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Discussion: Pornography (66)

1 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-01-11 06:12 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

Before you read the title and think the worst, no, just no.

This is a thread for discussing people's opinions on porn.
Does it creep you out? Do you watch/read it yourself? Do you mind hanging around people that watch/read porn or does it creep you out?

Personally, porn creeps me out. It's disgusting and the people who have gone so far as to create it them self disgust me to. I do not watch/read it myself. But I don't mind being around people that do.

I apologise if this is not the type of thread that should be allowed on Dollars.

2 Name: Summer : 2012-01-11 06:39 ID:tL905HOq [Del]

i luv it.

3 Name: <Anon> : 2012-01-11 07:26 ID:rB9P9Iki [Del]

>>2 Thanks for saying it like a moron. I am not offended by it, its there choiced to make it. I cant control that,

4 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-01-11 07:47 ID:DgO/B15J [Del]

This thread is in the right board, and I don't see a problem within being on the site.

As for my opinion on the subject at hand, pornography is just another job for those who make it, so they are entitled to do it. In my opinion, whether or not porn disgusts me is dependent on the actor/actress. Hentai would be better, because it's made to be flawless, for every fetish known. (I believe that rule 34 applies here). Then again, not much others me. I don't often watch porn/hentai myself, and am perfectly comfortable with those around me watching it, as long as they aren't watching it around me creating awkward penguin moments.

5 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-01-11 08:26 ID:tHo3pMyG [Del]

<3 porn.

6 Name: Pandora : 2012-01-11 08:35 ID:czpZMntw [Del]

I say let bygons be bygons. I don't care for it at all and it's on a level higher than creepy. I'm good with certain people that like it. Like friends.

7 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-01-11 10:34 ID:5bk7w6Ng [Del]

Well, well, well... :3 a thread on a controversial subject that I can really get down and dirty with.

I am a fan of the pornographic industry. There are porn actresses whom I am a fan, and sometimes I enjoy reading interviews or articles about them, their lives and their careers. It is interesting how women such as Amy Reid, Eva Angelina, Eve Lawrence, Belladonna, Priya Rai, Puma Swede, Cody Lane, Leah Luv, Riley Mason, Lacey Duvall, etc. (the list goes on) entered the industry and how their roles have developed since. Some are still acting, some have become produces, some assist in directing, some have married male actors they met on set, some have left the industry to raise children, some are still actively involved in films and photoshoots. Regardless of how you feel about pornography, the men and women involved in this industry are people as well; some of them love their jobs, some despise it, some do not care as long as they can pay the bills. Those filming and shooting have made a career catering to a large audience who flood the economy with purchases and subscriptions to magazines, DVDs and websites. Those producing and directing such have made a living to support themselves, their significant others and even their families, which in my opinion is better than doing absolutely nothing. As for those acting, having sex on camera for money, read their stories before judging them; they are making sacrifices beyond what most ever have to in order to get by, and it is an honest living. There are standards that they must meet to be permitted to act in pornographic films. They must keep their bodies clean in order to prevent health complications among other actors and actresses. Their sex life outside of work is often compromised just by sanctions and requirements. Just like any other industry, this one is composed of people trying to get by and move up the ladder. I have a certain respect for those involved. Unfortunately, not all companies within the industry are as honest or well organized as I have described, especially with how easy it is to make homemade porn, but that again is the case with any business or industry type.

As for how I feel about it personally. I enjoy it immensely, depending on the production, actresses/actors, content, etc. Porn has many times kept me OUT of trouble. It has provided a safer sexual outlet compared to going out and tapping that slut who gets around and is an easy lay. It has saved me time (although there have been many instances where it has taken MUCH of my time as well) and allowed me to... O_o get things "out of the way" and get my mind out of the gutter so I can focus on work, homework, projects, etc. From it I have learned, albeit sometimes exaggerated, positions and techniques which help my "performance". It has not dulled my imagination, but inspired creativity in my sex life.

All this I can also say the same for hentai, although there is more of aesthetic and artistic appreciation for styles, art, animation, plot and story when it comes to hentai as opposed to regular pornography. But that is another discussion all its own. (>>4 hinted towards this).

