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What's Your utopia? (13)

1 Name: <Anon> : 2012-03-16 22:06 ID:MqzG30VL [Del]

I am curious to see what your paradises are. I want you to be open and honest. If it's got lots of sex, put that in. If you feel uncomfortable writing "Sex" use the word "Pound cake" or something like that.

2 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-03-16 22:09 ID:Q2J7CF4P [Del]

In my paradise I rule over everybody because I am better than them.

3 Name: Kyoka !C5SJfyJ9Fc : 2012-03-16 22:13 ID:0UWlt4xK [Del]

In my paradise, I get a gun to shoot annoying people who think they're better than everyone else and infinite lives. That's the first part.

Also, we don't have breast cancer in my paradise.
The gov't is only slightly corrupt, because asking for a perfect gov't will never happen.
Pets have a destiny bond (Pokemon!) with their owner, so they live the length of our lives.
And chocolate doesn't make you fat.

4 Name: Pi Master : 2012-03-16 22:14 ID:MqzG30VL [Del]

Mine is were I run an arcade and I do that but when the day is done I have sizzling hot "Pound cake" waiting for me in bed...
/Some what embarrassed

5 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-03-16 22:21 ID:Q2J7CF4P [Del]

In my paradise, I am the government, and i am fair, and everybody loves me.

6 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-03-16 22:23 ID:Q2J7CF4P [Del]

also I dont have to worry about >>4 cause it isnt an issue now. so yeah.

7 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-03-16 22:36 ID:ibEb6lJD [Del]

>>6, in my paradise Cel is hidden in my basement...wait, that's not right...

8 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-03-16 22:45 ID:RgKraOS4 [Del]

All idiots are gone in my paradise. And the human race can advance much quicker than ever before without the hindrance of stupidity.

9 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-03-16 22:46 ID:ibEb6lJD [Del]

>>8, good point. Can we start killing them off now?

10 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-03-16 23:38 ID:IX5lBh9t [Del]

My paradise: I am the only living thing on Earth, except Kuran; oxygen is still made; food is magically produced when I want it; TV and such still works; no tornadoes, tsunamis, or hurricanes; it is constantly raining, lighteninging, and thundering; anything I want magically appears; and my Wi-Fi is not a Verizon Mi-Fi's better.

11 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-03-16 23:58 ID:MmDi66mR [Del]

>>10 "except Kuran"

12 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-03-17 00:22 ID:2AkOQzB/ [Del]

13 Name: Anonymous : 2022-10-14 04:20 ID:EXAuX3v7 [Del]

My utopia has an Earth where there is no war, everything is free, medicine has been invented for every illness. There is a one world government, people found a way to live longer, and yes I can have sex with as many woman without worry of pregnancy or STDs. Also crime is at a minimal, because you can't completely get rid of crime.