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Time Traveling (84)

1 Name: Minato. : 2011-12-07 00:01 ID:X5Wem1jL [Del]

I've Been Searching Stuff About Time Traveling and Topics Related to Time After Watching Steins;Gate Yes it's an anime show i know But still The way John titor(a Person in the Story but based in a real john titor who claims that he came from the future)john Titor's Theories opened my Eyes About Time,It's not as Simple as Go back in time and Fix this and come Back,Every little thing will change in the past no matter how small or little things you've done to change it.
oh I don't have anything to explain about time for now.
Learn about Time lines and Time paradox and the Butterfly effect
Even though i don;t believe john titor is actually from the Future i believe in his Thoeries cause it makes more sense then any other information on Time traveling.

2 Name: Minato. : 2011-12-07 03:43 ID:MO3nc8ft [Del]

Anyone have anything about time that he/she wants to share?

3 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2011-12-07 03:48 ID:g+D72bwQ [Del]

If I could I'd go back in time I'd stop the burning of the Library of Alexandria, invent calculus before Newton, define the Periodic Table before Dalton, and then shoot myself in the head to prevent a paradox.

4 Name: Parsons : 2011-12-07 04:40 ID:f6gI2WIX [Del]

Ur always traveling through time in a way, memories are ur conciousness' way of goin to the past and reliving it.. try to watch through the wormhole on sci. they talk about time travel all the time

5 Name: Handle : 2011-12-07 05:57 ID:wTqo6kav [Del]

>>3 Nice, all very nice ideas. It really made me laugh, those ones.

What I would do though, is something that might affect the time we have now, but not in a massive way, like preventing a war or something like that. If I could go back in time, I'd probably sustain good musical taste. I'd break the dreams of Rebecca Black and Ke$ha, and guide them so that they would do something productive with their lives... I don't know, to become a doctor, or even to become a lawyer? Seriously, who told them that they had a talent for singing?

6 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-07 07:28 ID:Q+KKWL3J [Del]

Oh man, time travel.

I personally like thinking about it in the way it was explained through string theory - of course, my knowledge of it is imperfect because fuck I'm not going to learn the ins and outs of quantum physics, but I get the basic principles.

It's best explained through this video, which is actually a great watch for the intellectually curious. It's mostly broken-down concepts, so no worries about not understanding quantum physics or anything.

In a sort of guilty way, I'm more interested in its potential in storytelling than its potential applications. I don't see it as something that would be pertinent to any technology in my future, but I love reading about futures where it would. I guess I just like thinking about it, almost like one likes puzzles.

In fact, I prefer this more complex version than the one presented in Back to the Future - that of a single, linear timeline. Indeed, the very act of going back through time to the past at all should forever condemn you to a timeline that is not your own, from that very moment on - I find the fact that they were linked to their own future, and able to close that loop just fine, total bullshit.

But it's still a damned good movie series.

7 Name: The Doctor : 2011-12-07 08:27 ID:w0c8alrr [Del]

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a non-linier, non-subjective view point, it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbley, timey whimey....stuff.
There are really only 2 ways that someone can actually travel through time and change it without the whole time/space paradox happening, for ex: if you go back to prevent an assassination, you'll never go back to prevent it cause it never happened, so it does happen, so you go back to prevent it, but you don't go back cause it never happened, so it does happen, so you go back to pre,.. etc, etc, etc.
One: To prevent that, one must be from THE PAST going to the future, and bringing information of the future to the past to make a better future. Because it's not changing the past, it won't affect the reason why you're going to the future.
Two: One has to live outside time and space. Picture the universe and time as sort of.... Marionette strings, and all object, non-objects, matter, anti-matter are connected in various ways through these strings. It would be difficult to manipulate these without causing a massive tangle in the strings. However, if a person had no strings attached, they could easily go anywhere, and do anything, without it affecting them in any way, unless he/she got careless.
C: No wait.....3: Time really is an illusion. On Earth, it is the simple progression of day to night. In the vastness of space, it doesn't exist, because you have nothing to relate time too. Now, an interesting theory is that the faster one goes, the quicker they arrive at a location. for ex: if something is 1 mi. away and one were to travel at 1 mph, they would get there in 1 hr, if they were to travel at 10 mph, they would arrive in a few min...... if they were to travel 9,321,577,995,120 mph, who knows when they'll get there, but their flesh would most likely be torn from their bodies.

8 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-12-07 08:55 ID:3/d+EaXC [Del]

I go with time cant be changed time travel cant take place, cuz noone from the future has come to us.I mean if there were time travelers there would have been many vacationers.

