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Lucid Dreams (45)

1 Name: KidCrow : 2011-12-13 23:52 ID:xFW2qBbt [Del]

Anyone else in the dollars like lucid dreaming? I know I cant be the only one who knows how to control their dreams 0.o

2 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-12-13 23:53 ID:gUyiY9yC [Del]

You can't read clocks in your dreams, that is how I test my consciousness.

3 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2011-12-14 00:14 ID:DlRSbr9K [Del]

I control my dreams by:

1. saying "HEY! this is JUST a dream!" 2. *snaps* 3. I think, "change", or "new" 4. the dream changes for the better, or I get a new dream

I LOVE this power...I use it in ANY dream that is bad...I even killed two robbers...

4 Name: sleepology : 2011-12-14 00:14 ID:g1t6PEnn [Del]

Wait.. why do you even have clocks in your dreams? Seems kind of odd to me.
i dont have many dreams, i sleep peacefully like a boss.

5 Name: Hotei : 2011-12-14 00:19 ID:aT5sXE2r [Del]

I like to take 400mg of vitamin B6, this increases the chemicals in your brain which stimulate dreams. It makes it easier to become lucid or at least remember a vivid dream. I don't do it for more than 3 days in a row because it makes your limbs ache. Google that shiz!

6 Name: KidCrow : 2011-12-14 01:09 ID:xFW2qBbt [Del]

>>4 yea for some reason digital clocks mess up in dreams its like the clock is working but the symbol look weird.

>>5 Yea using vitamins is cool but i go into sleep paralysis and then enter a dream. It can be scary sometimes but it works best for me

7 Name: The Doctor : 2011-12-14 01:34 ID:w0c8alrr [Del]

Well, I've heard that you can't read any books, or see clocks right,..... But I have! lol I don't know how, But If you want to learn how to lucid dream on purpose this video might help...

8 Name: KidCrow : 2011-12-14 01:43 ID:xFW2qBbt [Del]

>>7 lol I lucid dream on purpose, I purposely put myself in sleep paralysis. It may go bad sometimes, but to live in a heaven for a good part of the night is totally worth going through a few minutes of hell for

9 Name: Sirjj : 2011-12-14 03:06 ID:7MwH/FrL [Del]

My dreams im in a clock tower talking to the grim repar and I see the clocks but when ever I try to change my dreams he fallows me to the new onw but when he is around the clocks work fine but once I was realy pissed about a brake up and he was in my dream that night so I tried to punch him so I could just sleep and he cut me the next day I had a scar right where he had cut me I have had this kind of dream since I was 2 years old and im 18 now and he still pops up every now and then to chat and give me advice

10 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-12-14 09:21 ID:5bk7w6Ng [Del]

You also can't turn lights on and off. You can perceive darkness and light, but you cannot recognize a change from one to another, just the concept of an area being light or dark. As noted, digital clocks don't work right. You can perceive a number or a time, but you cannot watch a digital clock progress with time changes; you will see sometime akin to 12:00 change to 1:21 or to 17:00. That is, if you don't see gobble dee gook symbols and/or letters in place of number on the clock.

11 Name: The Doctor : 2011-12-14 09:22 ID:w0c8alrr [Del]

I really HATE dreaming that I'm at work, especially after I just got home from work..... Unless I'm burning the shit down while fighting ninjas!

12 Name: leave2die : 2011-12-14 11:27 ID:f7gx/8SF [Del]

I've never had a lucid dream but when my dreams get weird it throws me off for the whole day.

13 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-14 12:29 ID:rskNofSE [Del]


Um, I don't know about you, but I've done things like turn lights on and off in dreams and watch clocks. Because I keep dreaming that I'm still in school, waiting for the Bell to ring. And the clocks works just fine in my dreams, and the lights going on and off, do too. It is impossible for Science and Doctors to determine what everyone can do and see in a dream, because each person thinks, acts and dreams differently.

14 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-12-14 13:23 ID:5bk7w6Ng [Del]

Are you able to flip and light switch in your dreams and the lights turn on and light everything exactly as they would in reality and when turning off lights, darkness encroaches immediately, covering objects exactly as it would in reality. Supposedly, through various studies around the world, the mind is incapable of creating a perception within dreams which mirrors these perceptions as they are present in reality.

