCkph/N [Del]

>>73 That made no sense. It's not like >>72 was insulting you, it was a legit question.
Tired of seeing people gettin their knickers in a twist as soon as you ask a question.

75 Post deleted by user.

76 Name: Water The Toxic Savior. !BgxF79hIoI : 2015-06-06 17:50 ID:wRoLa4TS [Del]


Nor was I.

But it's not like I used any structured terminology of any kind.
It means exactly how it sounds, if you'd take a second to think I"m sure you'd realize it's definition , or make one of your own.

All of this implied was moote to me, because I thought it was too petty to explain and should have been implied without anyone saying anything about it. If you'd excuse my ignorance, I feel you've spoken out of turn.

77 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-06 19:15 ID:gdCkph/N [Del]

Your ignorance is excused, because I didn't.

>>All of this implied was moote to me, because I thought it was too petty to explain

This might've been out of line though. Because in a discussion if someone asks for clarity, whether you think it's moot (the correct way of spelling it) or not, it makes no sense to say "there's no reason you'd need to know" in a discourteous response that could've just held the answer to their question.

>>But it's not like I used any structured terminology of any kind.
Kinda the point when asking what do you mean by it. The next sentence doesn't offer further explanation, and because we're speaking of something as ambiguous as "supernatural communities" and your opinions of them, it makes sense to ask for elaboration in what you specifically are looking for.
But since you're so against it for whatever reason, just never mind it. Similarly, if you're not willing to explain "a very little piece", then there's no reason for us to care any more about your opinion. And we'll let that be that.

78 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-07 02:31 ID:FaYMzogk (Image: 255x237 jpg, 15 kb) [Del]

src/1433662284178.jpg: 255x237, 15 kb
>>73>>76 this is you
*tips memedora*

79 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-07 11:45 ID:xfd36S/K [Del]

>>78 lol I know a couple of people like that. I've had some scary run-ins with the supernatural and when I try to tell them cause I'm too freaked out to sleep, they tell me this stuff isn't real but they have no way to back it up nor the experience to prove it. It's funny because when something involving spirits and the like happens to them there's bricks in their pants.

80 Name: Water The Toxic Savior. !BgxF79hIoI : 2015-06-07 11:45 ID:wRoLa4TS (Image: 261x149 jpg, 6 kb) [Del]

src/1433695525451.jpg: 261x149, 6 kb
>>77 Whatever you would like to belive is fine with me Agruing with me has nothing to do with the topic so let's just say you win whatever you think there is to be won from out doing Me with logic so that we don't pollute this thread with utter bullshit.

One of us has to care about the real topic at hand.

81 Name: Water The Toxic Savior. !BgxF79hIoI : 2015-06-07 11:50 ID:wRoLa4TS [Del]

I regret ever saying anything and I'm sorry I did.

I had no idea you could be so immature on such a mature topic. I'll sstay off of here from now on and I'll do better not to share my opinions. "I'm mad bro", it won't happen again.

82 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-07 12:40 ID:wU54c/CM [Del]

>>says let's not pollute the thread
>>Makes a post 5 minutes letter that still had nothing to do with the thread

Sure thing, mate.


>>55 Saw him again last night, so I think I'll find how to look up my headless man at the downtown library.

Seemed a little bit angry. Probably because I was ignoring him, but that's not my fault. Bro needs to be more specific.

83 Name: Water The Toxic Savior. !BgxF79hIoI : 2015-06-07 14:50 ID:wRoLa4TS [Del]

Good game.

84 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-07 15:13 ID:xfd36S/K [Del]

>>82 If he isn't a murder victim do be careful. You never know what he could be. Does he try to interact with you in anyway or does he just watch you? Does he appear at certain times or randomly? Is there a specific spot he appears in? I hope you come out okay because man, when stuff like that shows up, I can't sleep too good. 0.0

One night I saw this tall man who was completely bald. His skin was so transparent I swear I saw all his veins and he was mad. I couldn't figure out why but I couldn't sleep knowing he was in the house. I think whatever it was assumed different forms because it's appeared as this thing. Like, it had a normal body but the head was jacked up. It had black eyes and no ears and the head was really long. Bro, I had holy water put on my door and got a blessing and I haven't had problems since then.

85 Name: CreepyPlayer : 2015-06-07 19:24 ID:8e58C26O [Del]

Not one or another, but me and my friend found a guy who strap cats to his bikes and just rides around the woods. He just goes on every bumpy terrains no one goes there and we often saw him coming out with a smile on his face. If you back track you can sometime find a few traces of blood.

86 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-07 19:28 ID:wU54c/CM [Del]

>>85....and you never reported him? That's not a ghostly experience that's animal cruelty. If there's evidence of blood, you and your friend would be two witnesses and you might be able to actually put this guy away.

87 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-07 20:59 ID:xfd36S/K [Del]

>>85 That dude sounds like a beginner serial killer. Seriously, not only is that cruel but it sounds like he has some mental issues. That's friggin disturbing.

88 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-06-07 21:04 ID:X2FzRZWq [Del]

^ ^ ^ things I really didn't need to read.

Can we not talk about kitten abuse? And >>85, please notify the proper authorities if you haven't.

89 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-08 01:59 ID:7ISGrpKH [Del]

lol toxic should change his name to cancer
I've been seeing a lot of shadow figures in the corner of my eye, these last few days.
The other day I saw a strange creature lurking about the parking lot. When I had first seen it my tinnitus went crazy and my nose started to pour blood.

I am concerned for my well being and mental health.
I'm either crazy or that's just what someone wants me to think.

A friend showed me that gay Charlie Charlie bullshit and I tried to show him how to do a fix, he was uninterested.