Also if time is non linear that would mean there are an infinite world of infinite possibilities, of infinite outcomes to every gamble every situation of probability, to everything in relation to anything. From the animal world, to the human world. I dont believe there can be that many alternate dimensions in which shit take place (like the One with Jet-Li). If there arent alternate futures happening simultaneously i dont believe in a multiple timeline approach to time.

I saw flashforward and saw some interesting theories it posed.. too bad the show didnt last longer -__-

9 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-12-07 09:33 ID:84cFnAoF [Del]

>>1 Your use of caps... is damaging. You do know you only use a capital letter at the start of a sentance, for proper nouns, or for raging, right? Wait, that doesn't make sense. You did it the opposite by capitalizing the improper nouns and not capitalizing the proper nouns.... D: Why must you do this to my poor defenseless eyes?

Moving onto the subject of time, I'm in agreement with the spider web belief where you can never actually go back in time. (I believe archadmiral was also referring to this type.) There is only one original dimension out of an innumerable amount. Each decision branches off into a different time-space. Say, you where choosing whether to where red high heels or sneakers. When you asked that question, it was one time space. You choose the sneakers in that time-space, but then what if you choose the red ones? That time-space then branches off into another time-space where you chose the red high heels. What if you decided against wearing shoes at all? What if you dropped dead of a random heart attack right there and never got to choose? What if someone chose for you? Basically, every choice has an infinite number of outcomes, and for each choice there's a different world. Unless you're choices are part of the original time-space, you can't really go back or forward in time. You can go to a similar time-space where similar choices were made, but never exactly, and they can't affect anyone in the current day.

10 Name: Minato. : 2011-12-07 11:12 ID:F1D2MxsB [Del]

Yes all of You're information was Valuable Anymore?
I expect there to be more.

11 Name: sleepology : 2011-12-07 11:16 ID:iSM0iuk+ [Del]

Great grammer usage cheif.
I shall now continue to call your first post blasphemy. Have a nice day

12 Name: Summer : 2011-12-07 17:04 ID:wSCH95dR [Del]

he did travel through time, cuz he`s a timelord.

13 Name: Gilgamesh-sama : 2011-12-07 21:41 ID:8l/Wfx5c [Del]

i have the most perfect form of time travel unfortunatly to this point it only works forwards...its called a hammer + your head = wake up a month later.

14 Name: Minato. : 2011-12-08 04:47 ID:60uMyRtX [Del]

Well that's possible if you Don't die and wake up a Idiot.

15 Name: Impulse : 2011-12-08 09:47 ID:qq6UTtyk [Del]

All I know about time traveling is that it's impossible, because to be able to time travel you need to be able to travel faster than the speed of light.

CERN's facilities have seen some neutrinos travel faster than the speed of light, but there are an incredible amount of theories that disprove this.

However, I think this doesn't disprove being able to time leap, since time leaps take you to a different time line rather than allowing you to travel through time on the same time line. The way I look at it, time leaps travel through space, since different time lines can be at different periods of time.

If any of my information is incorrect, then forget about it. :D

16 Name: Minato. : 2011-12-10 13:20 ID:zdgyBSpx [Del]

:O sorry sorry Wrong grams!!! >.>

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-10 13:28 ID:M62fwWWK [Del]


I'm creating a manga (professionally done, that is.) that utilizes Time Travel. I find it quite intriguing if done right, and if it's unique.

My story, uses it as such:
You can go back in time, but it replaces the past-self with your current/future self, thus removing the possible chance of you meeting up with yourself. But you can't go forward in time. You have to relive through your past, but you know stuff from the future, so you can then change the future for the better.

It stops the possible chance(s) of you causing paradoxes.

19 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-10 15:30 ID:M62fwWWK [Del]


20 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-10 17:25 ID:xRiqQ5QE [Del]

>>18 Out of curiosity, what happens to the time stream from the point where you go back in time, assuming you do change what you do in the past? Does it just get obliterated?

21 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-12-10 17:42 ID:nMpiUuoe [Del]

>>18 Also, since you cannot move forward in time, after changing the past, would the same amount of time had passed in the future, where your past self has been? That could cause irreversible damage and shock to your past self, since he unknowingly travelled through time. Assuming the timeline is linear, as soon as he returns to the past, it will destroy the person you currently are. :|

22 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-12-10 18:08 ID:nMpiUuoe [Del]

Oh right... So, you cant switch places again... Way to fuck your past self out of a life lol...

