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Post Your Dream Before You Forget (19)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-19 01:43 ID:G06PzG4V [Del]

Well there is a thread about nightmares but this is different post your latest dream here. You know when you have a good dream and then you forget and you know those dreams that seem real and those dreams in which you know your dreaming in well right now i don't remember any recent dreams but post yours xD

2 Name: Kon : 2011-12-19 01:47 ID:Cc9THVw5 [Del]

lol that might work... but I personally keep a dream diary by my bed and write stuff in it when I wake up. At one point it got to where I'd write in it before I was fully awake, reading back there's some weird stuff in there!

3 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-12-19 01:55 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

>>2 Ugh, I hate calling it "dream diary" or "dream journal".

4 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-19 01:57 ID:G06PzG4V [Del]

Yeah ik i had an awesome dream today but i can't remember so let me put some from when i was younger xD ok some included chucky killing my whole family and me running away another me falling off a building how scary is it falling in your dreams unfortunatly for me when im close to dieing in my dreams i wake up how creepy >.<

5 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-19 02:02 ID:G06PzG4V [Del]

Bump xD

6 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2011-12-20 14:32 ID://PhTZxX [Del]

I dont know if this is a good dream but today my dream was more like a message some how I felt as if I was chained up and had wings and I knew that when I wake up two babies would be born one good and one bad. I dont know what to make out of it so if you guys get the meaning please tell me.

7 Name: Inoue : 2011-12-20 16:20 ID:8pI59nS9 [Del]

One of my recent dreams was of me and my cheer squad were going to an away game with the b-ball players and the whole place was haunted. We called in some ghost hunter guys and they brought a SWAT team. So we show them the room were it was the worst and the lead ghost hunter starts twitching and turns around suddenly and his entire eyes are black. He says in a demonic voice,"Run I've been possessed!" The SWAT team has disapeared, so we all start running and he's running on the walls behind us. Just as he jumps for me I wake up. IT WAS A HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE :(

8 Name: mimi : 2011-12-20 18:13 ID:S0nj+jjm [Del]

every single night i have a dream about zombies. and i have a gun, but when i shoot them it. does. NOTHING.. talk about stress

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: Feral : 2011-12-20 20:31 ID:HEQlktWz [Del]

I've been having a series of dreams regarding the same group of people (including myself) all on a deserted resort island. All the facilities are stocked and ready to go, but there isn't a soul to be seen.

Last night I was in there, waking up in the exact same place I always do, on a balcony overlooking the courtyard outside. There is always this same girl with golden hair sitting next to me. She looked groggy like she just woke up just like me. She says the same thing she always does "About time you woke up. Come on, we only have a few hours."
This time we went to the beach where we met up with everyone else. I don't know their names but I feel like somewhere deep down I do, like I've known them for years. Festivities ensue, the classic beach fare, volleyball, swimming, sun bathing, etc. And just before the sun sets, that girl and I are always on one of the mirror-windowed roofs of the the resort hotel, staring at the sun set. When the sun finally hits the horizon, we both look at each other, the glass breaks underneath us, and we fall keeping eye contact all the way. Before I hit the ground I wake up.

11 Name: Lumen Serpens !/vLWmfl/gg : 2011-12-20 21:09 ID:asmtXaHL [Del]

Me with a group of five shadows. First one is short looks like a girl with short hair and a long jacket and glasses. Second is holding the first ones hand, more of a taller guy with short fuzzy hair. Third is another guy, short, always in a hoody and glasses. Fourth is a tall girl with a long ponytail . Fifth is another short girl much like the first only a bit wider and a little longer hair.
As the dream goes on we walk around, talk, have fun. All the time I am here somehow I know their names (can't remember them when I'm awake) I have lots of fun but then one by one they leave ending up with only me and the first shadow. And soon even she leaves me left alone in the dark, sitting, resting my face on my knees hoping, praying that someone will come back, because maybe they just forgot about me or maybe they were just going to turn on the lights.
Then I appear in my room kinda like an out of body experience. I look at myself, grab my pillow, and....

Then I Wake Up!

12 Name: Starrrk : 2011-12-20 21:13 ID:aymV6TZZ [Del]

I had a dream where my school was invaded by monsters and everyone banned together to kill them. But then demons came and possessed everyone but me. They chased me to a water tower and I blew it down and everyone drowned. Then god came and we shared a beer. WTF XD!!

13 Name: Marianna : 2011-12-20 22:48 ID:M0a4gHGo [Del]

This was a long time ago but I once had a dream where I was in my room and everything looked exactly the same as when I wasnt dreaming, even the show that was on while I fell asleep (I think the show was "friends") the only difference is that I am miniture sized and also can not move my body but I can look around the room. Also the door is closed. The dream goes on like that for who knows how long, but then all of a sudden I wake up or at least i think i have but I actually have not cause im not in my room although i never got a chance to see my surroundings clearly cause that part only last about what felt like maybe 2 seconds. After I wake up from that I really am awake and am also tangled in my covers. That dream was creepy and weird because if felt so real and was 2 dreams in 1, thats the only reason i even remember this dream from so long ago.

