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Something very important has come to my attention... (71)

1 Name: Marcy : 2012-01-14 16:01 ID:kWCnZ9s0 (Image: 574x337 jpg, 14 kb) [Del]

src/1326578468016.jpg: 574x337, 14 kb
It has come to my attention that one of my, and many of your, favorite singers has been nominated to sing at the 2012 Olympics. Who is she you ask? She is none other than the world’s favorite digital diva; Hatsune Miku!!! However, she is number 16 in the list, and if her fans do not voice their want and opinions for her, she will not be chosen!!
That is where we come in!! If you want her to sing on national television, then go to the link below and vote for her!!! And, I know it’s an inconvenience, but would the people who don’t really know her vote as well? It would be a HUGE boost to the otaku community to see her on the television!!

You can vote here for whoever you like! But it would be really cool if she won ^ ^

Don’t know who Hatsune Miku is? LOOK HERE!!:

2 Name: ultispy !L9K4OkD6Mo : 2012-01-14 16:32 ID:g6zvcdX9 [Del]

Don't care who thinks I'm a weeaboo- shit was originally created in England anyway. I think a digital diva at the Olympics were be pretty badass.

3 Name: Yatahaze : 2012-01-14 16:36 ID:w9zZJa2s [Del]

It might just be me, but your first link isn't taking me anywhere useful.

4 Name: ultispy !L9K4OkD6Mo : 2012-01-14 16:42 ID:g6zvcdX9 [Del]

>>3 Same here.

5 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2012-01-14 16:43 ID:dk4svQ23 [Del]

>>3 Just look up "Olympic 2012 opening ceremonies" and it should be on the top three.

6 Name: ultispy !L9K4OkD6Mo : 2012-01-14 16:46 ID:g6zvcdX9 [Del]

That site did lead me to the ton ten cruelest insults. I can't stop laughing at this- "It looks like your face caught on fire and somebody tried to put it out with a fork."

Sorry for the off-topicness. Still laughing.

7 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2012-01-14 16:46 ID:dk4svQ23 [Del]

>>5 Forgot to say: while on the site *insert 5 here*

8 Name: Rasputin : 2012-01-14 17:06 ID:YR5jL6U0 (Image: 477x396 gif, 345 kb) [Del]

src/1326582402301.gif: 477x396, 345 kb

9 Name: JKuri !i3D0TKEy76 : 2012-01-14 17:08 ID:Rh2oBNX0 [Del]


10 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-01-14 17:29 ID:DCa+vvhM [Del]

I don't really like Miku Hatsune, but I adore the concept that humanity is crossing into the uncanny valley and creating digital media that is all but treated as a person by some people.

Makes me feel good about an upcoming android/AI/human society.

Anyway, voting.

11 Name: Tsuki!PL2yJCdKsw : 2012-01-14 18:09 ID:oUxzMZbQ [Del]

You just want a sexbot, don't you Aya?

12 Name: Loliprincess : 2012-01-14 18:22 ID:ktoXsHRh [Del]

I already voted for Miku Hatsune right now and when I went to vote she was currently number 14 on the list. I hope she'll be able to perform at the Olympics this year it really would be something to see.

13 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-01-14 18:35 ID:IZRS7EjQ [Del]

Voting just to find out if they'll actually use a computer program to sing at the Olympics. I don't actually like Hatsune Miku, but I think it will be funny to see the look on my parents face to see a digital anime character doing this.

14 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2012-01-14 18:41 ID:5qClW4YV [Del]

These K-POP fans.

Yes, and I quote one of the reason's why a person voted.

"Taemin's cuteness. I know, I know he's eighteen now but hell, I think he's still a baby. I didn't think that way in his Lucifer days though because those extensions made him look like a sex god. I love it when he is all sexy and cute at the same time in front of the camera. His moves are so hot. I also like the way he strives to be as good as his hyungs and his low, lovely voice. "

And the Bieber kid.