Been divining, as I said earlier, hold onto your butts come September

90 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-08 09:43 ID:xfd36S/K [Del]

>>89 I don't think you're crazy. I think you saw what's called shadow people. Some say they're evil and others say they aren't. They're sketchy looking to me *shivers*. Don't do any of those crazy rituals to try and interact with it or you'll be in a load of trouble. Try ignoring them and if you still feel unsafe call a priest or find things that ward off evil. If it is a shadow person, it doesn't like light, remember that.

Charlie Charlie??? I tried it and nothing happened I played 6 pencils and it worked but nothing happened with the Charlie stuff. I just laughed about the whole thing.

91 Name: Marine : 2015-06-08 10:39 ID:Nk74ksQq [Del]

something like the charlie charlie game ?

92 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-08 10:48 ID:xfd36S/K [Del]

>>91 Yeah but it worked for me. I don't understand why Charlie Charlie is so popular. I've always thought there were better urban legends or "games" to research. What's funny is that all the kids who say they don't believe in it freak out and run when someone plays Charlie Charlie. Now they say the school is haunted nevermind I told them that before. I just laugh honestly.

93 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2015-06-08 12:24 ID:t9OZVfAz [Del]

Not really sure if ghost or sixth sense type of deal, but here's a story. Feel free to give your input.

One time my mom and I were on vacation in Florida nad had a hotel room by the beach. Since it's Florida and by the beach, the hotel rooms weren't inside a building, so they were more easily accessible.

There was this night while we were there that I was more anxious to that point I bit my nails as short as they'd go (back when I had that bad habit). I couldn't sleep and couldn't stop staring at the door. We ended up falling asleep at 4 or 5 in the morning.

My mom woke up before me, and when I woke up, she asked if I knew the door was open all night. It turns out, it was cracked open all night, but you couldn't tell from the angle I was viewing it. The weirdest part is that we even had this whole talk about the supernatural and sixth senses and stuff.

A few other things. I had a lamp by my bed at my old apartment so I won't need to walk across the room in the dark when I turn the light off (I was kind of a slob). I woke up around three or four in the morning quite often for a few weeks, and several times when I woke up the lamp by my bed was on.

That really freaked me out because my friend told me a story in high school that if you wake up around that time someone's watching you, and it happened to her once when her friend was watchign her sleep. I stick by that because it's only happened to me for a few weeks, and I'm a deep sleeper.

The only thing that will wake me up is if someone is in the room with me. I mean, I slept through a hurricane no problem. Two actually.

One last thing. My dogs bark at nothing. Like, if it's every so often or something, that's fine, but this is like, all of the time. I try letting them out, feeding them, paying attention to them, everything.

94 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-08 15:50 ID:xfd36S/K [Del]

>>93 The hours after 3 am are said to be when spirits and the supernatural are most active(some will even say after midnight). Waking up in the middle of the night and feeling someone watching you ain't pleasant 0.0. For the hotel incident, perhaps there was a breeze but if you felt so drawn to the door maybe something might have been there ghostly or not.
The lamp incident well, there are a couple of possibilities. Maybe turned it on and forgot about it. Perhaps you thought it was off and wasn't paying attention. If you honestly know that it was off, something had to have been there. And the hour you woke up too and the fact you're a heavy sleeper spells something.
If it happens again try ignoring it or researching it. I would research because it's good to have knowledge.

95 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2015-06-08 16:07 ID:t9OZVfAz [Del]

>>94 So a breeze opened a locked door? Because that's the front door. The front door of the hotel room leads to the outside, and that was the one that was open.

I didn't feel someone watching me, I just woke up, but the heavy sleeper, waking up, time, and lamp being on all add up to creepy. I know it was off because I can't sleep with a light on (which is probably why it woke me up) and the situation of the lamp would have it shine right in my eyes (it's also there for reading, so...).

But I've moved since then, so meh. It's happened at my new apartment, but only once so I might really have fallen asleep with it on that time.

96 Name: Diamond !UzEJEWELJg : 2015-06-08 16:15 ID:RTRmi32a [Del]

So, normally after midnight, I start feeling some weird things around me, whether it be something pinching my arm, having an extremely awkward cool breeze rub against me (I cut my fan off, so this breeze is confusing), and normally when I wake up, I have have small cuts on my chest.

Whatever it is that does that kinda stuff to me continuously follows me, because I've seen it happen no matter where I go. One example is that a couple days ago I was at a friend's home spending the night when we step outside and notice a glint of light. The light was so faint, looked like the light of a cigarette, and followed the movements of my friend's own cigarette. To my surprise, I actually saw whatever this thing was, but unfortunately, it can do more harm than I originally the point of blinding people, tripping them down stairs, and moving heavy objects from high places...which are all things that happened while I stayed there. And more things are happening the more I go there, including the words "Watch Out" be pushed into my face every night before I go to sleep over there.

97 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-08 16:16 ID:xfd36S/K [Del]

>>95 A locked door? It can't be a breeze then, scratch that. It was a something and the fact that it may have been paranormal doing it is scary. 0.0

Weird things are possible lol. Things like this interest me so I may have got carried away. Anyway, if it doesn't happen very often anymore except for one instance I'd say the lamp thing is fine.

98 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2015-06-08 16:23 ID:t9OZVfAz [Del]

>>97 I think the door was cracked open all night. IT's been a while, so I don't really remember. However, I remember one of us remembered that we forgot to close it? Because our hands were full or we got distracted or something? So if was a ghost that I sensed it was trying to tell me the door was open.