23 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-10 18:18 ID:M62fwWWK [Del]

Your past self isn't switched. You just are placed in that body. You are you. When going back, instead of making a copy, your knowledge, everything, is just placed in the body. Thus, replacing, technically, your past self with the future self. So, then, instead of doing things, to make it mess up the future, you're just back in the past permanently, and have to relieve it.

24 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2011-12-10 18:29 ID:5qClW4YV [Del]

Well if you can't go ahead in time again and have to relive your life, what would be the plot in it? (Just curious)

I'm imagining a manga like that, but after you go back in time, wouldn't it stop there? You can change things and live a happy life, but afterwards there's no antagonist or anything X__X I'm pretty interested as to what's going to happen after the time skip :P

25 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-12-10 18:35 ID:3Gmtania [Del]

Man, time travel. So interesting, but also complicated. I guess I don't really have any huge regrets I'd like to erase, nor do I have the desire to alter history.

26 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-10 18:47 ID:M62fwWWK [Del]


The Manga, well hear me about. This isn't about Religion. It uses Mythologies, not Religion.

The basics of the story, is Hades' goes back in time, to place power into 2 people, to whom will be wed, and when they have a kid, that power transfers into the child. To awaken when he is 10 years old. So he can use the kid, to do shit for him, to help him break out of Hell.

27 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-12-10 19:20 ID:w+DFq/lr [Del]

>>26 Ya know, mythologies...are religions. :| Like Nordic, Greek, and Egyptian mythologies, those are all polytheistic religions lol. Also... you're manga idea just confused the hell out of me.

28 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-10 19:47 ID:M62fwWWK [Del]

Mythologies in the terms that I'm using them are not Religion. It's stories of Gods. A God isn't a religion. It's a god. A religion is just a group whom are worshiping a god.

29 Post deleted by user.

30 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-10 19:49 ID:M62fwWWK [Del]

Also it isn't a Manga idea.
It's already being made into a REAL Manga. So it isn't an idea.

Here is the introduction to it.

31 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-10 19:52 ID:xRiqQ5QE [Del]

Right, so you didn't answer my question though - in your story, when you travel back in time, what happens to that future where you timetraveled? You have erased yourself from that timeline of existence, so do things just go on as normal? Are you forgotten from the memories of everyone who knew you, or does everyone flip out and go "WHERE DID HE GO HE'S GONE"

By neither time model can you return to the same future, since the act of time traveling alone changes the future. When you reach that point in time again, even, you do not travel back - you remain linear after that initial travel.

What I'm asking is, does your current timeline become an offshoot timeline where you no longer exist, or does it disappear into oblivion? And what does that mean for the existence of everyone in that timeline?

>>27 I tend to use mythology in both a fictional and a nonfictional sense. I think it's plausible that some people believe in fiction, and some people don't believe in certain religions; thus, let's just call everything mythology :V

...This is just my fallacious and lazy, non-conviction way of removing the stigma of calling something "false." That said, I still call popular "mythologies" religion, and I am not an atheist.

32 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-10 19:54 ID:xRiqQ5QE [Del]

derp, ninja'd.

>>30 That looks like a written story to me. In what way is it a manga? Are you going to make it a comic later or something?

33 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-10 20:04 ID:M62fwWWK [Del]

It's the story, the Manga is what's being created out of it.

also yeah, I see what you mean now. The moment he goes back, the future is erased. It basically creates a new timeline starting from where you went back to. The past of the past is still the same, the only thing that changes is the fact you know more, and the future that they knew, is erased.

34 Post deleted by user.

35 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-10 20:05 ID:M62fwWWK [Del]

My Artist is working on it now (the Manga), and what you saw, is only a very, super small portion of it. That's just what's uploaded to the net.

36 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-10 20:14 ID:xRiqQ5QE [Del]

Looks like it could just be a novel on its own. I wouldn't shortchange yourself by referring to it by its incomplete version - if you're a writer at heart, you should write. Adaptations are just a bonus. Good luck on your comic, in any case.

So, is what happens to the future inconsequential? It's just that lots of times, there is always the lingering question of - what happens to those left? When someone sees you going back in time, they know that the present as they know it will be exterminated and their selves would cease to exist - they would be lost to oblivion.

And with that, you also know that it's impossible to live in a world where anyone has ever time traveled, since the act of time traveling brings about the end of that iteration of the universe. The timeline keeps being recycled, and everything in it keeps getting garbage collected.

Or none of it really matters, because they stop existing anyway. No harm done, objectively.

It's just a more bleak way of looking at the linear timeline model, where there is only one possible timeline of events, really - it's just an element I tend to see in stories involving time travel.