"We got the bieber fever! Please, bieber performing on London Olympics Opening Ceremonies. "OCTOR BIEBER, PLEASE CURE THE BIEBER FEVER " #NEVERSAYNEVER #LOVEBIEBER #BELIEBER"

I feel like shooting somebody.

15 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2012-01-14 19:25 ID:dk4svQ23 [Del]

Dynamic IP + three devices to vote on = three votes a day till she is number one.

16 Name: Marcy : 2012-01-14 20:11 ID:Dum7HhOY [Del]

>>15 Awesome ^ ^

Umm, I forgot to mention that you need to sign up before you can vote -///- watashi no baka

17 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-01-14 20:12 ID:w9zZJa2s [Del]


Feel like shooting somebody.
Oh, but don't we all?

18 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2012-01-14 20:35 ID:5qClW4YV [Del]

>>16 Was the 'watashi no baka' necessary..

>>17 Every moment of every day.

19 Name: Sharkie Pants !.pQQznQlsU : 2012-01-14 22:37 ID:E6u6oJLm [Del]

Why would this list have any effect on what gets chosen? :I
I mean - at the moment Super Junior is coming first. Do you really think they would choose a Korean pop group to represent London? It's the same deal with Miku. She can't sing in English, so why would they choose her? I think the idea is kinda cool, but it probably won't happen unless we're talking about the Tokyo Olympics.

>>16 If you're going to speak like a weeaboo (but please don't), at least do it right? :I
'watashi no baka' makes no sense even in Japanese.

20 Name: Pandora : 2012-01-14 23:57 ID:8B75Qa9M [Del]

>>16 I think the correct thing to say would have been.... 私はばかです。
So who cares really truthfully though? I didn't but when reading people's comments who decide to insult someone over something so pointless. Oh and >>19 Marcy basically said "My Idiot".

21 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-01-14 23:59 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

>>20 Google translate?

22 Name: Pandora : 2012-01-15 00:02 ID:8B75Qa9M [Del]

Takara, nope. I actually take Japanese.

23 Post deleted by user.

24 Post deleted by user.

25 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-01-15 00:05 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

>>22 Okay.

26 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-15 02:13 ID:QNcFYVH4 [Del]

I want to vote for her, just because there are things I dislike more on that list...

...but..the comments are disconcerting.

"Hatsune Miku... The greatest voice ever. I really hope she'll be performing in london OLympics 2012 everybody would just start crying out of happiness just because all her songs are just full of pasion and emotions"



I think I'll just vote for Muse.

27 Name: sleepology : 2012-01-15 02:31 ID:nfDmpLD+ [Del]

You could vote for a band that doesnt exist anymore ._.

28 Name: bang-bang : 2012-01-15 05:16 ID:Al/pRfcG [Del]

Is it wrong that I don't know like half the people in that list? And that the other half made me go like :\.

But this isn't an official thing right? It's just some Top 10 site where anybody can make a list.

29 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-01-15 06:28 ID:ol2ACPde [Del]

So go to then search "Olympic 2012 opening ceremonies" and select fro the top three to vote. Took me a while to figure it out lol!
Anyway I put in my vote, hope she makes it. Right now she is number 11 on the list.

30 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-01-15 08:14 ID:9O1LtRWY [Del]

I would rather ther not be a boost to the otaku community, first of all, and second of all, I think picking her would be a complete insult to the real bands that have to actually sing and dance. Even if it takes more effort to plan the graphics for the holograms and singing, I feel that effort should be congradulated elsewhere. This position is for hard working singers and musicians... not programmers and a virtual character.

31 Name: Xissx : 2012-01-15 10:00 ID:NFgr8ZOK [Del]

>>30 Couldn't of said it any better myself.

32 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-15 11:27 ID:QNcFYVH4 [Del]

>>30 Exactly right. Though, this is just a top 10 thing, and I don't know how serious it will be. Having an online vote for something that includes that option is a terrible idea, because the ones more likely to choose miku over a real singer are the ones more likely to dedicate more time to voting on it en masse.