99 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-08 17:53 ID:xfd36S/K [Del]

>>98 Well not all of them are bad so it's good it was trying to tell you about the door. I once had this scary ghost lady visit me. She scared me terribly at first. Her eyes were super black and her skin looked grossly pale but when I acknowledged her presence she looked like a normal woman. Now she kinda hands around a lot but I feel safe around her for some reason. She's the first and only spirit I've encountered that doesn't bother me and she's the only one I'll allow near me.

100 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-09 00:39 ID:/7HIx5L4 [Del]

>I think you saw what's called shadow people
Obviously, but that doesn't give any sense of clarity.

>Some say they're evil and others say they aren't
I don't believe in good and evil

>Don't do any of those crazy rituals to try and interact with it
I do much more elaborate rituals for smaller things.
I'm fine.

>you'll be in a load of trouble
We're all in trouble.

>>93 I used to have lights that would be turned off but the bulb would glow. Like it would get dim and brighter again.
Pretty spooky.

101 Name: Bakyura : 2015-06-09 09:00 ID:5uQX5h3x [Del]

I saw a Headless Motorcyclist in Ikebukuro the other day...

102 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-09 10:51 ID:eQNWgHMG [Del]

>>100 I mean, if you all you say is they're shadowy figures then all I can tell is that they are shadow people. Do they do anything besides lurking? Like movements? Do they have a distinct shape?

"I do much more elaborate rituals for smaller things. I'm fine."
lol. That sounds bold. Something I could never do. If you're fine then keep doing what your doin'.

103 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-09 18:28 ID:IV/8nRQy [Del]

>>84 Like I said before, he's the first to have actually use words when communicating and I only saw him in my room. Before it was more of information coming off of their presence or aura. Like I could tell their gender and race and how they were feeling, but all you would see is a standing shadow of a person. Sometimes they communicate, sometimes they just stare. When I was living at my brother's, there was one in particular that like to watch me sleep. Seeing him walk over to the couch at night or waking up to his face made things really difficult for me...

Only one of them appeared during daylight hours, and it was really hard for me not to mention it to a roommate, but once she kept having nightmares, I told her the woman outside her door might be the cause of it. Once she was gone, my roommate's nightmares stopped.

104 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-09 23:34 ID:eQNWgHMG [Del]

>>103 So when he uses words, are they understandable or is he speaking in a way you don't understand? Perhaps he needs you to help him? Either that or he wants to scare you. One thing I never want to see is some freaky apparation staring at me when I wake up. 0.0 I hope that still doesn't happen.

The woman? I've read that spirits can be the cause of nightmares so the lady was probably the cause. Why it was causing them idk but she was probably looking for fear to feed off of. Did she just disappear one night or did one of you say/do something for it to happen? I know I might be asking too many questions but having personal experiences with spirits and the like has made me want to learn about it. Understanding them helps me to feel safe plus it's just interesting.

Anyway, if something makes you feel safe from your visitor, do it. Sometimes it's hard not to, but don't let it know you're scared if you are. Although I don't always follow through with the not showing fear because I'm a wuss lol. Always be respectful to him because you don't want to be rude and end up playing with fire.

105 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-10 01:10 ID:/7HIx5L4 [Del]

I meant no offense, but regardless of what they "are" they are still shadow people to some extent.
That's all I meant.

>Do they do anything besides lurking?
They lurk around corners and dart here and there.

>Do they have a distinct shape?
Nah, just people, sometimes strange things I've never seen before.

I don't think it's a single entity or species, I think some of it is real and some of it is in my head. I am a crazy person after all.

>That sounds bold
I wouldn't call it bold, really.

>Something I could never do
Anyone can do magic, some people can just do it easier.

>>103 exact quote?
What's he smell like?
Has his physical appearance changed at all between the times you've seen him?
Times he appears?
Location of the house he appears?

I will help you now, Maggie.

>Why it was causing them idk
There is actually a scientific answer for that.
Ghosts put off infrasound waves between 10hz and 20hz.
Tones below 20Hz are known to cause feelings of dread and extreme sorrow and even auditory hallucinations.
Tones at 18Hz can also cause visual hallucination.

106 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-10 11:06 ID:eQNWgHMG [Del]

>>105 I know you didn't mean any offense. I didn't take it the wrong way and I apoligize if it sounded like I did. I think part of the problem is my writing style so I probably need to work on it. Sorry about that. ^^'
If all they do is lurk, it sounds like all they want to do is watch you or give you the creeps. I wouldn't worry too much about it unless they start trying to talk to you or you danger coming from them.

Ghosts can put off infrasound waves? Can we hear infrasound waves as humans or is it too low to hear? That explains why they cause so much trouble just by standing there. I'll be sure to research this because I never thought about infrasound waves being part of it. It sounds interesting.

107 Name: Кристина !!Ihd2plOZ : 2015-06-11 19:57 ID:ivfVCMj/ [Del]

Okay, so I was replying to some threads in the Introductions board as I usually do when it's 2am. Up 'till now nothing weird, right? Well, I refreshed the page and a new thread appeared. It was from a 16-year-old called Elysia who apparently was not the type of person to fit in. I typed my response and clicked the reply button. An error page popped out, saying the requested thread was non-existent. I went back to the Introductions board hoping my reply would still be there after hitting "New Reply", which was not, so I had to type again the whole thing. Learning from my past mistake, I copied it to the clipboard this time. After that I tried submitting it once more. The same error message.

Confused because we aren't supposed to be able to delete threads like that, I entered said board once again, only to find there had never been a thread created by someone named Elysia. Hell, I even searched the thread archive. And I can swear that was the name of the maker of that thread. I even have my response on my clipboard as a proof: "Hey, Elysia! Nice to meet you~. I'm Cristina, but I prefer Cris, and am 16, just like you. I also forgot about the site for some time to eventually come back, and from what I've read, a lot of people here did that too. Anyway, welcome to Dollars. You are in the perfect place for those who don't seem to fit anywhere, believe me. You seem to have already figured out the BBS, but if you need anything please reply here, I'll make sure to check later. See you around."