37 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-10 20:27 ID:M62fwWWK [Del]

I don't think of the 'destroying' the universe sort of thing.
The main problem with most Time Traveling story is the fact that if you time travel to change something, you don't time travel in the future to change it, thus making it where you never time traveled, breaking the universe in 2. But if it replaces you in the past, and wipes the future clean, and the past then becomes the present, then it shouldn't destroy anything, right?

38 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-10 20:29 ID:M62fwWWK [Del]


39 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-10 20:43 ID:xRiqQ5QE (Image: 579x287 png, 9 kb) [Del]

src/1323571388695.png: 579x287, 9 kb
Right, it does make sense. But it leaves kind of a broken sense.

In the shitty MS paint drawing I included, there are two different takes on the concept of timelines. Model A is the one you proposed, and model B is the multiple timeline theory, basically. Black lines are timelines, red lines are obliterated timelines, and blue lines represent someone (anyone) going back in time.

The problem with model A is, whoever traveled back in time has memories of something that doesn't exist, never existed, and never will exist. It just kind of leaves a bad sense in my mind, compared to model B. In model B, whoever traveled back in time has been erased completely from existence - but nobody else has. Everything still goes as normal, just without them.

40 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-10 20:51 ID:M62fwWWK [Del]

Making it where they never existed in the future is better than destroying it all together.

So, I could make it where if they travel like I'm talking about, their future is changed. Meaning it's there, people just don't remember him in the future. But they do in the past. So they possibly then can remember what they learned, but the people just don't know who he is, in the future, once going back.

41 Name: Lumen Serpens !/vLWmfl/gg : 2011-12-10 21:09 ID:g4MJNnEO [Del]

Reminds me of zelda ocarina of time..

42 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2011-12-10 21:20 ID:5qClW4YV [Del]

Ah, but there is the parallel world theory too. If you time travel, you sometimes jump to an alternate timeline, so the other timeline isn't destroyed, nor has it 'never existed'. It's just you going into another timeline with memories of what happened in another world, I mean, that's what happened in S;G. I think you also create new time lines this way, but that's also in the multiple timeline theory.

I think it looks fabulous. (Atleast it explains the timeline theories perfectly :D)

43 Name: The Doctor : 2011-12-10 22:08 ID:w0c8alrr [Del]

>>39 Model B seems to be what I had mentioned earlier. One logical way someone can travel safely though time is if they live outside time and space.

44 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-10 23:26 ID:pC2rAshB [Del]

Yeah this theory was mentioned by John Titor (That guy mention on the top). When you travel backwards through time you may end up in a different world line. This would help debunk many paradox, including the grandfather paradox (where you will go back in time to kill your grandfather so that you will never have existed. Since you have never existed, who killed your grandfather?). According to the theory that travel to a different timeline different than yours, when you go back through time to kill your grandfather, you will be killing your grandfather in a different timeline that is not yours so this will not affect your timeline. But i'm not really sure quantum physics agree with this...This is just what I heard! and it makes sense...sorta

45 Name: The Doctor : 2012-01-02 21:33 ID:w0c8alrr [Del]

One more time, sorry! I forgot one very important time traveling theory: That if someone were to travel to the past in an attempt to change history, they merely become part of the events that leads to the main event which, said person, has tried to prevent.
Ex: Say if you go back in time to prevent the assassination of Lincoln: Instead, your attempts to prevent it, say you warn the guards, but they take you away, leaving him vulnerable, you actually created the history you so desperately tried to change! All credit for this one goes to Rod Sterling.......for those who don't know, he's the creator of "The Twilight Zone"

46 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-02 22:02 ID:vYTwkGXJ [Del]

Well by going back to stop a certain thing, you then don't go back to stop it, thus creating a Time-Paradox, distorting/destroying the fabric of Time and Space.

So that idea wouldn't work at all.

47 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2012-01-03 00:43 ID:FVwL9HvA [Del]

I finally found you around here...MINATO....+_+

48 Name: Minato. : 2012-01-08 20:45 ID:60itYB7q [Del]

>>47 oh Hello heaven

49 Name: Minato. : 2012-01-08 20:45 ID:60itYB7q [Del]


50 Name: Wolfe : 2012-01-11 20:02 ID:AwdV4PeK [Del]

(Sorry i didnt read any other comments if it get hate)
well, if time travel is possible either it is eventually destroyed in that withen the time of forever one person will go back before if was made, then destroys it, or every time you travel you go into a sub reality like in back to the future but a bit different. so, every time you time travel you goto a parallel universe of that time there for not effecting anyone. This is proven because in an endless amount of time one person is bound to have meet up with you, yourself, or history itself.

