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What Sets This Site Apart? (16)

1 Name: Pawn !2i4CRRtZ2I : 2012-02-01 18:25 ID:nRA2J2kH [Del]

To start with, consider this my formal introduction to the site, as this is my first post. So hello there ;)

As for the main point of this thread, after lurking for a little while, I have noticed that this site is, for the most part, untouched by the grime of the internet that seems to have muddied many other... types of boards that offer anonymity >.>

How has this site and its community managed to stay so relatively pleasant? What's your take on it?

2 Name: Hatash : 2012-02-01 18:28 ID:cbDhdHdy [Del]

Tiny lack of trolls at least, plus a bunch of people(100107 or more is just not a lot actually) just don't know what the Dollars are or haven't bothered looking it up on the internet.

3 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-02-01 18:29 ID:w9zZJa2s [Del]

Sure it's pleasant....
but I must say...
If you've been lurking for a while, why didn't you know that your "first post/formal introduction" should be on the Introductions Board?

4 Name: Pawn !2i4CRRtZ2I : 2012-02-01 18:32 ID:nRA2J2kH [Del]

>>3 This wasn't JUST my intro post, I was just stating as a neat/totally needless fact that it was my first post. The focus of my OP was to ask that question =D

5 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-01 18:33 ID:U+6GhF0J [Del]


This. How did you miss the intro board, and the FAQ? People don't lurk like they used to...

As for community... Well, we're just people. We try to police each other and follow some basic netiquette.

Quality of your community is dependent entirely on what your community approves of - Once people understand this, they work together to keep things how they like it.

6 Name: Pawn !2i4CRRtZ2I : 2012-02-01 18:41 ID:nRA2J2kH [Del]

>>5 I wish more communities would follow your post ;D

7 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-02-01 18:47 ID:5qClW4YV [Del]

>>6 Well, not all communities are like us.

We're pretty small, actually. The counter on top is just the IP counter. Since we're so small, it makes it much easier to organize and police things. If we were like 4chan with millions of members, it'd be nearly impossible. The ratio of idiots and trolls to people who actually give a fuck is way out of proportion.

Of course, that's not true for everything. Like >>5, it's all about the people in the community. We were just lucky enough to have some quality members.

8 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-02-01 18:51 ID:w9zZJa2s [Del]

Quality members such as 12 year old girls, donuts, a holy tree, and numerous Spiderman posters.


9 Name: Doremo : 2012-02-01 19:03 ID:8dW1kUlg [Del]

>>8 Those are the best kind of members

10 Name: Ally : 2012-02-01 19:05 ID:2KVyhm4w [Del]

I think, although I think wrong a lot, that this website is a perfect example of moral anarchism. Plus this website gets quality people because it is unadvertised, unlike flashy 4chan or facebook. It goes without stating any purpose, yet it has so many. It's mainly composed of people who watched the show, liked the idea, or vision as I put it, so much that they looked us up because they were hoping to be apart of something just like that cool "gang" on the show. In thus, a good portion of people here are like what >>7 said. People who give a fuck. Because if they didn't they'd most likely never even thought of us.

11 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !kGDW0ZgPaE : 2012-02-01 19:10 ID:O3tIvwKF [Del]

>>8 Yup, for sure.

12 Name: Pawn !2i4CRRtZ2I : 2012-02-01 19:11 ID:nRA2J2kH [Del]

>>10 Haha, though I had no delusions of joining some "gang". I just wanted a new, more grounded community

13 Name: Ally : 2012-02-01 19:20 ID:2KVyhm4w [Del]

>>12 You know what I mean. I just think it's funny how it's called a "gang" on the show. Although it makes sense with all the public notoriety there.

14 Name: Pawn !2i4CRRtZ2I : 2012-02-01 19:22 ID:nRA2J2kH [Del]

>>13 When really on the show its just a PG version of anonymous. And i certainly wouldn't call anonymous a gang in the strictest sense.

15 Post deleted by user.

16 Name: Ally : 2012-02-01 19:29 ID:2KVyhm4w [Del]

Well, I didn't actually mean "gang". "Community" might have worked better to get the point across I guess, but I wasn't aiming for literal with that word. And I see no resemblance between them and anonymous. o.0