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How do you handle siblings younger or older? (21)

1 Name: Pandora : 2012-03-07 22:21 ID:z3yHK++n [Del]

So, I have a younger sister and we're two and a half years apart. She's a lot taller than me, not to mention I've always let her hit me and stuff like that cause I didn't want to hurt her. Recently though she thinks that she controls everything. I've done everything to not let it show it annoys me or lash out at her in anyway. Though it's been extremely hard to do and at my wits end. I need some advice because my friends aren't helping much...

2 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-03-07 23:10 ID:95A3KxOP [Del]

Put her in her place. It shouldn't take much, just a verbal ass whooping should do the trick.

3 Name: PierogiGuy : 2012-03-07 23:11 ID:b9VsOi87 [Del]

I know have it feel because I have a older brother that is a little more than a year older than me. He think the world revolves around him and his is a hot headed and stubborn. When he is and a war path I don't listen to him and if we fight I don't fight back but I won't like him hit me.
So my advice is if you are both sisters and if she hit you fight back but don't take it too far or just make sure she can't hit you again. If you guys are brother and sister and she hit you more than twice a day make sure she can't hit you a third time.
If she keep on hitting and/or bosses you around just tell your parents about it that might solve it for good. I only said this because I believe you might be under 18.

4 Name: Pandora : 2012-03-07 23:26 ID:z3yHK++n [Del]

Scary thing is I have tried both things all close to her fourteen years she's been alive. I'm her older sister and luckily still under 18. Both those things have the same outcome almost. I'm ignored by my two parents and told that I shouldn't be a "tattle-tail" and she starts to cry or has an anger fit because I told her how I felt. Then she goes tell parents who tell me I shouldn't do things like that and again ignored.

5 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-03-07 23:30 ID:77G+ydNX [Del]

Maybe just stop giving attention to it. Give attention in other ways, nonviolent ways, like talking, or playing games, or being the awesomest little brother ever

6 Name: PierogiGuy : 2012-03-08 00:37 ID:b9VsOi87 [Del]

>>4 Need more info when she act like that. Like when you both are at home without your parents, with your parents at home,and when you have friends or family over. I might have an idea but i don't know if it will work until you have some more info. And want else have you done to stop that too

7 Name: Pandora : 2012-03-08 00:50 ID:z3yHK++n [Del]

>>6's all the time. It doesn't matter to her if it's at home or when we go to the store even. If my friends are or aren't around. That includes our parents and relatives. I usually just ignore her actions and carry on with what I'm doing. Since she's also bigger now and can get the upper hand when she catches me off guard she usually wins in a fight. I ignore that as well...but in the past couple years it's gotten worse and no longer a phase as I thought.

8 Name: Ei.C !3Bej1XYlmw!!sF0EyBSv : 2012-03-08 05:01 ID:uiQKkp7k [Del]

just talk to her slowly on what you think and you should be proud yo have a little sister me my little bro when he was born he was already dead i never get to see him grow up and see his face once even talk to him so you so you should still be happy and try talking slowly gently kindly to your sister

9 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-03-08 07:28 ID:NioojvU1 [Del]

Sounds likeshe's going through a hell of a preteen time frame. Anywho best ideal is just do your own thing. My older sister is like this, still is. Just walk away when ever she starts acting in such a manner. Though this behavior from her is most likelydueto thelack of parenting at an earlier age. If you let her get away with it when she was younger she won't understand why she can't now.

10 Name: Jexicka : 2012-03-08 07:55 ID:ypWuVGB6 [Del]

thats the catch you can't control them but theres always black mail

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: Ei.C !3Bej1XYlmw!!sF0EyBSv : 2012-03-08 17:24 ID:7xaqWej/ [Del]

if you do black mail some day she will make pandora's life miserable

13 Name: Pandora : 2012-03-08 23:23 ID:z3yHK++n [Del]

>>8 >>9 >>10 I know, I do care for her a lot. I've tried that as well, a calm and normal conversation while she's having one of her acts. Is well...that's the thing that's the thing she started this when she was like ten and now she's almost fourteen. Blackmail can work but I choose not to because then she will just make my life more miserable than she already does.

14 Name: you will never know : 2012-03-09 04:08 ID:esYbC73C [Del]

Dear pandora
If she thinks that she can handle all of the control well the let her try and watch her fail and go down in flames. Only then can you assume your place as the older sibling. I have done this myself and it has worked wonders on the four little brothers that I have they all acutally look up to me now.

-you will never know

15 Name: you will never know : 2012-03-09 04:10 ID:esYbC73C [Del]

And yes I know it is evil and cold hearted to have someone fail intentionally but I am cold hearted

16 Name: Pandora : 2012-03-09 22:22 ID:8B75Qa9M [Del]

>>14 Thanks

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: Ei.C !3Bej1XYlmw!!sF0EyBSv : 2012-03-10 20:07 ID:w+sq4xo7 [Del]

...I think i might use that method since i have an annoying cousin i only scare so he can behave but your method is more nicer and i like it >_<

19 Name: Pandora : 2012-03-10 21:46 ID:z3yHK++n [Del]

I think >>14 is the best idea for certain types of people.

20 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-03-11 00:14 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

Here's my answer for the thread title. It works for both older and younger siblings:

Don't interact.

I really don't interact with my older brother that much, and it works out fine.

21 Name: Ichiichiichi !HVMQuwcuHA : 2012-03-11 05:40 ID:3WXvoVps [Del]


isn't that.. being apathetic? ...