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The Universe Existance Paradox. (7)

1 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-02-25 19:45 ID:5hZeBf5C [Del]

This thread is so Keisen and i dont completly derail another thread...

Basically, the universe should not exist. The reason Keisen has given is "The 2 simple rules of science: 1. Everything is made of something, and 2. Nothing happens once. Everything being made of something smaller is impossible, therefore if you go small enough you'll find nothing, which means everything is made of nothing and shouldn't exist. Nothing happening once is a problem because for the multiverse to exist, something must have happened once and only once to create the multiverse and all the matter and energy in it, but something can't come from nothing, so nothing should exist. There. I blew your mind."

This thread is basically to converse about the Universe and how it should/shouldn't exist.

Go at it. Lets see how badly Science clashes with Religeon, here.

2 Name: Keisen : 2012-02-25 19:46 ID:zPiHsObj [Del]

You forgot the "Deal with it. FEEL MY PAIN." At the end of that quote.

3 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-02-25 19:49 ID:5hZeBf5C [Del]

>>2 Oh, whoops... D: Im sorry, dont kill me.

Anyway. What if there was one bacteria, or something of the like, floating around in the void. You know how fast those multiply? So, the bacteria thingy is multiplying liek nuts. Since it multiplies so fast, the newer generations evolve faster. That would explain the big bang, sort of. All these bacteria things, multiplying like nuts, filling the void with a something. :3

4 Name: Dragpent !4aKe2.L5d2 : 2012-02-25 19:59 ID:4Vo6B3cj [Del]

I've never heard of this "nothing happens once" rule.

Regardless this bacteria analogy you try to make wouldn't apply. Bacteria has to obtain resources from its environment in order to multiply.

All in all the truth of the matter is we (humankind) don't know enough about the universe to say how things came to be, or whether or not there is a multiverse.

Going off that I highly doubt any of us are educated enough in this particular field to talk about this subject adequately.

5 Name: The Doctor : 2012-02-25 22:21 ID:w0c8alrr [Del]

Well, to know how the universe works, ..... well, if you knew, then your heads would explode and your heart would cave in, because your minds are not developed enough to comprehend the idea of infinity. Truth is, the Universe never began. Thus being the law, what has no beginning can have no end. Yes there was a big bang, and the stars are drifting apart, but according to physics, every reaction needs an action to begin with, so there was obviously something before the big bang to trigger it. Even with the idea of nothingness, Nothing is still something, it's the opposite of something, but still at the same time it is something, so where did the nothing come from? Humans learn from a basis of observation and pattern. When you see something, you form a pattern and see it as truth. For instance, an adult believes that nothing is forever, that things have to end, because of the patterns he has observed throughout his life, however, a child, who is new to the world, is capable of dealing with the idea of infinity, because he has no previous restrictions to tell him it's wrong. In order to understand the universe, you must first, "Unlearn what you have learned" and accept any possibility as probable instead of impossible.

6 Name: Andoru !AndoRu/ek2 : 2012-02-25 23:37 ID:QY0++Ypl [Del]

In other words, Timey wimey, wibbly wobbly?

7 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-02-25 23:55 ID:4Zx1hm72 [Del]

I'm not even going to read the answers here, because the chances of them saying what I'm about to say are extremely slim.

My Belief:

The universe, and everything in it, exists purely because it can. Nothing cannot exist without something there to acknowledge that something exists. Nothing cannot be nothing, because if nothing were nothing, then something knows that nothing is nothing, therefore there must be something.

Sentient life is a topper on that. Great, there is something. Awesome. But that something doesn't matter, unless that something can acknowledge the existence of nothing. Hence: Sentience. (Yes, this does mean that there is some form of life that has been around since the beginning. Insert your religion here, and suddenly it has a semi-valid argument.)

As for the "base matter/force" that seems to magically hold everything together... Welp, I'm pretty much convinced that it's a force that acts in a way that our scientific minds will never understand. Whatever force holds the smallest of small things together, does so because it is necessary for things to exist in our dimension. (Cue argument about the existence of multiple dimensions. I don't really think it matters, as we should only care about our own, but I leave it open for future investigation.)

TL;DR - yeah fuck you, go read it.

If you followed all of that, congratulations.