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2+2=5, was curious and found this actually correct explaination :) (36)

1 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-11-30 08:28 ID:3/d+EaXC [Del]

2+2 = 2+2+0

correct? right.

Now according to Robins Lemma proof
Let x be a non-zero number, and set y=x. Thus:

x = y
x^2 = xy
x^2-y^2 = xy-y^2
(x+y)(x-y) = y(x-y)
x+y = y
2y = y
2 = 1
1 = 0

Now since 2+2 = 2+2+0 and we apply the lemma proof so that 0 = 1, 2+2+0 = 2+2+1 =5

2+2 = 5

*CHALLENGE* Find the "fuzzy math" in that

FOUND:yahoo answers

2 Name: Daili : 2011-11-30 08:38 ID:4IwWRkIn [Del]

This is right are you from the US if so look up the show fairy odddpsrents its on there to also on anther cartoon i just dont remember which XD

3 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-11-30 08:44 ID:3/d+EaXC [Del]

a friend of mine linked it to ma after a failed conversation where he said he could prove it, it was close but he messed up somehow but i posted it cuz i was surprised O__o

4 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-11-30 23:40 ID:3/d+EaXC [Del]

Ooops x-y and since x and y are the same its 0 dividing by 0 is undefined -__- wrong cant happen

5 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-11-30 23:42 ID:f7RwIEtB [Del]

"Let x be a non-zero number, and set y=x. Thus:"

At what point in your own post does "Let x be a non-zero number and set y=x" did you get the idea that x or y could be the number zero?

6 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-11-30 23:47 ID:3/d+EaXC [Del]

Ayanavi if x=y then in any point where x-y its subtracting by itself so it becomes 0 becaus of substraction

like if x=2
and y=3

x-y= -1 but neither x=-1 nor x=-1

x-y= 0 (if x=y) but x does not =0 nor does y=0 :)

7 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-11-30 23:49 ID:f7RwIEtB [Del]

And this folks, is why I'm not a math major.

8 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-11-30 23:52 ID:3/d+EaXC [Del]

Made a litle mistake *FIXED

If x=y then in any point where x-y its subtracting by itself so it becomes 0 becaus of substraction

like if x=2
and y=3

x-y= -1 but neither x=-1 nor *y=-1

IF x=y then its the same number

x-y=0 doesnt mean x=0 nor y=0

^~^ kay fixed, neither am i i always Just pass my math classes

9 Name: Equinox : 2011-11-30 23:57 ID:6IJ0cTjW [Del]

I don't think letters belong in math lol just kidden

10 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-12-01 00:25 ID:3Gmtania [Del]

" x^2 - y^2 = xy - y^2 "

If y is equal to x, all that will end up as 0 = 0.

Just for proof, let's substitute x and y with the number 5.

x^2 - y^2 = xy - y^2
(5)^2 - (5)^2 = (5)(5) - (5)^2
25 - 25 = 25 - 25
0 = 0

In other words, 2 + 2 is still 4 and not 5. I just did quick Google search on this, and I found that this isn't ultimately a mathematical proof, but a political tool. I didn't read deep enough to find out exactly how it's used in politics and society though.

11 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-12-01 00:29 ID:3/d+EaXC [Del]

i know i disproved the post, if you continue to the last part of the problem x-y to eliminate by both sides you have to devide by it but if x=y the answer is 0 and since you have to divide by 0 to get the 0 out it cant occur, so this can never happen :)

12 Name: Catheleya!9H9CmZHAt6 : 2011-12-02 06:03 ID:K5b6LxEY [Del]

I'm curious too. And would like to share this with my classmates. I am able to follow and I have read up to the 11th post. However, in the first post, it is said, "2 = 1" where we can conclude that it is possible since 2 is not equal to 1.