But that's just a theory. I like vocaloid as a tool, like any music synth. Terrible to idolize it like it's a real thing.

33 Name: Suri !djqg1yJyJ6 : 2012-01-15 11:27 ID:hERah4XN [Del]

As much as that sounds pretty cool. I agree with >>30.

34 Name: Xissx : 2012-01-15 15:48 ID:p5P/nQUz [Del]

I think there are many better choices like;
Paul McCartney
30 Seconds To Mars
Foo Fighters
And the list just goes on. I'm not picking this virtual character over these choices.
I mean yeah, it's cool and all, but these people went through a lot to get where they are, some of them are even musical legends. I can't imagine the pain these artist would feel if Hatsune Miku took the stage instead of them. Sorry.

35 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-01-15 15:54 ID:vGag5Yl+ [Del]

Hooray no jb.
Muse or 30 sec i vote for ._.

36 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-01-15 16:11 ID:w9zZJa2s [Del]

Hell, it's in London.
Something British just seems fitting.
Vocaloid....not so much.

37 Name: Kaku !Z89M6xK3X. : 2012-01-16 14:11 ID:M6PYKbkk [Del]

>>34 Yes I would love to see Coldplay perform at the Olympics!

I was quite amused when i saw all the K-pop groups on the list. As much as I like K-pop, it's absolutely ridiculous for people to even think they would perform at the Olympics.

Anyway, I absolutely would not vote for Hatsune Miku. Being able to perform at the Olympic Games is an honour that should be given to people who have put all their effort into their music, not to a computer program.

38 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-01-16 16:07 ID:RgKraOS4 (Image: 500x346 jpg, 19 kb) [Del]

src/1326751670501.jpg: 500x346, 19 kb
What the fuck?
The computer generated shit is nice...
but srsly humans?
You are putting priority over a fucking computer animation..rather than ACTUAL human talent?

What the actual fuck?

I just looked at the list.



39 Name: JKuri !pF1lEKTr1A : 2012-01-16 16:20 ID:Rh2oBNX0 [Del]

>>38 lol I'd choose Miku over Bieber

40 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2012-01-16 16:30 ID:WimNo2CY [Del]

>>38 Dude. Can't stop laughing.

41 Name: Yamie : 2012-01-16 16:50 ID:R5jqF79O [Del]

I will have to choose vocaloid songs over the real singers because most of the vocaloid songs have lots of meaning in them.. :l

42 Name: Spiderman : 2012-01-16 17:03 ID:RgKraOS4 [Del]

>>41 Die.

43 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-01-16 17:06 ID:XSaTUd/R [Del]

>>42 seriously. Get over yourself and leave. People stopped caring a while ago.

44 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2012-01-16 17:06 ID:WimNo2CY [Del]

>>42 You die...

45 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-16 17:16 ID:QNcFYVH4 [Del]

>>41 You say that like other songs don't have meaning to them.

Have you even looked at the list? It's not all generic pop shit on there, you know. There are some good bands, that put time and effort into being great musicians.

The stage is set for a performance, not a recording of a synthesized program. To deny the real musicians that honor really is a huge insult.

46 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-01-16 17:17 ID:RgKraOS4 [Del]

Sorry..I had the wrong name typed
>>43>>44 lol>>45's reasoning is perfect to explain why I said what I said.

47 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-01-16 17:21 ID:XSaTUd/R [Del]

>>46 Ahh, you tricked me. Thought the troll was still stalking around here...or worse, it could've multiplied.

48 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-01-16 17:32 ID:RgKraOS4 [Del]

>>47 Hahaha I figured thats what happened. No..When we have a spiderman derailing fest..I become Spidey. lmao. XD

49 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-01-16 17:35 ID:DdySlipm [Del]

I think it really comes down to view points here.

