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Scary Moments? (9)

1 Name: JimmyPhom : 2012-07-01 00:40 ID:xwkmO56s [Del]

Has you ever experienced a Scary or ghostly moment in your life? If so, mind sharing about it?

2 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-07-01 00:55 ID:lfj8BvKX [Del]

I once went to bed in my room. I woke up at 2:00 in the morning, standing up, locked in my sister's closet down the hall.

Needless to say, I freaked the fuck out.

3 Name: this girl : 2012-07-01 01:42 ID:yO0BTN6j [Del]

one time i was home alone (for like a day and a half)and so i went to sleep in my room in my bed and then all the sudden after a few hours of sleeping. i sat up in my bed and i could move. i had an alarm clock right in front of me and i watched time pass by and i couldn't move an inch. it totally scared me

4 Name: Karloz : 2012-07-01 03:17 ID:6wWoN8xC (Image: 500x600 jpg, 43 kb) [Del]

src/1341130654935.jpg: 500x600, 43 kb

5 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-01 08:52 ID:/ucf0+si [Del]

A ton of paranormal...

6 Name: SaintSoul!iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-07-01 09:16 ID:OvsKDj8o [Del]

I had an out of body experience when I was five if that counts, other than that, I get bad vibes and see human shapes in my basement if it's late at night, but I might be matrixing it.

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-07-01 16:12 ID:AiTXkjf+ [Del]

I was home alone,and i was sitting at the ground near the end of my bed,and i looked at my cat, and said "Well, i'm lonely.This sucks," and i heard somebody giggle.Theres a bunch of other creepy things that happen to me too.I swear,i'm followed by ghosts or something.

9 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-01 16:58 ID:/ucf0+si [Del]

>>8 That reminds me when I went to the Queen Mary Ghost Tour, I went there midnight with my family and I saw more than I wanted to see...