Feel Free to prove me wrong, or aka fix my hypothesis.
thanks! =D

51 Name: Minato. : 2012-01-18 01:04 ID:60itYB7q [Del]


52 Name: Minato. : 2012-01-23 11:12 ID:aK7TLT8x [Del]


53 Name: The Doctor : 2012-01-23 15:00 ID:w0c8alrr [Del]

>>50 Well, you can't go back to before time, because in reality, time does not exist, and yet it does. It has neither a beginning, nor ending. When one travels through time, whenever they are, they become a part of events, and if one would try to alter an event, they would most likely end up causing it, for example, if you tried to prevent the assassination of JFK, you would look suspicious, and be tackled by secret service, preventing them from protecting him, and he gets shot because of what you did.

54 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-01-23 15:48 ID:nvq52z+/ [Del]

Time travel would also get you stuck in an infinite loop, even if it ws possible, and I still believe it isn't.

55 Name: Minato. : 2012-01-26 11:56 ID:rMG8thfB [Del]

there are many possibilites also
i mean yeah if there is traveling there are sopposed to be lots of visitors from the future but maybe the future didn't allow it?
or maybe there are lot's of timelines that they can choose where to go and they have never picked ours yet haha well actually that's stupid but yeah.

56 Name: Minato. : 2012-01-26 11:57 ID:rMG8thfB [Del]

time traveling*

57 Name: Ryoko Miyuki : 2012-12-29 09:49 ID:Zj2vwstD [Del]

I'd like to point out here, that time is only a concept. It is simply a man made way of measuring the duration of events that have occurred in the past, that are happening in the present and will happen in the future. The idea that time is linear and only moves forward is simply based upon our current understanding of it as we have experienced it. If time is linear like we currently believe it to be, wouldn't it be impossible to brake away from the consent stream of events and travel backwards through the natural flow? Think of it like a busy road, you are moving with the rest of the cars at uniform speed,. In order to travel back in time you first need to break the current flow, like pulling into another lane. Once there, you then must move backward to the desired point and somehow find a way to re-enter the main flow of events. The re-entering is the part that causes the problem. It would be like trying to pull into a consent stream of moving traffic with little to no space between the cars. Breaking away from our time line is as simple as moving to another dimension, or another world line. Trying to re-enter your original world line at a different point is nearly impossible, you would need to either find a break in the flow, or cause one. That break in the "traffic" is the key to traveling back in time and not just traveling to a different world line.

58 Name: Batman : 2012-12-29 22:52 ID:AIW7k73I [Del]

Just saying, the Butterfly Affect is the biggest piece of bullshit there is. Changing very little things would have a minute chance of changing aynthing of importance in the real world. For example, kill a butterfly, start a tsunami. NO you kill a butterfly and it dies. Does anybody know anything butterflies do of significance? No. Sure killing your parents might change things and that aspect I agree on.
But for the most part, like said before; I consider it bullshit

59 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-12-30 03:19 ID:cDf8/Ul5 [Del]

>>58 if you don't know how to spell what you're talking about, you probably shouldn't be talking about it.

60 Name: The Doctor : 2012-12-30 05:27 ID:LYW07w2I [Del]

>>58 Kill a butterfly, then that butterfly would never fly into the face of a bicyclist, who then crashes into a fruit stand, which rolls a melon into the middle of the street, where a guy trips over it, who is hit by a car, which is driven by the DA, who is now late for a murder trial, which sets a murderer free, who kills 10 people, one of which was 1 day from creating the cure for cancer.

By killing that little butterfly, you can affect the whole world. lol

61 Name: Ryoko Miyuki : 2012-12-30 05:52 ID:Zj2vwstD [Del]

>>58 In theory, even the smallest changes could cause or have some effect on much greater events.
>>60 Like the good doctor above me has stated, however, that is just it, they could. The majority of the time, small things like killing a butterfly will have no effect on the bigger picture, but there is always the possibility of it sparking a chain reaction and changing the entire outcome of events.

62 Name: Batman : 2012-12-30 07:56 ID:AIW7k73I [Del]

>>60 Seriously man what is the chances of that happening.
Movies like the butterfly effect treat it as a certainty and that just annoys me. Because of that kind of logic everybody now jumps to the conclusion that stepping on a bug in the past immediately causes the world to end. Anyway as far as I know time travel is fairly impossible to humans.

63 Name: Ranguna !bUMCaSNWgQ : 2012-12-30 17:39 ID:ePWb/u91 [Del]

Butterfly effect means killing a buttefly can kill all human race, well kind of.

Time travel is extrimly hard but here is what I know.

