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Have you ever thought of murder? (38)

1 Name: Nicole : 2011-09-28 11:47 ID:aWQ9lOV6 [Del]

I mean think about, i know everyone experienced of having that psychitic urg of just beating the crap out of someone because they are annoying or just get rid of them all together. I had a few in my life but never really got to tell about them. Wen i was bullied I remember that i wanted to take the kids head and repeatedly slam his face into the wall untill he bled to death. What was ur first horrible thing that ever happen to u? Have u had these kind of urges? Ive never really done wat i was thinking but have kept them in mind. I wonder if this is how murders think.. Idk.. well i got that out. Reply if u wish thank u for reading

2 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-09-28 13:36 ID:FYRIH2Li [Del]

I can't remember ever thinking of committing murder. I have thought of beating people to a bloody pulp and leaving them lying in their own blood. I usually have that kind of mental fantasy after someone has treated either me or someone I really care about incredibly inappropriately. I've never actually done it though, which is probably good lol.

3 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-28 13:54 ID:+H+KBJGj [Del]

I think it's pretty healthy to have violent thoughts every now and then, specially when you get stressed often or are constantly in an aggravating environment. Oppositely, I think it's kind of badto have that urge to kill people when everything's fine, which is when I have them sometimes ... I'm one of those people who like to bottle emotions in and then release them in private. But sometimes I get pushed past my tipping point when I don't want to go crazy yet, so I usually sit in silence, imagining myself killing everyone. I've never acted on those impulses, least not to the level of murder (I've tried chocking someone once and I've swung a wooden 18-inch ruler at someone's head before, but never with intent to kill).

4 Name: shower : 2011-09-28 14:43 ID:U7NeDi57 [Del]

>>1 i actually wanted to do just that with a few peoples head...
I am not normal, so i cant tell you if you are xD

5 Name: Sawducum : 2011-09-28 16:22 ID:woZT6kSU [Del]

I meditate so I've limited those urges to not be on some baseless issue.
When I do get them, however, it's highly detailed and could be used to kill them without getting caught.

6 Name: JNR : 2011-09-28 16:56 ID:M34hQTiS [Del]

yep every living thing and my self no bullshit

7 Name: custom !vP93IZ2rns : 2011-09-28 16:56 ID:ImoarF9v [Del]

im exactly the same way sometimes, but everyone gets those weird impulses and dont like admitting it lol

8 Name: JNR : 2011-09-28 16:57 ID:M34hQTiS [Del]

I need time alone to so you should to

9 Name: tsukiginkoneko : 2011-09-28 17:08 ID:YdKoQ4ri [Del]

general yes, i do think of such things, if not worse. i dont ussually have certen people in mind, but at times i think of the best way to tortue some one, kill them, and get away with it. but dont worry people of the world, i would never act on thease urges.

10 Name: Kek-t : 2011-09-28 17:24 ID:ghnZd+Zt [Del]

I write stories about murdering people. I usually just want to hit people but my math teacher who can't keep her damn nose out of my business is bring out my irritation. She makes me feel the urge to stab people with my pencil. Mostly I tune her out and fantasize about cutting her and breaking her fingers.

11 Name: O : 2011-09-28 17:42 ID:OQPHzWNe [Del]

i dont think i exactly FANTASIZE about it, but ive like, created a scenario, and figured out if i as smart enough to get away with it. (i failed after a minute xD) DONT WORRY I AINT KILLING ANYONE :3

12 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-28 19:34 ID:ehqc22nU [Del]

When i first started to ride the new bus their making me take their was these 2 pot heads and boy did they piss me off. I heard one of em talkin shit about my family and me, I smashed the nearest ones fucking head so hard into te window it cracked the window.

13 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-09-28 19:38 ID:80DKKAsa [Del]

Yeah, when I'm extremely pissed, I bite my skin below the lower lip. When I do this, it means that in my brain, I'm imagining of doing extremely violent things to a particular someone.

14 Name: Xissx : 2011-09-28 19:46 ID:u1OXuFGH [Del]

Yeah I think about it everyday...At WORK!

15 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-28 19:47 ID:Ix/zpzIQ [Del]

I think about killing some people on BBS.

16 Name: Nicole : 2011-09-29 08:05 ID:aWQ9lOV6 [Del]

I'm so happy im not alone on this Haha. I guess it is kinda of normal to have these thoughts

17 Name: Nightshade : 2011-09-29 09:14 ID:gdGefgpO [Del]

Hmmmmmmm murderous thoughts plagued my mind all throughout middle school. I enjoyed the thoughts of their screams and the mental visual of blood spilling from their bodies. As I got older, I started reading books about serial killers. Very interesting stuff, especially when you get into psychology. That's when you get more creative with the murders. Like Izaya in episode 2, you can manipulate people into committing suicide. If you know what to say and how to say it, you can make people do things they might have never considered doing. That way you'll get away with it and still have that satisfaction of being the cause. It's a fun topic to think about when I get bored and it helps when I want to write stories. I'll even create vivid poetry with murder and torture as the subject.

18 Name: Nicole : 2011-09-29 09:18 ID:aWQ9lOV6 [Del]

that be nice to read! i love my psychtic side it always entertains me

19 Name: BH2 : 2011-09-29 10:03 ID:hBb3bQx2 [Del]

I have also thoght of murdering someone i dont know why but get the urge see that person on the floor blleding, I've never actually done it do and hope i never do. I feel better now that i know there other people like this makes me feel like its normal.