In regards to others who watch porn, I hardly think it matters unless they talk about it openly and often or watch/look at it when others are present. I am open about my viewing and collection of movies, hentai, magazines and doujinshi, but I never push this material onto those who do not enjoy it or find it embarrassing. I will watch hentai with other fans, but pornography is enjoyed solely by myself as I feel viewing it with others is awkward due to the fact you are watching actual humans fuck. The exception to that is if my significant other desires to watch it with me.

8 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-01-11 10:44 ID:tHo3pMyG [Del]

>>7 you got a tl;dr for that?

9 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-01-11 10:50 ID:5bk7w6Ng [Del]

Porno industry is still industry, so good for economy.
People involved are still people, and they are trying to earn a living.
Interesting to read about the actresses.
Helps keep me from going out and banging sluts.
Has contributed to my sex life and helped me develop positions and styles as well as becoming creative.
I enjoy it, I also enjoy hentai but for additional reasons (art, animation, plot).
Watch hentai with others every now and then (mostly for comedy or appreciation of style); watch porno alone or with girlfriend IF she requests to watch it with me.
Not creepy to know people who watch porn as long as they are respectful to you and your stance.

10 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-01-11 13:10 ID:XeEudHyJ [Del]

Divine pretty much nailed it, Porn creates jobs and the people in it are sacrificing quite a bit to make money and be successful.

Then there's the whole amateur porn or non-profit porn. I, personally, also see absolutely nothing wrong with it. If someone wants to have sex and keep it filmed, or show it to other people - More power to them. It's their body, their life, and if they don't feel like its wrong then I don't think its wrong for them to do.

I'll watch it from time to time, and its really a personal decision. Porn's been around for a long time, and the only reason we started deciding it was bad was due to society setting up "legal age for sex" and "Sexual virtues" that are essentially just bullshit passed down, usually, from a religion.

IE: Did you know that there's a law still established in one of the states which says the only way you're allowed to have sex is in your bedroom, curtains shut, lights off, in the missionary position?

No one upholds that shit, why is it there? How did it get there? Who even though of this?

Most people are affected by their culture in how they see things like this. I don't think many people can legitimately step back, look objectively at the topic, and then say "Yes, I don't like this. It is harmful to our society and should be restricted."

Because at the end of the day, it's an individual's decision to make it - And an individual's decision to watch it.

I'm rather disgusted by OP in this circumstance. Of all things you could find to be disgusted at, you choose people who participate in porn? It's not only illogical, it's judgmental and hypocritical as all hell.

Why would they disgust anyone? Sex is a natural part of life, and it feels good. Maybe it's because they put it out there for everyone to see? Contrary to opinion shoved down our throat by most conservative or religious parties, sex is not a sacred thing. We've been doing it for a millenia or more, the entire planet does it. It's not getting any holier.

Whether you choose to treat it as a special event or as just something to do for fun is a personal decision, and I find that looking down on others and feeling morally superior because you added a silly condition to your recreation is stupid. It's like hipsters only enjoying things that are new or underground.

This is exactly what you are - A sexual hipster.

11 Name: Jixie : 2012-01-11 13:32 ID:4i2mOAFN [Del]

I personally am repulsed with porn. Fiction is great, however when it is taken from that and turned into realty I feel a little gross about it. (Meaning if it were a book, or a picture animation I would be fine with that.) Especially since the people who work in the porn industry (the ones who are doing it) aren't at all happy! And if they were, I wouldn't have a problem with it... but many that do hate their life, their self-worth is diminished to a sliver/none, and resort to drugs to fill that space. So, basically I view it as human-cruelty... only if it is R.L porn that is.
That's my view on it lol don't bash me people

12 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-01-11 13:43 ID:5bk7w6Ng [Del]

Some may not be happy, but some are. You are generalizing. Also, you are implying that they are using drugs to fill a empty space that may or may not be there. Not all of them use drugs, and those who do may use them recreationally, for pleasure, not to "fill that space".