The idea is that we can perceive similarities, which often our subconsciousness doesn't differentiate from reality. This is why dreams can often be confused for reality, no matter how obscure while you are actually dreaming. If our mind sets up an environment or action that calls for the situation to take place in light or in dark, or at 1:00 AM or 3:38 PM, then we will observe such. However, it is the changing of the environment that tests whether the perceived is from reality or the subconscious as the subconscious mind does not make transitions of environment smooth. Note how often in dreams you go from one situation or location to the next quickly and it is sometimes difficult to recall upon waking how you got from your class room to your friend's house or from Jurassic Park to Hogwarts.

Just the same, the transition of time within dreams is an environment shift that is supposedly outside the subconsciousness's ability to communicate as a perception. This meaning that you can look at a clock or your watch and see a time, and if the situation calls for anticipating a shift in time then it will be observed, but if the situation and environment isn't set for anticipating time progress or if you observe such after the situation for anticipating has passed, the time will read incoherently compared to how it was previously (watching the clock go by for 3 minutes, then after the bell has rung, it is difficult to read or suddenly has gone forward or backwards by 15 minutes to 2 hours while the environment does not reflect such change).

Or maybe there are exceptions, and you are one of them. I am just reciting what has been studied and recorded as I have read it. This would be an interesting thing for me to look into again as further results may now be documented.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-14 14:47 ID:RvfBquGy [Del]

I'm able to do things in dreams, but often times, my vision is REALLY shrouded. Sometimes things will be blurry or I won't have perrifrial vision, it will all just be black around me besides what I can see. I'm pretty excellent at waking myself up from a dream, I can shake my head by myself and it wakes me up.

16 Name: KidCrow : 2011-12-14 16:29 ID:xFW2qBbt [Del]

>>13 "I don't know about you, but I've done things like turn lights on and off in dreams and watch clocks"

If your really able to do this then I either feel sorry for you or your not really a lucid dreamer. These are THE MOST COMMON signs of telling your in a dream throughout the whole world and you are the only person who can get by them. Its almost like saying you can plug your nose and not be able to breath while in a dream(impossible by the way unless you never really had a lucid dream). But again sorry your the 1 out of a billion individuals who has 2 less dream signs than the rest of us =(

17 Name: Doremo : 2011-12-14 17:56 ID:da8+CEW1 [Del]

No, even the few times I know i'm in a dream I can't make anything I want happen

18 Name: KidCrow : 2011-12-14 18:06 ID:xFW2qBbt [Del]

>>17 What i found out that works for me is picking up things in the dream and changing it(like picking up a tree limb and turning it into a sword). I can't make something appear out of midair. I have to be touching it or at least looking at it to change it.

19 Name: Orihime : 2011-12-14 19:40 ID:55dQP/r1 [Del]

im wondering but do u guys have sleep apnea? i have it and it sucks, its when your brain forgets to breathe when you sleep.

20 Name: Kon'ya : 2011-12-14 19:44 ID:0wBLIKmm [Del]

I don't have sleep apnea.But I can sometimes control my dreams,like if I want to go someplace it isn't currently,I can.Strangely it usually only happens in my nightmares.

21 Name: TheBlackRaven : 2011-12-14 21:39 ID:rQLD+y3X [Del]

All my dreams reflect on my emotions
But I have never been able to control a dream
I have had some pretty wicked dreams tho

22 Name: Fukurou : 2011-12-14 21:50 ID:hjcr0mqT [Del]

Lucid dreaming is an art.

I love it.

23 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2011-12-14 21:54 ID:4m09MzN/ [Del]

in my 90% of my dreams, ALL physics are correct...light and darkness, clocks, books, mirrors, websites (the thing I don't get most), and everything about a human (

24 Name: KidCrow : 2011-12-14 22:22 ID:xFW2qBbt [Del]

>>21 I keep trying to tell people that in trying to control your dreams, yes, your mind is most important, but there are other factors incorporated in with it. Emotion, touch, all your senses really. Utilize them all and it will be the most pleasant experience

25 Name: Thiamor !0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-12-15 00:10 ID:rskNofSE [Del]

Almost all of my dreams I've ever had, I could control.
But I still have weird dreams. Controlling them or not, sometimes doesn't necessarily mean you could control anything other than yourself. Which makes the dream that much more... horrifying.