20 Name: Thurirl !FzAyW.Rdbg : 2011-09-29 10:54 ID:cB8QS0Vt [Del]

there was this jerk who kept messing with me in drumline at school, i wanted to smash the drum over his head and jam the sticks down his throat

21 Name: Metal !CIOV3Gj2eI : 2011-09-29 12:27 ID:arj7XvPy [Del]

Its natural to go through situations like that in your head. The unnatural part is to actually do it.

22 Name: Merr : 2011-09-29 15:26 ID:ZKHu/raf [Del]

my friends and i have thought about extremely complicated ways to capture and slowly torture and kill Nancy Grace. and we have an idea that might actually work but i doubt we would actually do it. though we are pretty sure we are smart enough to get away with it, we are also smart enough that we probably wont do so because no matter how perfect something seems, something will go wrong since nothing is actually perfect.

23 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-09-29 15:55 ID:tHiYt8ny [Del]

@Merr sounds like someone belongs in the Gold bandanas XD

@Nicole, i was bullied by guys and rejected by girls when i was younger..Still killing them never came across my mind, cuz i think screw it if i cant deal with little pricks like this as a kid, when i grow up so frail when they get bigger, how can i handle yeah i always worked out trying to fix things and be nice, no matter what i went through.

Even today several years later, I finally had what you would call a pretty girlfriend, yeah we fought alot and stuff, but i always tricked myself into thinking she was so good for me if she just did one nice thing.. In the end she kept never changing, actually our relationship came to a point where it was primarily physical... I hated it but i just took it, because she "loved me" someone saying it and meaning it that way is powerful especially if she is aesthetically attractive. Well long story short we have a baby ..who is now 4 months old, 2 months ago i broke it off, she became completely irrational, always fighting, always jealous, though i never cheat. I raised my hands and punched the wall behind her, I couldnt handle it i had to break up, she never changes, but i was starting to....

Just do what you need to to avoid starting the violence
You thinking that is just making your whole being feel worse
Report what you need to cool or not your friends wont judge you
And when you can get stronger so when you have to defend yourself you can, May i suggest my martial arts i train? Brazillian Jiujitsu, less bloody less painful gets the job done

-Hope it doesnt bother you guys that its long ^~^

24 Name: マシンガン !v0GixqO39k : 2011-09-29 17:16 ID:G8XuoRG/ [Del]

I would never kill someone...with my own hands.

25 Name: Yatahaze : 2011-09-29 18:08 ID:w9zZJa2s [Del]

I've never tried to kill anyone, that said I have a lot of mental calmness.

I HAVE been almost killed a few times. It's easy when you have a really bad peanut allergy.

26 Name: Ray : 2011-09-29 18:12 ID:3bxEVgQt [Del]

jeez! i thought about beating them up but not killing, thats a little bit over bored (i know its not the right one) but like archadmiral said, basically, just fuck em!they probably have BAD problems at home, or there just assholes, either way, somethin happened to them

27 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-29 18:13 ID:Ix/zpzIQ [Del]

>>25 Oh man, I know what's that like. Damn that peanut allergy. Oh well, peanuts didn't taste all that good to me, those times when I accidentally ate one...

28 Name: Feral : 2011-09-29 19:51 ID:9uF5uoZH [Del]

I like this thread already. I can't tell you how many boring days at home or in school I spent reading medical books just to find the weak points on the human body. I spent most of my high school years studying the art of killing. I think its healthy to have these kind of thoughts and urges. It lets us know that we are in more control of ourselves than we initially thought. It feels comforting to know that at any moment the person tormenting me could be one syllable away from a crushed trachea or a shatterd femur. But it makes me feel even better when I don't actually do it, when I can surpress the urge for bloodletting and just let the person or persons go by.

On another note, I actually did slam a kid's head into a locker repeatedly until a teacher pried my locked fist off the back of his slimy little neck. Kid suffered a concussion and lost alot of blood all over the floor. But I got off the hook because he absolutely deserved what he got coming to him. I was in 7th grade at the time.

29 Name: Kaori !czOIdatHE6 : 2011-09-29 22:16 ID:a/+cX8q7 [Del]

>>27 YOU'RE ALLERGIC TO PEANUTS? i know what im gettin you fer karisimasu. :3

yup. a toy car! :D

Also, hell yes i've thought about this, but i'll....discuss it later, i've got hw. :I

30 Name: ame : 2011-09-29 22:47 ID:+qZ06CoH [Del]

when people bully me and my friends it makes me want to kick the crap outta of them but i knew if i actually killed someon i'd get in huge trouble

31 Name: SavageDark : 2011-09-30 23:01 ID:Bc2O6hF9 [Del]

I think of killing people all the time it's like an outlet to me I can't stand some people I just want to snap and do it but that's not going to happen..............YET lol Im not going to kill anyone I just think about death alot

32 Name: bump : 2011-10-01 00:27 ID:DHuqtcn8 [Del]


33 Name: Miel !qJxy6JRzkI : 2011-10-02 20:40 ID:wlsGpLjW [Del]

>>10 same with you!
I also fantasize murder some people in my mind, and sometimes write it to a story!

well, I delete it afterwards though ._.56

34 Name: Tekina : 2013-04-21 10:52 ID:8hTidhXF [Del]

I don't think about murdering people per-say, I just wish there was a zombie apocalypse so I could kill them as zombie, or just killing zombies would be awesome.

35 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-04-21 12:12 ID:cDf8/Ul5 [Del]

why the necrobump from 1.5 years ago

36 Name: Bookman !sdF/UdZzko : 2013-04-21 13:49 ID:MXWn/xiE [Del]

>>35 Better than making a new thread.

37 Post deleted by user.

38 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-05-25 22:21 ID:ZGQihjox [Del]

no, murder= bad. No dump bodies on me soil plz. /sage