13 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-01-11 13:44 ID:tHo3pMyG [Del]

It's not like they were sold into pornography... You make it sound like child slavery.. Lol

14 Name: Ezry!mPczjqR4J6 : 2012-01-11 13:48 ID:LQIuR+c5 [Del]

>>11 It's not your view I'm going to bash, it's your lack of knowledge. Don't paint all pornography actors with the same brush. They aren't all unhappy little people who have nowhere else to go and have no self-confidence. A great deal of them are proud people and worked to get where they are. Sure 'worked' might mean took on a rigid diet and exercise plan to maintain a 'sexy' weight or taken lessons in how to have sex in a more visually appealing manner. And really? A lot of the young men and women like what they do. They like being viewed as this exceedingly sexy person.

Can't quite word this well, but I think you need to stop believing so many stereotypes and actually look into a subject before you develop a strong feeling of being 'completely repulsed.'

15 Name: Jixie : 2012-01-11 13:52 ID:4i2mOAFN [Del]

>>12 True. I did not mean to imply all do. Of course not every single one of them do drugs, or are unhappy. I suppose I should be more specific when I say things.

There are places where young people, are extremely poor and one of the easier options to earn money is to use their body whether they like it or not. In America, and other well-off countries, the porn industry is great for the economy. People can choose to be a porn-star because they /want/ to become a role model and embrace their sexuality. However, in other poorer countries, the porn-industry takes advantage of desperation of the younger generation and use them like tools.... I suppose that was what I was trying to say! :P

16 Name: Ezry!mPczjqR4J6 : 2012-01-11 13:58 ID:LQIuR+c5 [Del]

>>15 No... no it really doesn't. They don't want some sickly-looking kid who's going to cry the whole time. They'd much rather a professional pornographic actor. Maybe certain pornographers are as you say, but not the industry itself. In fact, I don't think it'd even make up a decent percentile of the industry.

17 Name: ultispy !L9K4OkD6Mo : 2012-01-11 14:25 ID:g6zvcdX9 [Del]

Porn is gross. The girls are really annoying. It's generally irritating and stupid to me. I guess I'm just a plot girl.

That's my opinion on porn itself, so let's talk about the actors. I don't necessarily agree with selling your body in anyway, but if they have different morals, whatever. They can do what they want. As long as they're a respectable type of person.

18 Name: A : 2012-01-11 14:40 ID:47vss/pJ [Del]

Porn is just there, nothing too serious and watch it if you want.

19 Name: Ezry!mPczjqR4J6 : 2012-01-11 15:18 ID:LQIuR+c5 [Del]

Okay, here's a question I have for all of those women (Or men) who dislike porn and find it disgusting. Do you consider it to be 'cheating' if you're significant other watches pornography? If so, why? Please keep the word 'god' out of your answer. It will negate any meaning or logic your answer might have had.
I'm not mocking you... yet. It's just I hear the whole "It's cheating! >:[" thing a lot in public discussions about this and I can never get a logical answer out of the people who consider it to be cheating.

20 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-11 16:08 ID:2R1IyGLE [Del]

Cheating is actually interacting is some way with a women, and they are in on it, too. (Not counting any thing such as stalking.) I am meaning watching some woman in a pornographic film. How in the fucking hell is it cheating? I'm with Ezry on this.

21 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-01-11 16:13 ID:5bk7w6Ng [Del]

I have to agree with you in regards to plot. Whatever/how little plot if present in a porno is almost always god awful. If I am watching porn, I skip straight to the no-pants-dance and/or sauce. If you want plot with sexual displays, watch hentai (or a good movie containing a sex scene).

Also bump for >>19

22 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-01-11 16:31 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

wow. You guys really went full out essay on this.

23 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-11 16:37 ID:dI/iNhuS [Del]

Hurr, discussion. I don't think a discussion has never had NO essays in it.

24 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-01-11 16:40 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

I'm horrible at essays. I tried to put an essay in the first post, but I gave up and just used the first couple of paragraphs I had.