On one hand, musicians have worked extremely hard to hone their musical talent and get as good as they are. The Olympics are a big deal, and a major honor for a musician.

On the other hand, Hatsune Miku is amazing technology that - Whether you like her or not - Has been a completely unprecedented advancement in the field of music and entertainment. From the holographic concerts, to the voice synthesis creation, she's a pseudo-living crowning achievement of human ingenuity.

Her songs aside, because all music is subjective, the question is really what do we support being heralded at a world national event more?

Human blood, sweat and tears into their work?
Human ingenuity, pioneering unknown grounds as the first of it's kind?

While it is entirely accurate to say that denying a musician the honor of the Olympic performance is an insult to their efforts, it is entirely inaccurate and biased to write off Vocaloids as "just a synthesis program". It's an over simplification that completely disregards the sheer magnitude of it.

Musicians can be referred to as "just people who play instruments". There are thousands of them, what makes these bands special? Their success and work.

The same as there are thousands of "voice synthesis" programs, but what makes the Vocaloids so successful? Behind the singer, there is programming and voice tracks, people manipulating it tirelessly all across the nation.

Saying "It's an insult to put vocaloids on instead of musicians" is short sighted and hypocritical. It's the same as actively insulting Vocaloid by disregarding the effort and work put into making it as successful as it is.

One side's work is no more valuable than the other, and I am suspicious that when you say "vocaloids" you're not looking at the people who this honor really goes to - The creators of it who worked for it. You're looking at the holographic image that, subconsciously, you dislike on the assumption that as a computer it hasn't earned the right that the others have through their every day practice and effort.

All of that being said, I don't think the obvious choice is Miku. Like I said, it comes down to view points - I am of the opinion that there is real wrong answer between live musicians and Vocaloids. Both of them represent human effort and achievement in different ways.

To rule one out based on a biased opinion is just as bad as self appointed 'otaku' blindly ignoring the efforts of musicians and voting for Miku because "omg kawaii sugoi desu!". Just because the culture bias is different doesn't change what it is.

50 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-01-16 17:37 ID:RgKraOS4 [Del]

>>49 Yknow....the Gorrillaz did this waaaaaayyyy back when...With maddona...It was the grammys...along time before Miku got popular.

51 Name: Yatahaze : 2012-01-16 17:42 ID:w9zZJa2s [Del]

What he said.

52 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-16 17:43 ID:Sqzu/f4q [Del]

>>49 So. Do you think a vote about the best musician for special display of musical talents should have to do with the best musician or the best technology?

53 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-01-16 17:43 ID:XSaTUd/R [Del]

I remember that, but the Gorillaz are also a real group. Their image was just animated.

54 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-01-16 17:48 ID:DdySlipm [Del]


This somewhat supports my point here. People wouldn't object to the Gorillaz playing at the Olympics, yet they function off the same essential speech synth type deal. Most of their music is literally based off drawn animation for their character avatars.

What makes their commitment different than the creators and people behind Vocaloids, who have managed to make and spread something like this?

Granted Disclaimer: I am not that familiar with Madonna or the gorillaz's musical legacy. I don't plan to argue or claim details based on a quick google search of general knowledge :V

If there is a legitimate difference, explain it to me like I'm an idiot so I can discuss it better.

55 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-01-16 17:51 ID:w+DFq/lr [Del]

>>54 Oddly enough, I'm on your side about this.... Not saying that I think Miku is the best any means... but you do make a pretty good point.

56 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-01-16 17:51 ID:DdySlipm [Del]


When it comes down to it, if technology makes a better display of musical talent, then I'd vote for that.

I'm not saying Miku is the obvious, end all choice - But I am saying that disregarding it's performance and the effort and talent of those behind her is just as bad as disregarding the musicians.

For that matter; it should be noted that vocaloids only do vocals. There are real people performing the music alongside the vocals, so you can't just say "Oh it has no human aspect to it. It's not real talent."

The technology is one aspect of the greater whole.

