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Dollars Character Designs (72)

1 Name: Raix : 2012-01-30 15:54 ID:7uNg8hPI (Image: 218x311 jpg, 10 kb) [Del]

src/1327960457098.jpg: 218x311, 10 kb
Create a character of yourself and post it in the comments below:

I'll start with mine. Okay go!

2 Name: KazePhantom : 2012-01-30 15:55 ID:IZ3ff3Ol [Del]

Me thinks this should be under art.

3 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-01-30 15:55 ID:77G+ydNX [Del]

Not art?

4 Name: Raix : 2012-01-30 15:58 ID:7uNg8hPI [Del]

Should it be under art?

5 Name: KazePhantom : 2012-01-30 16:01 ID:IZ3ff3Ol [Del]

Yeah, just re-post this there. Someone will come by and sage this thread. Simple mistake, simple fix.

6 Name: Raix : 2012-01-30 16:02 ID:7uNg8hPI [Del]

*Shrugs* Kay, whateves I'll move it there then. Thanks.

7 Name: KazePhantom : 2012-01-30 16:05 ID:IZ3ff3Ol [Del]

No problem. XD
Just don't make this mistake again, and all will be good.

8 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-01-30 16:05 ID:C9I0utWj [Del]

Not. Enough. In. The. "Closet". I can't find myself. I found my hair and face...but, I can't find my outfit. I ALWAYS wear a white V-Neck T-Shirt, black and grey fingerless Velcro gloves, black/bark blue shorts, and sandles.

9 Name: Raix : 2012-01-30 16:07 ID:7uNg8hPI [Del]

>>7 Eh don't have to worry bout' it. I for one follow the rules if I can.

>>8 I reposted this in the art section so post your thing there.

10 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-30 17:05 ID:etVPbjKW [Del]


I actually disagree with this sage. It fits just fine on random, but it's definitely not art. The closest thing I can think of is the Games board, but even then, it's not really even discussing the game - it's just posting avatars.

...Also, I swear we've had a tinierme topic somewhere around here at one point. Too lazy to dig it up.

11 Name: Raix!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-01-30 17:17 ID:7uNg8hPI [Del]

so it belongs on random then? okay.

12 Name: KazePhantom : 2012-01-30 17:28 ID:IZ3ff3Ol [Del]

>>10 you sure it doesn't belong under art? It's talking about character designs and that's rather art oriented.

13 Name: Pineapplez!lsl.FRUIts : 2012-01-30 17:45 ID:/VdJdPyk [Del]

But it's not their own art, it's just a character simulator.

14 Name: KazePhantom : 2012-01-30 17:47 ID:IZ3ff3Ol [Del]

Hmmm... alright I guess I can see that. Sorry, Raix, for the confusion.

15 Name: Ravana ۞ ☆ !HltySaVY5g : 2012-01-30 19:46 ID:gAYerI3m (Image: 179x268 png, 14 kb) [Del]

src/1327974393610.png: 179x268, 14 kb

16 Name: Feral : 2012-01-30 19:51 ID:HEQlktWz (Image: 243x322 png, 19 kb) [Del]

src/1327974689353.png: 243x322, 19 kb
So, I guess this is cool to post then?

17 Name: Raix : 2012-01-30 19:55 ID:LgCI1iLl [Del]

>>14 no problem haha.

18 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-30 20:29 ID:FaUckokW (Image: 393x566 jpg, 17 kb) [Del]

src/1327976943615.jpg: 393x566, 17 kb
I'm a fucking angel.
This is officially the appearance of "BarabiSama" >O

19 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !kGDW0ZgPaE : 2012-01-30 20:30 ID:LT3J+1hW [Del]

>>18 SAMA'S AN ANGEL?! WHUT?!I never knew that... but, but, but, in the stalker thread, there were no wings, or a halo, or anything like that!!! OMIGOD!!! haha

20 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-30 20:56 ID:FaUckokW [Del]

>>19 You make me want to dress up as this now.

21 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-01-30 21:01 ID:sd48LKk8 [Del]

>>20 Do it. Do it now. And upload pic.