The weird thing is, Elicia is the name of the main character in my friend's story, which I happened to have just finished reading moments ago.

Conclusion: the BBS is haunted. Boo.

108 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-06-11 23:30 ID:ARx0UajI [Del]

>>107 You can delete your own thread. It's not permanent until someone else replies to it.

109 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-06-12 15:59 ID:u6mm9TQ6 [Del]

I used to also see shadowy things from the corner of my eye every now and then you kind of catch it and then it darts away from where it was, it's been some time since I have seen that kind of thing, but I do get the feeling like when I am alone maybe something is in the house watching me -_-'

I have had one other experience well am going to call it a "supernatural" experience, but I was not the only one to experience it at the same time, ok a few years back I was a sleep in bed and I was dreaming and I could hear some odd singing "idk like an angle singing I guess" I woke up and I could still hear what ever it was singing, but the singing just faded away,

anyway in the morning I asked if anyone heard anything in the night I just got no's from my Mum and Dad but my brother said that he also heard the same kind of singing O_o, my house is not that old to make that kind of noise and there was no music on at the time, to this day I have no clue what it was.

I do have two other experiences which I think would come under a type of psychic experience, but I think I will just leave it there for now :/

110 Name: Poppers : 2015-06-12 22:03 ID:z+p28NrK [Del]

So, here's a question: how does one know if they're being haunted or not? Maybe by a spirit, or worse?
Since I was about 3 or four, I've been seeing an entity everywhere. He/she/it is usually just a face(if you can call it a face). Carbon black,skeletal in form. Tall, I've seen it vividly in dreams, but I've also seen it in the shadows, the mirror, fire...everywhere. Seven to eight foot, hunched; no lips, no eyes.
Instead, blade-like horns protrude from where it's eye sockets would be. There is no nose, only two slits set below the "horns". The teeth are tough to describe; long thin daggers, razor sharp, each longer than an average index finger, I guess. It has four arms, each one is fleshed and gray, thin and covered in runes an seals, they glow blue when it speaks. Every night I am hesitant to sleep, because every night I have the same exact nightmare. I haven't had a full nights' sleep in almost twenty years. This isn't a joke. At this point, I'm pretty desperate. Imagine every night it comes to you in your dreams; it breaks your legs so you can't run, it breaks your arms so you can't fight back. Then it speaks to you in every voice you've ever heard in a language that you can't understand, before burning you alive in a greasy, blood red flame, then consuming what's left. Here's the clincher: it makes you feel everything. One more detail: when its "mouth" opens, there I no tongue, only a black open maw, with thousands of tiny red tendrils to tear your crisped beaten body apart. I've dreamt this since I was 4, mind you.

111 Name: Poppers : 2015-06-12 22:05 ID:z+p28NrK [Del]

Please, help me.

112 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2015-06-13 00:04 ID:t9OZVfAz [Del]

Dude. Just now. I thought I heard something, and shrugged it off as a cat. Then I thought I heard something from the closet. When I looked something in there, nothing was there. I know I heard something, though. It was a constant noise as if something was moving or rubbing on something.

113 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-13 01:54 ID:uSqjW3dq [Del]

>>110 email me

114 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2015-06-13 02:03 ID:cDf8/Ul5 [Del]

>>112 rats in the walls

115 Name: jabawockeez : 2015-06-13 08:01 ID:Tt7DfjYY [Del]

ok his happened about 5 years ago... I was taking a midafternoon snooze until I heard windchimes. There were no windchimes in our house or anywhere near us. So I woke up, the sky suddenly turned cloudy, but there was no wind. Then I turned toward the door and near there, there was suddenly a streak of green light. In that light, there were two shadows that resembled the figures of dolls. They kept dancing and "having fun" until the green light went away. I was kept my cool until the light came back. The two dolls were fighting and one's nose, eyes and ears fell off. The sound of the windchimes came back and instead of the two dolls, there was the shape of a broken heart. I remember this clearly to this day and I DID NOT make this up. It actually happened and I still get nightmares about it sometimes.

116 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-13 10:28 ID:bW4jJc5p [Del]

>>115 um, probably a dream.
But you know some people think dreams can mean shit.
Read up on it.

117 Name: jabawockeez : 2015-06-14 10:07 ID:Tt7DfjYY [Del]

>>116 it wasn't a dream because I got a text message right after it happened and if it was a dream, that message wouldn't have existed for real

118 Name: Namiko : 2015-06-14 11:00 ID:RumHLeYj [Del]

Well I have this friend who lives across from the cemetery that my grandparents and buried in. About five years ago, we were at her house about to eat lunch. Our moms were talking a drinking wine. My mom put her wine down and made a kinda rude joke about her mother and father (the ones in the cemetery). Suddenly her wine glass flew across the table and smashed into the wall. Me and my friend were really freaked out cuz the glass started off on the other end of the table and neither of us (who were sitting at the table) had touched it...

119 Name: Magnolia : 2015-07-10 16:42 ID:wU54c/CM [Del]

It happened again. I didn't even bother Jott the stream down as soon as I woke; I didn't even believe in it. I don't know what to believe in.

But there's this light skinned male with dark curly hair- tight curls and my parents and my grandparents-" (especially grandpa) were very ecstatic to see him.

Because I didn't write it down I remember very little, but I just remember he was super friendly, super loved, and he was talking to my grandpa about trains and he apparently loved them a lot.

I found out that that dream was about a cousin of mine named Andrew who died at 19, who was popular at school and loved by the family, and would occasionally sneak out to see my grandpa who was a yardmaster and and loved trains.