Also yes. I could turn lights on, off. In my mind, it creates what I see in the 'real world'. My dreams, if not nightmares, basically focus in and on reality.

26 Name: Nami-Tsu : 2011-12-15 03:13 ID:YHkgWU4p [Del]

Ahh I love Lucid dreaming.. however.. T_T I can't ever control what I WANT to control. Its weird I mean people say that you can control them, but whenever I try it doesn't end up right. In fact, my most recent Lucid dream is the one where I could control the most. At the same time I kept waking up.. Like constantly waking up for two seconds staring at the wall then going back into my dream. Everytime I did that, I started from the same exact position I did the first time I knew I was dreaming. Then again, waking up could have been part of it as well.. what do you guys think?

27 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-12-19 03:20 ID:G1y9kZAr [Del]

@Divine: Are you sure that's not BS? I've read books, seen clocks normally, and turned the lights on and off in my dreams before throughout my years. They're not lucid ones, either :/ Whenever there's a clock in my dream, I'm usually staring at it go from one minute to the next. When books are in my dreams, it's normally the most recent think I've read word-for-word with a slight change. And the lights are just light. If I'm having a dream of waking up, I'll get up out of my bed, walk over to the front of the room, and turn the light on. My dreams are generally either realistic, really weird, or a nightmare.

Why are those things not supposed to happen in dreams?

28 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-12-19 07:36 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

>>25 I wish I could control my dreams.. Whenever I'm in a dream I forget that it's a dream. I think that to remember that it's a dream, you need to wake up.

29 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-12-19 11:14 ID:5bk7w6Ng [Del]

No, I'm not sure that it is not BS, it is just what I've read. I can't really answer that question properly, but my guess would be because of the lack of comprehensive reasoning that is present in the conscious mind which allows for interpretation of such observable environments and conditions. Reality has more details than we can comprehend and perceived, dreams have the bare minimum of details needed to create an environment.

30 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-12-19 17:50 ID:6ec+koMi [Del]

>>29 I personally think it depends on the dreamer. Perhaps it has something to do with vitamin intake? It supposodly affects how vividly you remember your dreams. However, dreams may be more or less detailed either way but be affected by remembering them over time, which is why I write them down when I first wake up. My dreams tend to be very detailed, though, and the little things aren't left out. I once had a dream that I was floating, and as I spun around in confusion, I saw each item in my room as if I were looking at an exact replica. The only difference was that a cup was floating upside down in front of the TV, and a book's title was spelt wrong. I've had longer dreams where I read a book in the morning and then had to rush to catch the bus and it goes through what happens in each class. I'm normally staring at the clock in those dreams, and each class takes forever because of that lol

I'm really surprised to hear that these things aren't supposed to happen in dreams, though. (Sorry if I sounded rude on my last post ^^') I'm curious to know if I really am subconsciously changing them when I start writing them down, for that is something that happens often when people try to remember dreams. They feel the need to fill in the holes, you know?

>>1 I have had lucid dreams before. I can choose if I want to wake up or keep sleeping. I generally wake up because I don't want to control my dreams. I think they tell a lot about a person's subconscious and don't want to change them during the dreaming process. Luckily, I usually dream the continuation later.

31 Name: Iza-koi : 2011-12-19 18:35 ID:OteNR1Gk [Del]

My, so many think that lucid dreaming is impossible, but I have had it as well. It depends on the strength of ones mind, and vitamin intake/ the foods that you eat. If one has a bad diet, they likely will not be able to control their dreams. It also depends on what level of sleep you're in.. (many don't know there are different levels)
All I've been able to HAVE lately are lucid dreams... being able to feel... the only part that bothers me is when you get in PAIN.. it's then that you know there's a problem.