14 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-12-20 23:12 ID:6ec+koMi [Del]

My old dog... D: Senior Jefe, I miss you~~

So. I had a dream that I was in gym. For some reason, the door next to the gym magically teleported to my bedroom. We had some time before class, so I figured I would go catch some Z's. I went in my room, which was a little dark, and noticed a blotch of brown in the front corner of my bed. I shut the door behind me and went to go see what it was. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I should be more worried about a burglar or a ghost at that point. I tripped over a random vaccuum that was strategically placed in my path and fell onto said brown fluffy thing. The second I touched it, I realized it was my dog. I was petting and kissing him and crying. In my dream, it had turned out that he was there the whole time waiting for me to realize he had been waiting for me at the foot of my bed. I picked him up (which would have been impossible in real life) and put him on the bed. I snuggled and tried to sleep with him. It seemed like he was in a lot of pain, like his wounds never healed even though he was there the whole time. I felt so guilty, like I should have noticed him so long ago and taken better care of him. I heard the gym starting up their exercise routines and figured I should go even if I didn't want to. So I kissed him and said I was sorry and that I'd come back. My algebra teacher was my gym teacher in this dream. After class, I went back through the door and into the room. I flicked the lights on and realized that he wasn't there anymore, and I just started balling hysterically, feeling guilty again for leaving him. I woke up at that point, and I almost cried several times today ;o; He was the first dog I ever had that passed away. It was really emotional; the day was really similar to this dream, actually.


In RL, I stayed with him that night when everyone had gone to sleep. He was in a lot of pain, and I could tell he was going to pass on. It didn't even seem like he recognized me anymore. I managed to get him in my room, but he was too weak to get on the bed. He layed down for a few minutes and then went to the computer room, where we stayed for a while. He eventually decided to go in the living room. I gave him my best blanket and pillow and then selfishly went to bed. I went to school that day and came home to find out that my mom and stepdad had creamated him. I felt really betrayed. I wanted to be there to see him go so, so bad. I think that old memory got dragged up and had its worst parts reflected in this dream. Luckily in the dream, though, he at least recognized me.


15 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-12-20 23:19 ID:6ec+koMi [Del]

I had another dream, also, but it was much shorter because I can only remember a small part of the middle. My friend Ry was there with us for a few minutes, for some reason, but, yeah. I was really sick in the dream. My mom was acting how she used to, asking if I was okay and making me chicken noodle soup. We were both happy; no one was complaining I was missing school or accusing me of lying. There was that utter trust we used to have in that dream. Maybe I'm being immature, but I feel I'm still young enough to be babied when I'm sick. I dislike this whole, not asking how I am and just screaming at me system that has been developed recently.

16 Name: Akane : 2011-12-20 23:21 ID:G06PzG4V [Del]

Now that i remember i had a dream from a while back that the world was ending i got together with my family little by little they started disappearing and all of of sudden im with a new group of people on a floating piece of the earth spinning watching the earth crack into pieces... well thats all i remembersrry xD

17 Name: Feral : 2011-12-23 15:49 ID:HEQlktWz [Del]

Had an interesting one last night.

I came to walking down a street sometime in between night and day. Looking up I could see the sun and the moon on either side of the sky with the seam between the two lining up perfectly with the street I was on. All along the sidewalks there were a series of shadowy figures, not a single one looked even remotely like the others. However, every so often one of the shadows would stop watching me, walk out into the middle of the street and begin to follow behind me. Before I knew it I was being followed by a massive group of faceless creatures all of which seemed to have no ill intention towards me.

After I had procured all of the shadow figures a large castle stood before me, menacing and forboding. All at once the figures behind me erupted in a shower of light and all of them became human beings wearing masks of all sorts. I pulled a sword from thin air in front of me and pointed it at the castle which promptly fell, its cascading stones changing to winged creatures of all kinds and flew away.

Something else was about to happen but I rolled over onto my cat and she promptly woke me up with a nice claw to the face so I'm at a bit of a loss on the ending.

18 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-05-27 11:25 ID:t9OZVfAz [Del]

This is the second time I've had a dream similar to this, but this dream is in the future of the first one. I'm reincarnated in the second dream.

The first one I don't remember much, but this dream triggered some memories of it. The goverment was similar to the goverment in the hunger games. They are total dictator and have us mine for certain things and grow certain crops. Some how, this angel helps me get to heaven. I don't remember how.

In my second dream, I remember the first one, even though I forgot about it in my waking life. I am helping with crops, and there's a flood. I take my two siblings and bring them to a giant raft I've made. Somehow I knew that this would bring us to heaven. Before we got far, my siblings tried to kick me off the raft and kill me. I think hey didn't want adults to live. My little brother was 6 and my little sister was five. I was in my early twenties. I sang, "Don't you die on me. I won't die on you." I basically repeated those two sentences. I had a beautiful singing voice. They calmed down and let me back on. Before we got to heaven, we went to this destroyed city that held memories of the past. We walked through it, and one of us took something, but I don't remember what. There was a trapped cat in the house, so I opened a window to let it out. It jumped into a tree, and the trees looked weird but I didn't notice. I sat in the window ledge with my feet dangling outside and I noticed there was another cat in the sam tree. The scene around me changed and I was in heaven. God was there, and I felt as if he'd tell me something about the corruption o the goverment. I had many memories of my first dream, but I still can't remember them now. He allowed us to relax and asked us what we wanted. There was an angel on a nice comfortable leather couch watching TV. I asked if I could have a martini, and he made me one. It was sweat and there a piece of two different fruits in it. One of the was an apricot. He told me not to swallow the apricot, and I didn't know which one was the apricot because the goverment didn't allow us to grow fruit. I went to a small table where my little sister and brother were eating oranges. There was a curb that was pretty tall, and an angel was sitting on it smoking a cigar. I grabbed an orange and was getting the seeds out when I woke up.

Now that I read it, heaven doesn't sound like the stereotypical heaven. I tried to find the meaning of this dream, but none of them made sense. I don't actually have little siblings, so I'm confused. There is much about the dream that doesn't make sense to me actually. I still wish I was asleep long enough to find out what God wanted to tell me. I think he had told me in the first dream, but I forgot it.

19 Name: Rio : 2012-05-27 11:46 ID:9LEYgzxi [Del]

I had a dream where i was in the episode of durarara where shizuo got shot and i helped him to the hospital XD