Up until now I've learned of two theories, one is that stuff you do in the past will change the future, this theory explains that by going to the past and change how thing went will also change the futur (or you present in case you've time traveled to the past), I do not defend this one because lets imagine:

  • You dog died because your parents left with the car earlier

  • You are sad so you dicide to time travel to the past with the intention to tell you parent to not go with the car today

  • Congrats ! You prevented your dog's death therefor in the future you do not need to travel back because your dog didn't die and so you didn't travel back so your dog died.

  • I can't work with this theory it creates time paradoxes with always to outputs, either your dog died or it didn't

You could say that with this you could create parallel universes, but nevemind that.

The second theory is the one that is right (well bettewn all theorys this one is the one I agree the most) which is the one that says that everything is writen, you went back to the future that means your ware meant to be, here is how it goes:

  • Your dog died.. It died and that's the end, if it isn't alive there is no way you could revive it using time travled

  • Even if you tried to go back you could save him, something would prenvent you, you died while you ware trying to save him or someone stopped you before you went back.

Here's another exemple (butterfly affect also applies in this theory and exemple) :

  • You are an agent of the governament, the president died and you know who did it, everyone is desepered so your supirior asked you to time travle back and kill that person.

  • You went back and killed the assassin, after that you came back to the future (your past present) and noticed that the presidente was still death and killed by the same person, the one you killed

  • Here is how: (in this exemple) You killed the president, a governament agent killed a person, and that person actualy was the leader of some sort of assassin group, the members of that same group got together and planed the assassination of the presiden in memory of their leader.

  • Even knowing this and going back to the time where you killed the president and telling your other self that he/you couldn't kill the person the other you wouldn't listen to you or someone else would have come to kill him

  • If you tried to tell you superior this story either he would not tell you to kill the assassin and someone else in secrete you've went back and do that, or he wouldn't belive you and would give you the order to kill the assasin, or even worse he would have killed you ending you life there.

There is also a theory that transforms time into mass to creat gravity, yeah it's wired, there is a game that explains this one, "Sine Mora" search it, it's actualy a good game.

After all this, you can only how time tivel works once you have done it yourself, it like the cat in a box with poison, you can form theories if the cat lived or died in a box with poison but you can only know for sure if you do it in reality.

I belive that time travel isn't possible, and at the same time I also belive that the univers started with someone form the future going to outertime and make the universe, there is an episode of Family Guy that explains this.

When I was a kid I wrote some rules of time travel in a A4 notebook, they ware like 6 pages long but it seams that I've lost it..

And thoes are the theories that I know, I hope you understood everything and good luck on you research.
And don't go mad over it xP

64 Name: jinski !Dj1vv4zaJw : 2012-12-30 18:23 ID:RrxLmcmf [Del]

The term "Butterfly Effect" was coined from a movie.
I forgot which one, but some people went to the past back when the dinosaurs roamed the world.
They killed a butterfly that was supposed to be eaten by some herbivorous dinosaur that was supposed to be eaten by another dinosaur etc, etc, and when they went back to present time and humans no longer ran the world.
I haven't seen the movie nor remember what it's called, but I just thought I'd tell you guys since a lot of people actually don't know that the term "butterfly effect" derives from a movie.

And yes, Steins;Gate is a wonderful show. Definitely became interested in time travel after watching it.

65 Name: Kay : 2012-12-30 19:29 ID:QGl62/1A [Del]

>>64 I believe the term 'butterfly effect' was coined for the (facetious) example of a butterfly's wings creating a hurricane in some far flung place.

(After a quick bit of research, I discovered the term was coined by Edward Norton Lorenz in 1969 on this idea, although the idea itself is from as far back as 1890)

Although I subscribe to sort of a temporal slice theory, in which the past and future don't really exist in any tangible way, I feel like in fiction, you shouldn't be able to change 'time' through time travel.

Because, if you went back in time to change something, that thing would already have been changed before you went back to change it... And if you successfully changed it, you wouldn't go back to change it, and the change could never have happened... @.@

The only paradox free outcome of time travel would be to fail, or to actually cause whatever you went back to change...

Of course, creating the problem in the first place could easily be argued as its own paradox...


Time travel's pretty hard to nail down... You really have to create some solid rules for your reality before you can figure out how time travel would work in it.

66 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2012-12-31 00:04 ID:AfFV+JRW [Del]

>>63 I like to believe it's the first theory; it proves that, even if you can, going back in time is probably a bad idea. But I know how to get around it. Tell your past self to do it in the future, that way you will remember to save/destroy the thing you did. Give yourself a letter, actually go and talk to yourself (not recommended, as that may cause problems), or just put the message where it will be quite obvious for you.