I guess I really ought to be keeping that dream journal.

120 Name: Magnolia : 2015-07-10 16:43 ID:wU54c/CM [Del]

jot the dream*

121 Name: Kristian !zPS2mz9BTo : 2015-07-14 18:00 ID:qYQJV8ZT [Del]

I used to hear little girls laughing when I was in my garden alone. None of my neighbours are young girls, and I live on the countryside, so the distance between me and my neighbours' house would be too far for me to hear anything at all. Turns out my grandpa had a little sister who died when she was pretty young. Don't know if it was her or if I was just hallucinating out of exhaustion, but it it was an unsettling experience.

The school I currently attend used to be a mental hospital, and therefore you can assume that a fair amount of suicides and deaths occurred in that building. My classmate told me about a ghost girl who used to roam the hallways, allegedly in search for something she lost. My friend bought a teddy bear for her, thinking that it would help put her to rest, and apparently it did, as my classmates never heard from the ghost girl again.

My art and music teacher sometimes tells us about her experiences with the paranormal, like when she was a teenager and drew a picture of her dead grandma whom she'd never met before. She told us that another ghost girl liked sitting in her classroom, looking and giggling at us while she held her lesson. She even said she saw our auras and that 'three of us would be needing extra guidance from our Angels'. You can argue if she told the truth or not, but I would like to believe that paranormal beings do exist. It makes me a little more comfortable living in this world believing that I have an angel watching over me.

122 Name: Rin : 2015-07-15 16:03 ID:9gwGnQ+t [Del]

So this happened when i was 9-10. I was sleeping in my sister's room. I wook up the night at like 3-4 am and i was thristy so i wanted to drink water but i was scared of the dark so i just looked at my sister that was sleeping and her bed was far away from where i sleep.

When i looked at her i saw someone sitting next to her. It wasn't my sister, because i saw my sister sleeping and there was a person next to her. This person was all black, no face, no hair, no clothes. Just black.

He was looking at the wall. At first i tough it was my sister so i started to call her many time and the person didn't turn to look at me. Then i realized it wasn't my sister so i got scared and just went back to sleep.

When i woke up in the morning i asked my sister if she was awake in the night and she said no. I told her i saw someone next to her and she said it's maybe my imagination.

123 Name: popo : 2015-07-15 20:23 ID:N1Kob5R7 [Del]

Ghosts scratched the word "HI" into my neck once. Also have woken up some freaky demons using a oujia board, im pretty sure

124 Name: !!XI8GEi6V : 2015-08-14 20:58 ID:1d058p7A [Del]


125 Post deleted by user.

126 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-16 16:23 ID:UKOGIxrX [Del]

>>125 You have problems.

127 Name: Akemin !6FaPNwEQbw : 2015-08-16 19:56 ID:3lSX0QHN [Del]

My sister and I just discovered that we have vivid memories of eating at a hole-in-the-wall Japanese place that it turns out never existed in the first place.

Fair folk?

128 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-08-16 20:55 ID:Q3Aq9N9w [Del]

>>126 Sorry... posted it half asleep, just woke up from a nap then... gosh, I hate it when half asleep me does stupid shit without thinking things through or even waiting to see if it sounded absolutely ridiculous, 'le~!

129 Name: Twisted Sister : 2015-12-18 13:25 ID:/0v9crs7 [Del]

I have one, If i don't get banged my pussy will grow cobwebs and maggots So I like to get laid every day or so to keep my hole nice and wet. any heavy guys want to partake?

130 Name: Enigami : 2015-12-18 17:05 ID:c3/9yR0O [Del]

I had an out of body experience when I was a junior in high school, does that count?

131 Name: Fire man : 2015-12-18 17:06 ID:JRw7FU48 [Del]

I have one. It was when i was 8 or 9. (Don't really remember the age)
Anyway. We had that big room in my house and it was my older sister's room.
That night i decided to sleep in their room, i was sleeping on the floor.

I woke up in the middle of the night and i was thirsty, i wanted one of my sisters to bring me water since i was scared to move. I stood up a little and saw my sister sleeping on her bed (her bed was a little far from where i was sleeping). I also noticed something, there was someone sitting next to her. I knew it wasn't her because i saw her sleeping and i saw that person next to her. I couldn't see the person's face, their whole body was black so i couldn't even see the eyes or the clothes.

I was confused so i called my sister many times and the person didn't even move. I felt like it was just staring at the wall in from of him... I was really scared so i put my blanket on me and fell asleep. Next morning i asked my sister if she was awake and sitting on her bed but she said no. I asked my other sisters and my mom, they said they were all asleep.

I'm now older and i'm still scared of this room. I don't really like to go there.

132 Name: Fire man : 2015-12-18 17:25 ID:JRw7FU48 [Del]

I have another one that happened with my sister. She was home with my other sister (let's call them A and B) 'A' was talking with my sister 'B', there was no one else. While 'A' was talking, 'B' went upstairs to bring something and 'A' didn't notice B left. She saw a woman dressed in black and that woman was walking to another room. 'A' didn't really see her face and she didn't pay attention, she was just talking.

Then when the woman came in the room and 'A' was following her and came in the room after her, she didn't see anyone and realised she was talking to her self all this time.

133 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2016-03-22 22:30 ID:TcDCVWoM [Del]

Oh my gosh! So I haven't share my most recent experiences with you. So, my mom has been collecting haunted dolls. She gets them from these people that sell a ton of them, so most likely these dolls aren't haunted and it's all made up, but it's a cute fun collection, you know?