13 Name: Darasuum : 2011-12-04 20:48 ID:+vX2HMu/ [Del]

>>2 yeah i saw that episode lol

14 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-04 21:05 ID:pC2rAshB [Del]

I saw this on some website! There was something wrong with the equation i kind of forgot. How about we just let x equals 0. Let the poor letter be free

15 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-12-06 03:37 ID:3/d+EaXC [Del]

Problem why it wouldnt work is cuz x=y and if x-y that makes it 0 automatically so yu cant divide by it

0/2=0 2/0=Undefined

16 Name: MAYW !QXoOcrXxHA : 2011-12-06 20:52 ID:nq6yK+FH (Image: 680x572 png, 209 kb) [Del]

src/1323229969848.png: 680x572, 209 kb
Tis troll logic

17 Name: Shadowxm : 2011-12-06 21:00 ID:Hu8AmCqc [Del]

>>16 you just made my day

18 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-12-06 21:05 ID:3/d+EaXC [Del]

lol hope that was a joke buht if you thought it was real

ya cant break up a group you cant cancel a sum or a subtraction unless you cancel them both from both sides, to do so they have to be identical meaning 4-9/2=4-9/2 can become 1=1 cuz you divide by the same equation on both sides. Ya cant break a group up :D

19 Name: Keisen : 2011-12-09 19:15 ID:zPiHsObj [Del]

I'm sorry I don't have anything constructive to say, but I COULDN'T pass up the chance to make this reference:

I CHECKED THE MATH! 2+2 ISN'T 5! IT'S 6! 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20 Name: The Doctor : 2011-12-09 20:51 ID:w0c8alrr [Del]

>>19 WRONG! 2+2=FISH! but when Chuck Norris does it 2+2=FIST!

21 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-12-09 22:53 ID:OzTbEyQb [Del]


22 Name: archadmiral!aQdB7dnF.o : 2011-12-10 11:41 ID:3/d+EaXC (Image: 492x454 jpg, 10 kb) [Del]

src/1323538896250.jpg: 492x454, 10 kb
lol @ 20 quite creative doctor well played XD
so the newly formed is postulate

If 2+2=Fist
therfore x/0= Chuck Noris if you have to ask then go back to middle school

Dollars and mathmatics, and now i shall explain pie via picture:

23 Name: baccano : 2012-01-16 19:09 ID:K98LlNe/ [Del]

2+2 = 1+1+1+1+0 = four +'s and 4 ones. since 4 and one's are next to each other without a sign multiply to make 4. you are now left with ++++ wich is equal to 2 *'s. so your new problem becomes 4 (2*). so by the distribuative property we get 8 (4*). so all theroies are irrelevent for 2+2 has an infinate ammount of answers, all being wrong.

24 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-16 19:55 ID:Sqzu/f4q [Del]



25 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-01-16 20:33 ID:RgKraOS4 [Del]

My brain just died a little.

26 Name: TheBlackRaven : 2012-02-02 20:13 ID:G9EOj+SW [Del]

No! Your all wrong!

2+2= Philip!!!!!!

27 Name: Kuro Neko : 2012-02-09 13:30 ID:Lolhup45 [Del]

:3 trololol

28 Name: Kuro Neko : 2012-02-09 13:30 ID:Lolhup45 [Del]

:3 trololol

29 Name: Mizuki !v7dc/HXG46 : 2012-02-09 14:21 ID:yEgRRSsL [Del]

Sorry that's not correct, you can't say 0=1. Furthermore X is not 0.

30 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-02-09 15:10 ID:FLY41hQX [Del]

3rd line and 4th line, nonreversible function.
(y*-y)=-y^2 but root(-y^2) must either be imaginary or be (-(root(y^2)) which is not the same as the original.

Not used to doing math on comp, I may have skipped up somewhere. If so, call me on it.

31 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-09 15:28 ID:etVPbjKW [Del]

arch already disproved it in >>8

It ends up being a division of 0, which is indeterminate.

32 Name: kasaine-youko : 2012-02-13 03:48 ID:yZ9SQeFc [Del]

XD my best friend say:
becauz 1 person plus 1 person is 3
get it?

33 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2017-12-28 08:27 ID:iYH16pN7 [Del]

bump :D

34 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2017-12-28 08:32 ID:uoMbykHa [Del]


35 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2017-12-28 08:44 ID:aUZg3x2z [Del]

>>34 tf?

36 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2017-12-28 10:59 ID:oY1m5vPY [Del]

After taking linear algebra it makes sense. This transformation isn't linear, so the domain, range, and bases change. I don't feel like figuring out the new domain, range, and base, as it's just math for the sake of math. Of course there is no trivial solution as pointed out by >>4. Of course 0/0 means l'hospital's rule can be applied, but you'd be dealing with partial derivitaves.