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DNA vs. Binary Code (6)

1 Name: Sid : 2012-07-19 19:40 ID:5lVfwx5Q [Del]

I had a weird dream that compared AI, or artificial intelligence, to humans. The dream got me thinking that what if humans are just a type of AI. I’m not saying we are, but it is possible. We are created from the union of two cells that contain massive amounts of DNA. From there more cells are created and each group of cells has a purpose, and DNA to house that purpose. For example the heart cells are programmed to pump blood throughout the body without any conscious thought. Skin cells are replaced by new ones if there is a cut or abrasion, but in order to do so what allows the cells to be created, and maintained? The DNA is what holds all the information and is stored in patterns, or code, via proteins. RNA then reads that and the process starts. Though what if the DNA is just like the zero’s and one’s in binary. All computers store the information in 0’s and 1’s, but it takes software to read and interpret that data, just like DNA. Also the nervous system runs and operates using electricity. So in a way we could all be AI. Just want to see what others have to say about this possibility, or if they prove my logic wrong.

2 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-19 20:07 ID:DIez21zL [Del]

>science related
>not chemistry

Yeah, sorry. I can't help you there >w<'

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-07-19 21:46 ID:JZ2V4KFd [Del]

>>3 Read beyond the first sentence please. "The dream got me thinking" meaning he's not sharing his dreams, it's the cause of a discussion about AI/DNA/whatever, I didn't read the entire thing.

5 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-07-19 22:29 ID:RgKraOS4 [Del]

By your logic our body consists of multiple AI factories.
Im not sure to what definition or what extent you are using AI, but the way our cells are programmed is very limited. AI has the ability to adapt and evolve and learn. Our cells can do some extraordinary things, but some of the ones you listed, like the heart, are programmed for one function and one function only. To pump.
I am tired. I will input more tomorrow when I get back home.

6 Name: Sid : 2012-07-20 18:47 ID:5lVfwx5Q [Del]

Yeah that is generally what I thought, just a really wierd thought that we could in a sense have been programmed, at least our cells. For a robot to do something like this would require an extensive amount of programming. Just thought it was a wierd thought I had and not too much of my friends had input on it. Anyway thanks for those who spent the time to read and reply.