25 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2012-01-11 17:23 ID:5qClW4YV [Del]

Artistic Nude/Pornography

I don't even know anymore :|

I guess in the end, it's all a form of art in one way or another. I don't really think too much of it, same with prostitutes. When I think of them, I think of workers. When I think of porn, it's just theater to me. DeviantArt and 4Chan has rendered my incapable of differentiating between Artistic Nudity and Pron0.

/Yet again, I've never watched/read any, so I don't really think I'm in a position to speak. Lul..

26 Name: Tatsu-kun : 2012-01-11 18:22 ID:iZHgMHa9 [Del]

I really don't see what's the problem, I mean yeah porn is degrading to some degree, but I'm sure everyone agrees that, if done with taste, it's not that bad. :)

27 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-01-11 20:24 ID:XeEudHyJ [Del]


I can't see porn as cheating on your partner. It's just flesh service to get off, so I can't identify it with anything of value. This goes hand-in-hand with my ideas about how sex isn't really a special or sacred thing though.

People who think "oh, sex is special" generally also think along the lines of "only have sex with someone you love" or "Don't wantonly have sex for the hell of it, it will ruin it for you."

Flesh service is flesh service. It can be done without any connections to the other party, and in all honesty, even when the two parties hate each other. Beyond watching porn, I don't even see sleeping with another partner to be all that akin to "cheating".

Relationships are built on emotions and metaphysical aspects to me. Sex, while not mutually exclusive, is not directly linked with anything other than perhaps lust. So long as my man, at the end of the day, belongs to me in the heart, then what he does with his penis and the contents there in is no concern of mine.

Just use protection :V

28 Name: Ezry!mPczjqR4J6 : 2012-01-11 20:34 ID:LQIuR+c5 [Del]

>>27 ... You sound like a more critical Fate with your ideas about sex. She has literally told me "Hey, you want to do it with someone else until I'm ready, go for it." ... and then she proceeded to contemplate out loud about 'how it might be better if one of us has some experience.'

29 Name: Ezry!mPczjqR4J6 : 2012-01-11 20:35 ID:LQIuR+c5 [Del]

>>28 And to clarify, there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, there is a lot of things right with that.

30 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-01-11 20:37 ID:XeEudHyJ [Del]

She's telling you that she wants her first time to be godly and awesome, and it will be your fault if it's not.

Go get some experience, cherry boy.

31 Name: Zeb!nk5uepxjzY : 2012-01-11 21:55 ID:z3aZ9/Sg [Del]

>>19 Hmmm...I don't think its really cheating...but it is insulting to your significant other if your watching it secretly because its basically saying that this person is more attractive than you are. Personally, I don't watch it, but thats just because I personally find it disgusting. I don't find people who watch it disgusting, its just that I don't know those people in the videos.

32 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-01-11 22:20 ID:g+D72bwQ [Del]

Story time!

When I was fourteen I became really insecure and depressed due to my transgenderism, and met people online who I confided in. Eventually I started to confide in them sexually, through text at first. Eventually it evolved into erotic and pornographic images, then webcamming. I still do it from time to time. In a way, I am an amateur pornographer.

Do I feel that I sold myself out in any way? Defiled myself? Not one bit. I did so to meet my needs at the time and I have no regrets. People in the industry, and people who do it recreationally, do it to meet their needs. I think that's perfectly okay, and if my opinion is skewed then so be it.

Now, as to my watching it, I prefer amateur porn to professional porn because amateurs tend to be kinkier.

33 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-11 23:19 ID:2R1IyGLE [Del]

>>32 Amateur also tends to be more realistic.

34 Name: The Doctor : 2012-01-12 04:52 ID:w0c8alrr [Del]

Well, reading through the responses, I would say that my theory is correct, most girls don't like it and most guys do. That's just how the brain works.

35 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-01-12 05:24 ID:ol2ACPde [Del]

Porn is awesome! It's easy to watch with your friends, and you can make it into anything. Like when I watched hentai with some of my friends, we cracked jokes about how ridiculous it is and it's poor animation; we had a fuck ball! Also being in the Navy, when im out at sea I need something to satisfy the urge!