57 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-16 17:54 ID:QNcFYVH4 [Del]

>>49 Fair enough. Though, when people see vocaloids performing on stage like that, they tend to completely disregard the artist behind it as well. Yes, of course, someone put an equal amount of time and effort into composing the song and the sum of its parts through music synthesis - I suppose I misspoke if it came off as me devaluing that.

What I'm sick of is the idolization of the program itself, rather than the musicians. I'm sure you've seen some of the comments: "Miku is so great!" "All of Miku's songs are so deep and emotional" "Miku is such a great singer." Not a single mention of the creators of the songs themselves. It's almost as if people believe those songs were created by Miku, and I wouldn't be surprised if a good number of uninformed people believed all the vocaloid songs combined are a result of one company or something.

And on top of that, the thing that was "invited" to the olympics was not the song artist or band, but Miku herself. Everything produced using the vocaloid program is being associated with the program itself rather than the creative minds behind each and every song.

It's fair to say that the holographic performance is nothing less than impressive, though. But I still see it as more of a gimmick - an amazingly performed gimmick, but still a step towards devaluing a human's performance on stage. Maybe this is an archaic fear similar to that of industrialization, who knows.

And I've said this before, but I very much so like Vocaloid songs - but much more than that, I enjoy it when those songs are covered by a real voice. For example, Bakemonogatari's ED song, Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari by Supercell was originally done using Miku's voice, but they decided to hire a singer instead. There are few who say that this was a bad decision.

58 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-16 17:55 ID:QNcFYVH4 [Del]

God damn, ninja'd by like 5 posts.

59 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-01-16 17:56 ID:UmEnCZUn [Del]

"When I first heard about the prospect of having an AI perform at the Olympics, I was shocked. But overall, I think it's a step in the right direction for humanity. It's fitting that an event, which is to unite humans from around the world, could extend beyond humans and into artificial life forms as well."


60 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-01-16 17:56 ID:w9zZJa2s [Del]

For what it's worth most of Gorillaz' performances include the actual band playing live on stage with their guest performers, whilst the animations run on screens in the background.
There is a difference, enough so that I wouldn't mind Gorillaz performing, because with all the different parts, it's like a mini-orchestra. With Vocaloid it's....well....

You otherwise do have a good point, but in the end I think those who are musicians ultimately deserve the spot.

And what >>52 said.

61 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-01-16 17:57 ID:w9zZJa2s [Del]

My god, super ninja.

62 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-01-16 18:05 ID:RgKraOS4 [Del]

Meh..IDGAF either way to be honest...I would like humans to perform..but fuck always make excellent points.

So yeah I am apathetic about it now...hahaha

63 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-01-16 18:07 ID:DdySlipm [Del]

Disregarding an artist, program or not, due to it's fanbase is terrible, suto. Even if they see nothing but Miku, isn't that literally just a sign of success in regards to the creators behind her? They became focused on the "artist" created, rather than the producers.

It's extremely similar to the pre-song writing era where musicians were hired in by industries and then provided with songs to sing - Back when musicians who wrote their own songs were an extremely rare occurrence. Miku is the singer in this case, as a program it doesn't sing anything but the songs provided to it by the producers behind her.

In that same vein, you wouldn't invite a producer to the olympics even if they provided the song - You would invite the person who sings it. Arguably, inviting "Miku" specifically is explained in that Miku is the most popular figure girl for the group "Vocaloid". Or, rather, each Vocaloid is a different voice tone, AKA singer. If they wanted Miku specifically out of the vocaloids, they invited her.

My theory is simply because she is, as stated before, akin to the vocaloid flagship. But this is neither the conversation nor thread for that.

And I agree that a portion of the resistance is related to your mentioned archaic fear that sprung up around industrialization a while back. It's moving away from purely human effort into a technological age - I doubt Miku will be the last of it's kind, this is just the "prototype advent" if you will, of a new age of technological revolution.