My idiotic dad ran over my dog when I was 10. As I explained, I could just give myself a note saying to go back and save him that day. Only problem: this death has affected my life. My life would be quite different if he were to have not died, so, instead, I could get a blood-like substance, some chihuahua bones, fur, and a good skin substitute and put it in place of my dog. Same trauma, but dog still in my possession (and probably further forward in time than he would have lived).

However, I would probably avoid any possible paradox inducing things. I would do things people don't know who/what did it, or know what happened, but no one was around to see it (like the Titanic). I would do stuff like go and kill all the dinosaurs, kill JFK, Kill Hitler in his bunker, be the reason the Bermuda Triangle has so many completely unexplained disappearances, stuff like that.

But, going too far back can have another problem: ancestry. Don't kill or save anyone over your age back. Ever. If you accidentally cause your parents to not meet by saving/killing someone, you cease to exist, causing the same effect as in >>63. If you do save/kill someone, make sure they didn't/won't kill thousands of people, as that will cause too many new variables in the world. Good luck having your ancestry.

Narps. I almost never type that much.

67 Name: Kay : 2012-12-31 05:21 ID:QGl62/1A [Del]


(Summarized, of course)
"If I could go back in time, I would be the Bermuda Triangle"

This struck me as probably the single most epic aspiration I've ever heard. Possibly because I haven't slept in a few days, but still. If I could go back in time, I'd probably watch some neat moments in history, and Name would be the bloody Bermuda Triangle. :'D


I'm so lame. D:

68 Name: Batman : 2012-12-31 06:58 ID:AIW7k73I [Del]

>>63 That guy sums up everything I meant (and more) by the way.
I would probably go forwards, grab some kind of tough spacecraft then go back and watch the universe begin from within it, kind of like the futurama episode with the machine that only travels forwards.

69 Name: Ranguna !bUMCaSNWgQ : 2012-12-31 07:07 ID:ePWb/u91 [Del]

>>68 The idea that a machine could only travell forward is complitly wrong, because if you go to the future you are actualy going to the past of the futuer future:

Your present is 2012 and you travel to 2018, doing so you actualy travel to your future but to the past of the future 2019, 2020 and so one. With this explained, if some scientist creates a time traveling machine than it could go into the futer and back to the past.

70 Name: Ranguna !bUMCaSNWgQ : 2012-12-31 07:18 ID:ePWb/u91 [Del]

>>66 If you went back and saved your dog then the letter you wrote wouldn't exist anymore therefore you didn't travell back and you dog is still dead..
Well you could, once you've successfully saved your dog leave a letter in the past the future you, with this you would travel back to the past of a present where you dog is alive and save him again. Huh.. this wouldn't create multiple you's.
Awesome shit man.

Even if you killed thousand of people and creating billions of new variables the universe could process them all, you can't compare the prossing power of a simple computer CPU with the universe, universe has unlimited proccessing power.

You could kill you ancestor and still live, it's actualy harder to kill someone by killing his/hers repective ancestor.
You would actualy have to kill every single family that his/hers family tree consists of.

71 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-31 09:55 ID:9C4LsT2p [Del]


72 Name: Jinski !Dj1vv4zaJw : 2012-12-31 14:56 ID:RrxLmcmf [Del]

>>65 Well, the way I always imagined time travel to be was to send your memories of your current time backwards so you could change the outcome of something. (if that was possible, I mean)
Your physical body wouldn't go back in time, but your memories would. So it'd just be like a memory or a daydream you have of the future. I'm not sure if I'm making sense, lol, but it wouldn't be as paradoxical as you put it if you saw time travel that way.
Damn, I suck at explaining things, haha.

73 Name: Ranguna !bUMCaSNWgQ : 2013-01-01 11:59 ID:ePWb/u91 [Del]

>>72 I don't see how you could change the future or the past just using memories.

You can never be sure about the future with just the information of you memories alone, you would have to be some kind of a god because you had to know everyone and everithing in all universe to prediict possible outcomes, or have a machine that tracks every change in all cosmus, you can't say that that is impossbile but it would require a lot of proccessing power and a lot of information ( well basicly all the information that exists )

74 Name: Kay : 2013-01-01 22:50 ID:QGl62/1A [Del]


>>72 means sending back your consciousness to your physical being at an early date.

Say, I spill ketchup on my random hypothetical tuxedo, so the next day I jump back to yesterday's Kay and simply don't go near the ketchup. Same concept as physical time travel, except I exist in the same space as I did before, instead of as a duplicate being.