Well, anyways, my mom has a few now, but when she only had half the ones she's had now, on her birthday, she heard humming. It was at ten in the morning, and she looked everywhere to figure out where it was coming from, but whenever she moved to hear it, it stopped. She has an air dehumidifier in her room, and when she turned that off the humming stop.

The thing is, the humming sounded as if someone was humming a tune. It was so faint that she couldn't really pick out the tune, but it definitely sounded as if someone was humming, not the machine.

Then my room at her house (I was there to visit) is on the other floor on the other side of the house. At seven in the morning on my second day to visit my mom, my mom was gone she had to rush my sick dog to the hospital. I heard humming. It was the exact same as her experience, though I thought I heard it moving. My room is on the other side of the house on the second floor and the dolls are right outside my mom's room. Based on how sound travels, I figured that the sound coming from where the dolls were made sense. When I was trying to pinpoint it, though, it sounded as if it was moving. Though I don't believe that the dolls themselves moved, I think it was just the ghost. I checked the cameras (mom has cameras in her house to watch our foster cats upstairs) and I saw nothing so it wasn't upstairs.

At first I thought that the humming was the AC vent. You know how sometimes AC units make humming sounds and you could imagine that it's an unrecognizable beat? I figured it was that. Maybe the AC was on, and soforth. I had hoped it'd turn off so I could sleep (it was distracting). Then eventually the AC actually did turn on. Which was what convinced me it was really a ghost humming.

There is one specific doll that I think it was because I was looking at them (they are quite pretty) and when I touched one to fix her hair, she fell over. I hadn't even touched her hard enough to push the doll over and she's on a stand. I was being delicate.

Then a few days later I was sitting downstairs with mom and we were both looking at the cameras to watch the kittens playing. It was in night-mode, so it was black-and-white. I asked my mom when that shine was in the far corner and she was like, "That's just a shadow". I said, "no, there's a light thing in the corner". We were looking at two different screens. My mom on her computer and me on my phone.

She was confused so I showed her my phone. There were three spots on my screen that weren't on hers. Since we both agree that at least one of the dolls really has a ghost attached to it after the humming thing, I was like, "It's probably the ghost, I'm going to screenshot this." As soon as I said it, the white spots disappeared.

Now, I know that the house has a ghost (or two or three) attached to it. I lived there when I was in high school and a few weird things happened (I explained them earlier in this thread actually. If you look for those don't confuse the stories of my dad's house with them.) I've even slept in several different rooms in the house before (for differing reasons) and so I was very familiar with oddities in the house (including the fact that I think that my room is haunted because the temperature in unstable for no explicable reason, I hear odd noises, and I often feel a presence in there). These things (the spots on the camera and the humming) are new experiences that started since my mom started getting the dolls, so I think it's one of them.

My mom doesn't feel threatened, so it's fine. I never really ever feel an energy of a spirit, I just freakthefuckout because there's something there that shouldn't be and it scares me.

Also, I have stories from my mom's old house that I'll share with you in the future if you wish. There are so many weird experiences in my life that I sometimes wonder if it's me that's haunted. Especially because I have a few experiences in the same place from what I believe to be different ghosts.

134 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2016-03-22 23:51 ID:cYaqhYUM [Del]

One time when I was dreaming I became aware of it and so I said to a person next to me, "Oh, I'm dreaming." but then he just looked at me like I was insane and was like "What do you mean?" so I just continued on like that trying to explain to him that I was dreaming, but then he just wouldn't get it and when I woke up I started thinking that I might have accidentally have done some traveling in my dreams and ever since then whenever I start lucid dreaming like that I'm always careful not to f* with anything around me because I just get paranoid. (This probs doesn't actually count as a paranormal experience, but whatevs.)

135 Name: Bambi (bitchtrip here) : 2016-03-22 23:56 ID:neB2yve+ [Del]

>>133 This reminds me that I've been mistreating my dolls lately. There's just not enough space in my room for them, but I can't put them out in the open since visitors find them creepy :c I need a more stable shelf to dedicate to them. (Also need to find a dolly hospital and the money to clean the soot damage they sustained like a decade ago in the fire. They'll have to put up with it a bit longer v_v)

136 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-03-23 03:53 ID:eZpmrfxZ [Del]

Weeeeeeell. For the past two nights I've had an auspicious swarm of fruit flies gather in the place where I often see a spirit. It didn't click first and I ended up killing the swarm with Mortein.

I lost my phone and hit a car today.

137 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-03-23 04:12 ID:LPD3KqNY [Del]

Youre amazing! You hit a car?? XD

youre so strong!

138 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-03-23 04:49 ID:eZpmrfxZ [Del]

>>137 <.<... yea, you better watch out...

139 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-03-23 04:52 ID:s8IQhSYA [Del]

Hit a car and it's fine. Hit a cat and you're cursed.

140 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-23 06:04 ID:YYlluk6H [Del]

>>136 to >>139 Why are you making it sound like she punched a car....

141 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-03-23 06:08 ID:eZpmrfxZ [Del]

>>140 I should've seen it coming, the last time I heard that joke was from my dad.

142 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-23 07:05 ID:YYlluk6H [Del]

>>141 Were you hit by it? Or did you actually punch it. I'm confused

143 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-03-23 08:08 ID:eZpmrfxZ [Del]

>>142 No, I'm the one who hit the car.....with my car obviously. C'mon this thread is for the superstitious and abnormal.

It wouldn't be abnormal for me to punch a car.

144 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-23 08:22 ID:YYlluk6H [Del]

>>143 Oh.......Now it makes sense.

145 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-03-23 08:48 ID:LaoLbhJ5 [Del]

Actually it would. You don't punch a car. You smash it with a hammer.