It's partially that fear, partial backlash against the fandom, and partial cultural bias or ignorance.

It's one thing entirely to not vote for Miku because you don't like her, that's expected.

It's another entirely to discriminate against her because of the aforementioned reasons.

As a side note - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari is far better off with a human singer. Just because it can be done with voice synth doesn't mean it should. But that's all preferences.

64 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-16 18:19 ID:QNcFYVH4 [Del]

So at this point, you're saying that a robot really is running on par with other musicians, in terms of musical quality, even though that in itself varies between different artists that work with it?

Absurd as that sounds to me, I can't say I have any way to refute that. The reason it bugs me might be on a sympathetic level as well - Miku doesn't have emotions, or real expression. These are all programmed in and tweaked as necessary for each song. Call me unnecessarily empathetic, but I would feel absolutely terrible if a band that had planned to perform live was denied their chance because people preferred to hear a recording.

To put it in a different context, I would disagree with using a recording of someone's song for the same reason as I would disagree with using a synthesized program, for an event like this. If it were a concert, I wouldn't pay to hear something that I could just as easily hear by downloading. They perform so people can see them in action, and hear them live, flaws and all, and for the experience of those that are there in person, seeing it happen in front of their eyes.

I will accept that I was less unbiased than I intended, though, seeing it from a different perspective. I cannot help but feel bothered by it nonetheless - so until I figure out why this is, I'll refrain from purporting my comments on this matter as anything but opinion.

65 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-01-16 18:33 ID:DdySlipm [Del]

You make a valid point in the third paragraph, that is entirely true. Unless the producers start from scratch and manually tune Miku before the show for slightly different performances - But this seems doubtful.

and yes, all art is fairly subjective. There is a large crowd of people, and you know them, who love Miku more than human musicians, regardless of the varying quality. In a race of preference, vocaloid has proven to be a strong competitor.

As for the sympathetic route - I understand this entirely. I feel that a lot of bands would either be outraged or amazingly disappointed if they were passed over in favor of Miku - Hell, the ones outranked by her will probably be the same.

However, and my views may very well be too grounded in fantastical thoughts, I view Miku as the very beginning of an era of virtual integration into society. We don't have it now, but one day we may very well succeed in creating an artificial intelligence that can learn, grow and react. It's emotions may be processes, but they will exist. Much like how the human body is bio-machine of neurological impulses, I believe actual machines will eventually attain a similar level of existence.

And personally, I feel as if this is the turning point in which we start having to seriously consider the question:

What Measure Is A Non-Human?

It may be jumping the gun, because as of now we are still unsure as to what will come of our technological advances in these fields, but my stance is that from the start I feel like we should start getting accustomed to treating them with more respect. Rather now, when it's in its infancy, than later when we may inevitably turn it into a civil issue.

Of course, these thoughts are pretty grounded in a possible future. They hold no standings in the present, so it's all personal opinion.

66 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-16 19:58 ID:Sqzu/f4q [Del]

>>56 Not always. There are a lot of programs for making the song music electronically. Some of their songs have real bands playing in the background, but not all of them. It all depends on who composed that particular Vocaloid song.

67 Name: Minato. : 2012-01-27 03:39 ID:jGdE8CW+ [Del]
vote for her!

68 Name: Master-sama : 2012-01-27 09:12 ID:F3lu8cFA [Del]

I personally prefer the twins, but she's cool too:) She has my vote

69 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-05-25 23:32 ID:ZGQihjox [Del]

I am too late for this huh... /necrosage

70 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ!!pay7Ps22 : 2018-01-20 23:36 ID:J10qEFaQ [Del]

Are vocaloids still even popular though???

(Goodbye Sonic and knuckles)

71 Name: James !GBBXFwEfac : 2018-01-21 08:24 ID:DJhMRzR5 [Del]

Just voted for everyone's favorite vocaloid star! I WANT THIS TO HAPPEN SOOOOO BAD!!!!