36 Name: Lynne : 2012-01-12 08:21 ID:vVihhEjS [Del]

I'm fine with porn. There's nothing wrong with watching it or doing it, I guess. It's up to the person to watch/do it or not anyway. It doesn't creep me out. I prefer to watch and read it by myself because it feels awkward to have a friend with me. Most of my friends watch it, even if they say they don't. They're cool people, fun to be with.

37 Name: ultispy !L9K4OkD6Mo : 2012-01-27 07:26 ID:g6zvcdX9 [Del]
Found a good, open-minded video on this I thought was worth sharing.

38 Name: Enni : 2012-01-27 07:40 ID:9+3zllOj [Del]

I watch it. There's nothing wrong with watching the process whereby human life is created! We ought to be proud of how we were made and not shy from its rather vulgar nature.

39 Name: Visce : 2012-01-27 07:59 ID:5WcAUrBx [Del]

I like some porn, amateur tends to be better than acted to me.

As for judging the people who make it, fetishes aren't meant to be understood by people who don't share them. Exhibitionism is a fetish. Amateur porn is a nice legal way to fulfil that fetish.

40 Name: Nadue : 2012-01-27 08:22 ID:CAIl0UYW [Del]

in absolute honesty, yes I like porn quite a lot but anime porn. Never been compelled to look up real porn.

41 Name: Nadue : 2012-01-27 08:26 ID:CAIl0UYW [Del]

Hentai in other words

42 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-01-27 08:50 ID:108EnDVc [Del]

applause for >>7, that's pretty much all of the pros for the industry that i can think of. I also agree that a lot of people have misconceptions of porn and the actors/actresses involved in it that are really unfair to them, their work, and the people that enjoy it.


Porn IS something that thousands, if not millions of people (both men and women) reference when they're having sex with their own partners, especially if they lack experience in that field. the problem with that lies in the fact that a VAST majority of the videos and depictions made in pornos is not meant to depict natural and normal sex, but rather to appeal to the sensual side of the viewer. thus they are expecting that they could/should do or expect something that shouldnt be happening. Also going along with this idea is the fact that some of the girls DO get annoying at times with excessive moaning. c'mon now, i'm sure it's good, but i don't think it's THAT good.

43 Name: rio : 2012-01-27 09:03 ID:tjBxX/9M [Del]


44 Name: Tsuki!PL2yJCdKsw : 2012-01-27 09:08 ID:SuFEVz5M [Del]


45 Name: Peachez : 2012-01-27 09:35 ID:Dqaanl20 [Del]

No, porn doesn't creep me out. Of course I've watched it. I don't care if other people watch it. What's so bad about it? Two or more adults are being paid to perform sexual services which are being taped and sold for a profit after being taxed. Pornography has been here since the dawn of man and it's not leaving anytime soon. As long as males and females have hormones there will be porn.

46 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-01-27 09:39 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

Okay, so after reading the opinions of the others that posted here my opinion of porn and its makers has changed.

I don't mind porn, I now respect the people of the industry and no longer see them as sex-crazy. However, I myself do not watch porn.

47 Name: Peachez : 2012-01-27 10:11 ID:Dqaanl20 [Del]

And I will respect your decline to watch porn.

48 Name: Marcy !IPLEVNCIlg : 2012-01-27 10:54 ID:gLXGRZ9p [Del]

No porn plz -_- I know some people are into that kinda stuff, but I never thought it was a good idea

49 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-01-27 12:29 ID:108EnDVc [Del]

>>48 huh? do you just mean to say you dont like porn, or are you implying there was porn being posted? because it's called "Discussion" in the name for a reason

50 Name: Mr. Haze : 2012-01-27 12:44 ID:Dqaanl20 [Del]

>>48 He was purely expressing his opinion against pornography.

51 Name: Quatre Winner : 2012-01-27 13:20 ID:q5iXwdIx [Del]

I don't mind it at all. I watch it when I feel like (though I can't find any virus-free sites anymore). In all honesty I don't care about the backstories of the actors and actresses as long as they put out a satisfactory product. I never even thought about that before reading this thread, actually...

Anyway. When it comes to porn lately I've been reading hentai and doujinshi. These have things that you just plain can't find (legally) with live porn, plus there certainly is no worry about the exploitation of actors that don't exist.