75 Name: arka !chvok4/SZI : 2013-01-02 09:54 ID:67gy1PFg [Del]

All this discussion is well and good, but what about the grammar and tenses involved when just talking about time travel?

How would you describe yourself, in a future sense, going to the past and preventing yourself from being born? "I will have been going back" sounds weird, doesn't it. If, by doing this you avoid paradox, will there be a you to talk about yourself?

These are just some linguistic and logical complications. i just like to think of absurd time travel conundrums. :)

Personally I prefer the alternate timelines theory like that used to great effect in Steins;Gate.

76 Name: The Doctor : 2013-01-02 16:02 ID:ERs+Md8P [Del]

>>75 Yes, the way a paradox is avoided when going back, when someone travels through time, They BREAK OFF from their own timeline and are now in a "Time Traveler's Timeline"
When I say Break off, I don't mean their timeline just changes direction, think of walking down a line, you leave a trail as you walk. Instead of just turning in a different direction, you Jump off to the side, the line you were walking stops and you start a brand new one, one where you can go back or forth. Anything you do to the previous line WILL NOT AFFECT your current line.

Now after you enter a T-T-T (Time Traveler's Timeline) You do have to be careful to not cross your own timeline in THAT line, but you can travel through the other, because as far as Time and Space knows, YOU NO LONGER EXIST..... in that time line, Thus, you are not affected.

77 Name: bang-bang : 2013-01-02 16:23 ID:XD9rf4XG [Del]

>>75 Well you're talking about an action that happens in your future in regards to your own current timeline. Even if that leads you to your own past it's still in the future from now, so I think future simple would be fine, "I'm going to go back into the past and prevent myself from being born".

If you're referring to the future after the action is complete, future perfect I guess? "By tomorrow I will have gone and prevented myself from being born". I think grammatically you can still use a linear timeline like with any other action.

78 Name: Elfen Note : 2013-01-02 17:51 ID:kki40O0V [Del]

I've always thought the bootstrap paradox was cool

79 Name: L : 2013-01-03 10:04 ID:F+pdJ2Nu [Del]

Time travle (future) might be true. Backwards timetravle, not any time soon, time is a conseption. space and time are two parts of the same coin, if one changes so does the other. A black hole for instance has such powerful gravity that it makes sort of a pocket demention by icolating the space around it near the event horizon, the closer you are to it the slower you appear to get in our perspective. However if you where to icolate this effect without the damage of a black hole you can go farther in time, but with this two things are key, 1: don't expect to see you're self, you are sort of freezing you're self in time but you will just be an image (sort of, just my theory) and 2: within the time you skip, you will not 'exist' and will not be able to go back at all, you might want good aim if you use this method of time travle. again, this is my theory of time travle based on non-fiction science and what the human race knows about it.

80 Name: Ranguna !bUMCaSNWgQ : 2013-01-03 12:27 ID:ePWb/u91 [Del]

>>74 the question here is how exectly would you travell back

81 Name: L : 2013-01-03 13:43 ID:F+pdJ2Nu [Del]

Just like I said, there is no way, but just like The Doctor said "T.T.T (Time Travlers Timeline) let's you step out of your own timeline and go backwards or folwards.".

82 Name: CreeperComando : 2016-06-29 22:47 ID:NwdIrZ3B [Del]

Am I batshit insane for believing in this stuff?

83 Name: Enigami !c6PjAO5Kw. : 2017-02-18 07:41 ID:SvhedwOR [Del]

Well, this thread could use some sprucing up...
If you guys could travel to any time periods, what would they be and why?

84 Name: NG-S : 2022-10-14 17:21 ID:D/3g0JZ3 [Del]

If I could travel to any timeline I'd find one where I ruled Earth and kill my counterpart there because this variant also happens to be a whimpering. (Hey Infinite timeliness, everything has to happen at least once even if the chances are 0.000000000000001% or something so yeah if many worlds exist in one reality I rule Earth but for some reason am a whimpering fool and in another you gained immortality or something)

I'm writing a Light Novel and time travel is used in it. However the characters only think they're traveling through time. Really they're just traveling the multiverse to universes on a slightly earlier time table. So in Universe A its 2022, but in Universe B it's only 2012 and things would play out as normal except for the multiuniversal travels who thought they were time traveling. They travel through the multiverse with a new form of matter that I invented for the stories sake. In the series the only characters who can truly time travel are beings who exist outside of the multiverse's collective space and time. These beings may still exist in some sort of space-time, but they don't have to obey the laws of physics of the multiverse as a whole since their existence transcends it. Let me know if that makes sense. I could use feedback on my story.