146 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-23 08:51 ID:YYlluk6H [Del]

>>145 Thought you were supposed to draw lines with keys... Or a brick

147 Name: RikkaChi : 2016-03-23 17:32 ID:YvKCqNXH [Del]

one night I woke up and saw a little girl at the edge of my bed(a ghost) so I got out of my room and the I saw a different one downstairs next to the dishwasher in the kitchen...I don't exactly have the details because it happened about 3 or 4 years ago. But it definately wasn't a dream.

148 Name: Panda Le Freak !EYrvRrGrnI : 2016-03-23 22:36 ID:HqjShSGP [Del]

So basically a regular chat among three friends about basic shit turned into a panic attack about how something felt off. Nothing was off. But the panic spread like a virus and we were up to each other's throats about the slightest noise. One of us was just hearing foot steps, he decided he just wanted to sleep the feeling off. And among the other two of us, I started to hear more strange noises which was just the noisy assholes upstairs and so was my thought that someone turned the light in the other room on. And the mystery of the door knob that turned on its own was just my baby cousin, as for the last friend. Her Grandma basically died minutes after the conversation, something regarding her dog going to the hospital around that time as well that I won't put into detail.

It wasn't exactly supernatural, but something really felt off at the time. Something was just wrong, and the events that went by were oddly coincidental. Vice versa like a few days ago when we swore to eat some food and didn't but the other friend did. The rest of the day was eerie as shit.

149 Name: wasp : 2016-03-24 06:57 ID:JsDicpzd [Del]

all righty are you all ready to hear my story compared to some of these its really freaky. anyways I use to be a atheist until this happened to me and now I am a happy member of a church. my father committed suicide a couple summers ago. and I had a couple incodences where I would take out a ouiji board and play. once I played it alone and after a few minutes of sitting there it felt like someone had lightly grabbed my upper arms and pulled me so that the round piece would go straight to goodbye. then the second time I played with my sister and the piece went to yes when I asked if someone was there, but my sister was getting a massive headack so we said goodbye. then this is when it gets freeky. one night after work I came home to a sleeping house and I decided to eat my food, but stoped eating when I got supper depressed. I started thinking that my mom was planning on kicking me out (funny because a week latter I got into a fight with her and left) anyways I stoped eating and started crying. I was so numb inside I just sat there with my hand on my head. my hand slid off my head slowly, I thought nothing of it just thought I was doing it to myself while moping. BUT THEN once my hand was off my head it started to move toward my drink. I was completely numb and unable to move my body on my own when I tried to make it stop. my body also felt like it did the first time I used a ouiji board; it felt light and like someone was draped over me holding my upper arms. then my hand cupped my drink but couldn't pick it up it just slid it closer and then it felt like someone cupped my face and pushed my face to my cup forcing me to drink something. then I knew it was my father and he wanted me to eat and be healthy especially since I was pregnant at the time(had a miscarriage).

150 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2019-07-10 06:28 ID:yxKoMQiF [Del]


151 Name: RAY レイ : 2019-07-12 18:25 ID:yMSZLH5M (Image: 480x360 jpg, 15 kb) [Del]

src/1562973949665.jpg: 480x360, 15 kb
Prolly the worst ghost experienced i ever had was my last visit from Coreggidor in Philippines that site is really haunted I wouldn't even recommend staying overnight there again. i used to be one of those who doesn't believe in these sort of stuff but after that yea well at the very least even to this day i can't find any explanation. me and a group of high school friends decided to camp overnight because one of our friends a filipino loves to talk about ghost stories in there so we thought we should make it happen we will check it out then we'll see hoping to have a bit of fun. at first I jokingly thought we will be purifying and haunting ghouls there, I even have my own replica of Dante's cross from the Dante Inferno game ready (making fun of the situation). sh** hits the fan somewhere 6 or quarter pass 6pm iirc i started hearing what appears to be whispers or moans of group of people in the corner of the abandoned building where for some weird reason i can somehow feel the pain of their voices it sounds like an agonizing moan but i just decided to ignore it (i was hoping no one was looking at my reaction at the time). many minutes later i started to panic and for some reason we all decided to make a run for it. the noise i heard sounds like someone dragging a chain on their legs while going towards our direction with increasing tempo why my friends decided to run with me at this point is unbeknownst to me, when we stopped catching our breath one of us asked "guys heard that?" and we just ended up staring at each other even to this day we don't get it whatever the heck was that..... in a way im glad atleast i know im not going crazy at the time and that we managed to get away from it but yeah the sensation is really weird. if any of you been there and found a cross replica from Dante's Inferno game thats prolly mine but yeah you guys can keep that.

after that we stayed at the hotel.

152 Name: JacknJill : 2019-07-18 03:33 ID:WnepKu3M [Del]

It was back when I was just an elementary student, it rained all night. Around that time my two older brothers who were in high-school entered a seminary school and lived there the whole school year, so essentially it was just me and my aunt. My mother was late from work due to the heavy rain and my father lived on the countryside due to his work. That night, I was watching television, from local news to cartoon shows, my aunt decided to visit one of our neighbors, so I was alone for at least 2 - 3 hours. I sat on the sofa, watching the TV, I decided to go to the toilet, upon going back to the living room, the nature decided it was time for the thunder and the lightning, so I was shocked. I continued watching the TV, around this time, I began to feel uneasy and wanted that my aunt would come back home since I was scared, I mean I was just six or seven around this time. So I decided that I would go outside to find here, due to bad weather that plan didn't come to fruition, after waiting again the weather was now good, but it was flooding, so I decided to cancel going outside the house. So I looked outside , specifically the flood, and I noticed that there was something floating so I looked at it intentionally from what I saw it looked like a baby floating with blood on its feet, so I decided to stop looking at it, after a few minutes I decided to look again, and found no traces of the baby.

