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Save a pokeball, Hug a Cubone: Cubone fan thread (16)

1 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-03-10 23:11 ID:Hz//Q6Md (Image: 599x466 png, 91 kb) [Del]

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Heyo, time for a new thread. A fan-based thread. A thread about... CUBONES!
They are cute. They are tough. But most important, THEY ARE LONELY AND NEED OUR LOVE. National Pokedex #104 never looked so damn good. 2012 is the year of the dragon? YEAH RIGHT! IT IS NOW YEAR OF THE CUBONE. These little guys are Ground-type pokemans that are often described as the "ronery" pocketmens. But they don't have to be lonely.
Lookin' so darn cute with their skull helmets and boneclubs and with a sob story (;_; the boneclub and skull helmet are the remains of a Cubone's dead mama D:), how could anyone not wanna make room in their party of six for such an adorable and potential best friend. Tough, rugged and huggable, the Cubone is great for children of all ages! So show some love. Share some Cubone fun-facts, images, fanart, gifs, links, HELL JUST POST WHAT YOU LOVE ABOUT CUBONE EVEN! I'll be bumping often with Cubone-pics.

2 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-03-10 23:13 ID:Hz//Q6Md (Image: 500x325 jpg, 68 kb) [Del]

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"Wears the skull of its deceased mother. Its cries echo inside the skull and come out as a sad melody." -Pokemon Yellow Version Pokedex

3 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-03-10 23:19 ID:Hz//Q6Md (Image: 862x672 png, 130 kb) [Del]

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Cubone can look so sad yet still appear to be a badass.

4 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-03-10 23:20 ID:ysX61pC4 [Del]

>>2 Logic error... Cubone wears mother's skull but mother still has her skull. Que? o_o

5 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-03-10 23:25 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

>>1 Is it just me.. Or does the drawing style of that picture look something like awkwardzomebie's.. Or whoever the artist for Scott Pilgrim was.

6 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-03-10 23:26 ID:Hz//Q6Md (Image: 320x310 jpg, 99 kb) [Del]

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Some pics to get things rollin'.

7 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-03-10 23:30 ID:Hz//Q6Md (Image: 419x700 png, 199 kb) [Del]

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Pic related.

Credit goes HERE. But I do agree, although it is just a style thing.

8 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-03-10 23:34 ID:ysX61pC4 (Image: 2012x807 jpg, 438 kb) [Del]

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>>7 I have similar issues with Kangaskhan. Speaking of which, I found this...think about it...

9 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-03-11 01:04 ID:Hz//Q6Md (Image: 477x329 jpg, 18 kb) [Del]

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The Missingno Theory, right?

10 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2012-03-11 01:08 ID:ARmcz+VJ [Del]

>>9>>8 I wish they'd kept this idea in game.
After finding this out I just assumed that if it's mom dies then it becomes a cubone and wears her skull; that skull would be the evolutionary item.
If it's mom lives, it grows into a Kangaskhan like everyone else.

11 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2012-03-11 01:09 ID:ARmcz+VJ (Image: 672x593 jpg, 155 kb) [Del]

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12 Name: Sharky : 2012-03-11 01:17 ID:hZ3astoL (Image: 378x513 jpg, 105 kb) [Del]

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13 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2012-03-11 01:17 ID:ARmcz+VJ (Image: 493x567 png, 366 kb) [Del]

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>>5 This is the artist

14 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2012-03-11 01:20 ID:ARmcz+VJ (Image: 500x450 jpg, 307 kb) [Del]

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15 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-03-11 11:46 ID:Hz//Q6Md (Image: 700x670 png, 287 kb) [Del]

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I like to believe that is how things actually are, but most people just don't know it yet since it happens in the wild.

16 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2012-03-11 11:54 ID:ARmcz+VJ (Image: 900x729 png, 863 kb) [Del]

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>>15 Makes perfect sense since people still don't know how they breed. I mean, how can you become a breeder if you don't know this shit?
I wish it worked that way in the game; I love my cubones and kangaskhans, but not as much a fan of marowak (they just aren't as adorable :c)