22 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !kGDW0ZgPaE : 2012-01-30 21:06 ID:LT3J+1hW [Del]

>>20 YESH!!! Now!

23 Name: Kimiko : 2012-01-30 21:11 ID:7F227vni (Image: 208x399 png, 29 kb) [Del]

src/1327979463566.png: 208x399, 29 kb
As requested here you are.

24 Name: Animadversor !9XbiR6YbYc : 2012-01-30 21:30 ID:3AxTdWqq (Image: 216x520 png, 31 kb) [Del]

src/1327980656697.png: 216x520, 31 kb
Sure, why not. Cheers.

25 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-30 21:44 ID:FaUckokW [Del]

>>21 >>22 PATIENCE. I will post it when I have the supplies >O

26 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-01-30 22:52 ID:5qClW4YV [Del]

>>25 You're actually doing it? Sparkles for you!
・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚:・**・.゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

27 Name: Visce : 2012-01-30 22:53 ID:5WcAUrBx (Image: 144x245 png, 23 kb) [Del]

src/1327985620112.png: 144x245, 23 kb
These are damned adorable D<

28 Name: Sakazaki : 2012-01-31 02:13 ID:Y5H+cHwx (Image: 258x580 jpg, 30 kb) [Del]

src/1327997614696.jpg: 258x580, 30 kb
How's this? its mine btw.

29 Name: Tsukiko : 2012-01-31 03:18 ID:xKiYQDxd (Image: 235x329 jpg, 19 kb) [Del]

src/1328001521165.jpg: 235x329, 19 kb
omggg~ they're all so cute! <3

30 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-01-31 03:19 ID:8Gs6yLUl [Del]

Tomorrow tomorrow ill make one tomorrow, its only a day away. Tralalalala

31 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-01-31 03:36 ID:0pBrcxGi (Image: 369x641 png, 39 kb) [Del]

src/1328002619357.png: 369x641, 39 kb

32 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-01-31 03:50 ID:I8UEXbd+ [Del]

33 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-01-31 03:51 ID:I8UEXbd+ [Del]

^My selfy^

(Sorry, it couldn't let me use a picture -.-)

34 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-01-31 04:17 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

>>31 Shit son. Me wants you headphones.

35 Name: bang-bang : 2012-01-31 05:00 ID:Al/pRfcG [Del]

There's like a thousand types of hair. I can't do this.

36 Name: Tsukiko : 2012-01-31 05:44 ID:xKiYQDxd [Del]

>>35 agree i can't decide because they're all so adorable. <3

37 Name: Raix : 2012-01-31 06:06 ID:GneVPO23 [Del]

>>31 i really like yours mael haha. xD everyone's so far is pretty cool.

38 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !kGDW0ZgPaE : 2012-01-31 06:28 ID:O3tIvwKF [Del]

>>25 REEEAAALLY???!!!!!!

39 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-01-31 16:15 ID:77G+ydNX [Del]

Im not creative enough

40 Name: Lawliet♥Fangirl : 2012-01-31 16:19 ID:cRes3Su8 [Del]

how do you save it?

41 Name: bang-bang : 2012-01-31 17:04 ID:Al/pRfcG (Image: 391x626 jpg, 16 kb) [Del]

src/1328051044975.jpg: 391x626, 16 kb
Oh the temptation I had to resist in order to not make myself a samurai space princess.

Also the medusa head is a totally accurate representation of curly hair.

42 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-31 17:54 ID:FaUckokW [Del]

>>26 >>38 YES, REALLY.
I swear I will do this. I just have to get the fabrics to make the costume; then, you will have my angellic presense before you.

I love making characters on this. While the Tinier me models and generator have less interesting clothing and options, I think the quality of it is better than Gaia's models and TekTeks. I don't know why... I'm a sucker for this shit.

43 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !kGDW0ZgPaE : 2012-01-31 18:27 ID:O3tIvwKF [Del]

>>42 Yay! Haha, now I'm really looking forward to this.

44 Name: Nadue : 2012-01-31 21:53 ID:oj1lBxaQ (Image: 209x274 png, 17 kb) [Del]

src/1328068389321.png: 209x274, 17 kb
I feel as tho i got a bit carried away.