Though I am not sure if whether it was a doll or just my imagination.

153 Name: Kalo : 2019-07-30 19:56 ID:NCIv6nAy [Del]

ive got a ghost in my house. they open my door and sometimes turn on the tv. they never do anything to me, just kinda hang out

154 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2021-06-17 06:24 ID:nAF0O2oB [Del]


155 Name: Lavender : 2021-06-18 20:45 ID:vKgV6pPz [Del]

I love this idea but have none of my own... so bump!

156 Name: Geiko : 2021-06-19 00:33 ID:oMPAvddW [Del]

In my town we have the river lady and she will eat the men at the river who stayed there till 12 O'clock. That's the general idea.

157 Name: Dave : 2021-06-19 14:15 ID:vQqhHz3j [Del]

Here in Italy, Emilia Romagna region, ww2 was fought badly, and as many tragedies happened, also many Ghost Stories were born,

there are many stories, many are know and appear on books and websites, i personally experienced a ghost experience, here are 3 stories i know that are unknown to many:


The white lady in the villa:

This one is very know in Sassuolo near Modena, its said that near the center of the city where is placed the Palazzo Ducale owned by the Estensi family at the time, there was an abandoned villa, one day this guy was passing by with his friends, after having been to the pub, they were high, and saw this beautiful woman, by the window looking at them, she wore a white dress that looked kinda old. They of course tried to approach her but she just smiled back, without a reply. Too drunk to ask themselves what was such a beautiful girl doing inside that place they decided to go toward her, when they were close enough to look at her in the face she moved away from the window, of course intrigued by this lady they then proceeded to open the door, once the guys where trough they realized the floor where the windows was placed, was missing and of course there was no trace of that woman around.

The daughter of the butcher:

Same as before this story is known here in Sassuolo, and happened pretty close to my old house, i lived in the old center of the city, these houses were hunded of years old, in the apartment above me, (it was a 2 floor house) lived once a butcher with her daughter, looks like she didnt like her father's job and felt guily for those butchered beasts and that she was also disturbed by the laments emitted by the poor animals, one day she jumped from her window and killed herself landing on the ground, just outside my door, this happened 200 years ago. My neighbor was kinda of unstable mentally, i dont know if he knew this story or not, but during the long nights when he was drunk, he used to talk alone, sometimes he mentioned a certain Elisa, and was like he was talking to someone, i only later knew that he was always alone at home, he didnt live with anyone, and that Elisa was the name of the girl who committed suicide 200 years before, i now live in another house, far from there thanks god.

The ghost of the cimitery:

During my childhood, i've been trough a very scary story, here it goes,
since i was a kid to my 16, i used to go to the park behind my house, we used to play football, hide and seek , cards, or just chill, then we started getting bored and started going to the cimitery that was just 300 or 400m far, there we started doing tests of courage, like who would stay alone longer during night near the cimitery, or who would be bold enough to stay inside it alone, we then started venturing inside it at night, with lights and gas guns, we felt like in one of those zombie movies, we were pretty organized, with radios and 3 groups of 3 people, we were scared as fuck and started swearing and saying stupid shit like insulting the ghost that may have been there, just to show ourselves that we didnt belive anything inside there was real. It then started, at first the radio contact started to be distrubed, and then we seemed to see a woman sit on a bench, it was midnight and she was hit only by our flashlights, we were not sure about what we saw but we fired at random and ran away. Since then weird shit started to happen, we used to text each other in the middle of the night, since we awoke all at the same time, some times it was 3:13, other 3:33, other times it was just random, but always at least from 3 to 6 of us woken up at the same time, i started to hear chairs moving into the dining room of my house when i was home alone, and other weird things happened to my friends as well, we started going every night in that cemetery to take photos, and some times they were really fucked up, like lights taking human shapes, and the most scary was when we seemed to see something move under a street lamp outside the cemetery, whe then took a photo, the photo was really dark, but with some work we managed to get out a shape of a girl under that streetlamp, we asked around and it looks like a young girl of 8 or 9 years old died and was buried there a month before our amazing idea, our blood chilled, weird shit happened the night after that, we were home alone me and a friend, his parents were to some party and said they would come home late, we were scared, heard noises, footsteps, the bad thing is that their house was once something like a mental hospital (yes here in italy many building are old and have lots of stories) it was like 1am, and we heard some noises, then a woman called the name of my friend and the one of his brother, that was away, we tought his mother and father were back home, we raced outside the door and down the stairs but we stopped midway because it was all dark, it seemed really weird to us, that no light were turned on since they were back, we called the names of my friend parents, and we didnt get any reply, then we realized and raced up again in his room, locked the door, jumped in his bed, hugged and started crying, his parents came back at 3am, and i cant remember what we did during that time, i guess we just waited and cried. Looks like all the guys involved in the events had some kind of "bad" final event like ours, we all repented for what we did, deep inside us, and from that time, all the weird things stopped happening, we stopped going to the cemetery and all did go back to normality. One day the next summer we wanted to do a revival of the bad events happened the year before, and walked toward the cimitery, just to do a walk and chill, we spoke of the events, and realized we didnt yet got over it, we were still scared, we were split in a group of 2 ahead of us and 4 including me, behind, one of the guys ahead said "look at that light, what is it?" and then we saw something moving on the tree at our right, we looked atop of it, and saw something white, and transparent, cant describe it, it looked like a semi transtparent plastic bag, but it was alive, (or maybe not) hide behind the top of the tree, our blood froze, we ran atop of our lungs, and arrived back at the park in a record time, we did never go to that cemetary back again.

i hope you enjoyed the stories, of course i dont know if the first and the second are real, i can only assure you that the third (mine) is real, and im chilling as i write it to you.