32 Name: Iza-koi : 2011-12-19 18:35 ID:OteNR1Gk [Del]

My, so many think that lucid dreaming is impossible, but I have had it as well. It depends on the strength of ones mind, and vitamin intake/ the foods that you eat. If one has a bad diet, they likely will not be able to control their dreams. It also depends on what level of sleep you're in.. (many don't know there are different levels)
All I've been able to HAVE lately are lucid dreams... being able to feel... the only part that bothers me is when you get in PAIN.. it's then that you know there's a problem.

33 Name: Iza-koi : 2011-12-19 18:37 ID:OteNR1Gk [Del]

I am unsure why there was a double post there, but I'd also like to say that the reason many aren't able to have lucid dreams these days is because they're to in-tune with the physical world...

34 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-12-19 19:00 ID:6ec+koMi [Del]

>>31 No one said they thought Lucid dreaming was impossible, as far as I read at least. And, yeah, vitamins and how deep you sleep definitely affect it.
>>33 You can always delete one so we're not rereading the same thing.

35 Name: $Kuroii$ : 2011-12-24 15:59 ID:8Pukd4e1 [Del]

Ive only had a lucid dream once or twice, and I really want to get one again! When I'm in a dream, I don't realise thats it's a dream, like I just go along with whatever's happening, then when I get up I think... That was strange O.o cuz usually my dreams are really crazy and amusing XD I don't understand how you can control things in your dream! It seems really cool, but hard :( I heard everyone saying that vitamins help? What ones? If anyone has any tips I'd be grateful!

36 Name: The Doctor : 2011-12-24 20:24 ID:w0c8alrr [Del]

It takes some practice, but you can train yourself to have lucid dreams, but there is a danger, If you do, you might want to put yourself in a comatose state,(cause you'll never want to leave) and also, for all the guys, it will run-up your laundry bill....

37 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-12-24 20:45 ID:Bd5+ZZD/ [Del]

Well I forced it twice only, um dont sleep for a while ( didnt sleep cuz i had to pack luggages) then close your eyes you will force yourself to sleep and at that point i felt like my surroundings were already a dream, but since i knew it wasnt then i knew it was real, when i slept somehow it was opposite woke up in my room (in my dream) but i knew it wasnt real so i imagined what i wanted to dream about but it felt real so real that even though i was giving myself new powers and shit ( may sound weird but) it still felt real.

38 Name: tsukiginkoneko : 2011-12-24 22:22 ID:YdKoQ4ri [Del]

here here, i do it all the time, and often hate waking up ue to it cause when you control your own dreams you make a place you injoy.

39 Name: Yuma : 2011-12-24 23:27 ID:Rd6MVuC5 [Del]

I'm not sure but it sounds to me like your lucid dreams might be a little more than just dreams

40 Name: King Dude : 2011-12-25 00:05 ID:95A3KxOP [Del]

I don't dream.

41 Name: Koniko !gMFwps0fbU : 2011-12-25 00:48 ID:+7n/InLi [Del]

>>1 I tought myself to controll my dreams when I was like 6, cuz I always had these fucked up gory dreams. So now I can always controll my dreams

42 Name: Drayruk !Q.PsktunkU : 2011-12-25 00:53 ID:uozJWhg3 [Del]

I DO!! XDDD its sooo fun ^3^

43 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2011-12-25 02:56 ID:RgKraOS4 (Image: 360x267 jpg, 73 kb) [Del]

src/1324803413307.jpg: 360x267, 73 kb

44 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-02-28 15:16 ID:5bk7w6Ng [Del]


I had a lucid dream last night. As I was slowing falling asleep, I was thinking about the show Arakawa Under the Bridge. Unfortunately, I started having unpleasant thoughts as I was dozing off. I was dreaming of being part of the antics that take place in the show, but randomly things seemed... evil. So I shifted, completely aware what I was seeing was a dream, then again I could have been half asleep half awake. Either way, I voluntarily changed my thoughts to spending time with old friends. At this point I was assuredly asleep as I can barely remember what happened. I do remember once again, things went unpleasant and within the dream I decided I wanted to do something else. And so the setting and scene changed again. This happened a few times, I think, until I finally went completely unconscious.

45 Name: : 2017-02-15 00:04 ID:wq9UxKJU (Image: 2388x1656 jpg, 623 kb) [Del]

src/1487138682327.jpg: 2388x1656, 623 kb