45 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-01-31 22:09 ID:w+DFq/lr [Del]

>>44 Biggest douche? Biggest douche.

46 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-01-31 22:12 ID:w9zZJa2s (Image: 388x443 png, 237 kb) [Del]

src/1328069566773.png: 388x443, 237 kb
>>45 Until I come in with a C-C-COMBO BREAKER.

47 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-01-31 22:14 ID:w+DFq/lr [Del]

>>46 You sir, deserve one of my patented 'Fuck yeahs'

Fuck yeah...

48 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-01-31 22:20 ID:5qClW4YV [Del]

>>46 Dear lord, what?

49 Name: Pidgey!Ler88KKdGg : 2012-01-31 22:41 ID:HUXCPPZL [Del]

Eheheh... Couldn't figure out how to post just the pic, but this should be good enough :D

50 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-01-31 22:48 ID:w9zZJa2s [Del]

Fuck yeah indeed.

51 Name: Proxy !kz26FLRB.w : 2012-01-31 23:12 ID:iPz+WpA6 (Image: 223x278 png, 16 kb) [Del]

src/1328073158330.png: 223x278, 16 kb

52 Post deleted by user.

53 Name: you will never know : 2012-02-01 01:27 ID:esYbC73C [Del]

This is mine

54 Name: Kata : 2012-02-01 02:30 ID:4+b11dLO [Del]

My one. these things are so addictive

55 Name: Kaisuke : 2012-02-01 07:35 ID:uGiuug1+ (Image: 136x258 jpg, 5 kb) [Del]

src/1328103347054.jpg: 136x258, 5 kb
51 - I was looking for headphones :P

56 Name: Pandora : 2012-02-01 08:59 ID:czpZMntw [Del]

Lol, Tinierme selfys... how fun~!

57 Post deleted by user.

58 Name: Visce : 2012-02-01 11:43 ID:5WcAUrBx (Image: 604x700 jpg, 92 kb) [Del]

src/1328118223351.jpg: 604x700, 92 kb
>>46 Two can play that game :U

59 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-02-01 13:23 ID:0CyqM/na [Del]

>>58 Ohoho, fuck yeah.

60 Name: Tsukiko : 2012-02-21 04:47 ID:gzKBwbVd [Del]


61 Name: Tsukitty!TSUKIx5W46 : 2012-02-21 09:22 ID:+jNrwtIi [Del]

62 Name: Tsukitty!TSUKIx5W46 : 2012-02-21 09:23 ID:+jNrwtIi (Image: 110x246 png, 10 kb) [Del]

src/1329837834978.png: 110x246, 10 kb

63 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-02-21 09:24 ID:bg+L5yz6 [Del]

>>62 You're lacking Asian eyes.

64 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !MANGAS6Kfg : 2012-02-21 15:19 ID:lqC5YBnM [Del]

>>63 OuO You're right!

65 Name: Ravana۞ ☆!HltySaVY5g : 2012-02-21 15:29 ID:wPyTduC6 [Del]

>>62 That original picture disturbs my mind..

But>>63 is right.

66 Post deleted by user.

67 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-22 16:14 ID:Km75jVaF [Del]

Things on that site are turning to shit. You know what? Tinier Me endorsed that dream avvie site forever, even including it in some of their official holiday events. Why are they suddenly flipping a shit over it?

68 Name: Yubel : 2012-02-22 18:47 ID:GebuFh39 [Del]

69 Name: Keiko !.NZ1W8Ic.c : 2012-02-22 19:40 ID:2pIV77qQ (Image: 205x313 jpg, 11 kb) [Del]

src/1329961247636.jpg: 205x313, 11 kb

70 Name: Death the Kid : 2012-03-05 15:52 ID:cRes3Su8 [Del]


71 Name: hiphopgirl : 2012-03-05 17:46 ID:80U4HKNG [Del]
Casual Outfit
School Outfit
Work Outfit

72 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-05 19:35 ID:etVPbjKW [Del]

>>71 Are you familiar with HTML? At the very least, the "a href" tag?