(For the record, though I wish I could pretend I was a boy, I'm actually a girl.)

52 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-01-27 13:37 ID:c80dOjOB [Del]

>>51 in my opinion, t.m.i.

53 Name: Quatre Winner : 2012-01-27 14:43 ID:q5iXwdIx [Del]

>>52 Sorry. I was half-asleep when I wrote that XD; I won't say I'm embarrassed though. That would mean there was some shame to be had, and there's nothing shameful about it. I'm speaking in general now, though, to try and stay on topic :P

54 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-01-27 16:09 ID:108EnDVc [Del]

>>52 well, maybe the last part was a little TMI, but i think it's interesting to find a chick (that i know of) aside from Aya (she's....not quite normal. not that that's a bad thing)that wasn't disgusted by porn.

55 Name: tasha : 2012-03-08 16:23 ID:vvPUp9wQ [Del]

i like porn

56 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-08 17:42 ID:MJniYbwT [Del]

I'm female, and porn doesn't bother me :V

57 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-03-08 17:50 ID:Mdc58Agg [Del]

I uh...Ill openly admit that I watch porn. I dont really care

58 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-08 18:09 ID:MJniYbwT [Del]

>>56 Wait, I have a correction to this.
I don't mind watching porn. I don't mind if other people watch porn. However, I mind if my boyfriend watches porn.

The only naked body I want my boyfriend seeing is my own, thank you very much. He has to learn how to suck it up and deal with it until that time comes or else I'm just gonna shove him on the dump truck.

59 Name: PuppyChow !LlSyRPEOcI : 2012-03-08 18:10 ID:ZFVaZ1tM [Del]

( •_•)>⌐■-■
.....He likes his porn...

60 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-08 18:21 ID:dukQHqzl [Del]

I don't watch it, but I don't mind it, and I don't ,mind that people watch's their life, their choices.

61 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-03-08 19:38 ID:Hz//Q6Md [Del]

What about you two watching it together? That is what my girlfriend and I do, though not that often.

62 Name: NG-S : 2022-10-10 20:17 ID:D/3g0JZ3 [Del]

I don't care if others watch pork, just as long as they don't tell me. I like personally tell me to my face, not over a message board on the internet. It freaks me out if someone I know watches porn because I never know how clean their hands are and I don't wanna shake thst hand or more likely touch something they touched.

I've heard pork is unrealistic, but I don't think people mind. As for the people who make it, it's a job that pays and to my knowledge they're doing it of their own will so who am I to judge? Again, I just don't want people I know telling me they watch it, ignorance is bliss. Also I feel besides arousal points is also a good source of education from things they don't teach in school.

>>58 Finally, I agree with you on one thing. I think that if you're dating someone your partner shouldn't watch pork and neither should you even if you haven't reached that stage in the relationship. Maybe I'm a romantic, but if you want to love someone you shouldn't look at another person's naked body even if just for educational purposes. Part of the fun of dating is learning to do the positions the rightward, no guides.

63 Name: NG-S : 2022-10-10 20:22 ID:D/3g0JZ3 [Del]

>>62 What the hell, autocorrect? Every time I wrote porn it corrected to pork because autocorrect is a bitch. I'm not sure if post can be edited, I know they can be deleted, but go and have a laugh on me.

64 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2022-10-10 20:28 ID:clX1f6hd [Del]

>>63 I thought you have some valiantly indomitable self-moral to never blatantly type the word 'porn' whatever it takes, oh well. That's fun.

65 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2022-10-12 13:24 ID:ApcZ8QOe [Del]

I mean I think it depends on the type of porn??
Like there's the whole 'scandalous ankle' porn and then there's sex videos and such.
Some people consider yaoi, yuri, smut, and hentai as porn too and a huge chunk of the internet reads manga and comics like those.

66 Name: a : 2022-10-14 03:38 ID:ost3BwAQ [Del]

in terms of irl porn, i only feel comfortable watching content where i know the source (think home or onlyfans type videos), otherwise i feel too skeeved out by not knowing if it was ethically produced